Boy........Did we ever get Schlonged

The fact remains the federal government cannot create jobs. That being said obviously military, police and fire And the like are necessary. But they are still a liability because those have to be paid by someone else through Taxes.
Just because the federal government prints paper and calls it money, that does not mean its wealth... quite the opposite is true… LOL

the federal govt can create an environment that incentivizes job creation in the private sector. But you are 100% correct that the government cannot create jobs--except civil service jobs that are paid for by tax collections from other working americans.
The federal government has never will never create jobs, it can't. It is up to the private sector.
With shitty numbers like two and 3% GDP one can see that when there is more government jobs then private jobs in certain areas that's a failure every time.
The federal government creates millions of jobs in both the public and private sector
No, the federal government does not create jobs, it uses the private sector to create jobs. But it itself does not create jobs.
Obviously military, police and fire are necessary jobs, but civilian public jobs are really not jobs at all. Because someone has to pay for those jobs in the form of taxes so they are really a liability… Fact

The entire Defense Industry does not exist without government. The private sector does not build these neat fighter jets and submarines and then come to the government and say.....would you like to buy one?

Yes, the private sector does build them. Lol.

General Dynamics Electric Boat - Wikipedia

GD does not exist without the Government. I should know, I have managed contracts with them for decades. The Government establish the need, write the requirements, put out a RFP, award and manage the contract
GD does what we pay them to do.

Electric Boat does not build a sub and then see if the Government wants to buy it.
True, its part of the federal government's role to provide for the common defense. Did the Navy get better or worse prices when there was competition in the shipbuilding industry. I spent my entire career in and around that industry so I will be interested in your answer.
The federal government has never will never create jobs, it can't. It is up to the private sector.
With shitty numbers like two and 3% GDP one can see that when there is more government jobs then private jobs in certain areas that's a failure every time.
The federal government creates millions of jobs in both the public and private sector

the difference is that public sector job are paid for with tax collections, private sector jobs are paid by selling goods and services. It amazes me that you don't understand that.


Q. Who builds bridges, tunnels and highways an other public sector projects?

A. Private sector contractors who hire private sector employees.

The dollars come from government revenue from selling bonds and treasury bills more so than from tax dollars.

You and ChirsL must both frequent the same Kool-aid bar.
The fact remains the government itself does not build things, it does not create jobs, it does not do anything but take tax money from people… Fact

Doesn't create jobs?

Teachers, police, firemen, construction, the entire defense industry

teachers, police, firemen, construction---------paid by states and local governments, not the feds. Defense industry, yes, and one of the constitutional functions of the federal government
The SENATE. Republicans had to defend 26 states and defended 24. Unbelievable ground game by Republicans and Trumps coat tails were longer than could be expected

Seems just the opposite was true. Trump's campaign offered no ground game, but the RNC had residual mechanisms in place. If anything, Trump rode the RNC's coattails. But more than anything else, it was merely a failure for Clinton to generate turnout, due to never formulating a message.
The federal government creates millions of jobs in both the public and private sector

the difference is that public sector job are paid for with tax collections, private sector jobs are paid by selling goods and services. It amazes me that you don't understand that.


Q. Who builds bridges, tunnels and highways an other public sector projects?

A. Private sector contractors who hire private sector employees.

The dollars come from government revenue from selling bonds and treasury bills more so than from tax dollars.

You and ChirsL must both frequent the same Kool-aid bar.
The fact remains the government itself does not build things, it does not create jobs, it does not do anything but take tax money from people… Fact

Doesn't create jobs?

Teachers, police, firemen, construction, the entire defense industry

teachers, police, firemen, construction---------paid by states and local governments, not the feds. Defense industry, yes, and one of the constitutional functions of the federal government

Do you simply post to get attention? Revenue sharing and bonds pay for most major projects, teacher are hired by school districts, cops and firefighters by local and state agencies, paid for by taxpayers and revenue sharing.

Do you have a better idea?

Private sector call to Acme Police Corporation:

Caller: Help there is someone in my house?

Acme call Center: Do you have an account with us.

Caller: He's in my daughter's room and she's screaming.

Acme call center: Your phone number does not register that you have a credit card on file, before we can send an agent to assess your need, we will need a credit card on file.

Caller: (sound of gun fire) Oh no, he shot my husband he's got a gun and ..... sound of one more shot and the line goes dead.
7 Reasons Why Liberals Are Incapable of Understanding The World

1) Liberalism creates a feedback loop. It is usually impossible for a non-liberal to change a liberal's mind about political issues because liberalism works like so: only liberals are credible sources of information. How do you know someone's liberal? He espouses liberal doctrine. So, no matter how plausible what you say may be, it will be ignored if you're not a liberal and if you are a liberal, of course, you probably agree with liberal views. This sort of close-mindedness makes liberals nearly impervious to any information that might undermine their beliefs.

2) Liberals sources of information are ever present. Conservatives are regularly exposed to the liberal viewpoint whether they want to be or not. That's not necessarily so for liberals. Imagine the average day for liberals. They get up and read their local newspaper. It has a liberal viewpoint. They take their kids to school, where the teachers are liberal. Then they go to work, listen to NPR which has a liberal viewpoint on the way home, and then turn on the nightly news which also skews leftward. From there, they turn on TV and watch shows created by liberals that lean to the left, if they have any political viewpoint at all. Unless liberals actively seek out conservative viewpoints, which is unlikely, the only conservative arguments they're probably going to hear are going to be through the heavily distorted, poorly translated, deeply skeptical lens of other liberals.

3) Liberals emphasize feeling superior, not superior results. Liberalism is all about appearances, not outcomes. What matters to liberals is how a program makes them FEEL about themselves, not whether it works or not. Thus a program like Headstart, which sounds good because it's designed to help children read, makes liberals feel good about themselves, even though the program doesn't work and wastes billions. A ban on DDT makes liberals feel good about themselves because they're "protecting the environment" even though millions of people have died as a result. For liberals, it's not what a program does in the real world; it's about whether they feel better about themselves for supporting it.

4) Liberals are big believers in moral relativism. This spins them round and round because if the only thing that's wrong is saying that there's an absolute moral code, then you lose your ability to tell cause from effect, good from bad, and right from wrong. Taking being non-judgmental to the level that liberals do leaves them paralyzed, pondering "why they hate us" because they feel incapable of saying, “That's wrong," and doing something about it. If you're against firm standards and condemning immoral behavior, then your moral compass won’t work and you’ll also be for immorality, as well as societal and cultural decay by default.

5) Liberals tend to view people as parts of groups, not individuals. One of the prejudices of liberalism is that they see everyone as part of a group, not as an individual. This can lead to rather bizarre disparities when say, a man from a group that they consider to be powerless, impoverished victims becomes the leader of the free world -- and he's challenged by a group of lower middle class white people who've banded together because individually they're powerless. If you listen to the liberal rhetoric, you might think Barack Obama was a black Republican being surrounded by a KKK lynching party 100 years ago -- as opposed to the single most powerful man in America abusing the authority of his office to attack ordinary Tea Partiers who have the audacity to speak the truth to power for the good of their country.

6) Liberals take a dim view of personal responsibility. Who's at fault if a criminal commits a crime? The criminal or society? If someone creates a business and becomes a millionaire, is that the result of hard work and talent or luck? If you're dirt poor, starving, and haven't worked in 5 years, is that a personal failing or a failure of the state? Conservatives would tend to say the former in each case, while liberals would tend to say the latter. But when you disconnect what an individual does from the results that happen in his life, it's very difficult to understand cause and effect in people's lives.

7) Liberals give themselves far too much credit just for being liberal. To many liberals, all one needs to do to be wise, intelligent, compassionate, open minded, and sensitive is to BE LIBERAL. In other words, many of the good things about a person spring not from his actions, but from the ideology he holds. This has an obvious appeal. You can be a diehard misogynist, but plausibly call yourself a feminist, hate blacks, but accuse others of racism, have a subpar IQ and be an intellectual, give nothing to charity and be compassionate, etc., etc., and all you have to do is call yourself a liberal. It's a shortcut to virtue much like the corrupt old idea of religious indulgences. Why live a life of virtue when you could live a sinful life and buy your way into heaven? If you're a liberal, why actually live a life of virtue when you can merely call yourself a liberal and get credit for being virtuous, even when you've done nothing to earn it?
So right!

Particularly point number 2. Liberals control the media. Those of us not liberal, must endure liberalism every day being pumped into our brains by the media, academia, Hollywood, etc. Liberals experience this too, but they are not smart enough to comprehend that it is all propaganda designed to promote liberalism. Conversely liberals seldom if EVER are exposed to non-liberal points of view.

Not true. I've been exposed to Hannity and Limbaugh and you, fortunately I have a healthy brain which provides me immunity and thus I have not been infected by you or the other pathogens.
the difference is that public sector job are paid for with tax collections, private sector jobs are paid by selling goods and services. It amazes me that you don't understand that.


Q. Who builds bridges, tunnels and highways an other public sector projects?

A. Private sector contractors who hire private sector employees.

The dollars come from government revenue from selling bonds and treasury bills more so than from tax dollars.

You and ChirsL must both frequent the same Kool-aid bar.
The fact remains the government itself does not build things, it does not create jobs, it does not do anything but take tax money from people… Fact

Doesn't create jobs?

Teachers, police, firemen, construction, the entire defense industry

teachers, police, firemen, construction---------paid by states and local governments, not the feds. Defense industry, yes, and one of the constitutional functions of the federal government

Do you simply post to get attention? Revenue sharing and bonds pay for most major projects, teacher are hired by school districts, cops and firefighters by local and state agencies, paid for by taxpayers and revenue sharing.

Do you have a better idea?

Private sector call to Acme Police Corporation:

Caller: Help there is someone in my house?

Acme call Center: Do you have an account with us.

Caller: He's in my daughter's room and she's screaming.

Acme call center: Your phone number does not register that you have a credit card on file, before we can send an agent to assess your need, we will need a credit card on file.

Caller: (sound of gun fire) Oh no, he shot my husband he's got a gun and ..... sound of one more shot and the line goes dead.
Military, police and fire and the like are absolutely necessary, but they are a liability. Private sector create all jobs that matter the government cannot create jobs... fact
The federal government creates millions of jobs in both the public and private sector
No, the federal government does not create jobs, it uses the private sector to create jobs. But it itself does not create jobs.
Obviously military, police and fire are necessary jobs, but civilian public jobs are really not jobs at all. Because someone has to pay for those jobs in the form of taxes so they are really a liability… Fact

The entire Defense Industry does not exist without government. The private sector does not build these neat fighter jets and submarines and then come to the government and say.....would you like to buy one?

Yes, the private sector does build them. Lol.

General Dynamics Electric Boat - Wikipedia

GD does not exist without the Government. I should know, I have managed contracts with them for decades. The Government establish the need, write the requirements, put out a RFP, award and manage the contract
GD does what we pay them to do.

Electric Boat does not build a sub and then see if the Government wants to buy it.

Sure you did. Lol.
No, the federal government does not create jobs, it uses the private sector to create jobs. But it itself does not create jobs.
Obviously military, police and fire are necessary jobs, but civilian public jobs are really not jobs at all. Because someone has to pay for those jobs in the form of taxes so they are really a liability… Fact

The entire Defense Industry does not exist without government. The private sector does not build these neat fighter jets and submarines and then come to the government and say.....would you like to buy one?

Yes, the private sector does build them. Lol.

General Dynamics Electric Boat - Wikipedia

GD does not exist without the Government. I should know, I have managed contracts with them for decades. The Government establish the need, write the requirements, put out a RFP, award and manage the contract
GD does what we pay them to do.

Electric Boat does not build a sub and then see if the Government wants to buy it.

Sure you did. Lol.
Chicken or the egg, the federal government cannot exist without private sector business. No two ways about it
the difference is that public sector job are paid for with tax collections, private sector jobs are paid by selling goods and services. It amazes me that you don't understand that.


Q. Who builds bridges, tunnels and highways an other public sector projects?

A. Private sector contractors who hire private sector employees.

The dollars come from government revenue from selling bonds and treasury bills more so than from tax dollars.

You and ChirsL must both frequent the same Kool-aid bar.
The fact remains the government itself does not build things, it does not create jobs, it does not do anything but take tax money from people… Fact

Doesn't create jobs?

Teachers, police, firemen, construction, the entire defense industry

teachers, police, firemen, construction---------paid by states and local governments, not the feds. Defense industry, yes, and one of the constitutional functions of the federal government

Do you simply post to get attention? Revenue sharing and bonds pay for most major projects, teacher are hired by school districts, cops and firefighters by local and state agencies, paid for by taxpayers and revenue sharing.

Do you have a better idea?

Private sector call to Acme Police Corporation:

Caller: Help there is someone in my house?

Acme call Center: Do you have an account with us.

Caller: He's in my daughter's room and she's screaming.

Acme call center: Your phone number does not register that you have a credit card on file, before we can send an agent to assess your need, we will need a credit card on file.

Caller: (sound of gun fire) Oh no, he shot my husband he's got a gun and ..... sound of one more shot and the line goes dead.
If we had private police and the man in your story didn't already have an arrangement with a security agency, then he has only himself to blame. Furthermore, under the current arrangement, the police arrive about 5 minutes after everyone has been raped and killed.

Q. Who builds bridges, tunnels and highways an other public sector projects?

A. Private sector contractors who hire private sector employees.

The dollars come from government revenue from selling bonds and treasury bills more so than from tax dollars.

You and ChirsL must both frequent the same Kool-aid bar.
The fact remains the government itself does not build things, it does not create jobs, it does not do anything but take tax money from people… Fact

Doesn't create jobs?

Teachers, police, firemen, construction, the entire defense industry

teachers, police, firemen, construction---------paid by states and local governments, not the feds. Defense industry, yes, and one of the constitutional functions of the federal government

Do you simply post to get attention? Revenue sharing and bonds pay for most major projects, teacher are hired by school districts, cops and firefighters by local and state agencies, paid for by taxpayers and revenue sharing.

Do you have a better idea?

Private sector call to Acme Police Corporation:

Caller: Help there is someone in my house?

Acme call Center: Do you have an account with us.

Caller: He's in my daughter's room and she's screaming.

Acme call center: Your phone number does not register that you have a credit card on file, before we can send an agent to assess your need, we will need a credit card on file.

Caller: (sound of gun fire) Oh no, he shot my husband he's got a gun and ..... sound of one more shot and the line goes dead.
Military, police and fire and the like are absolutely necessary, but they are a liability. Private sector create all jobs that matter the government cannot create jobs... fact
The Government creates tens of millions of jobs.
About a quarter of the private sector owes its existence to government money
The entire Defense Industry does not exist without government. The private sector does not build these neat fighter jets and submarines and then come to the government and say.....would you like to buy one?

Yes, the private sector does build them. Lol.

General Dynamics Electric Boat - Wikipedia

GD does not exist without the Government. I should know, I have managed contracts with them for decades. The Government establish the need, write the requirements, put out a RFP, award and manage the contract
GD does what we pay them to do.

Electric Boat does not build a sub and then see if the Government wants to buy it.

Sure you did. Lol.
Chicken or the egg, the federal government cannot exist without private sector business. No two ways about it
It is a partnership
The fact remains the government itself does not build things, it does not create jobs, it does not do anything but take tax money from people… Fact

Doesn't create jobs?

Teachers, police, firemen, construction, the entire defense industry

teachers, police, firemen, construction---------paid by states and local governments, not the feds. Defense industry, yes, and one of the constitutional functions of the federal government

Do you simply post to get attention? Revenue sharing and bonds pay for most major projects, teacher are hired by school districts, cops and firefighters by local and state agencies, paid for by taxpayers and revenue sharing.

Do you have a better idea?

Private sector call to Acme Police Corporation:

Caller: Help there is someone in my house?

Acme call Center: Do you have an account with us.

Caller: He's in my daughter's room and she's screaming.

Acme call center: Your phone number does not register that you have a credit card on file, before we can send an agent to assess your need, we will need a credit card on file.

Caller: (sound of gun fire) Oh no, he shot my husband he's got a gun and ..... sound of one more shot and the line goes dead.
Military, police and fire and the like are absolutely necessary, but they are a liability. Private sector create all jobs that matter the government cannot create jobs... fact
The Government creates tens of millions of jobs.
About a quarter of the private sector owes its existence to government money
The federal government cannot create jobs because those jobs have to be paid for by taxpayers, get it through your thick skull it's economics 101…
The federal government has no money, it's the People's Money. By the way printing paper is not wealth… LOL
Yes, the private sector does build them. Lol.

General Dynamics Electric Boat - Wikipedia

GD does not exist without the Government. I should know, I have managed contracts with them for decades. The Government establish the need, write the requirements, put out a RFP, award and manage the contract
GD does what we pay them to do.

Electric Boat does not build a sub and then see if the Government wants to buy it.

Sure you did. Lol.
Chicken or the egg, the federal government cannot exist without private sector business. No two ways about it
It is a partnership
True, but it is private business that runs this country. Government should be seen and not heard.
The fact remains the government itself does not build things, it does not create jobs, it does not do anything but take tax money from people… Fact

Doesn't create jobs?

Teachers, police, firemen, construction, the entire defense industry

teachers, police, firemen, construction---------paid by states and local governments, not the feds. Defense industry, yes, and one of the constitutional functions of the federal government

Do you simply post to get attention? Revenue sharing and bonds pay for most major projects, teacher are hired by school districts, cops and firefighters by local and state agencies, paid for by taxpayers and revenue sharing.

Do you have a better idea?

Private sector call to Acme Police Corporation:

Caller: Help there is someone in my house?

Acme call Center: Do you have an account with us.

Caller: He's in my daughter's room and she's screaming.

Acme call center: Your phone number does not register that you have a credit card on file, before we can send an agent to assess your need, we will need a credit card on file.

Caller: (sound of gun fire) Oh no, he shot my husband he's got a gun and ..... sound of one more shot and the line goes dead.
Military, police and fire and the like are absolutely necessary, but they are a liability. Private sector create all jobs that matter the government cannot create jobs... fact
The Government creates tens of millions of jobs.
About a quarter of the private sector owes its existence to government money

Horseshit, The government doesn't create a single job without destroying two other jobs. There is no job the government "creates" that wouldn't be created by the private sector if government didn't horn in to the business.
Yes, the private sector does build them. Lol.

General Dynamics Electric Boat - Wikipedia

GD does not exist without the Government. I should know, I have managed contracts with them for decades. The Government establish the need, write the requirements, put out a RFP, award and manage the contract
GD does what we pay them to do.

Electric Boat does not build a sub and then see if the Government wants to buy it.

Sure you did. Lol.
Chicken or the egg, the federal government cannot exist without private sector business. No two ways about it
It is a partnership

It's the kind of "partnership" where on party holds a gun on the other party.
Major butt kicking by Republicans as Trump wins probably the most impressive victory in history. Never thought he could take a majority of swing states let alone shatter the blue wall

The SENATE. Republicans had to defend 26 states and defended 24. Unbelievable ground game by Republicans and Trumps coat tails were longer than could be expected

So now the Supreme Court will go 5-4 conservative and probably 6-3

The American people have spoken and I wish President Elect Trump the best


Kudos for the post.

I don't like Trump.

But I am ecstatic about the senate.
The fact remains the federal government cannot create jobs. That being said obviously military, police and fire And the like are necessary. But they are still a liability because those have to be paid by someone else through Taxes.
Just because the federal government prints paper and calls it money, that does not mean its wealth... quite the opposite is true… LOL
Slash government spending & watch the unemployment numbers go up.

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