Boy the Republicans are mad the truth came out.

Theft of government property, unlawful dissemination of confidential material. The FBI can determine exactly who did the deed, because the supreme court runs on an air gapped intranet. The draft had to be downloaded by someone with access.

Downloading a copy is theft?

“Leaking a Supreme Court decision is not a crime,” former federal prosecutor Renato Mariotti wrote on Twitter in response to Shapiro.

He explained further in a comment to Mediaite: “It is conceivable that the leaker could be prosecuted, depending on the circumstances of the leak, but it is unlikely that any prosecution would be successful if the leaker already had legal access to the opinion.”

Orin Kerr, a law professor at the University of California, Berkeley, said he did not think leaking a draft opinion was a crime, pointing out that draft opinions are not classified.
You actually thought scotus was non partisan? The fact that we fight over court appointments and the struggle to have democrats vs Republicans on the court should tell you, its not non partisan. The calls for packing the court are exactly for partisan reasons.
It was when it decided RvW. But when the 'Just Say No Compromise' faction of the GOP took control, things changed. The Neo-GOP had a plan and the Dems went merrily on their way thinking the Victories on Rights were well in hand.
When you think you've seen the dumbest shit ever posted on this board.......someone like the OP comes along and proves it can always be dumber!!!!!!!!
Impeaching those unfaithful justices if they go through with it, will be enough, we don't need to jail them.

Did you mean the guy who leaked the draft? What law did he break again? Some long held tradition?
How are you going to impeach them with a Republican majority in both houses next term? Are you planning on pulling another Trump impeachment with no crime?
Mc Cain was a power hungry traitor.
Is that you Jane?

I've disagreed with most of McCains policies but flying combat missions over N.Vietnam earned him a non-traitor status in most my book. Of course in the picture book Trumpybear fans have he was a scorned captured traitor to the Exalted One.

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