Both sides: Please read this


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
Republicans and Democrats: America has a criminal justice system, while not perfect, it's worked reasonably well for a long time.

Maybe it's time for Democrats to stop bitching about Donald Trump's legal woes, Republicans to stop bitching about Hunter Bidens legal woes, let the Justice dept. FBI, and prosecutors do their job. Contrary to what many of you think, these folks are pretty good at uncovering every facet of the truth. :bye1:
Republicans and Democrats: America has a criminal justice system, while not perfect, it's worked reasonably well for a long time.

Maybe it's time for Democrats to stop bitching about Donald Trump's legal woes, Republicans to stop bitching about Hunter Bidens legal woes, let the Justice dept. FBI, and prosecutors do their job. Contrary to what many of you think, these folks are pretty good at uncovering every facet of the truth. :bye1:
I agree the justice system has worked well in the past, more or less.

The problem comes when they do uncover every facet of the truth, yet major network media choose which facet to report on or not. That influence affects our entire civilization.
Republicans and Democrats: America has a criminal justice system, while not perfect, it's worked reasonably well for a long time.

Maybe it's time for Democrats to stop bitching about Donald Trump's legal woes, Republicans to stop bitching about Hunter Bidens legal woes, let the Justice dept. FBI, and prosecutors do their job. Contrary to what many of you think, these folks are pretty good at uncovering every facet of the truth. :bye1:
That might work if Americans had trust and confidence in their legal system. Unfortunately we have seen so many liberals walk away scot-free free and so many Trump supporters indicted and prosecuted that many of us seriously believe the FBI and the DOJ are rotten at the top if not all the way down.

Republicans and Democrats: America has a criminal justice system, while not perfect, it's worked reasonably well for a long time.

Maybe it's time for Democrats to stop bitching about Donald Trump's legal woes, Republicans to stop bitching about Hunter Bidens legal woes, let the Justice dept. FBI, and prosecutors do their job. Contrary to what many of you think, these folks are pretty good at uncovering every facet of the truth. :bye1:
The truth is they're compromised nazi fags with badges and guns

This is one of the many reasons I hate normies

Republicans and Democrats: America has a criminal justice system, while not perfect, it's worked reasonably well for a long time.

Maybe it's time for Democrats to stop bitching about Donald Trump's legal woes, Republicans to stop bitching about Hunter Bidens legal woes, let the Justice dept. FBI, and prosecutors do their job. Contrary to what many of you think, these folks are pretty good at uncovering every facet of the truth. :bye1:

This ignores the reason why many people (especially those who bang on about this stuff all the time) want from politics.

They want to be able to bitch and moan, blame the other side, get angry. That's what they see politics as.
Republicans and Democrats: America has a criminal justice system, while not perfect, it's worked reasonably well for a long time.

Maybe it's time for Democrats to stop bitching about Donald Trump's legal woes, Republicans to stop bitching about Hunter Bidens legal woes, let the Justice dept. FBI, and prosecutors do their job. Contrary to what many of you think, these folks are pretty good at uncovering every facet of the truth. :bye1:

What happened to no justice, no peace and that the government was helplessly systemically racist?

Woops! My bad. That's before democrats took power.

Please just ignore my post as I'm sure it has already been censored by Zuckerburg.
Republicans and Democrats: America has a criminal justice system, while not perfect, it's worked reasonably well for a long time.

Maybe it's time for Democrats to stop bitching about Donald Trump's legal woes, Republicans to stop bitching about Hunter Bidens legal woes, let the Justice dept. FBI, and prosecutors do their job. Contrary to what many of you think, these folks are pretty good at uncovering every facet of the truth. :bye1:
Garland's reputation is that of being extremely methodical and careful. He knows how sensitive both issues are, and how completely emotional, irrational and divided the country has become.

So yeah, it's best to be content with the process and watch the circus, which ain't going away.
We have a two-tiered system. Rich people are very difficult to prosecute for even the most obvious crimes but poor people get "swift justice". As long as this dynamic exists there can be no justice.
Republicans and Democrats: America has a criminal justice system, while not perfect, it's worked reasonably well for a long time.

Maybe it's time for Democrats to stop bitching about Donald Trump's legal woes, Republicans to stop bitching about Hunter Bidens legal woes, let the Justice dept. FBI, and prosecutors do their job. Contrary to what many of you think, these folks are pretty good at uncovering every facet of the truth. :bye1:
Why do you think Merrick Garland has not prosecuted Donald Trump?

Time for Merrick Garland to act: Trump can't get a pass on serious crimes over "politics"

"Last week, a federal judge found that Trump more likely than not committed felonies, through his systematic efforts to overturn the 2020 election, including the crimes of obstructing an official proceeding and conspiracy to defraud the United States.

"That finding adds to many developments that point toward the need for Attorney General Merrick Garland to seriously consider whether to prosecute Trump.

"Trump's congressional and political allies have begun to preemptively make the case against the Department of Justice charging him with these and other crimes.

"They argue that any prosecution of Trump will immediately be dismissed by Americans as political and illegitimate, and some have even begun to intimate that such charges will result in turn in congressional investigations and eventually indictments of Democrats when Republicans regain control."

If the Trump and Biden crime families are corrupt, why not prosecute both?
Garland's reputation is that of being extremely methodical and careful. He knows how sensitive both issues are, and how completely emotional, irrational and divided the country has become.

So yeah, it's best to be content with the process and watch the circus, which ain't going away.
Calling anyone who does not tow the Prog Socialist line a terrorist and bringing charges against them if he can is not sensitive. If he backtracks it is because he went to far at this time.
Republicans and Democrats: America has a criminal justice system, while not perfect, it's worked reasonably well for a long time.

Maybe it's time for Democrats to stop bitching about Donald Trump's legal woes, Republicans to stop bitching about Hunter Bidens legal woes, let the Justice dept. FBI, and prosecutors do their job. Contrary to what many of you think, these folks are pretty good at uncovering every facet of the truth. :bye1:

No comparison with TRUMP and FJB. With TRUMP you had the majority of republicans supporting a special council investigation of the Russia accusations based on rumors. We're not seeing the same against the FJB and Hunter with verified evidence.
People no longer trust the Justice dept and FBI because they have no accountability.
Republicans and Democrats: America has a criminal justice system, while not perfect, it's worked reasonably well for a long time.

Maybe it's time for Democrats to stop bitching about Donald Trump's legal woes, Republicans to stop bitching about Hunter Bidens legal woes, let the Justice dept. FBI, and prosecutors do their job. Contrary to what many of you think, these folks are pretty good at uncovering every facet of the truth. :bye1:

Stop weaponizing government agencies to knock off political rivals?

You're an anarchist
Any criminal justice system is only as good as the integrity of those involved in it. The greater the tendency of those in it towards partisanship and ideology, the less their integrity since their actions are geared towards agendas and loyalties other than to fairness and truth.

A person can be loyal to the U.S. and they can be loyal to George Soros, but they can't be both.
"Last week, a federal judge found that Trump more likely than not committed felonies, through his systematic efforts to overturn the 2020 election, including the crimes of obstructing an official proceeding and conspiracy to defraud the United States.

WHat a buncha' horseshit.

That wasn't a "finding", that was a worthless judge stating an ignorant opinion...
This ignores the reason why many people (especially those who bang on about this stuff all the time) want from politics.

They want to be able to bitch and moan, blame the other side, get angry. That's what they see politics as.

Our govt is the enemy of the country. They are the tyranny our founders warned about. I want no part of their lawlessness and filth.

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