BOLO: Marxist Code Words

ODD, now FAIRNESS & DEREGULATION are "Marxist" words also? Restricting the entire standard american usage language will be a tough task. ;)

Dude, the words aren't all words used to describe Marxism, they are words used by Marxists. The reference to "deregulation" means that it's a word of attack used by Marxists where anything that is not controlled by "government" is "deregulated."

As for "fair," no word has been used to justify more incredible unfairness then Democrats describing a policy as "fair."
BOLO for the following Marxist words and phrases:

Income inequality
Workers Rights

Nothing quite relays the realities of the dangers of false consciousness delusions than when middle class conservatives carry the water for the uber wealthy.
Nothing quite relays the realities of the dangers of false consciousness delusions than when socialists have to change the subject, demagogue and otherwise falsely characterize those who have caught them bastardizing the language.

Conservatives are so easily manipulated into supporting economic policies that actually hurt the very people who rush to these boards to champion them. Of course, if you guys don't bite on the line as soon or as hard as the powers that be want you to, they'll just trot out the social issues card in order to get you all wound up to support their candidates who will then go to Washington DC and promptly sell you down the economic river yet again.

I keep waiting for you guys to see the light. Thank god I'm not holding my breath.
Nothing quite relays the realities of the dangers of false consciousness delusions than when middle class conservatives carry the water for the uber wealthy.
Nothing quite relays the realities of the dangers of false consciousness delusions than when socialists have to change the subject, demagogue and otherwise falsely characterize those who have caught them bastardizing the language.
ODD, now FAIRNESS & DEREGULATION are "Marxist" words also? Restricting the entire standard american usage language will be a tough task. ;)
It's not about restricting the English language...It's about using purposefully vague terms, in order to dupe the gullible and attempt to marginalize those who aren't.

I cannot lend you a bucket of "fairness" or "deregulation", with the promise that I'll repay you with a barrel full of them next week...Therefore, "fairness" and "deregulation" are what manipulators say they are.

Both Orwell and Rand made this observation.
Conservatives are so easily manipulated into supporting economic policies that actually hurt the very people who rush to these boards to champion them

Gotcha, non-liberals are just "manipulated" into thinking that economic choice is good for us. What are we thinking???
You mean like the Left trying to make

Condoms and the church an issue?

With all the problems in our country....

Of course, you can't blame the Left
It is not like they can run on the successes of Papa Obama
Accurately identifying a socialist/Marxist is just accurate identification.

If YOU happen to have the capacity NOT to falsely label a conservative as a "fascist" that too is merely being honest and accurate.

So, if you think you were making a point, you were wrong.
So in the tiny brain cells of SOME conservatives a MARXIST can be identified by one belief? The MARXISTS all meet at night when you are asleep and devise code words.......sure...............and I am not green, but am hoping to learn to create less environmental waste. As ______ used to write, "I am a 19th century liberal". Guess the conservative.

Do you imagine that one's beliefs don't inform others as to whether or not he or she is a "Marxist?"

What is it that makes that label appropriate in your large brain cells?

Is it a specific set of required actions?

Or is there a tattoo required or a semi-secret handshake?

OF COURSE I can ascertain if someone is a MARXIST based on his beliefs. I can also ascertain if someone is a mere quasi-marxist or a socialist or a modern American "liberal" on the same basis.

It's not even difficult (except for some overlaps and things like that).
As I believe as Santorum does on charity, as Paul does on the federal laws concerning marijuana, and as Romney does on health care, PLUS as Obama believes on education, I guess I'm a Marpublican.
Nothing quite relays the realities of the dangers of false consciousness delusions than when middle class conservatives carry the water for the uber wealthy.
Nothing quite relays the realities of the dangers of false consciousness delusions than when socialists have to change the subject, demagogue and otherwise falsely characterize those who have caught them bastardizing the language.

Conservatives are so easily manipulated into supporting economic policies that actually hurt the very people who rush to these boards to champion them. Of course, if you guys don't bite on the line as soon or as hard as the powers that be want you to, they'll just trot out the social issues card in order to get you all wound up to support their candidates who will then go to Washington DC and promptly sell you down the economic river yet again.

I keep waiting for you guys to see the light. Thank god I'm not holding my breath.
I'm not a "conservative" and I'm not manipulated into anything.

That's why it's so difficult for callow, petty, envious little demagogues like you to manipulate me into destroying my own freedom, with your ham-handed attempts at changing the subject and demonizing certain groups whom you wish to subjugate and loot.
You mean like the Left trying to make

Condoms and the church an issue?

With all the problems in our country....

Of course, you can't blame the Left
It is not like they can run on the successes of Papa Obama
Moving the goalposts when the whole argument has been, and always will be subjegation of liberty by him and this present government.

Prescription is a massive enema.
You mean like the Left trying to make

Condoms and the church an issue?

With all the problems in our country....

Of course, you can't blame the Left
It is not like they can run on the successes of Papa Obama

The GOP walked into this contraceptive fiasco mess unassisted by anyone else.

What mess for the GOP?

CNN poll shows majority opposes HHS mandate, 50/44

Papa Obama made a mess that they had to step back from ......

The tried to turn into a "condom issue"

But everyone sees it what it was

A gov't grab of power over liberty

Papa Obama did a big favor by giving the GOP one more issue that
the US people can use against him
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You mean like the Left trying to make

Condoms and the church an issue?

With all the problems in our country....

Of course, you can't blame the Left
It is not like they can run on the successes of Papa Obama

The GOP walked into this contraceptive fiasco mess unassisted by anyone else.
Contraceptive mess? What mess are you referring to? The one where the government is violating the first amendment in a blantantly obvious manner, and trying to hide that fact with bullshit 'contraception freedom' discussions?

Buddy, the only ones buying that lame duck of a view are those who are either too ignorant of what's going on or have a vested interest in peddling it. The remaining 80% of the nation is wondering what the fuck your problem is creating a problem where one does not exist.
You mean like the Left trying to make

Condoms and the church an issue?

With all the problems in our country....

Of course, you can't blame the Left
It is not like they can run on the successes of Papa Obama

The GOP walked into this contraceptive fiasco mess unassisted by anyone else.

What mess for the GOP?

CNN poll shows majority opposes HHS mandate, 50/44

Papa Obama made a mess that they had to step back from ......

The tried to turn into a "condom issue"

But everyone sees it what it was

A gov't grab of power over liberty

Papa Obama did a big favor by giving the GOP one more issue that
the US people can use against him

What have I been saying for months of Obama and his mignions, and how they would address issues?

Blame, Minimization, Denial, Obfuscation...trying to rewrite what this is about...trying to get people's focus off the prize of dwindling Liberty.
The GOP walked into this contraceptive fiasco mess unassisted by anyone else.

Government should force private companies to provide "free" benefits to private citizens in private contracts and opposing that is walking into a mess unassisted. Gotcha. Freedom explained by a liberal. NOW it all makes sense...
Nothing quite relays the realities of the dangers of false consciousness delusions than when socialists have to change the subject, demagogue and otherwise falsely characterize those who have caught them bastardizing the language.

Conservatives are so easily manipulated into supporting economic policies that actually hurt the very people who rush to these boards to champion them. Of course, if you guys don't bite on the line as soon or as hard as the powers that be want you to, they'll just trot out the social issues card in order to get you all wound up to support their candidates who will then go to Washington DC and promptly sell you down the economic river yet again.

I keep waiting for you guys to see the light. Thank god I'm not holding my breath.
I'm not a "conservative" and I'm not manipulated into anything.

That's why it's so difficult for callow, petty, envious little demagogues like you to manipulate me into destroying my own freedom, with your ham-handed attempts at changing the subject and demonizing certain groups whom you wish to subjugate and loot.

You're not manipulated into anything? Are you one of the people who support additional tax cuts for the wealthy because they're the 'job creators' (as they're now called by the GOP)? Or at the very least, do you oppose raising taxes on the wealthy because they're the so-called 'job creators' as previously mentioned?

Well, where ARE the jobs? Taxes haven't been lower on the wealthy in over 50 years. So, again, where are the jobs? What are we supposed to believe at THIS point? If we just decrease the taxes on the rich a LITTLE bit more, the jobs will suddenly appear?

Or maybe you've been sold a bill of goods. The wealthy are sitting on their money, and more tax cuts aren't going to induce them to risk their capital to create jobs. You know what REALLY creates jobs? It's the middle class DEMAND for goods and services!
You mean like the Left trying to make

Condoms and the church an issue?

With all the problems in our country....

Of course, you can't blame the Left
It is not like they can run on the successes of Papa Obama

The GOP walked into this contraceptive fiasco mess unassisted by anyone else.
Contraceptive mess? What mess are you referring to? The one where the government is violating the first amendment in a blantantly obvious manner, and trying to hide that fact with bullshit 'contraception freedom' discussions?

Buddy, the only ones buying that lame duck of a view are those who are either too ignorant of what's going on or have a vested interest in peddling it. The remaining 80% of the nation is wondering what the fuck your problem is creating a problem where one does not exist.
There was a time when the Statist tried to mask what they were doing in the guise of what's best...they aren't doing that any longer...they are professing thier hatred of liberty now in the open, and being brazen of it.
You mean like the Left trying to make

Condoms and the church an issue?

With all the problems in our country....

Of course, you can't blame the Left
It is not like they can run on the successes of Papa Obama

The GOP walked into this contraceptive fiasco mess unassisted by anyone else.
Contraceptive mess? What mess are you referring to? The one where the government is violating the first amendment in a blantantly obvious manner, and trying to hide that fact with bullshit 'contraception freedom' discussions?

Buddy, the only ones buying that lame duck of a view are those who are either too ignorant of what's going on or have a vested interest in peddling it. The remaining 80% of the nation is wondering what the fuck your problem is creating a problem where one does not exist.
Obama still leads the fore remaining candidates one on one; it close enough though, that if Republicans can unite. Romney could beat him. Perhaps Santorum, perhaps Paul. Paul does represent fresh concepts. I do not see Newt beating my local By Scout troop leader.

As I have been BRANDED a liberal; here is one who would strongly consider Paul.
Conservatives are so easily manipulated into supporting economic policies that actually hurt the very people who rush to these boards to champion them. Of course, if you guys don't bite on the line as soon or as hard as the powers that be want you to, they'll just trot out the social issues card in order to get you all wound up to support their candidates who will then go to Washington DC and promptly sell you down the economic river yet again.

I keep waiting for you guys to see the light. Thank god I'm not holding my breath.
I'm not a "conservative" and I'm not manipulated into anything.

That's why it's so difficult for callow, petty, envious little demagogues like you to manipulate me into destroying my own freedom, with your ham-handed attempts at changing the subject and demonizing certain groups whom you wish to subjugate and loot.

You're not manipulated into anything? Are you one of the people who support additional tax cuts for the wealthy because they're the 'job creators' (as they're now called by the GOP)? Or at the very least, do you oppose raising taxes on the wealthy because they're the so-called 'job creators' as previously mentioned?

Well, where ARE the jobs? Taxes haven't been lower on the wealthy in over 50 years. So, again, where are the jobs? What are we supposed to believe at THIS point? If we just decrease the taxes on the rich a LITTLE bit more, the jobs will suddenly appear?

Or maybe you've been sold a bill of goods. The wealthy are sitting on their money, and more tax cuts aren't going to induce them to risk their capital to create jobs. You know what REALLY creates jobs? It's the middle class DEMAND for goods and services!
HWere are the jobs? Ask Obama...Ask him why the wealthy won't invest because the wealthy know what he has in store for them.
Conservatives are so easily manipulated into supporting economic policies that actually hurt the very people who rush to these boards to champion them. Of course, if you guys don't bite on the line as soon or as hard as the powers that be want you to, they'll just trot out the social issues card in order to get you all wound up to support their candidates who will then go to Washington DC and promptly sell you down the economic river yet again.

I keep waiting for you guys to see the light. Thank god I'm not holding my breath.
I'm not a "conservative" and I'm not manipulated into anything.

That's why it's so difficult for callow, petty, envious little demagogues like you to manipulate me into destroying my own freedom, with your ham-handed attempts at changing the subject and demonizing certain groups whom you wish to subjugate and loot.

You're not manipulated into anything? Are you one of the people who support additional tax cuts for the wealthy because they're the 'job creators' (as they're now called by the GOP)? Or at the very least, do you oppose raising taxes on the wealthy because they're the so-called 'job creators' as previously mentioned?

Well, where ARE the jobs? Taxes haven't been lower on the wealthy in over 50 years. So, again, where are the jobs? What are we supposed to believe at THIS point? If we just decrease the taxes on the rich a LITTLE bit more, the jobs will suddenly appear?

Or maybe you've been sold a bill of goods. The wealthy are sitting on their money, and more tax cuts aren't going to induce them to risk their capital to create jobs. You know what REALLY creates jobs? It's the middle class DEMAND for goods and services!

and gov't spending has never been higher than till today

The US has a spending problem
not a tax problem

Bag of goods is believing that we are only a few taxes away from fixing our problems
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The GOP walked into this contraceptive fiasco mess unassisted by anyone else.

Government should force private companies to provide "free" benefits to private citizens in private contracts and opposing that is walking into a mess unassisted. Gotcha. Freedom explained by a liberal. NOW it all makes sense...
Mustink wouldn't know freedom if it took a chunk out of his ass.
You're not manipulated into anything? Are you one of the people who support additional tax cuts for the wealthy because they're the 'job creators' (as they're now called by the GOP)? Or at the very least, do you oppose raising taxes on the wealthy because they're the so-called 'job creators' as previously mentioned?

When you say "because" that's one reason. Another is that 1% of taxpayers paying 40% of taxes (while earning 20% of income) is too high. 99 out of 100 taxpayers pay 1.5 times what the 100th pays, that is ridiculous. And 5% of taxpayers pay 60% of taxes. One out of 20 pays 1.5 times what the other 19 pay. And you call raising that "fair?" Liberals want to "spread the wealth." I agree, but you do that by "spreading the responsibility," not by punishing successful people. The only thing we want to protect them from is from being targeted by the left.

Well, where ARE the jobs?

You talk about others being manipulated, then you say you think there is one and only one factor that answers this question. All government manipulation of the economy is what's causing this endless economic malaise. Seriously, you think it's only taxes on the rich? That's the ONLY thing that determines jobs? Or you think anyone else is saying that? We can do whatever we want, but if we don't tax the rich there will be jobs. Man, your arguments are pathetic.

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