Blacks Only: Indiana School District Bans White Grade School Kids from Field Trips to Colleges

Oh my God people. Take them all. Teach them all. Raise them all up.
I thank God I was raised in a little town where we were all the same, treated the same, acted the same, loved the same. There were no white friends or black friends. Just friends. To this day, friends. Stop this shit. Loving one another really isn't as hard as you think it is.
Question. What percentage of the Black people were wealthy in your town as opposed to whites?
OK. Now that makes sense. Its just your opinion. You have to understand that the seed has to be planted. I taught my kids algebra before they even attended school. Not because I thought they would have do algebra in kindergarten but because I wanted those neurons associated with math to form in their brains. This is the same concept. I wish my kids schools had done something like this. As it was I had to do it on my own.

Planting seeds is great. Aside from that I don't think it was right to exclude kids from other races in participating. They had very little to do with the past injustices in our country and exclu
If you think planting seeds is great why did you call him a jackwad for doing it?

It was his right to exclude them. They arent in the same position as the Black kids are. Their starting point is automatically further ahead by virtue of them being born white. Those seeds are already planted for them.

For taking 3rd graders to a college.

The School corporation should take the right to discriminate against 3rd graders of other races away from him. Where does it stop. Can he take the black only kids on a field trip to XYZ corporation because there is racial disparity amount the workforce as well?
Since he is specifically in charge of the Black kids he can plan as many trips as they can fit into the schedule for them. So are you admitting that you really were upset about the fact that the white kids were not part of the trip instead of planting seeds.

Field trips are special to children, especially 3rd graders. It means they get out of school mostly. I oppose the Corporation for allowing a select race a get out school free card regardless the color. I don't believe that is good consulting nor do I think it will instill good educational values in anyone.
I disagree. Planting the seed of attending college is paramount in importance for Black youth. Matter of fact I know you are wrong because my children always had that idea as a certainty in their heads. It makes a big difference having that expectation there instead of thinking no one like you attends college.
Yes you are a failure. You were named Meathead for a reason. Why would I read a dumb book like that? Its about a white boy. White things typically dont generate much interest to me. As usual you must be butthurt and have decided to attempt to derail the thread.
I understand already. It's kind of a big book without pictures. We got it.
Yes you are a failure. You were named Meathead for a reason. Why would I read a dumb book like that? Its about a white boy. White things typically dont generate much interest to me. As usual you must be butthurt and have decided to attempt to derail the thread.
I understand already. It's kind of a big book without pictures. We got it.
Next time you recommend a book, make sure its relevant. What white people do is of no interest to me unless it can make me money.
I'm going to say more whites but there were more whites per capita than blacks. I'm trying to remember if any blacks were on welfare, and don't think any were. Everyone's dad's went to work, most at the steel mill in town.
There were a couple of white kids in town on welfare because their parents were alcoholics, and didn't work, but we hung out with those kids too. If they needed something, we gave them ours. I didn't realize how lucky we all were then to see each other as friends simply because we enjoyed each other's company.
I'm going to say more whites but there were more whites per capita than blacks. I'm trying to remember if any blacks were on welfare, and don't think any were. Everyone's dad's went to work, most at the steel mill in town.
There were a couple of white kids in town on welfare because their parents were alcoholics, and didn't work, but we hung out with those kids too. If they needed something, we gave them ours. I didn't realize how lucky we all were then to see each other as friends simply because we enjoyed each other's company.
You ever ask any of the Black people that lived there if they shared your view of how it was growing up in your town? I find that there is always a marked difference in the recollection of how things were according to race.
Well, most black kids have neither the intellect nor will to make it to college. The closest they'll come is selling drugs to white college kids, so what the hell.
Eh with Affirmative action ya know...racism against whites.

And here is where I tell Odium AGAIN that white women use Affirmative Action more than anyone else.

Must be because whites are stupid...or are you ditching that one?
Doesn't make it any less racist. Guess you libs are forgetting MLK'S words. CONTENT OF CHARACTER and NOT color of skin. People get jobs based on their race not how well they can do the job....but its speeding up demise of the US so...good for me.

It cant be racist against whites and whites being the main users of it fuck face. Now go on about how people who use AA are stupid or are you changing that one again until the next time this comes up and I'm not there to correct your dumb ass?
Why would you need to use AA unless you were stupid? If you were smart enough for job the only that should matter is that you can do the job properly and safely. Oh and yes whites can be racist against whites.

I know I know ....So tell everyone how stupid white people are for being the main users of AA. Go on, dont hold back stupid
This is what happens when people put actions behind the constant whining asking why blacks arent doing positive things. As soon as we do whites complain that being pro-black is being ANTI white.

Same thing they did with Obamas "My brothers keeper" program. Whites complain about where are the leaders? Then when the leaders do anything they scream racism. You cant win with these people.

If they took white kids they'd be complaining about the lack of white college students who spoke.
Tragedy happens..

Whites: Wheres Al Sharpton?

Al Sharpton shows up

Whites: Why is Al Sharpton here?!!?

Did al show up?
This is what happens when people put actions behind the constant whining asking why blacks arent doing positive things. As soon as we do whites complain that being pro-black is being ANTI white.

Same thing they did with Obamas "My brothers keeper" program. Whites complain about where are the leaders? Then when the leaders do anything they scream racism. You cant win with these people.

If they took white kids they'd be complaining about the lack of white college students who spoke.
Tragedy happens..

Whites: Wheres Al Sharpton?

Al Sharpton shows up

Whites: Why is Al Sharpton here?!!?

Did al show up?

Why would he?
This is what happens when people put actions behind the constant whining asking why blacks arent doing positive things. As soon as we do whites complain that being pro-black is being ANTI white.

Same thing they did with Obamas "My brothers keeper" program. Whites complain about where are the leaders? Then when the leaders do anything they scream racism. You cant win with these people.

If they took white kids they'd be complaining about the lack of white college students who spoke.
Tragedy happens..

Whites: Wheres Al Sharpton?

Al Sharpton shows up

Whites: Why is Al Sharpton here?!!?

Did al show up?

Why would he?

Oh, I don't know......real racism and segregation going on.
This is what happens when people put actions behind the constant whining asking why blacks arent doing positive things. As soon as we do whites complain that being pro-black is being ANTI white.

Same thing they did with Obamas "My brothers keeper" program. Whites complain about where are the leaders? Then when the leaders do anything they scream racism. You cant win with these people.

If they took white kids they'd be complaining about the lack of white college students who spoke.
Tragedy happens..

Whites: Wheres Al Sharpton?

Al Sharpton shows up

Whites: Why is Al Sharpton here?!!?

Did al show up?

Why would he?

Oh, I don't know......real racism and segregation going on.

Uh no..only a white person would see almost not going on a field trip as being "racist" and "segregation".

Wheres Pat Robertson?
This is what happens when people put actions behind the constant whining asking why blacks arent doing positive things. As soon as we do whites complain that being pro-black is being ANTI white.

Same thing they did with Obamas "My brothers keeper" program. Whites complain about where are the leaders? Then when the leaders do anything they scream racism. You cant win with these people.

If they took white kids they'd be complaining about the lack of white college students who spoke.
Tragedy happens..

Whites: Wheres Al Sharpton?

Al Sharpton shows up

Whites: Why is Al Sharpton here?!!?

Did al show up?

Why would he?

Oh, I don't know......real racism and segregation going on.

Uh no..only a white person would see almost not going on a field trip as being "racist" and "segregation".

Wheres Pat Robertson?

Oh yeah, almost doesn't matter. Its what her intentions were.
This is what happens when people put actions behind the constant whining asking why blacks arent doing positive things. As soon as we do whites complain that being pro-black is being ANTI white.

Same thing they did with Obamas "My brothers keeper" program. Whites complain about where are the leaders? Then when the leaders do anything they scream racism. You cant win with these people.

If they took white kids they'd be complaining about the lack of white college students who spoke.
Tragedy happens..

Whites: Wheres Al Sharpton?

Al Sharpton shows up

Whites: Why is Al Sharpton here?!!?

Did al show up?

Why would he?

Oh, I don't know......real racism and segregation going on.

Uh no..only a white person would see almost not going on a field trip as being "racist" and "segregation".

Wheres Pat Robertson?

Oh yeah, almost doesn't matter. Its what her intentions were.

So you want something done about something that never happened?

Ask Pat Robertson to do it? Wheres Bill O Reilly?
Eh with Affirmative action ya know...racism against whites.

And here is where I tell Odium AGAIN that white women use Affirmative Action more than anyone else.

Must be because whites are stupid...or are you ditching that one?
Doesn't make it any less racist. Guess you libs are forgetting MLK'S words. CONTENT OF CHARACTER and NOT color of skin. People get jobs based on their race not how well they can do the job....but its speeding up demise of the US so...good for me.

It cant be racist against whites and whites being the main users of it fuck face. Now go on about how people who use AA are stupid or are you changing that one again until the next time this comes up and I'm not there to correct your dumb ass?
Why would you need to use AA unless you were stupid? If you were smart enough for job the only that should matter is that you can do the job properly and safely. Oh and yes whites can be racist against whites.

I know I know ....So tell everyone how stupid white people are for being the main users of AA. Go on, dont hold back stupid
White WOMEN are. You are leaving out males there idiot.And that's only according to to share these links with the facts?
And here is where I tell Odium AGAIN that white women use Affirmative Action more than anyone else.

Must be because whites are stupid...or are you ditching that one?
Doesn't make it any less racist. Guess you libs are forgetting MLK'S words. CONTENT OF CHARACTER and NOT color of skin. People get jobs based on their race not how well they can do the job....but its speeding up demise of the US so...good for me.

It cant be racist against whites and whites being the main users of it fuck face. Now go on about how people who use AA are stupid or are you changing that one again until the next time this comes up and I'm not there to correct your dumb ass?
Why would you need to use AA unless you were stupid? If you were smart enough for job the only that should matter is that you can do the job properly and safely. Oh and yes whites can be racist against whites.

I know I know ....So tell everyone how stupid white people are for being the main users of AA. Go on, dont hold back stupid
White WOMEN are. You are leaving out males there idiot.And that's only according to to share these links with the facts?
How much more help and a headstart do white males need for crying outloud? Isnt 400 years enough time for you?
This is what happens when people put actions behind the constant whining asking why blacks arent doing positive things. As soon as we do whites complain that being pro-black is being ANTI white.

Same thing they did with Obamas "My brothers keeper" program. Whites complain about where are the leaders? Then when the leaders do anything they scream racism. You cant win with these people.

If they took white kids they'd be complaining about the lack of white college students who spoke.
Tragedy happens..

Whites: Wheres Al Sharpton?

Al Sharpton shows up

Whites: Why is Al Sharpton here?!!?

Did al show up?

Why would he?

Oh, I don't know......real racism and segregation going on.

Uh no..only a white person would see almost not going on a field trip as being "racist" and "segregation".

Wheres Pat Robertson?
Change whit to black and black to white in the story and you as well as most of the leftists here would be having a shit fit about how racist and intolerant the people were. The doublethink is utterly amazing – what is good for one race is not for the other.

Then those same exact people demand that everyone else is racist and judging people on race rather than character.
I got school books for the next school year, and played school with my girls when they came home from school. They had fun and were always a grade ahead. Made straight A's easy work for them. And they learned how to speak another language while we were at it. If more parents did what you did Asc, we'd have smart kids in this country again.
This was instilled in me by my parents. They always told me I had to be 10x better at something than a white person just to get to the same level. They did the same thing with me so I do the same with my kids

So they taught you to see white kids as the enemy and you are raiding your children the same way.

If you are typical, then the Civil Rights Movement has failed.
Where did I say they taught me to see white kids as the enemy? Where did you see I said I'm doing that to my children? Thats just a result of your over active imagination.

If you are in competition with another group, and you are taught that they will always have an unfair advantage, you will learn to see them as your enemy.
Sounds like a white person disease to me. Maybe thats why whites are so good at racism. Do you think this is genetic in white people to think like this? i dont see white people as my enemy. I see dumb white racists as my enemy. People like you.

Except I am not dumb, nor am I a racist.

YOu choose to assume that, because it is part of your rationalization for your morally and intellectually indefensible positions.

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