BOLO: Marxist Code Words

Someone needs to compile the list as it stands so far. I'm too lazy to do it. :lol:
the haves/have-nots
it takes a village
we shall overcome
the oppressed
the enslaved
division of labor
living wage
cult of the individual
capitalist pigs
Someone needs to compile the list as it stands so far. I'm too lazy to do it. :lol:
Uhmm...hello? CF? :lol:

BOLO for the following Marxist words and phrases:

Income inequality
Workers Rights

Wow, maybe you have a point.

"Income inequality, a cause of liberal economists and pundits, is working its way into the discourse of Republicans on Capitol Hill.

Read more:"

"In Indiana, a group of pro-worker, moderate Republicans is recruiting candidates to run in primaries against several of the state legislators who helped ram through a “right to work” law earlier this year."

"Gingrich Admits Deregulation Of Wall Street In The ’90s Was ‘Probably A Mistake’

"Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, who at first called the protests “dangerous” and “class warfare," sounded a different note Monday at a campaign stop in New Hampshire. “I worry about the 99 percent in America," he said, before adding later in the day: "I understand how those people feel." (the 1%)

"What is Republican socialism, and are there Republican socialists in congress? It seems so at times, when you listen to what the Republicans themselves label as socialism and then look at what they vote for. As reported in Reason Magazine and other news outlets, many Republicans favor keeping or expanding huge redistributionist programs. For example, in 2010 Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky), Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele, and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich all released statements opposing any cuts to Medicare.

Republican president George Bush openly and repeatedly called for more redistribution of wealth by way of expanding welfare programs through faith-based groups. He also pushed for and signed into law the biggest expansion of a welfare program in decades–the Medicare reform legislation of 2003 that included prescription drug benefits."

"The first of the Republican candidates to raise the fairness issue was Rick Santorum, who spoke in debates of the pain many families were suffering because of economic dislocation. Then Gingrich and Rick Perry picked up the theme in an attempt to slow Romney’s march to the nomination, opening a discussion of economic fairness and justice that will be hard to squelch."
"restoring fairness to the economy"




“win the future”
T, you do not know Marxism from the Marx brothers; more MARXIST code phrases;

The betterment of the people
Capitalist lackeys
Enemies of the people*

*The "people", defined by the Marxists means PARTY LEADERS.
The former Soviets are as brown as dirt when it comes to the environment. GREEN is not a Marxist word.

Peachy, you miss the point. The BOLO on the code words is not a matter of literal interpretation.

It is just a heads up about the distortion of language as a tool of the rhetoric employed by the Marxists and socialists and modern American "liberals" under any name they may try to conceal themselves behind.

In the lexicon of the present day Marxist wannabes, they beat you over the head about the alleged "NEED" for "going green," when what they are really doing is trying to re-arrange the economy along their preferred lines.
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