Blacks Are Losing The Moral Highground Rapidly

Do you think this action will gain sympathy for black protestors? Hear them chant burn em? Wtf?

Now it's about this poor soul...who will live. No mention of the dead guy tho.

Hey look at this shove!!! Don't look at the dead body! Lol
When you start randomly attacking innocent people because they are simply a different race you've lost any credibility towards your cause. Fuck'em, they want a war give it to them..and they will lose, badly
I would think a race war would be the last thing black folk would want.
Especially how good a shot most white gun owners are.
No sane people on either side want a race war.
This is the danger of any protest movement.

And protesting may get attention, but nothing is accomplished until honest, civil communication begins. The problem is, leaders of protest movements don't generally make civil communicators - two different skillsets.
The primary factor here is Democrats have been using racism to change the demographics of America. The moment they start slipping in the polls their media cohorts start talking about another shooting and it starts all over again. They do it so often that it's getting dangerous. People are tired of it. Who cares if Trump says abrasive things, at least he's not a Democrat
What a moronic statement, as if our problems in America come from one side or another. It's all of us, mud, who have to work to get it right. Trump is no more the answer than is Clinton.
You don't know that cuz Trump hasn't served his term yet.
Care to give us this weeks winning lotto numbers?
Yep, Alt Right don't like being dealt with as they are: an infection in American politics.
The so-called Alt Right aren't in politics. The far-left is. Problem is, you on the left are so far out of the mainstream that everyone appears extremist to you, thus this imaginary Alt Right designation.
. The left think they are the main stream, but that has been a false narrative played on this nation by many different tools used.
Yep, Alt Right don't like being dealt with as they are: an infection in American politics.
The so-called Alt Right aren't in politics. The far-left is. Problem is, you on the left are so far out of the mainstream that everyone appears extremist to you, thus this imaginary Alt Right designation.
. The left think they are the main stream, but that has been a false narrative played on this nation by many different tools used.
The left are a bunch of kooks.
Lol...San Francisco is never going to be Republican. At least until the San Andreas fault breaks and it has to be rebuilt. You know the sodomites aren't going to rebuild it.... They might break a nail.

Do you think this action will gain sympathy for black protestors? Hear them chant burn em? Wtf?

Now it's about this poor soul...who will live. No mention of the dead guy tho.

Hey look at this shove!!! Don't look at the dead body! Lol

What about the dead guy? Do you have the facts? Telling that you have zero compassion for the reporter though, and you want us to listen to you?

Do you think this action will gain sympathy for black protestors? Hear them chant burn em? Wtf?
Black protestors or black rioter's.????.. There is a difference. Now the fact that they are protesting on a false narrative is ridiculous. Let the investigation work is my strong opinion. The law in this nation whether local or feds need to find out who it is that is stirring up this craziness, and they need to arrest them for inciting a riot or riots instead of peaceful protest. This nation knows who they are, and they need to bring them in on charges. Stop playing the game already.

Do you think this action will gain sympathy for black protestors? Hear them chant burn em? Wtf?
Black protestors or black rioter's... There is a difference. Now the fact that they are protesting on a false narrative is ridiculous. Let the investigation work is my strong opinion. They need to find out who it is that are stirring up this craziness, and they need to arrest them for inciting a riot or riots instead of peaceful protest. This nation knows who they are, and they need to bring them in on charges. Stop playing the game already.

It's George Soros. Let's have him tried and hung. The sooner the better.
This is the danger of any protest movement.

And protesting may get attention, but nothing is accomplished until honest, civil communication begins. The problem is, leaders of protest movements don't generally make civil communicators - two different skillsets.
The primary factor here is Democrats have been using racism to change the demographics of America. The moment they start slipping in the polls their media cohorts start talking about another shooting and it starts all over again. They do it so often that it's getting dangerous. People are tired of it. Who cares if Trump says abrasive things, at least he's not a Democrat
What a moronic statement, as if our problems in America come from one side or another. It's all of us, mud, who have to work to get it right. Trump is no more the answer than is Clinton.
Yup, and you start getting your ass handed to you, you retreat to the old refrain, "The System Is The Problem.....both sides are to blame".

One thing is for sure, Hillary is not the solution because she is part of the problem.
I'm not sure you understand that your own choices are your fault...but your not responsible for other people's actions too just because you want it to be.
Last night was on your people cc, not mine. If the police shot a friend of family member of mine and I considered it murder, I wouldn't turn to rioting, looting & blocking traffic as a solution. I would call a lawyer & pursue it via the courts.

Like I said, you like to talk about the reaction and act like that's worse than another death by police. And when you do acknowledge the deaths, you excuse them away by saying the police actions are everyone else's fault.

Every protest is wrong...even taking a knee. So I don't expect you to ever accept any of them or address what they're about.
. Riots are pure ignorance, and it only creates more racism on all fronts.
If you're not racist by now, you're brain dead.
. LOL.... I still have hope, because I know some great black people, and they are against what is going on in Charlotte. Better yet I was caught up in some bad bull crap when the schools were segregated, and it still didn't make me a racist. I just chalk everything up as being stupid when people act stupid no matter who they are. By all rights due to my experience during segregation, I should be a racist like you say, but I just can't do it because my mind won't let me. I went from a majority white elemetory school to a majority black Jr.high school, and the experiences I encountered with blacks who didn't like whites, and from a majority black staff was very bad. However, I was still smart enough to know what was going on, and how it was that I was just caught up in a bad situation (a huge government social experiment) that had long lasting effects from it all. The thing that blows my mind is that here we are in 2016, and this crap is still going on ????? Kidding me right ??? It's like our sacrifices made back in the day were all for nothing.
In college, I played on a football team that was 90% black in the 80s. Whites on the other team called me a "Nigerian Lover".....sort of. (Wouldn't be the first time I was called that, and won't be the last)
Coast to coast blacks are attacking whites in increasing numbers and last night they may have murdered one of their own, live on national television, and blamed it on the cops.

While I was watching the riots in NC, two shots were fired from the crowd and two of the 'protesters' fell, one on life-support it was last reported.

What we could clearly see is blacks don't care about the facts. All they wanted to do last night was break into stores and loot. The cops were just there to stop them.

All over the country Blacklivesmatter followers are getting increasingly hostile:


One fatally shot in second night of Charlotte police shooting protests

One person was fatally shot during protests in uptown Charlotte that turned violent Wednesday night.

Medic said on Twitter that it was treating the patient for a gunshot wound en route to Carolinas Medical Center at about 8:45 p.m.

The person was shot in the area of North College and East Trade streets, according to Medic.

Medic said it was responding to “multiple incidents uptown related to the situation in the College Street area” but was no more specific.

Moments earlier, police fired tear gas at protesters at the entrance to the Omni Hotel in uptown Charlotte. Loud booms sounded, and police said explosives had been used.


STOCKTON (CBS13) – Stockton police are searching for the suspects in a vicious attack that happened on Friday against two teenaged sisters.

Police say a group of protestors wearing Black Lives Matter shirts held a vigil and a protest near the intersection of Pacific and Yokuts Avenues.

Protestors were remembering Colby Friday, an African-American man who was shot and killed by Stockton police in August after he ignored an officer’s commands to drop his handgun.

Police say two Caucasian girls left a local restaurant and passed by the protest when they were attacked by the protestors.

What was supposed to be a peaceful protest remembering Colby Friday turned into a vicious brawl directed against two sisters, and now, investigators are looking for suspects.

“Our understanding is that it involved several out-of-towners whose intent was more than protesting,” said Ron Freitas, the Assistant District Attorney for San Joaquin County.Stockton police say the protestors claimed to be connected with the Black Lives Matter movement and were protesting recent officer-involved shootings against blacks.

According to police, the two female victims say they felt the attack was racially-fueled because they are white.

Teen Sisters Hurt During Stockton Protest Felt Targeted Because They Are White


Soon they will be sending their children out into the streets to blow themselves up like they do in Palestine.
. I thought I was watching Palestine on TV last night.
Same tactics.

Like watching Hamas work up a crowd.

They did it in Somalia.....same exact way. Libs wanna turn America into a shithole.
Every protest is considered ignorance by those that don't support it. Whether it's me here typing, players taking a knee, people protesting or people rioting.

But you never are curious of what the protest is about. Even with Kapernick you're more mad at taking a knee than what he's referring to. Typical deflection

It's about cops who shot a black guy who refused to put his gun down, despite repeated directions from the cops to do so. The cops had a warrant for another black guy. Sounds like they thought Scott was that guy?

The riots and utter chaos that is going on right now is stupid. Even if it was another 'wrongful' shooting ... how is destroying the shit out of that town, shooting other people, burning and looting going to help anything? What, exactly, do they hope to accomplish with these actions?
Every protest is considered ignorance by those that don't support it. Whether it's me here typing, players taking a knee, people protesting or people rioting.

But you never are curious of what the protest is about. Even with Kapernick you're more mad at taking a knee than what he's referring to. Typical deflection

It's about cops who shot a black guy who refused to put his gun down, despite repeated directions from the cops to do so. The cops had a warrant for another black guy. Sounds like they thought Scott was that guy?

The riots and utter chaos that is going on right now is stupid. Even if it was another 'wrongful' shooting ... how is destroying the shit out of that town, shooting other people, burning and looting going to help anything? What, exactly, do they hope to accomplish with these actions?

Amazing, you went from wait for the investigation to "the cops said this and that's the truth".

Do you think this action will gain sympathy for black protestors? Hear them chant burn em? Wtf?
Black protestors or black rioter's... There is a difference. Now the fact that they are protesting on a false narrative is ridiculous. Let the investigation work is my strong opinion. They need to find out who it is that are stirring up this craziness, and they need to arrest them for inciting a riot or riots instead of peaceful protest. This nation knows who they are, and they need to bring them in on charges. Stop playing the game already.

It's George Soros. Let's have him tried and hung. The sooner the better.
. There are monied interest involved, as this nation is in the throws of revolutions on many fronts. The globalist revolution is definitely one of them, and we should all be resisting this revolution, because you can't as a nation mix up with the world at the expense of your own standards, principles, and beliefs just for corporate interest that is involved. We must (just like we have been doing with the energy independence plan), try to also make our way of life independent from a world take over.
The Democrats are the new communists: (From the book "Color, Communism, and Common Sense)
Chapter Three


Stirring up race and class conflict is the basis of all discussion of the Communist Party’s work in the South. The evil genius, Stalin, and the other megalomaniacal leaders in Moscow ordered the use of all racial, economic and social differences, no matter how small or insignificant, to start local fires of discontent, conflict and revolt. “Who could tell which of these issues could start a general conflagration” that would sweep across the former Confederate States from Maryland to Texas?
" Workers stop work, many of them seize arms by attacking arsenals. Many had armed themselves before . . . Street fights become frequent. Under the leadership of the Communist Party the workers organize Revolutionary Committees to be in command of the uprising. Armed workers . . . seize the principal government offices, invade the residences of the President and his Cabinet members, arrest them, declare the old regime abolished, establish their own power. . . ."

The only fear of the white Communist leaders was that as a result of their efforts this black rebellion would break out before they were ready in the decisive industrial cities of the North.

What if one or five million Negroes die in an abortive attempt to establish a Negro republic? Is not the advance of the cause worth it? A Communist is not a sentimentalist. He does not grieve over the loss of life in the advancement of Communism.

This plot to use the Negroes as the spearhead, or as expendables, was concocted by Stalin in 1928, nearly ten years after the formation of the world organization of Communism. Prior to this time, the periodic Moscow gatherings did little more than pass resolutions. Any credit for the change belongs, in the main, to a handful of Negro lickspittles like James W. Ford, Harry Haywood, Otto Hall, Lovett Fort-Whiteman, and Otto Huiswood, to mention a few.

They were the ones who, again and again, begged their masters in Moscow to force the white leaders of the Communist Party in the United States to organize and use the Negroes. They were the ones who got in on the ground floor of the conspiracy. They are the ones that history may well record as the political Uncle Toms who plotted with a diabolical alien power the moral decay, physical slavery and spiritual death of their own race.


The above red author gives James W. Ford credit for bringing this matter to the attention of the White Fathers in Moscow which resulted in immediate action. Negro communists were given jobs in the apparatus. Most of them were given professional revolutionary training in the United States and Russia under direct orders from Stalin. As a result, Negro reds began looking to Moscow. Stalin became the great and just “Father” who could be relied upon to settle the many differences between white and Negro communists."

Manning Johnson

The left has always planned to use blacks as their shock troops.
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The fact is, even Hillary is repeating lies and using inflammatory rhetoric in an attempt to gin up support for her floundering campaign. She called into a radio talk show and started screaming about the injustice. Truth is, blacks are getting shot because of a lack of trust generated by Democrats.

The rioters in NC could care less about the fact that an armed black man was shot by a black police officer, they just wanted to steal some shit. Democrats think this is a winner for them. Meanwhile Hillary is being crushed in the polls. People that never would have voted for Trump are jumping the plantation in droves.
Every time these riots break out, Trump goes UP in the polls.

White libtards react to violence with fear and submission and then project that onto the rest of the white population thinking that other whites in turn will become intimidated and go with the black demands.

Quite the opposite actually happens and whites react negatively to this shit.

Black Christians in the urban areas dont like it either. They dont like the Democrats pro-fag agenda and they dont like the Dems policies that turn the thugs loose on their neighborhoods either.

To win this people of good will of ALL races have to stand together to defeat this Marxist web of lies, deceit and violence.
Manning Johnson

Page issues
Manning R. Johnson (?/?/1908 - 7/2/1959)[1] was the Communist candidate for U.S. Representative from New York 22nd District, 1935; he subsequently left the party, wrote Color, Communism, and Common sense,[2] and was an government witness in theperjury trial of Harry Bridges and before the Committee on Un-American Activities.[3]


In the perjury trial of Labor Leader Harry Bridges in 1949, he was a government witness.[4] In a Time magazine article dated Dec. 26, 1949 and entitled "You'd Be Thin, Too", he was described as "husky, big-jawed ... A smooth, deep-voiced Negro." His testimony that he saw Bridges address a Communist National Committee meeting in 1936, and how he recalled voting to "re-elect" Bridges to the national committee two years later under the alias of "Rossi" was instrumental in Bridges' conviction.[5]

In 1953 he testified before the Committee on Un-American Activities of the U.S. House of Representatives, 83rd Congress. Robert L. Kunzig, chief counsel for the committee, asked "Was deceit a major policy of Communist propaganda and activity?" Manning R. Johnson answered, "Yes, it was. They made fine gestures and honeyed words to the church people which could be well likened unto the song of the fabled sea nymphs luring millions to moral decay, spiritual death, and spiritual slavery...".[6][7] He also testified in 1949.,[8][9] He died following an auto accident which had occurred on June 26, 1959 just south of Lake Arrowhead Village, California.

His book, Color, Communism, and Common sense, was quoted by G. Edward Griffin in his 1969 motion picture lecture More Deadly than War ... the Communist Revolution in America.

He recorded a speech, known as "Manning Johnson's Farewell Address", with his views on equality, respect and vision for the future, criticizing the practices of the NAACP and of Negro radicals. It was available on an LP recording from KEY Records[10] in the mid 1960s.
Every protest is considered ignorance by those that don't support it. Whether it's me here typing, players taking a knee, people protesting or people rioting.

But you never are curious of what the protest is about. Even with Kapernick you're more mad at taking a knee than what he's referring to. Typical deflection

It's about cops who shot a black guy who refused to put his gun down, despite repeated directions from the cops to do so. The cops had a warrant for another black guy. Sounds like they thought Scott was that guy?

The riots and utter chaos that is going on right now is stupid. Even if it was another 'wrongful' shooting ... how is destroying the shit out of that town, shooting other people, burning and looting going to help anything? What, exactly, do they hope to accomplish with these actions?

Amazing, you went from wait for the investigation to "the cops said this and that's the truth".

Uh, no. My comment is based on what's been reported so far.

Speaking of waiting for the investigation, I noticed you made no mention that the rioters should wait for the investigation. You also ignored my questions.
When you start randomly attacking innocent people because they are simply a different race you've lost any credibility towards your cause. Fuck'em, they want a war give it to them..and they will lose, badly
I would think a race war would be the last thing black folk would want.
Especially how good a shot most white gun owners are.
No sane people on either side want a race war.
This is the danger of any protest movement.

And protesting may get attention, but nothing is accomplished until honest, civil communication begins. The problem is, leaders of protest movements don't generally make civil communicators - two different skillsets.
The primary factor here is Democrats have been using racism to change the demographics of America. The moment they start slipping in the polls their media cohorts start talking about another shooting and it starts all over again. They do it so often that it's getting dangerous. People are tired of it. Who cares if Trump says abrasive things, at least he's not a Democrat
What a moronic statement, as if our problems in America come from one side or another. It's all of us, mud, who have to work to get it right. Trump is no more the answer than is Clinton.
You don't know that cuz Trump hasn't served his term yet.
Care to give us this weeks winning lotto numbers?
He will be far worse than any idea you have, ty, if elected.
This is interesting.

To date, 790 people have been killed by police in 2016. 387 white, 194 black.

Here's the monthly breakdown of shootings by unarmed and race.

unarmed white
Jan 8/87
feb 9/100
mar 9/100
apr 10/83
may 7/86
june 5/98
jul 4/84
aug 10/93
sept 3/59

unarmed black
jan 0/87
feb 7/100
mar 3/100
apr 6/83
may 6/86
jun 3/98
jul 4/94
aug 3/93
sept 1/59

The Counted: people killed by police in the United States – interactive

More unarmed whites have been killed by cops each month, Jan 2016 to date, than blacks.

Are there white riots going on in protest? I haven't heard of any.

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