Boy the Republicans are mad the truth came out.

Tipsy, no point trying to reason with a mad dog. This is not a matter of just explaining things like to a child. The Left is beyond all reason. You could lay out the mathematical proof on paper complete with graphs and charts and they would still never understand nor agree. You don't reason with mad dogs, just as you don't reason with mad killers, you just put them down.

The Left have now destroyed every last bastion of civilization in this country having destroyed the credibility of elections, the Executive Branch, Congress, impeachments, and now finally, even destroyed the Judicial Branch. We no longer have a working government, along with a watchdog media anyone can trust. Nor our schools and universities can be trusted, now teaching lies and subversion to adults and sexual corruption and perversion to our children; you cannot even take your family to Disney anymore. Nor to the movies lest some subversive social message be slipped in.

You can't even talk about any of this openly any longer on social media for they will ban you denying you your right to a voice and an opinion, the left have fifteen banned words no one can use which might trigger them while not a one for the right.

You can no longer trust your doctor, your health provider, your insurer, your utilities nor your family for one of them may "turn you in." You can't trust your employer who follows your private life and whom may fire you for having the wrong opinion. You can't trust your bank, you can't trust your contractor, you cannot trust the news nor your TV programmer.

All you can trust is the creeping insanity of the left who riot violently over any even the smallest perceived infraction of their sensibilities while denouncing you calling for your death for any protest at all even to protect the sanctity of our elections, lives and republic.

When an animal goes half that crazy, there is but one thing left to do, and put a bullet in its skull and put it out of its misery before it takes you down with it.
Very well put. Truth and facts cannot be put into leftist heads with a jackhammer.
? It is improper to release the draft. Obviously, the intent of the leaker was to induce blowback to see if some Justice might just cave-in.

However, with the opinion expected by June or July anyway, your guess is way off. Actually, I’d assume most Republicans are thrilled at this hoped-for outcome.
Lol, the Republican official position on the leak is out rage but yes I can certainly see motives for both sides to have this be public knowledge right now.
Your first word is spelled wrong your third word isn’t even a word. You got “a” correct. I’m not impressed.
Bravo on catching that all too common spelling mistake. Nobody cares about what impresses Antwerp like you. The other word is a word. I just made a mistake in the spelling.

You are unduly impressed with yourself. 👍
Lol, the Republican official position on the leak is out rage but yes I can certainly see motives for both sides to have this be public knowledge right now.
I don’t know about any “official” Republican position. But I would assume that everyone should find such behavior to be outrageous. Lol that, chuckles.
I don’t know about any “official” Republican position. But I would assume that everyone should find such behavior to be outrageous. Lol that, chuckles.
Official republican position is to play down the actual Draft, but instead concentrate on the leak, and demand somebody be prosecuted for it.
How come McConnell isn't thrilled?
I havent spoken to him, but if he is pissed, its probably because he suspects that a dishonest left wing individual leaked that information precisely so the left could go protest and put pressure the judges in order to change their ruling. That isnt supposed to be the process of our judicial system though. Its wrong, both morally and legally.
I havent spoken to him, but if he is pissed, its probably because he suspects that a dishonest left wing individual leaked that information precisely so the left could go protest and put pressure the judges in order to change their ruling. That isnt supposed to be the process of our judicial system though. Its wrong, both morally and legally.
Dishonest left wing ? Ever compare repug admins vs Dem admin indictments ?
Leaking isn’t necessarily wrong, but essential at times. When is revealing the truth that isn’t a military secret, wrong ?
It's fitting for the Hack Court shoved down America's throat by a simple majority vote. They have lost their mythical non partisan stature.
You actually thought scotus was non partisan? The fact that we fight over court appointments and the struggle to have democrats vs Republicans on the court should tell you, its not non partisan. The calls for packing the court are exactly for partisan reasons.

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