BOLO: Marxist Code Words

Peachy, you miss the point. The BOLO on the code words is not a matter of literal interpretation.

It is just a heads up about the distortion of language as a tool of the rhetoric employed by the Marxists and socialists and modern American "liberals" under any name they may try to conceal themselves behind.

In the lexicon of the present day Marxist wannabes, they beat you over the head about the alleged "NEED" for "going green," when what they are really doing is trying to re-arrange the economy along their preferred lines.
So it is each person's bias as to what the think. I note the Pledge is discussed endlessly here; the Constitution gets a few mentions; the writings of the Founders are IGNORED. The soundbite generation doesn't like reading entire books, or actual documents. Reliance upon what OTHER people said the Founders wrote is enough for many. An actual quote from Adams on DEMOCRACY:

"If there have been those who doubted whether a confederated representative democracy were a government competent to the wise and orderly management of the common concerns of a mighty nation, those doubts have been dispelled."

Jefferson concurred on that issue:

The development of representative political institutions, Jefferson concluded, "has rendered useless almost everything written before on the structure of government and in a great measure relieves our regret if the political writings of Aristotle, or of any other ancient, have been lost, or are unfaithfully rendered or explained to us." [3]
Jefferson feared what he termed PURE Democracy & favored REPRESENTATIVE democracy in the Republic.

So much prose; so little accuracy.

You on the left tend to make reference to only those limited PORTIONS of the Constitution you like -- and only when it suits you.

You take out of context the words of the Framers and Founders to distort their meaning, to suit your agenda.

YOU guys try (valiantly) to ignore the Federalist Papers, however.

I'm afraid I cannot take your posts seriously when they demonstrate -- as your quoted one does -- such an abject disregard for reality.
Those were the writings of Adams & Jefferson, not the Constitution. Sad you cannot tell the difference.

Thomas Jefferson: Writings (Autobiography, Notes on the State of Virginia, Public and Private Papers, Addresses, Letters) (Library of America) / Edition 1
by Thomas Jefferson
So it is each person's bias as to what the think. I note the Pledge is discussed endlessly here; the Constitution gets a few mentions; the writings of the Founders are IGNORED. The soundbite generation doesn't like reading entire books, or actual documents. Reliance upon what OTHER people said the Founders wrote is enough for many. An actual quote from Adams on DEMOCRACY:

"If there have been those who doubted whether a confederated representative democracy were a government competent to the wise and orderly management of the common concerns of a mighty nation, those doubts have been dispelled."

Jefferson concurred on that issue:

The development of representative political institutions, Jefferson concluded, "has rendered useless almost everything written before on the structure of government and in a great measure relieves our regret if the political writings of Aristotle, or of any other ancient, have been lost, or are unfaithfully rendered or explained to us." [3]
Jefferson feared what he termed PURE Democracy & favored REPRESENTATIVE democracy in the Republic.

So much prose; so little accuracy.

You on the left tend to make reference to only those limited PORTIONS of the Constitution you like -- and only when it suits you.

You take out of context the words of the Framers and Founders to distort their meaning, to suit your agenda.

YOU guys try (valiantly) to ignore the Federalist Papers, however.

I'm afraid I cannot take your posts seriously when they demonstrate -- as your quoted one does -- such an abject disregard for reality.
Those were the writings of Adams & Jefferson, not the Constitution. Sad you cannot tell the difference.

Thomas Jefferson: Writings (Autobiography, Notes on the State of Virginia, Public and Private Papers, Addresses, Letters) (Library of America) / Edition 1
by Thomas Jefferson

Again, Peachy. You have studiously missed the point. At this juncture, it starts to appear intentional.

Your ignorance is astounding. You are correcting me on your ASSumption that I need to BE corrected when, in actuality, I never said anything one way or the other about where the words came from.

What I DID say was that you guys ignore the Federalist Papers. You do.

You ALSO misinterpret what the Constitution actually says.

YOU are the one who claimed (ignorantly, baselessly and dishonestly) that Conservatives give the Constitution few mentions. You have zero evidence to support that bullshit.

You also pretended to be in a position to chastise conservatives for ignoring the words of the Founders. Again, you are full of crap. YOU liberoidal types tend to IGNORE the Federalist papers and thus CHOOSE to evade the intent of the Founders and the Framers.

Do try to keep up.
BOLO for the following Marxist words and phrases:

Income inequality
Workers Rights
Can we add the following Marxist words and phrases to the list?

prefixes "re," "de" and "in"
suffixes "ion," "ness," "er" and "s"
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You must know them all. Conservatives may choose to believe policies they do not agree with are MARXIST, but that does not make them such. Likewise I see FASCIST (not on this board much, as most posters are conservative to very conservative.) tossed out to describe conservative positions. I despise Rick Scott's policies but do not refer to him as a FASCIST.

Words have meanings, concepts exist.

You of the left live in a Humpty Dumpty world where words mean what you want them to mean at any given second.

Socialism: The control of the means of production by the state or central authority. Example - PeMex, the nationalized oil company of Mexico.

Fascism: A merger of state and corporate power structures to effect the control of the means of production by the state or central authority. Example - Obamacare.
BOLO for the following Marxist words and phrases:

Income inequality
Workers Rights

Climate Change
Social Justice

I can go on forever... :lol:
So in the tiny brain cells of SOME conservatives a MARXIST can be identified by one belief? The MARXISTS all meet at night when you are asleep and devise code words.......sure...............and I am not green, but am hoping to learn to create less environmental waste. As ______ used to write, "I am a 19th century liberal". Guess the conservative.

Most leftists haven't a clue what Marx actually wrote. Most leftists think whatever they are told to think by MoveOn, MSNBC, or Comedy Central.

Greens spout Marxist rhetoric. That they don't grasp that it is Marxist is irrelevant. 99% of the left fall into the group that Lenin dubbed "useful idiots."
"Public" anything.

public restroom?

Fuckin' commie bastards!

Actually, most of those are private restrooms, in business that are open to the public....Hence, liberoidals disingenuously referring to privately owned bars and restaurants as "public places", so the anti-smoking Nazis can justify enacting smoking bans.
"Public" anything.

public restroom?

Fuckin' commie bastards!

Actually, most of those are private restrooms, in business that are open to the public....Hence, liberoidals disingenuously referring to privately owned bars and restaurants as "public places", so the anti-smoking Nazis can justify enacting smoking bans.

Good point.

I remember the days when, in NYC, a patron at a diner could decide for himself how much salt he'd like to add to some scrambled eggs. Nowadays, Nanny Bloomberg makes such decisions for everyone.

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