Blacks Only: Indiana School District Bans White Grade School Kids from Field Trips to Colleges

This is what happens when people put actions behind the constant whining asking why blacks arent doing positive things. As soon as we do whites complain that being pro-black is being ANTI white.

Same thing they did with Obamas "My brothers keeper" program. Whites complain about where are the leaders? Then when the leaders do anything they scream racism. You cant win with these people.

If they took white kids they'd be complaining about the lack of white college students who spoke.
Tragedy happens..

Whites: Wheres Al Sharpton?

Al Sharpton shows up

Whites: Why is Al Sharpton here?!!?

Did al show up?

Why would he?

Oh, I don't know......real racism and segregation going on.

Uh no..only a white person would see almost not going on a field trip as being "racist" and "segregation".

Wheres Pat Robertson?
Change whit to black and black to white in the story and you as well as most of the leftists here would be having a shit fit about how racist and intolerant the people were. The doublethink is utterly amazing – what is good for one race is not for the other.

Then those same exact people demand that everyone else is racist and judging people on race rather than character.

You mean the double think of the made up people toward the made up situation you just made up is amazing?
OK. Now that makes sense. Its just your opinion. You have to understand that the seed has to be planted. I taught my kids algebra before they even attended school. Not because I thought they would have do algebra in kindergarten but because I wanted those neurons associated with math to form in their brains. This is the same concept. I wish my kids schools had done something like this. As it was I had to do it on my own.

Planting seeds is great. Aside from that I don't think it was right to exclude kids from other races in participating. They had very little to do with the past injustices in our country and exclu
If you think planting seeds is great why did you call him a jackwad for doing it?

It was his right to exclude them. They arent in the same position as the Black kids are. Their starting point is automatically further ahead by virtue of them being born white. Those seeds are already planted for them.

For taking 3rd graders to a college.

The School corporation should take the right to discriminate against 3rd graders of other races away from him. Where does it stop. Can he take the black only kids on a field trip to XYZ corporation because there is racial disparity amount the workforce as well?
Since he is specifically in charge of the Black kids he can plan as many trips as they can fit into the schedule for them. So are you admitting that you really were upset about the fact that the white kids were not part of the trip instead of planting seeds.

Field trips are special to children, especially 3rd graders. It means they get out of school mostly. I oppose the Corporation for allowing a select race a get out school free card regardless the color. I don't believe that is good consulting nor do I think it will instill good educational values in anyone.

It will teach the black kids that they need special help in order to compete.

It will teach the white kids that they will be discriminated against in order to give the black kids a chance to succeed.
Yes you are a failure. You were named Meathead for a reason. Why would I read a dumb book like that? Its about a white boy. White things typically dont generate much interest to me. As usual you must be butthurt and have decided to attempt to derail the thread.
I understand already. It's kind of a big book without pictures. We got it.
Next time you recommend a book, make sure its relevant. What white people do is of no interest to me unless it can make me money.

THat is nonsense.

Ideas have value regardless of the color of the person that has them.

YOu are again merely rationalizing why you don't want to consider ideas that might challenge you.

And you aren't fooling anyone except maybe yourself.

Oh, I don't know......real racism and segregation going on.

Uh no..only a white person would see almost not going on a field trip as being "racist" and "segregation".

Wheres Pat Robertson?
Change whit to black and black to white in the story and you as well as most of the leftists here would be having a shit fit about how racist and intolerant the people were. The doublethink is utterly amazing – what is good for one race is not for the other.

Then those same exact people demand that everyone else is racist and judging people on race rather than character.

You mean the double think of the made up people toward the made up situation you just made up is amazing?
Planting seeds is great. Aside from that I don't think it was right to exclude kids from other races in participating. They had very little to do with the past injustices in our country and exclu
If you think planting seeds is great why did you call him a jackwad for doing it?

It was his right to exclude them. They arent in the same position as the Black kids are. Their starting point is automatically further ahead by virtue of them being born white. Those seeds are already planted for them.

For taking 3rd graders to a college.

The School corporation should take the right to discriminate against 3rd graders of other races away from him. Where does it stop. Can he take the black only kids on a field trip to XYZ corporation because there is racial disparity amount the workforce as well?
Since he is specifically in charge of the Black kids he can plan as many trips as they can fit into the schedule for them. So are you admitting that you really were upset about the fact that the white kids were not part of the trip instead of planting seeds.

Field trips are special to children, especially 3rd graders. It means they get out of school mostly. I oppose the Corporation for allowing a select race a get out school free card regardless the color. I don't believe that is good consulting nor do I think it will instill good educational values in anyone.

It will teach the black kids that they need special help in order to compete.

It will teach the white kids that they will be discriminated against in order to give the black kids a chance to succeed.

It wont teach them anything, they're 3rd graders.
I'm going to say more whites but there were more whites per capita than blacks. I'm trying to remember if any blacks were on welfare, and don't think any were. Everyone's dad's went to work, most at the steel mill in town.
There were a couple of white kids in town on welfare because their parents were alcoholics, and didn't work, but we hung out with those kids too. If they needed something, we gave them ours. I didn't realize how lucky we all were then to see each other as friends simply because we enjoyed each other's company.
You ever ask any of the Black people that lived there if they shared your view of how it was growing up in your town? I find that there is always a marked difference in the recollection of how things were according to race.

Well were all still friends, so must mean we did something right. Apparently we just don't buy into this shit that having blue eyes or brown eyes matters.
If you think planting seeds is great why did you call him a jackwad for doing it?

It was his right to exclude them. They arent in the same position as the Black kids are. Their starting point is automatically further ahead by virtue of them being born white. Those seeds are already planted for them.

For taking 3rd graders to a college.

The School corporation should take the right to discriminate against 3rd graders of other races away from him. Where does it stop. Can he take the black only kids on a field trip to XYZ corporation because there is racial disparity amount the workforce as well?
Since he is specifically in charge of the Black kids he can plan as many trips as they can fit into the schedule for them. So are you admitting that you really were upset about the fact that the white kids were not part of the trip instead of planting seeds.

Field trips are special to children, especially 3rd graders. It means they get out of school mostly. I oppose the Corporation for allowing a select race a get out school free card regardless the color. I don't believe that is good consulting nor do I think it will instill good educational values in anyone.

It will teach the black kids that they need special help in order to compete.

It will teach the white kids that they will be discriminated against in order to give the black kids a chance to succeed.

It wont teach them anything, they're 3rd graders.

Little sponges.

An event like this, conducted BY the authority figures in their school, supported by society at large...

YOu think they haven't already been primed to think racially?

You think they haven't already been taught about slavery and discrimination?

Hell, Black History Month was just two months ago. YOu think they weren't bombarded with political messages about race?
For taking 3rd graders to a college.

The School corporation should take the right to discriminate against 3rd graders of other races away from him. Where does it stop. Can he take the black only kids on a field trip to XYZ corporation because there is racial disparity amount the workforce as well?
Since he is specifically in charge of the Black kids he can plan as many trips as they can fit into the schedule for them. So are you admitting that you really were upset about the fact that the white kids were not part of the trip instead of planting seeds.

Field trips are special to children, especially 3rd graders. It means they get out of school mostly. I oppose the Corporation for allowing a select race a get out school free card regardless the color. I don't believe that is good consulting nor do I think it will instill good educational values in anyone.

It will teach the black kids that they need special help in order to compete.

It will teach the white kids that they will be discriminated against in order to give the black kids a chance to succeed.

It wont teach them anything, they're 3rd graders.

Little sponges.

An event like this, conducted BY the authority figures in their school, supported by society at large...

YOu think they haven't already been primed to think racially?

You think they haven't already been taught about slavery and discrimination?

Hell, Black History Month was just two months ago. YOu think they weren't bombarded with political messages about race?

The poor Chillins.....

OK. Now that makes sense. Its just your opinion. You have to understand that the seed has to be planted. I taught my kids algebra before they even attended school. Not because I thought they would have do algebra in kindergarten but because I wanted those neurons associated with math to form in their brains. This is the same concept. I wish my kids schools had done something like this. As it was I had to do it on my own.

Planting seeds is great. Aside from that I don't think it was right to exclude kids from other races in participating. They had very little to do with the past injustices in our country and exclu
If you think planting seeds is great why did you call him a jackwad for doing it?

It was his right to exclude them. They arent in the same position as the Black kids are. Their starting point is automatically further ahead by virtue of them being born white. Those seeds are already planted for them.

For taking 3rd graders to a college.

The School corporation should take the right to discriminate against 3rd graders of other races away from him. Where does it stop. Can he take the black only kids on a field trip to XYZ corporation because there is racial disparity amount the workforce as well?
Since he is specifically in charge of the Black kids he can plan as many trips as they can fit into the schedule for them. So are you admitting that you really were upset about the fact that the white kids were not part of the trip instead of planting seeds.

Field trips are special to children, especially 3rd graders. It means they get out of school mostly. I oppose the Corporation for allowing a select race a get out school free card regardless the color. I don't believe that is good consulting nor do I think it will instill good educational values in anyone.
Exactly..Excluding anyone from this kind of activities is just awful regardless of color. Why would anyone even consider this kind of stupid activity? What are we teaching these kids early practice of racism? Just imagine bringing all black 3rd graders to a college when they see most are asians and whites but few blacks. These people doesn't belong in my hood.
For kids sake every one should be included.
As #59 posted. Take them all, race them all, teach them all.
This is good stuff. Go ahead and file your suit.
If the rules were different and they were only taking white children . Every news station from Portland ME to San Deigo CA would be broadcasting non stop. the ACLU would be jumping up and down
So what? Whites did that for centuries. Why are you whining now that Black kids get to do something?

Make modern day whitey pay for the sins of the father, right?

Show them how to divide themselves by race as early as possible, you betcha.

Great idea.

Until I hear a better explanation for the ones given, I'd say they should get the pants sued off them.

Oh, and someone explain how or why a school district is a Corporation?

Show them how to divide themselves by race as early as possible, you betcha.

Great idea.

They already are divided by race, this is a racist nation.
Great, make it worse.

At least you're not trying to pretend that you want things to improve, I'll give ya that.

Being honest about it doesn't make it worse. That's how you start to make it better, something most people never, ever learn.
Since he is specifically in charge of the Black kids he can plan as many trips as they can fit into the schedule for them. So are you admitting that you really were upset about the fact that the white kids were not part of the trip instead of planting seeds.

Field trips are special to children, especially 3rd graders. It means they get out of school mostly. I oppose the Corporation for allowing a select race a get out school free card regardless the color. I don't believe that is good consulting nor do I think it will instill good educational values in anyone.

It will teach the black kids that they need special help in order to compete.

It will teach the white kids that they will be discriminated against in order to give the black kids a chance to succeed.

It wont teach them anything, they're 3rd graders.

Little sponges.

An event like this, conducted BY the authority figures in their school, supported by society at large...

YOu think they haven't already been primed to think racially?

You think they haven't already been taught about slavery and discrimination?

Hell, Black History Month was just two months ago. YOu think they weren't bombarded with political messages about race?

The poor Chillins.....

I'm not suggesting they be wrapped in cotton for their whole childhoods.

They are in school because they can learn.

Their normal learning consists of sitting there like lumps while a adult rattles on.

If they can learn like that, then a demonstration like this, where the black kids are singled out for special treatment, and the white kids are punished for being white, then yes, they can certainly learn that lesson.
The way to bridge these two worlds, and they are two worlds, not one, start being honest.

The way to bridge these two worlds, and they are two worlds, not one, start being honest.


Ok, honestly, I think those punks with their underwear showing look like fucking morons.
And they think you're a racist whitey pig who thinks they should either be in prison or slaves again, and that when they get killed, for whatever reason, you don't mind. My bet is, you are both right. Now, which one of you changes your attitudes and behavior (and dress) first?
The way to bridge these two worlds, and they are two worlds, not one, start being honest.


Ok, honestly, I think those punks with their underwear showing look like fucking morons.
And they think you're a racist whitey pig who thinks they should either be in prison or slaves again, and that when they get killed, for whatever reason, you don't mind. My bet is, you are both right. Now, which one of you changes your attitudes and behavior (and dress) first?

Except they are wrong.

I think they should pull up their pants, and not look like morons. THey have a car so maybe they already have jobs.

Now maybe they can get better jobs, and be productive members of society and live happily ever after.

Now, should I change, or should they?

Oh, btw, white kids who let their underwear show like that? I think they look like fucking morons to.

And my wish for them is the same.

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