Border wall to be built in Rio Grande Valley

I would rather be coherent and rational, as opposed to Pavlovianly triggered.
Many experts and border patrol agents have called The Valley a fucking superhighway of illegal border crossings. They have complained that patrolling alone is not enough. There needs to be a structure that supports patrolling.

I am not calling for a wall from Laredo to El Paso. That area is way too forbidding to justify the waste.

From the Gulf to the other side of Laredo is probably the highest illegal crossing section of the Mexican border. It needs a wall and other measures.

What is unreasonable about that?
tunnels will always circumvent barriers.
Tunnels are easy to detect and easier to fill.

Would you rather make a burglar break into your house or would you prefer to just leave the front door open, given that doors don't stop break-ins.

Really? You think they are easy to detect? The BP says different...................

US-Mexico Drug Tunnels Evolving Amid Increased Border Security

Lenoir said the sophisticated tunnels centered around San Diego are becoming narrower and harder to detect – ranging anywhere from 36 inches to less than four feet in diameter.

So far, the most reliable method of detection has been what Lenoir called “good old-fashioned police work,” with officials pursuing leads from informants who notice suspicious jackhammer sounds, large piles of dirt, or people coming and going at unusual hours. But U.S. federal agencies are now seeking to improve tunnel detection technologies.

Tunnel Detection Technology Is “Lacking”

“We need to bring the technology piece. Right now, it’s lacking,” Lenoir said. “I mean we’re talking about a niche problem that doesn’t have any parallel to commercial or industry standard.”

Existing technology – ranging from ground-penetrating radar to sensors that detect changes in microgravity – gets thrown off by surface clutter and noise, and there is a lot of cross-border traffic in this area. Radio and electromagnetic interference is another problem. Heterogeneous geology along the U.S.-Mexico border – a mix of porous, sandy and rocky – also makes it hard to see what is underground.
I would rather be coherent and rational, as opposed to Pavlovianly triggered.
Many experts and border patrol agents have called The Valley a fucking superhighway of illegal border crossings. They have complained that patrolling alone is not enough. There needs to be a structure that supports patrolling.

I am not calling for a wall from Laredo to El Paso. That area is way too forbidding to justify the waste.

From the Gulf to the other side of Laredo is probably the highest illegal crossing section of the Mexican border. It needs a wall and other measures.

What is unreasonable about that?
Arrests For Illegal Border Crossings Hit 46-Year Low
December 5, 201711:10 AM ET
Arrests For Illegal Border Crossings Hit 46-Year Low
You know, a wall would have done zero to stop the largest fentanyl bust in US history, because they found it and some meth, in a false bottom of a truck, entering in via a regular port of entry.

If they really want to make a difference, more agents, and better detection equipment would be far more beneficial than a static wall, that apparently, a lot of people in the OP's link don't want.
You are a dumbass. The more walls and security, the more that try at legal entry. Where entry is personal...
not True....Berlin wall, didn't stop the migration, China's great wall, didn't stop both migration and invasions....Europe has a body of water and still get illegal immigration....Immigration legal or illegal is a natural human movement....Just because you ended up here earlier your or your ancestors doesn't mean that you can stop the course of migration that has been happening for thousands of years. It's dumb and selfish.
not True....Berlin wall, didn't stop the migration, China's great wall, didn't stop both migration and invasions....Europe has a body of water and still get illegal immigration....Immigration legal or illegal is a natural human movement....Just because you ended up here earlier your or your ancestors doesn't mean that you can stop the course of migration that has been happening for thousands of years. It's dumb and selfish.
We can't stop everything. We just need to slow it the fuck down to prevent a communist take-over. A wall takes a lot of work to take down. Also, consider the optics of such an action.

This is a "permanent" fix that neither Dem nor GOP wants.

DO it.!!!

Obviously we need more than one method of border security. Otherwise we run into problems that say we should not examine tankers or trucks because there is a wall.

If you listen to Trump, he'll tell you that a wall will cure the drug problem, stop illegals and terrorists and make America great again. According to Trump, if we have a wall, we won't need anything else.

False, Trump has never said that, why must you people lie?
not True....Berlin wall, didn't stop the migration, China's great wall, didn't stop both migration and invasions....Europe has a body of water and still get illegal immigration....Immigration legal or illegal is a natural human movement....Just because you ended up here earlier your or your ancestors doesn't mean that you can stop the course of migration that has been happening for thousands of years. It's dumb and selfish.
We can't stop everything. We just need to slow it the fuck down to prevent a communist take-over. A wall takes a lot of work to take down. Also, consider the optics of such an action.

This is a "permanent" fix that neither Dem nor GOP wants.

DO it.!!!


Bingo, this is why Dems and Republicans both voted for the fence/wall when Bush and then Obama was President. They KNEW neither of those jack asses would actually build it, give Trump $5.7B and a big portion of fence will be up inside a year.
You know, a wall would have done zero to stop the largest fentanyl bust in US history, because they found it and some meth, in a false bottom of a truck, entering in via a regular port of entry.

If they really want to make a difference, more agents, and better detection equipment would be far more beneficial than a static wall, that apparently, a lot of people in the OP's link don't want.
You are a dumbass. The more walls and security, the more that try at legal entry. Where entry is personal...
not True....Berlin wall, didn't stop the migration, China's great wall, didn't stop both migration and invasions....Europe has a body of water and still get illegal immigration....Immigration legal or illegal is a natural human movement....Just because you ended up here earlier your or your ancestors doesn't mean that you can stop the course of migration that has been happening for thousands of years. It's dumb and selfish.
Complete strawman
Walls are like door locks on your house. It wont STOP them but it will SLOW them.
I dint even support a wall, i support solutions.
However, the arguments against a wall not doing its job is illogical. Kinda like you debating an argument i didnt make.
“We need to bring the technology piece. Right now, it’s lacking,” Lenoir said. “I mean we’re talking about a niche problem that doesn’t have any parallel to commercial or industry standard.”

that 'smart wall' i keep hearing about Biker, not sure on the specifics......~S~
not True....Berlin wall, didn't stop the migration, China's great wall, didn't stop both migration and invasions....Europe has a body of water and still get illegal immigration....Immigration legal or illegal is a natural human movement....Just because you ended up here earlier your or your ancestors doesn't mean that you can stop the course of migration that has been happening for thousands of years. It's dumb and selfish.
We can't stop everything. We just need to slow it the fuck down to prevent a communist take-over. A wall takes a lot of work to take down. Also, consider the optics of such an action.

This is a "permanent" fix that neither Dem nor GOP wants.

DO it.!!!

if you cared about communism so much, you wouldn't be happy supporting Russians against your own citizens that think differently...and also you would be pissed of at seing %54 of the budget and our hard earned money go to the defense are just hyped up because you think that Carlos that work 2 low key jobs for 16 hours is a threat to your comfort because they fed you that on daily basis.
US prepares to start building portion of Texas border wall
Slowly but surely cutting off easy entry points for the invaders.
I had the impression the Rio Grande is an important water source. Are there many other watering places around there?

HOUSTON (AP) — The U.S. government is preparing to begin construction of more border walls and fencing in South Texas’ Rio Grande Valley, likely on federally owned land set aside as wildlife refuge property.
.Berlin wall, didn't stop the migration

As a matter of fact, it did just that. It kept East Germans contained in a state of involuntary Socialism for over 30 years.

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