Bombshell: Donald Trump Lost $50 Million of Dad’s Money by the Time He Was 33

ou're so eager to prove my points for me, and I appreciate it.

you don't need me to prove you are a pompous ass with an inflated opinion of yourself. You do that fine all by yourself.
And right on cue, after you illustrate my points for me, you go straight to the personal insults and name-calling.

All these posts you've made about my post, yet not one that directly addressed its point.

Because you're a liar and a coward.
And right on cue, after you illustrate my points for me, you go straight to the personal insults and name-calling.

All these posts you've made about my post, yet not one that directly addressed its point.

Because you're a liar and a coward.

Your point was silly. I addressed it just fine. Michael Jordan isn't a role model and he's not someone I'd want a kid to look up to. He essentially told a generation of young kids it's okay to break the rules as long as you make money.

Which is why the morning Sports Report is sometimes indistinguishable from the Crime Report with all the drugs and spousal abuse.
And right on cue, after you illustrate my points for me, you go straight to the personal insults and name-calling.

All these posts you've made about my post, yet not one that directly addressed its point.

Because you're a liar and a coward.

Your point was silly. I addressed it just fine. Michael Jordan isn't a role model and he's not someone I'd want a kid to look up to. He essentially told a generation of young kids it's okay to break the rules as long as you make money.

Which is why the morning Sports Report is sometimes indistinguishable from the Crime Report with all the drugs and spousal abuse.
And again you go after Jordan and ignore what he said.

Tell me, Joe: Do you think that successful people fail as part of their success process? Is that a good philosophy for kids to follow, to not be afraid to fail?

Two clear, straightforward questions. Go ahead, knock 'em out of the park.
And again you go after Jordan and ignore what he said.

Tell me, Joe: Do you think that successful people fail as part of their success process? Is that a good philosophy for kids to follow, to not be afraid to fail?

Two clear, straightforward questions. Go ahead, knock 'em out of the park.

Guy, you are the one presenting a philandering cheater as a role model. I think that send a horrible message to kids. Might as well use the OJ Quote, which has kind of a similar sentiment.

My experience is "success" is usually linked to the willingness to fuck over anyone unfortunate enough to get in your way. Lot of people work very hard and have very little to show for it at the end of their lives.... you pompous asshole.
creates significant financial risk and demonstrates a lack of internal control over the Department’s contract actions.”

Is that ALL??

Fucking hell; that's a bloody DISASTER!!! It's a recipe for fraud and frankly just disgusting management!!!


again, your boy Bush sent pallet loads of money to Iraq that no one ever saw again..

So, um, no.
And again you go after Jordan and ignore what he said.

Tell me, Joe: Do you think that successful people fail as part of their success process? Is that a good philosophy for kids to follow, to not be afraid to fail?

Two clear, straightforward questions. Go ahead, knock 'em out of the park.

Guy, you are the one presenting a philandering cheater as a role model. I think that send a horrible message to kids. Might as well use the OJ Quote, which has kind of a similar sentiment.

My experience is "success" is usually linked to the willingness to fuck over anyone unfortunate enough to get in your way. Lot of people work very hard and have very little to show for it at the end of their lives.... you pompous asshole.
Perfect. For you. Thanks.

Your definition of success is precisely what I thought it would be: "Fuck over anyone unfortunate enough to get in your way".

Even though I knew that, it's still sad.
Bombshell: Donald Trump Lost $50 Million of Dad’s Money by the Time He Was 33
Donald Trump has created an image of himself as the best businessman in the world – albeit one who pays no taxes while expecting everybody else to do so, and excoriating them if they do not. While nobody said you can’t be a good business man while still being a hypocrite, is Trump really a good businessman?

It does not appear so. Not only did he lose almost a billion dollars in 1995, at a time when the economy was really doing rather well – despite Trump’s claims to the contrary – but as Newsweek‘s Kurt Eichenwald reveals in his latest bombshell, Trump would have gone belly up even earlier had not his father bailed him out.

It is well known by now that his father bankrolled Trump’s rather uninspiring rise to fame, and by a lot more than Trump is willing to admit, as Hillary Clinton helpfully reminded him in the first presidential debate. But it turns out Trump’s fumbling is nothing new, or even unusual:

All of the tax information that has been publicly revealed — The Washington Post published figures for 1978 and 1979 in May, Politico reported in June he had paid no taxes in 1991 and 1993, The New York Times published 1995 information last week and further information from the 1970s show the same thing: Trump paying little or no taxes because of poor financial performance and huge mistakes he made in his business. Trump has steadfastly refused to release any tax returns on his own, but the headline numbers for the eight years of financial returns that have now been disclosed demonstrate that Trump’s self-celebrated business genius is a pose.

The facts reveal, says Eichenwald, a Trump “unable to control his spending,” loading “himself up with debt from the credit line in an apparent belief that he could make enough money through other deals and investments to cover the interest payments.” We have often referred to Trump’s life as a shell game, and this appears to be exactly what it is.
Bombshell: Donald Trump Lost $50 Million of Dad's Money by the Time He Was 33

Damn, what a loser!

Well, so much for that $1 million loan from daddy he likes to talk about.
But Trump could go out and kill someone, and they'd still vote for him. Losing loads of money, they don't care! That's what makes this election and US politics in general so f*cked up.
Are many of us voting for him, or against the parkinsbeast????

I'd say you're voting for him.
Nope, Rubio and Paul were my men.
I;m voting against parkinsatan, and for the SCOTUS.

Sure you are. Wouldn't it make more sense to vote 3rd party and try and change the way America works?
Perfect. For you. Thanks.

Your definition of success is precisely what I thought it would be: "Fuck over anyone unfortunate enough to get in your way".

Even though I knew that, it's still sad.

Hey, I'm a realist. The problem is, we have a system that rewards assholes.

Case in point, we now know your hero Jordan was shaving points to help out his gambling buddies... that was really screwing over his teammates, wasn't it? The guys who didn't get endorsement deals. And this guy got shitloads of money selling his Air Jordans, which were made by poor kids in third world countries getting paid dimes a day.

But let's admire his money and his fame... not the people he stepped on to get there.
Yes, we all know... A billionaire with exceptionally good failure rate is just not successful enough to be the president.

They should have chosen someone like Matthew instead - someone working at a parasitical government job having never produced anything useful. (but of course #NotAll)...
Perfect. For you. Thanks.

Your definition of success is precisely what I thought it would be: "Fuck over anyone unfortunate enough to get in your way".

Even though I knew that, it's still sad.

Hey, I'm a realist. The problem is, we have a system that rewards assholes.

Case in point, we now know your hero Jordan was shaving points to help out his gambling buddies... that was really screwing over his teammates, wasn't it? The guys who didn't get endorsement deals. And this guy got shitloads of money selling his Air Jordans, which were made by poor kids in third world countries getting paid dimes a day.

But let's admire his money and his fame... not the people he stepped on to get there.
You made your point about success loud and clear, Joe.

It's who you are.

No need to keep pitching.

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