Bombshell: Donald Trump Lost $50 Million of Dad’s Money by the Time He Was 33

Absolutely perfect, thanks Joe. I can always count on you.

Please observe, folks: Most people would find Jordan's words positive, maybe even motivational, inspirational.

They would think about their own lives, and whether those words could help them. And they CERTAINLY would want their CHILDREN to adopt such a valuable philosophy.

But not ol' Joe!

When he sees those words, he immediately finds a way to (in his mind) discredit them, deflect from them, ignore them.

That's where we are. You didn't build that, you didn't earn that, you don't deserve that.

That's how these people roll. Thanks again, Joe.

the man couldn't run away from his community fast enough...

No, I don't find his words inspirational because in the cosmic scheme of things, it's only a fucking game.

The guy was drummed out of the league for gambling, and then let back in because the NBA didn't have anyone with his public appeal.

I don't think that sends the right message to kids. 'Hey, kids, it's okay if you break the rules if you are charismatic enough and popular enough! And if we have a warehouse full of these Number 23 Jerseys we have to sell!"

Frankly, even though he's a rightwinger, I respect Charles Barkley more.

So.. . . .

let's just agree that the Bush dynasty is in cahoots with the Clinton's, they are both despicable, equally nefarious, and the best way to get them both out of D.C. is to not ever let either family into D.C. again? Pretty simple solution.

No, not really.

Hillary can run the country.

Trump can't.

It isn't fucking complicated. You don't give the crazy guy the nukes.
Absolutely perfect, thanks Joe. I can always count on you.

Please observe, folks: Most people would find Jordan's words positive, maybe even motivational, inspirational.

They would think about their own lives, and whether those words could help them. And they CERTAINLY would want their CHILDREN to adopt such a valuable philosophy.

But not ol' Joe!

When he sees those words, he immediately finds a way to (in his mind) discredit them, deflect from them, ignore them.

That's where we are. You didn't build that, you didn't earn that, you don't deserve that.

That's how these people roll. Thanks again, Joe.

the man couldn't run away from his community fast enough...

No, I don't find his words inspirational because in the cosmic scheme of things, it's only a fucking game.

The guy was drummed out of the league for gambling, and then let back in because the NBA didn't have anyone with his public appeal.

I don't think that sends the right message to kids. 'Hey, kids, it's okay if you break the rules if you are charismatic enough and popular enough! And if we have a warehouse full of these Number 23 Jerseys we have to sell!"

Frankly, even though he's a rightwinger, I respect Charles Barkley more.

And thanks again.
So.. . . .

let's just agree that the Bush dynasty is in cahoots with the Clinton's, they are both despicable, equally nefarious, and the best way to get them both out of D.C. is to not ever let either family into D.C. again? Pretty simple solution.

No, not really.

Hillary can run the country.

Trump can't.

It isn't fucking complicated. You don't give the crazy guy the nukes.

There are (still) people who don't understand that failure is part of the process of success.

Come on, Matthew, you're (still) trying too hard.


You left out the part where they banned him from the game for two years for illegal gambling and point shaving, but never mind.

Ignore the adultery, the gambling, the fact that someone whacked his dad to prove a point about his gambling debts... let's just pretend he's a cultural icon and ignore the bad stuff.

Don't you DARE ignore the bad stuff. Just be ACCURATE with it. Making up crap about him is a passion with the Hillary supporters. I know a few who are mad at Trump because they took on a deal with him and LOST. I know of no-one who is mad at him because he didn't put his guts into everything he did including trying to make them Money!!! Shit happens.

Hillary is an incompetent bimbo eruption!!!


There are (still) people who don't understand that failure is part of the process of success.

Come on, Matthew, you're (still) trying too hard.


You left out the part where they banned him from the game for two years for illegal gambling and point shaving, but never mind.

Ignore the adultery, the gambling, the fact that someone whacked his dad to prove a point about his gambling debts... let's just pretend he's a cultural icon and ignore the bad stuff.
Absolutely perfect, thanks Joe. I can always count on you.

Please observe, folks: Most people would find Jordan's words positive, maybe even motivational, inspirational.

They would think about their own lives, and whether those words could help them. And they CERTAINLY would want their CHILDREN to adopt such a valuable philosophy.

But not ol' Joe!

When he sees those words, he immediately finds a way to (in his mind) discredit them, deflect from them, ignore them.

That's where we are. You didn't build that, you didn't earn that, you don't deserve that.

That's how these people roll. Thanks again, Joe.

If a person is not perfect, he/she is not good enough for Joe.

He has an unsurpassed talent to see the cloud and miss the silver lining.
Bombshell: Donald Trump Lost $50 Million of Dad’s Money by the Time He Was 33
Donald Trump has created an image of himself as the best businessman in the world – albeit one who pays no taxes while expecting everybody else to do so, and excoriating them if they do not. While nobody said you can’t be a good business man while still being a hypocrite, is Trump really a good businessman?

It does not appear so. Not only did he lose almost a billion dollars in 1995, at a time when the economy was really doing rather well – despite Trump’s claims to the contrary – but as Newsweek‘s Kurt Eichenwald reveals in his latest bombshell, Trump would have gone belly up even earlier had not his father bailed him out.

It is well known by now that his father bankrolled Trump’s rather uninspiring rise to fame, and by a lot more than Trump is willing to admit, as Hillary Clinton helpfully reminded him in the first presidential debate. But it turns out Trump’s fumbling is nothing new, or even unusual:

All of the tax information that has been publicly revealed — The Washington Post published figures for 1978 and 1979 in May, Politico reported in June he had paid no taxes in 1991 and 1993, The New York Times published 1995 information last week and further information from the 1970s show the same thing: Trump paying little or no taxes because of poor financial performance and huge mistakes he made in his business. Trump has steadfastly refused to release any tax returns on his own, but the headline numbers for the eight years of financial returns that have now been disclosed demonstrate that Trump’s self-celebrated business genius is a pose.

The facts reveal, says Eichenwald, a Trump “unable to control his spending,” loading “himself up with debt from the credit line in an apparent belief that he could make enough money through other deals and investments to cover the interest payments.” We have often referred to Trump’s life as a shell game, and this appears to be exactly what it is.
Bombshell: Donald Trump Lost $50 Million of Dad's Money by the Time He Was 33

Damn, what a loser!
How much did the clintons son in law lose in that goofy hedge fund he managed.
I think it was billions wasn't it.

There are (still) people who don't understand that failure is part of the process of success.

Come on, Matthew, you're (still) trying too hard.


You left out the part where they banned him from the game for two years for illegal gambling and point shaving, but never mind.

Ignore the adultery, the gambling, the fact that someone whacked his dad to prove a point about his gambling debts... let's just pretend he's a cultural icon and ignore the bad stuff.
Absolutely perfect, thanks Joe. I can always count on you.

Please observe, folks: Most people would find Jordan's words positive, maybe even motivational, inspirational.

They would think about their own lives, and whether those words could help them. And they CERTAINLY would want their CHILDREN to adopt such a valuable philosophy.

But not ol' Joe!

When he sees those words, he immediately finds a way to (in his mind) discredit them, deflect from them, ignore them.

That's where we are. You didn't build that, you didn't earn that, you don't deserve that.

That's how these people roll. Thanks again, Joe.

If a person is not perfect, he/she is not good enough for Joe.

He has an unsurpassed talent to see the cloud and miss the silver lining.

How anyone can attack Jordan's words is a mystery. One has to be pretty miserable.
Regressive anti-Trumpers living in alternate reality again.

Trump is a business legend and the world's 232nd richest man.
But Trump could go out and kill someone, and they'd still vote for him. Losing loads of money, they don't care! That's what makes this election and US politics in general so f*cked up.
Are many of us voting for him, or against the parkinsbeast????
There's a HUGE difference in losing money as a businessman than when a politician loses it:

State Dept. misplaced $6B under Hillary Clinton: IG report

Oh, not this again!

Hillary Clinton Lost $6 Billion at the State Department?


Some have concluded based on this that $6 billion is missing. The alert, however, did not draw that conclusion. Instead, it found that the failure to adequately maintain contract files — documents necessary to ensure the full accounting of U.S. tax dollars — “creates significant financial risk and demonstrates a lack of internal control over the Department’s contract actions.”
You know the old saying:

tell a lie long enough and loud enough...
But Trump could go out and kill someone, and they'd still vote for him. Losing loads of money, they don't care! That's what makes this election and US politics in general so f*cked up.
Hillary did get people killed and the left doesn't care. Trump made his money back and then some.

Leftists are incapable of seeing any success apart from mother government.
There's a HUGE difference in losing money as a businessman than when a politician loses it:

State Dept. misplaced $6B under Hillary Clinton: IG report

Oh, not this again!

Hillary Clinton Lost $6 Billion at the State Department?


Some have concluded based on this that $6 billion is missing. The alert, however, did not draw that conclusion. Instead, it found that the failure to adequately maintain contract files — documents necessary to ensure the full accounting of U.S. tax dollars — “creates significant financial risk and demonstrates a lack of internal control over the Department’s contract actions.”
You know the old saying:

tell a lie long enough and loud enough...
Every golfer sez that after a bad shot. It usually begins with, "I can make that shot....."

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