Boehner Admits GOP Is Hoping Minorities Simply Won’t Vote

Like Dickless Fuck in his thread on this (learn to use the search, dumb ass), you're also a fucking liar. I don't see the words 'I hope' in his comments anywhere.

Only pussies have to lie to get their point across. I guess that covers you and Dickless Fuck, huh.

What a silly little sissy whiner you are.
I wonder why the lefties are so desperate? I mean they keep telling us that obama WILL win so why the desperation? ;)
Like Dickless Fuck in his thread on this (learn to use the search, dumb ass), you're also a fucking liar. I don't see the words 'I hope' in his comments anywhere.

Only pussies have to lie to get their point across. I guess that covers you and Dickless Fuck, huh.

What a silly little sissy whiner you are.

Oh look, here's the other lying little dickstain. Your own lying ass thread wasn't enough, you had to come repeat your lies here? Nitroz already admitted he was lying (although he may not realize it yet). Will you man up and admit it as well?
Someone had to pull a muscle with this threads stretch.

People will post the stupidest shit.

He probably started smoking pot at a young age... that'll dump a kids IQ - and, clearly, he couldn't afford to lose those points.

What's your excuse for being the boards joke?

Oh lookie.. one of the other habitual liars coming in to defend the lying of another left winger.. go figure

you idiot troll...
Boehner Admits GOP Is Hoping Minorities Simply Won’t Vote | Addicting Info

With polls increasingly saying that the GOP’s only reliable constituency are white men, Republicans are left with just one trick up their sleeves. Instead of trying to win over minority voters with a more inclusive platform, they hope to make sure they stay home. At a Christian Science Monitor sponsored luncheon, House Speaker John Boehner might not have admitted the tactics, but he did admit the goal, that their only hope is for minorities not to vote:

“This election is about economics… These groups have been hit the hardest. They may not show up and vote for our candidate but I’d suggest to you they won’t show up and vote for the president either.”

Sure, that sounds innocent enough. Minorities have been hit hard during the recession. There is a chance they might not show up to vote for the President either, but that’s not what the polls are saying. A recent poll shows Obama leading Romney with the Hispanic vote by 65% – 26%. Even more amazingly, Romney has a whopping 0% of the African-American vote. Obama is leading Romney with women too.

The fact is that for Romney to win the popular vote, it’s looking like Boehner is right. A lot of people are going to have to stay home.

Since elections happen at the state level, there’s not a whole lot that Boehner and his GOP Congress can do to keep people from voting, but there is a lot that states can do and fortunately for Boehner and Romney, they are. Over 30 states are actively trying to make it difficult for minorities, young, poor, elderly and women to vote. Most are requiring IDs, something that non-drivers often don’t have. Some are requiring birth certificates, which many people may not have.

As Boehner implied, don’t look for the GOP to be bending over backward trying to make themselves more palpable to the non-white and the non-male. That’s not in their game plan. Their game plan is simple. It’s to stop the opposition from voting.

Obama hopes all people with private sector jobs don't vote.....
Like Dickless Fuck in his thread on this (learn to use the search, dumb ass), you're also a fucking liar. I don't see the words 'I hope' in his comments anywhere.

Only pussies have to lie to get their point across. I guess that covers you and Dickless Fuck, huh.

What a silly little sissy whiner you are.

Oh look, here's the other lying little dickstain. Your own lying ass thread wasn't enough, you had to come repeat your lies here? Nitroz already admitted he was lying (although he may not realize it yet). Will you man up and admit it as well?

If you started taking daily showers and didn't masturbate in your bed so often, you wouldn't have a problem with dickstains. Perhaps your bigger problem is using your ass dildo, and leaving it on the sheets.
He probably started smoking pot at a young age... that'll dump a kids IQ - and, clearly, he couldn't afford to lose those points.

What's your excuse for being the boards joke?

I'm not the one who had to turn my rep off.... the joke is you, little man. But, unfortunately, you aren't funny.

I didn't have to turn my rep off. I chose to, you piece of trash little herpes scab. You seem quite upset I took your stupid stick away.
No one is stopping any one from voting. Requiring a id is simply common effin sense.
He probably started smoking pot at a young age... that'll dump a kids IQ - and, clearly, he couldn't afford to lose those points.

What's your excuse for being the boards joke?

Dicky Doo, you are the board joke, except your stupidity isn't really that funny.

Wow, you must think you're a very important person, speaking for the board and all. But that's really not what the issue is. It's right wing conturds who want elections decided by who's the most racist piece of human trash.
What's your excuse for being the boards joke?

I'm not the one who had to turn my rep off.... the joke is you, little man. But, unfortunately, you aren't funny.

I didn't have to turn my rep off. I chose to, you piece of trash little herpes scab. You seem quite upset I took your stupid stick away.

You 'chose' to because your rep was red and you were embarrassed. Coward. I haven't resorted to making up shit about you... I call you only what the evidence suggests... that you are a coward. You are the one who has to make up shit about others. Sad little man... you seem mad. I find that funny.

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