Booster shots will not help much, getting the unvaccinated, vaccinated ...will help!

No, I'm not spreading lies. The variant wasn't created in the vaccinated patient zero, when he went to south Africa he was negative, the second or third day after he returned from south africa and was in quarantine, he tested positive. He was vaccinated, but he caught it while in south africa, it was created in africa, where the super majority of people are NOT vaccinated.

LOL do you know what patient zero MEANS
No, I'm not spreading lies. The variant wasn't created in the vaccinated patient zero, when he went to south Africa he was negative, the second or third day after he returned from south africa and was in quarantine, he tested positive. He was vaccinated, but he caught it while in south africa, it was created in africa, where the super majority of people are NOT vaccinated.

Definition of patient zero

: a person identified as the first to become infected with an illness or disease in an outbreakThe quest to find patient zero, the first person to contract the new virus, has revealed the first known case occurred in Wuhan …— Susan Dunlevy
The alternative to what? A 99.7% survival rate??

How do you propose getting everyone vaccinated? Force?

Can you guarantee no detrimental side effects?

Do you propose to take everyone’s personal medical choice away from them for something that 99.7% of people will survive? What gives you that right?
This is the part that is the most baffling, 99.75% survival! Should I blame public schools? Lol Naaaaa, every adult is responsible to keep up with accurate information and not be gullible to lame Stream media‘s interpretations nor to our current government with their intentional expansion of powers. Who in their right mind, including most 5th graders working on a math story problem and percentages, really thinks a 99.75% is not almost all? Obviously, there’s a huge need to emphasize percentages and ratios in public schools.
When you run an intensive fear campaign long enough and hard enough, you can make people react to a virus that has a 99% survivability rate as if had a 1% survivability rate. There's selling snow to an Eskimo, and then there's this kind of thing.
Every week I keep hoping that many more citizens will “wake up” coming now from a new subset:those who accepted the jabs but didn’t want to, those who had 3 jabs and are hearing about a 4th now “needed”. It is more than evident that more than a few pro-fake vaxers choose to be asleep while others pretend to sleep. The globalists are pretending to be asleep, and will soon face a snow ball type of resistance to their false flag. This resistance is predicted to double within the next few weeks, as globalists continue to deceive the masses for personal motives and global control.
LOL do you know what patient zero MEANS
Patient zero, in the article I found was the first patient tested and identified as having the variant and he was outside of South Africa, when identified and tested.

patient zero is not the first person with the disease in the article I read, patient zero was the first person, outside of the south africa area, that was tested for covid variants, that had the new variant identified as the variant of covid that he was infected with.

The new variant infected him, while on a trip he made to South Africa. He caught it from a South African. Within 72hours of him being tested, a few dozen people around the world were identified as having the new covid variant as well....they all had South African contact.

So, South Africa went back and reviewed their test tube samples of past people who had covid recently, in Botswana they tested 12 samples as example, and all 12 samp!es of recent covid patients showed they had the Omicron version.

Patient zero is NOT the person the variant was created in, patient zero is the first person that is tested and shown to have it.

What do you think patient zero is....?
The alternative to what? A 99.7% survival rate??

How do you propose getting everyone vaccinated? Force?

Can you guarantee no detrimental side effects?

Do you propose to take everyone’s personal medical choice away from them for something that 99.7% of people will survive? What gives you that right?
Under normal circumstances, if politics wasn't involved, most Americans would be vaccinated by now. Not because they themselves were in fear of dying, but because they didn't want the people with a near 10% chance of dying when getting it, getting it and dying. Parents, grandparents, pastors, people in nursing homes, people having transplants, your elders at your church, your aunt on kidney dialysis, your sister with asthma etc etc etc etc.

What I see is a death squad of people, deciding who is going to live or're the Death Squad, you are choosing who will die....who aren't worthy of living in your minds. 800,000 of them, dead already.
Under normal circumstances, if politics wasn't involved, most Americans would be vaccinated by now. Not because they themselves were in fear of dying, but because they didn't want the people with a near 10% chance of dying when getting it, getting it and dying. Parents, grandparents, pastors, people in nursing homes, people having transplants, your elders at your church, your aunt on kidney dialysis, your sister with asthma etc etc etc etc.

What I see is a death squad of people, deciding who is going to live or're the Death Squad, you are choosing who will die....who aren't worthy of living in your minds. 800,000 of them, dead already.
there is less then 1 percent chance if dying be specific now and CITE and LINK to any credible source that claims 10 percent.
.28 percent death rate. less then 1 percent again not 10 percent.

Mortality Rate (23k / 8.4M = 0.28% CMR to date) and Probability of Dying

As of May 1, 23,430 people are estimated to have died out of a total population of 8,398,748 in New York City. This corresponds to a 0.28% crude mortality rate to date, or 279 deaths per 100,000 population, or 1 death every 358 people. Note that the Crude Mortality Rate will continue to increase as more infections and deaths occur (see notes under the paragraph "Herd Immunity" below for details).

there is less then 1 percent chance if dying be specific now and CITE and LINK to any credible source that claims 10 percent.

United StatesAll Sexes75-84 years200,2021,519,431
200k deaths from covid out of 1.5 million ....that's over 10%, maybe 14% in deaths
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United StatesAll Sexes75-84 years200,2021,519,431
200k deaths from covid out of 1.5 million ....that's over 10%, maybe 14% in deaths
This isn't the chart I was looking for with the specific data we were talking about, I'm still looking for it Sgt, but it still shows how much greater the risk of dying is, by age groups.

United StatesAll Sexes75-84 years200,2021,519,431
200k deaths from covid out of 1.5 million ....that's over 10%, maybe 14% in deaths
That included other diseases again for the slow 1 in 130.

This is an extremely in depth article I just found, that explains why, mathematically tied to science, booster shots won't help in slowing the spread of covid and will not lower hospital beds in use for covid.

It's really worth reading.

Basically, the rate of infection spread of covid can not be reduced enough by giving the vaccinated a 95%+ protection rate with a booster shot, instead of the 83% protection it is running now with Delta....

Vs. Getting 25% more of the unvaccinated, vaccinated, with the 83% protection....which will reduce infection spread and hospitals capping out with patients.

The focus has to be on getting more of the unvaccinated, we all can have a near normal, lifestyle again and be able to live with covid.

(those who already have had covid don't count... they have some protection like the vaccinated.... It's getting those with no protection at all, vaccinated, that will help the most, to bring us to some resemblance of normal.)

It's fine to get a booster, it just won't help society on the whole, enough.

Please read the article, and go through the whole exercise.

I'm heading to the sack, will respond tomorrow!
As it gets clearer by the day the "vaccines" causes all sorts of health issues while the "unvaccinated" are chilling with zero medical issues, government, media, and big pharma are pushing to get the majority "vaccinated", so the deaths can be blamed on "new variants". They know they screwed up, and still doubling/tripling down to cover the tracks.
Patient zero, in the article I found was the first patient tested and identified as having the variant and he was outside of South Africa, when identified and tested.

patient zero is not the first person with the disease in the article I read, patient zero was the first person, outside of the south africa area, that was tested for covid variants, that had the new variant identified as the variant of covid that he was infected with.

The new variant infected him, while on a trip he made to South Africa. He caught it from a South African. Within 72hours of him being tested, a few dozen people around the world were identified as having the new covid variant as well....they all had South African contact.

So, South Africa went back and reviewed their test tube samples of past people who had covid recently, in Botswana they tested 12 samples as example, and all 12 samp!es of recent covid patients showed they had the Omicron version.

Patient zero is NOT the person the variant was created in, patient zero is the first person that is tested and shown to have it.

What do you think patient zero is....?

Patient zero is the first to get it, not the first to have someone notice it.
Patient zero is important because then we can figure out how it jumped to humans or why the variant occurred.
It tells us something about how it was created, so that we then can better combat it or avoid repeating mistakes in the future.
If patient zero was just the first something is noticed in, it is useless.
We learn nothing from that except that our testing methodology was bad before then.
Under normal circumstances, if politics wasn't involved, most Americans would be vaccinated by now. Not because they themselves were in fear of dying, but because they didn't want the people with a near 10% chance of dying when getting it, getting it and dying. Parents, grandparents, pastors, people in nursing homes, people having transplants, your elders at your church, your aunt on kidney dialysis, your sister with asthma etc etc etc etc.

What I see is a death squad of people, deciding who is going to live or're the Death Squad, you are choosing who will die....who aren't worthy of living in your minds. 800,000 of them, dead already.

No, normally you have normal vaccines, so then we know what to expect and can trust them.
These mRNA injections are not normal vaccines, are over 10 times more dangerous than anything previously claiming to be a vaccine, and have pretty clearly demonstrated they have no long term immunity benefit, and are totally fake. They are just good for a temporary treatment, since they temporarily stimulate antibody production.

Who is responsible for the majority of the 800,000 deaths are those pushing "flattening the curve".
That is not a normal, historic, acceptable, or remotely rational strategy.
That prevents herd immunity and maximized both the duration and the death total.
Total quarantine is fine or deliberate infection is fine.
But "flattening the curve" is a mix that can't work, and is obviously being done just to maximize vaccine profits for mRNA injections that do not work for any long term immunity at all.
They can not work.
You can't establish immunity based on spike proteins our own exosomes use.
It goes by age sgt, those in the oldest group category are dying at a near 10% rate from covid, those in the youngest category, at a near 0%.

Which is why early on we should have deliberately infected the young, achieved herd immunity, and ended it with fewer than 50,000 deaths.

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