Zone1 Blacks, Jews, Indians and all groups engaged in warfare and slavery.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
Terms like “white supremacy, European colonialism, exploitation of colonized people” is all kind of a distraction from the reality.

The reality that we all descend from slaves and slave owners.

Blm/antifa/far left attempted downplay this fax or totally ignore it. I’ve even heard some of them say “well. Africans owning slaves was different.”

The USA continue to have poor white people and black majority communities Filled with crime and degradation known as “the hood”…..until we go back to how things used to be in America. That means go back to how things were in the 1950s without segregation. And the middle-class will come back then.
Another point from lefties is the attempt to criticize Spanish conquistadors. Some of the most glorious and intelligent people who ever existed. Their glory will live on forever. But the idea is that they instituted some kind of evil against the Taino people.

It was people like the Spanish Explorers, as well as the English explorers under the likes of Francis Drake. These are some of the most intelligent people to have existed. They had the bravery and the intelligence to explore the world to get on a ship not knowing where it would take them, and go into uncharted territory.

But the major problem with criticizing the Europeans as “exploiters of indigenous people” is that the Taino people themselves, some of them engaged in cannibalism and human sacrifice. Not all of them perhaps in many ways they were similar to the Spanish Catholic. In fact many of the Cimarron people who were enslaved Africans working for the Spanish….escaped from the Spaniards, and worked with the English under Francis Drake. Drake praised the Cimarron people.

finding things that unite us is a much more healthy approach than those who say Christians, white people, or Europeans, “exploited” others….. as if non-white Christians never engaged in warfare or the slave trade, which they did all of them.

Remember radical lefties this is the clean debate zone. There are no personal attacks allowed here. In this zone people have to bring substance to the table.
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In the past. The success of the Arab Muslim and the Indian Hindu was notable. They contributed to advances in mathematics and science 1000 years ago.

Who can forget the Mali Empire located in modern Day Africa? Who can forget ancient Ethiopia home to one of the earliest Christian societies who have ever existed.

Asian empires such as the Tang Dynasty and Khimer Empire contributed immensely to the middle ages.

It is also fair to say that that European white Christian man brought us the modern civilized world. Without the white Catholic explorers and contributors to science , math and astronomy …. The modern world would not be what it is today. And while some of these contributors of history were not themselves Christian, or perhaps even critical of the Catholic Church…. they flourished in the Catholic or Protestant majority community.
Terms like “white supremacy, European colonialism, exploitation of colonized people” is all kind of a distraction from the reality.

The reality that we all descend from slaves and slave owners.
The reality is that the majority of whites have embraced their subservience to aristocracy. The rest of us just haven't been as thoroughly conquered as you lot.
Many white people or Christians have an interest in learning about other cultures whether they are from Asia, Judaism, Hinduism , Islam , Africa is a new name it.

Bought a portion of American minorities and American white people…. Have This insulting degrading of View toward European white people as “exploiters of indigenous peoples” Such a view is in fact bigoted, and historically inaccurate, because again we all descend from slaves and slave owners.

Superbadbrutha irosie91 Curried Goats

Left wing Authors and American universities have wasted time and resources talking about the “Spanish exploitation of indigenous peoples” and even in some cases, the English protestants did this. It was known as the black legend all of it was done to try and put the Catholic Church in a negative image. But today most of this hate scholarship is prepared by left-wing ideologies. But it’s all nonsense, and based on bigotry, because of the Tenino people, and the African people, the Jew, the Indian, all engaged in expansionist warfare, and the slave trip, some of them engaged in cannibalism and human sacrifice. So we need to concentrate on things that unite us and respect each other history.

I respect the history of Africa and the Caribbean people. So in return the black man, Indian, Jew and left wing white person ought respect the history of the European Christian white man.

Of course, it’s very much worth pointing out that some of the oldest civilizations in Africa were Christian…such as Ethiopia… that’s a point for the anti-Christian bigot to consider. Some anti Christians wrongly View Christianity as “the white man’s religion.”

Well should be interesting to see how the left response to this, if at all. Or if they are capable of reading entire posts. Because that’s often the problem, they don’t read entire posts they ignore key points being made. They engage in the personal attack but this is the clean debate zone…shd be interesting
The reality is that the majority of whites have embraced their subservience to aristocracy. The rest of us just haven't been as thoroughly conquered as you lot.
A portion of modern American black and whites are engaging in weakness. That’s why we have one of the highest portions of single men in this country, mass school shootings, flash mob looting , etc. There are more young single black men in the USA compared to young single white man according to pew. And there’s tons of young single lonely white men. Any of them have drug addictions. They don’t have respect for their peoples history. If they respected their ancestors, they would be engaging in masculinity trying to maybe start a family, or exercising, finding a woman in real life.
The Democrats treat White voters as their main opposition.
The Radical Left uses racist terms such as "white privilege", "colonist", and "white fragility" to incite racial hatred because it empowers them.
Yes, that’s become a thing in college campuses as well. Where all sorts of nonsense is occurring like “black only spaces, safe spaces” for certain groups of people.

That creates a sense of insecurity and weakness among those that left-wing Democrats are targeting. Such as well most of minorities of the USA. It’s a net negative. Thankfully A lot of minorities reject victim hood. There’s been a growing base of black voters for Trump for example. And plenty of traditional black Democrats standby traditional family values.

Cancel culture/woke is Surely not popular among the American people ….but for whatever reason it is a big thing in the media and in Hollywood.

It’s important and healthy to be proud of one’s ancestors. Doesn’t matter what skin color or religion one is …our ancestors were slaves or slave owners at some point.
A portion of modern American black and whites are engaging in weakness. That’s why we have one of the highest portions of single men in this country, mass school shootings, flash mob looting , etc. There are more young single black men in the USA compared to young single white man according to pew.
And being single is a sign of weakness why exactly? :dunno:
And there’s tons of young single lonely white men. Any of them have drug addictions. They don’t have respect for their peoples history. If they respected their ancestors, they would be engaging in masculinity trying to maybe start a family, or exercising, finding a woman in real life.
All your posts are just one big cry fest about things other people are doing, that has no affect on your life, like being single. Maybe look in the mirror if you're looking weakness.
Many white people or Christians have an interest in learning about other cultures whether they are from Asia, Judaism, Hinduism , Islam , Africa is a new name it.

Bought a portion of American minorities and American white people…. Have This insulting degrading of View toward European white people as “exploiters of indigenous peoples” Such a view is in fact bigoted, and historically inaccurate, because again we all descend from slaves and slave owners.

Superbadbrutha irosie91 Curried Goats

Left wing Authors and American universities have wasted time and resources talking about the “Spanish exploitation of indigenous peoples” and even in some cases, the English protestants did this. It was known as the black legend all of it was done to try and put the Catholic Church in a negative image. But today most of this hate scholarship is prepared by left-wing ideologies. But it’s all nonsense, and based on bigotry, because of the Tenino people, and the African people, the Jew, the Indian, all engaged in expansionist warfare, and the slave trip, some of them engaged in cannibalism and human sacrifice. So we need to concentrate on things that unite us and respect each other history.

I respect the history of Africa and the Caribbean people. So in return the black man, Indian, Jew and left wing white person ought respect the history of the European Christian white man.

Of course, it’s very much worth pointing out that some of the oldest civilizations in Africa were Christian…such as Ethiopia… that’s a point for the anti-Christian bigot to consider. Some anti Christians wrongly View Christianity as “the white man’s religion.”

Well should be interesting to see how the left response to this, if at all. Or if they are capable of reading entire posts. Because that’s often the problem, they don’t read entire posts they ignore key points being made. They engage in the personal attack but this is the clean debate zone…shd be interesting
You expressed NOTHING. When I was 8 years old I believed that Thanksgiving was started with a pleasant social event involving Pilgrims
and Indians. ---you should grow up
And being single is a sign of weakness why exactly? :dunno:

All your posts are just one big cry fest about things other people are doing, that has no affect on your life, like being single. Maybe look in the mirror if you're looking weakness.
This is the clean debate zone. No personal attacks or toxic posts. Nowhere do I suggest your posts are a big cry fest.

I’m physically disabled, and yet I have traveled the world. I exercise each day. I embraced diversity. I admire the great cultures of Africa and Asia. Nowhere did I need to say that but I might as well. I’m not interested in your personal life itt . Let’s talk about the topic. Do you want to talk about our personal lives? Let’s do it somewhere else.

Concentrate on the topic… this is the clean debate zone. If you feel strongly about your points, go ahead and say whatever you want but it’s the clean debate zone so you can’t personally attack people. What I like about this zone is people who normally give no substance, but only personal attacks are held accountable.

This is where civilized people come to discuss things. In fact, some of the actual white supremacists of history suggested that Africans or non-whites were uncivilized beasts. So obviously, a lot of Africans and Indians prove that point wrong. But not all of them do. It’s important for white people and non-white people people to act with civility.

I did not say being single is a sign of weakness. Many points for me. Not just one. But it is not a good thing that we have record levels of single young black men and young white men in this country. There’s not really anything good about it at the very least it’s a net negative.

The other points made ie high levels of drug abuse, porn addiction, and video game addictions among young black men and white men in the USA. I don’t think that’s a good thing in the long run. Think it’s safe to say, and along the lines of common sense, it’s better if those men were working jobs and meeting women in real life, compared to being unemployed, smoking drugs, or shooting up heroin in their parents basement all the time.

In the middle ages and the age of enlightenment Men were stronger, they were certainly stronger than left-wing fanatical BLM supporters of the modern era. Take the Spanish conquistadors For example, they had the courage and bravery to get on a ship and sail the world not really knowing where they were going.

It is an insult, and perhaps racism to suggest that white Europeans “exploited the indigenous people of the New World” or whatever we want to call the lands that they explored. It would be likewise offensive to suggest that the Jew, Indian or the black man exploited the indigenous peoples of the land that they took over or the people they encountered. It’s also a part of lazy scholarship. Not taking into account a critical understanding of history.

Were the European explorers of the so-called New World Perfect? no. But they were certainly not evil.

Modern day left-wing fanatics attempt to use history as a means of justifying reparations. But history proves them wrong, because we are all descendants of slaves and slave owners.
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This is the clean debate zone. No personal attacks or toxic posts. Nowhere do I suggest your posts are a big cry fest.

I’m physically disabled, and yet I have traveled the world. I exercise each day. I embraced diversity. I admire the great cultures of Africa and Asia. Nowhere did I need to say that but I might as well. I’m not interested in your personal life itt . Let’s talk about the topic. Do you want to talk about our personal lives? Let’s do it somewhere else.

Concentrate on the topic… this is the clean debate zone. If you feel strongly about your points, go ahead and say whatever you want but it’s to clean debate on so you can’t personally attack people. This is where civilized people come to discuss things. In fact, some of the actual white supremacists of history suggested that Africans or non-whites were uncivilized beasts. So obviously, a lot of Africans and Indians prove that point wrong. But not all of them do. It’s important for white people and non-white people people to act with civility.

I did not say being single is a sign of weakness. Many points for me. Not just one. But it is not a good thing that we have record levels of single young black men and young white men in this country. There’s not really anything good about it at the very least
It’s in that negative.

The other points made, high levels of drug abuse, porn addiction, and video game addictions among young black men and white men in the USA. I don’t think that’s a good thing in the long run. Think it’s safe to say, and along the lines of common sense, it’s better if those men were working jobs and meeting women in real life, compared to being unemployed, smoking drugs, or shooting up heroin in their parents basement all the time.

This tighten the original point because in the middle ages and the age of enlightenment. Men were stronger, they were certainly stronger than left-wing fanatical BLM supporters of the modern era. Take the Spanish conquistadors. For example, they had the courage and bravery to get on a ship and sail the world not really knowing where they were going.

It is an insult, and perhaps racism to suggest that white Europeans “exploited the indigenous people of the New World” or whatever we want to call the lands that they explored. It would be likewise offensive to suggest that the Jew, Indian or the black man exploited the indigenous peoples of the land that they took over or the people they encountered. It’s also also a part of lazy scholarship. Not taking into account a critical understanding of history.

Were the European explorers of the so-called New World Perfect? no. But they were certainly not evil.

Modern day left-wing fanatics attempt to use history as a means of justifying reparations. But history proves them wrong, because we are all descendants of slaves and slave owners.
Actually---your lauding of the CRUSADERS is hilarious and suggests that you actually never met muslims, O' GREAT
This is the clean debate zone. No personal attacks or toxic posts. Nowhere do I suggest your posts are a big cry fest.
Because they aren't. Recognizing all your complaining for what it is isn't a personal attack. It's a personal observation.
I’m physically disabled, and yet I have traveled the world. I exercise each day. I embraced diversity. I admire the great cultures of Africa and Asia. Nowhere did I need to say that but I might as well.
Because you imagine saying that is going to change my opinion about you but I dont care.
I’m not interested in your personal life itt . Let’s talk about the topic. Do you want to talk about our personal lives? Let’s do it somewhere else.
I wanted to talk about why you think being single is a weakness, not whatever disability you have, which again, I dont care about.
Concentrate on the topic… this is the clean debate zone. If you feel strongly about your points, go ahead and say whatever you want but it’s the clean debate zone so you can’t personally attack people. What I like about this zone is people who normally give no substance, but only personal attacks are held accountable.

This is where civilized people come to discuss things. In fact, some of the actual white supremacists of history suggested that Africans or non-whites were uncivilized beasts. So obviously, a lot of Africans and Indians prove that point wrong. But not all of them do. It’s important for white people and non-white people people to act with civility.
Im not the one meandering to discussing my disability or love for other cultures.....
I did not say being single is a sign of weakness. Many points for me. Not just one.
You sure did.
A portion of modern American black and whites are engaging in weakness. That’s why we have one of the highest portions of single men in this country, mass school shootings, flash mob looting , etc.
That was you. You didn't have to include being single in that commentary but you did. As for violence and looting those are all down from their highs in the 70s. School shootings themselves have gone up but that has more to do with the availability of guns than anything else. Other first world nations in Europe for instance have disproportionate rates of poverty between whites and blacks but they don't have the gun violence we do because they don't the access to guns.
But it is not a good thing that we have record levels of single young black men and young white men in this country. There’s not really anything good about it at the very least it’s a net negative.
Not good for who? If they are happy being single why is that a negative?
The other points made ie high levels of drug abuse, porn addiction, and video game addictions among young black men and white men in the USA. I don’t think that’s a good thing in the long run. Think it’s safe to say, and along the lines of common sense, it’s better if those men were working jobs and meeting women in real life, compared to being unemployed, smoking drugs, or shooting up heroin in their parents basement all the time.
Unemployment is almost at an all time low.
In the middle ages and the age of enlightenment Men were stronger, they were certainly stronger than left-wing fanatical BLM supporters of the modern era. Take the Spanish conquistadors For example, they had the courage and bravery to get on a ship and sail the world not really knowing where they were going.
And today we have people who explore and live in space.
It is an insult, and perhaps racism to suggest that white Europeans “exploited the indigenous people of the New World” or whatever we want to call the lands that they explored.
No, that's simply a different perspective. Try not to cry about it. :itsok:
It would be likewise offensive to suggest that the Jew, Indian or the black man exploited the indigenous peoples of the land that they took over or the people they encountered. It’s also a part of lazy scholarship. Not taking into account a critical understanding of history.
It's lazy of you to not give examples because maybe they did exploit others.
Were the European explorers of the so-called New World Perfect? no. But they were certainly not evil.
Evil is a fantasy of mysticism and voodoo. I don't speak in terms of mysticism. I use objective terms like tyranny.
Modern day left-wing fanatics attempt to use history as a means of justifying reparations. But history proves them wrong, because we are all descendants of slaves and slave owners.
But we're not all victims of American discrimination and tyranny. I wasn't. My family didn't come to this country until 1980. Many Black Americans however were.
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Terms like “white supremacy, European colonialism, exploitation of colonized people” is all kind of a distraction from the reality.

The reality that we all descend from slaves and slave owners.

Blm/antifa/far left attempted downplay this fax or totally ignore it. I’ve even heard some of them say “well. Africans owning slaves was different.”

The USA continue to have poor white people and black majority communities Filled with crime and degradation known as “the hood”…..until we go back to how things used to be in America. That means go back to how things were in the 1950s without segregation. And the middle-class will come back then.
Bu that doesn't meet the challenge of the foolish 1619 Project or of the fake black posters on here.
If you date racism from 1619 you are obviously RACIST YOURSELF because

This is from Harvard's Henry Louis Gates and Black Historian Linda Heywood

" The historians John Thornton and Linda Heywood of Boston University estimate that 90 percent of those shipped to the New World were enslaved by Africans and then sold to European traders. The sad truth is that without complex business partnerships between African elites and European traders and commercial agents, the slave trade to the New World would have been impossible, at least on the scale it occurred...."

IS all this an attempt to shield the HUUUUUUGE Muslim slave industry??

"The Arab slave trade was most active in West Asia, North Africa (Trans-Saharan slave trade), and Southeast Africa (Red Sea slave trade and Indian Ocean slave trade), and rough estimates place the number of Africans enslaved in the twelve centuries prior to the 20th century at between six million to ten million."
Terms like “white supremacy, European colonialism, exploitation of colonized people” is all kind of a distraction from the reality.

The reality that we all descend from slaves and slave owners.

Blm/antifa/far left attempted downplay this fax or totally ignore it. I’ve even heard some of them say “well. Africans owning slaves was different.”

The USA continue to have poor white people and black majority communities Filled with crime and degradation known as “the hood”…..until we go back to how things used to be in America. That means go back to how things were in the 1950s without segregation. And the middle-class will come back then.
Your post is a distraction. Slavery happened in our country and it was done by whites. It's a complete strawman to talk about what the arabs did thousands of years ago.
Your post is a distraction. Slavery happened in our country and it was done by whites. It's a complete strawman to talk about what the arabs did thousands of years ago.
no it's not----the real history of slavery is GOOD to know----
"thousands of years ago"?-----you is confused
Your post is a distraction. Slavery happened in our country and it was done by whites. It's a complete strawman to talk about what the arabs did thousands of years ago.
Slavery was a worldwide issue and was morally accepted all over the world.

Blm and similar con artist groups are engaging in a fraud of a activity ... they are unjustly demanding reparations for what they apparently believe are uniquely American issues such as slavery or bigotry

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