Both parties are about what is best for one man, not our country.

Both parties are about what is best for one man qng their party, not our country.
Neither Joe Biden or Donald Trump should be the leader of our country.
Both parties have their head up their asses. We need a party who is about what is best for the USA.

Rejected. No.

You've been a shill for Democrats/Obama/Biden since I've been here. There's no trying to win us over or conscript us into your own madness.

Your game.

Your rules.

You hate it.

That's not our problem.
Both parties are about what is best for one man qng their party, not our country.
Neither Joe Biden or Donald Trump should be the leader of our country.
Both parties have their head up their asses. We need a party who is about what is best for the USA.

Trump would have had a tougher Primary if not for the J6 Committee. Awful stunt by the Neo-Cons which really rekindled his resurgence.

Then Biden helped Trump a great deal. Biden wouldn't have had much to worry about if not for an open border and the I.R.A, in particular. Both disasterous in my opinion.

At this point it is simply politics as usual, of course they support their nominees. The one major benefit Trump and America has is that Trumps V.P will be a solid choice because he has many good options. Furthermore I trust Trumps criteria for selecting his administration other than looking for a particular chromosome or skin pigmentation. This has to bring some hope to Americans if they head in his direction. Canadians aren't much better in all fairness, we are far worse in some respects.

I find Americans are too influenced by media, too lazy and lacking curiousity. They certainly don't understand the world enough, nor the policies, domestic or otherwise. In particular policies which may decide the long term sustainability of the U.S to remain a global super power.

The stakes are quite high. These are your choices.
Both parties are about what is best for one man qng their party, not our country.
Neither Joe Biden or Donald Trump should be the leader of our country.
Both parties have their head up their asses. We need a party who is about what is best for the USA.
So now since you see the dems are not your savior you want to reject both parties?.... wake up man...
Both parties are about what is best for one man qng their party, not our country.
Neither Joe Biden or Donald Trump should be the leader of our country.
Both parties have their head up their asses. We need a party who is about what is best for the USA.
Contrary to your statement, Trump was best for our country in 2017 to 2020, whereas Joe Biden was foisted upon America by a rigged election through cheating, chicanary, lies and outright theft.
You and your "Progressive" Leftist friends have helped cause the problems Americans have faced these last three and a half years. All perpetrated by the so-called Democrat Party.
Both parties are about what is best for one man qng their party, not our country.
Neither Joe Biden or Donald Trump should be the leader of our country.
Both parties have their head up their asses. We need a party who is about what is best for the USA.
It's people like you who have their heads up their ass.
Clearly you have no clue what the parties are or the purposes they serve.

It is the difference in opinion of "what is best for the USA" that results in the two main parties we do have, and a handful of small "third" parties since each side, and those in between, has different=opposing goals.

One side wants to get more government involved in everything and move towards more socialism.
The other side wants to see smaller government and more free enterprise.

Now you come along thinking we should only have ONE party that "is about what is best for the USA".
Do you know and understand history of the past century (at least) to see the recipe for tyranny you advocate ???

Try this simple, easy 10 question test that measures where one is on the political spectrum and them contemplate where everyone else posting on this board might score/place. Do that and you may get a little bit of grasp on what the real problem/issue is about.

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Both parties are about what is best for one man qng their party, not our country.
Neither Joe Biden or Donald Trump should be the leader of our country.
Both parties have their head up their asses. We need a party who is about what is best for the USA.
STFU. You’re a leftwing twat having a mental breakdown because your Dear Leader was shown for what he is in front of the world, a lost old man who has no idea what is going on.

The Uniparty that has run Washington for the last 50 years is broken. America is tried of these globalists, neocons, warmongers, and corrupt pieces of shit. Time to Make America Great Again by kicking them all to the curb and putting America First!
Both parties are about what is best for one man qng their party, not our country.
Neither Joe Biden or Donald Trump should be the leader of our country.
Both parties have their head up their asses. We need a party who is about what is best for the USA.
This doesn't improve unless and until we fix a "system" (ha) that incentivizes and rewards the worst impulses of its participants.

Minor problem: We just don't care enough to do that.
This doesn't improve unless and until we fix a "system" (ha) that incentivizes and rewards the worst impulses of its participants.

Minor problem: We just don't care enough to do that.

You haven't been about "fixing" any "system" Mac. You've used your own outraged feelings about Trump to massage your ego for years, to the point you cast all of us as being in a "cult", etc.

You and yours have been exposed as Machiavellian liars. Go twist in the wind with it, you all deserve it.
This doesn't improve unless and until we fix a "system" (ha) that incentivizes and rewards the worst impulses of its participants.

Minor problem: We just don't care enough to do that.
Bigger problem is you don't have a working "fix" for the "system".

Smaller problem is that nine out of ten who bitch about how "bad" the "system" is haven't bothered to get in and play on one team or the other; i.e. having not gotten inside, they have no clue what it is, how it works, or where to start if there was a fix. :rolleyes:
Hahahaha, and how are we going to do that? By voting for Andrew fucking Yang? LOL.

Mac1958 has been about "fixing the system" for the last 8 years by having a long, protracted and embarrassing meltdown over Trump, therefore losing all perspective.

If you have a literal brain disease like Biden I understand this. Short of that, a voluntary loss of reason is inexcusable IMO, especially when it's not over something trivial, but over something that has decimated a formerly great nation.

Trump made them unreasonable.

It is said "Men go crazy in congregation, they only get better one by one".

We shall see. I have my serious doubts.

Both parties are about what is best for one man, not our country.​

Wrong! It's not our fault your man Joe is a feeble washed up mush brain. We are 100% in love with Trump's policies and vision for the country, and his willingness to take on the nasty Democrats and beat them at their own gutter politics if that's what it takes. Trump is not a doormat like George Bush was, letting Dems savage him. Trump hits back as good as he gets and that's what pisses off the Democrats.

There's a poster on this forum who is fond of saying, "your rules, you will hate it" or something to that effect. Dems are getting a dose of their own medicine and they hate it.
Both parties are about what is best for one man qng their party, not our country.
Neither Joe Biden or Donald Trump should be the leader of our country.
Both parties have their head up their asses. We need a party who is about what is best for the USA.
Dear God in heaven, politicians in both parties lie?

Burn it all down!!!
It's people like you who have their heads up their ass.
Clearly you have no clue what the parties are or the purposes they serve.

It is the difference in opinion of "what is best for the USA" that results in the two main parties we do have, and a handful of small "third" parties since each side, and those in between, has different=opposing goals.

One side wants to get more government involved in everything and move towards more socialism.
The other side wants to see smaller government and more free enterprise.

Now you come along thinking we should only have ONE party that "is about what is best for the USA".
Do you know and understand history of the past century (at least) to see the recipe for tyranny you advocate ???

Try this simple, easy 10 question test that measures where one is on the political spectrum and them contemplate where everyone else posting on this board might score/place. Do that and you may get a little bit of grasp on what the real problem/issue is about.

You Scored: Moderate​

Personal Issues Score:
Economic Issues Score:

Rejected. No.

You've been a shill for Democrats/Obama/Biden since I've been here. There's no trying to win us over or conscript us into your own madness.

Your game.

Your rules.

You hate it.

That's not our problem.

Democrats aren't "mad". They're the ones who keep patching the economy up and getting it back on track after the Republican President crashes the economy.

Demomcrats are the ones who get control of the Southern Border, and reduce illegal immigration and reduce the deficit. Republicans stop prosecuting employers and the illegal immigration rates skyrocket, and then they blame Democrats.

There is no convincing you because you've been brainwashed by right wing media. You don't fact check, can't read economic data, so it's easy to deceive you. And you WANT to vote for white supremacy.

There are far more decent Americans than there are people willing to vote against their own best interests in order to keep minorities in "their place".
Don't burn it all down, but vote liars out of office.

The fact that we have come to accept, even expect, our elected officials to lie to use regularly is disgusting.
Get prepared to be ruled over by Trump again. It is inevitable at this point.
The monster, Jill Biden, was too selfish and high on power to treat her husband like a human being. As a result he won't step down. She will drive him like an old chevy, straight to his grave.

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