Black teen found hanged in white trailer park

Apparently you don't know shit about the city OR this case....LOL!!!!!!

Apparently Boston breeds ignorant people. Stay in Bloomfield boy. You've been sheltered too long
Tell you what Bitch, I'll gladly stay in Bloomfield. My education, drive and ambition made it inevitable...
Stay in the gutter, that's where your natural abilities dictate you stay.
I don't live in Detroit anymore boy, but i still work there everyday and have lots of friends there. We can can meet over coffee and discuss the bitch thing of you'd like though on me of course

I see from your inability to string along an intelligent sentence that you are illiterate as well as stupid.
Like I said, you were ignorant of the incident you ran your mouth about, ignorant of the city and ignorant when it comes to composing simple sentences.

LOL...yeah I know, call me a boy again. That's really the depth of your intellect and primitive brain.
Guess you will be throwin' up gang signs next...HAHA!!!

So who's the bitch again?......Thought so.....I'll take you for a tour of my old neighborhood if you'd like, or we could meet in Bloomfield for the coffee I'm buying:biggrin:
Who's the Bitch???...why you are of course. Did you ever doubt that.

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