Black voters are not for Hillary.....

Black Voter Turnout So Far Is Not Good For Hillary Clinton
It’s down in several key states.

Hillary had a chance to pick a VP that would anchor this old white lady to someone who's appealing not only to black voters but to young people, instead this insecure overly qualified old lady, pick Mr. Rodgers.

What politicians have got to get through to their heads, is that black churches are not the way to appeal to todays black voters. The church back in the day, and we're talking decades ago, was a staple for blacks...because we FELT IT SAFE....had nothing to do with the leadership of a pastor or minister, but the building itself was considered a safe haven...that was until it was hit by the Klan and burnt. So to keep relying on black preachers, who don't live in our communities, but yours Hillary, who do nothing really for blacks as a whole but take old people's money and just old thinking. You have got to come to our communities, as do you with white people, latino's, asians and address us face to face...otherwise expect low voter turnout, its just that simple. Obama came to our community, to our areas, he went to low income communities as asked for our votes....Hillary and Trump want to attend upscale black churches, thinking these people are somehow gonna reach all black people within a million mile radius?????

Her VP choice could have been an anchor, her reaching out to the community could have been an plus, instead.....most blacks will indeed stay home and not vote....thus another reason Trump will win the white house.
A woman that thinks young blacks are "super predators" is not going down to the hood where she has worked long and hard to keep black people.

dems hate black people, that's why your schools suck to much.
Thank you for the eloquent take dat white ass back to the trailer and learn some damn english, fool
you keep voting for the master that beats you to be in charge of you and keep you in line instead of the people that want you to do what you want.

let that sink in

If anybody and I mean anybody is SLAVE TO A FUCKIN PARTY, its you white fuck God, you got a fuckin candidate that you don't like, have publicly on record condemned...and YET, YOUR VOTING FOR THE MF'S AND I'M THE FUCKIN SLAVE???

Really, the bullshit is real and so is the struggle....
Actually, tiggered, this election is demonstrating that most whites are not slave to the party. If they were, they would be voting for a more mainstream that followed the party line. I know I am disgusted with the Republican Party, so I am not supporting the main stream candidates.
The results of this election will affect blacks more than any other group. Liberals policies have clearly failed them. Time for a change or more of the same?
Very True. Obama lied about change and now it's time to remember all the lies and reject Hillary Clinton and stay at home. However If blacks are really serious about the Change rhetoric of puppet Obama.

Vote for Trump who is already causes positive change, and the establishment is reacting to Trump is such a negative way because they realize he can deliver on positive change for All Americans.

Traitor Obama gave away the internet, and signed a bill for indefinite detention which is nothing less than slavery and he is black.

What a sell-out!!!

Don't listen to Obama's lies don't vote for Hillary Clinton.

The criminal clinton foundation collected a huge sum of money for hati...but hati never got it.....can anyone say hillary should be held acountable? The Haitians certainly do not want anything to do with the criminal clintons.
Turnout was bound to be lower than the last two presidential elections, since Hillary is white as snow.

Regardless, of the turnout she'll get 95% of the robots.
And regardless of the GOP turnout, Trump with get 99% of the Klan's vote along with white ingrates like whats your fuckin point?

The one and only reason Trump is now a white man's dream because the GOP baits you dumb white fucks each election and don't do a damned thing for you and that's why Trump is now your boy.
Turnout was bound to be lower than the last two presidential elections, since Hillary is white as snow.

Regardless, of the turnout she'll get 95% of the robots.
And regardless of the GOP turnout, Trump with get 99% of the Klan's vote along with white ingrates like whats your fuckin point?

The one and only reason Trump is now a white man's dream because the GOP baits you dumb white fucks each election and don't do a damned thing for you and that's why Trump is now your boy.

You and the other butt stupid racist vermin can jump on the same plane that Ginzburg and the other degenerate pedo-friendly hacks take out of the country; even many black and latino people are embarrassed at how racist Obama and the Democrats are, and aren't voting for the vermin you love so much.
Obama is about to come through like Adolf N***ler if Trump wins.

He's such a narcissist sociopath we can look forward to a scorched Earth policy in his remaining days, and I mean literally a scorched earth program, not a symbolic one. Same for both the Democrat vermin and their fellow travelers in the GOP establishment who will enable him in his fit of spite and the death rattle.of his sick, corrupt 'legacy'.

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