Boy the Republicans are mad the truth came out.

The opinions of the supreme court on abortion.

They really didn't want this to come out right now.

The thing is, at least at this point in human bloody history, democrats aren't quite sure how to define the word 'woman' without sounding more than a bit apostate to their congregation. Democrats really kind of needed the Supremes to hold the phone on that one while they launched a few more fact-finding expeditions into the restroom to study and compare their private parts.
The opinions of the supreme court on abortion.

They really didn't want this to come out right now.
How do you figure? CNN and liberal media were gnashing their teeth and wailing about 'treason' and 'unprecedented releases yesterday.

Yesterday the Left was joining the chorus of those claiming the release was heinous, although the real thing they are pissed about is not getting their way.
- it took them a bit because of being slow that this release was planned the whole time for the exact day, yesterday, because it benefits / benefitted them.

Today they are opining how the release is nothing to be mad about ... because they see intimidation of and pressuring USSC Justices to get their way a good thing / acceptable. The leader is a leftist extremists 'hero'...


I can't speak for anyone else, but I am sitting back laughing at the easily offended little left bitches melting down over not getting their way based on feelings, instead the ruling due to actual Constitutionality.

Flip flop, back and forth...."it's good, it's bad", 'we hate it and want insurrection'..."no, Republicans hate it more"....attack cops, break windows, burn more buildings ... waaaaa.


What liberal emotional Armageddon over the fact that abortions MAY become a STATE issue instead of federal ... that's it.

To the fullest extent of whatever law they broke. What law was that again?

No need to break any law. I mean, who would have ever thought you needed to write a law ostensibly NOT compromising the highest court in the land and politicizing an entire branch of government? In effect, we can no longer trust justices to share opinions between each other because some activist on their staff my run with it to the media.

So now either the leaker will be found, fired, and prosecuted under whatever legal machinations are available making them serve 1-5 years in federal prison or the court no longer has any credibility to do its job.
I don't think there is the political will to carry packing the courts in either party. Of course, there is the loud mouth squad and the commie faction of the democrats, but they don't command enough power to make this happen before midterms and their asses will be in the wind after that.
Take a listen to what many democrats have been saying today.
Your sense of time is awful. You libtards ran with “Russia” for years. You seek any and all tools as a method to propagandize the voters. And the big lie takes time.

First off I have a long history on this very forum of sayig the Russia thing was bullshit, that Mueller was a waste of money and that Trump did nothing illegal. So you can take your fucking stupid generalization and shove them up your ass sideways.

Secondly, as was pointed out, the anger over this will fade, so the Repubs benefit the most by having it fade as long before the election as possible.
And where is the correlation to their views on abortion?

Maybe they are getting guns now that they know if they are fucking raped and get pregnant they will have to carry the baby of their rapist
Only in a few states. Or, go on vacationl
This is a draft opinion written by ONE justice. There was no majority vote.
The three newest members of the court were approved by a simple majority in the Senate as the longstanding filibuster rule that prevented partisan hacks from being shoved onto the court was waived.
No evidence of any lying or cheating. So, your premises blow. And the court packing idea is retarded. If you make it 13 justices, that can later be changed to 21 by your opponents down the road.

All you are doing with this court packing crap is conceding that substance and procedure and the rule of law and the Constitution are meaningless to you. All you care about is raw power and getting whatever shit you desire.
You can’t pack the court without a president and an abortion ruling will assure a democrat in office for perpetuity. No more court packing. Just the one from this year.
The three newest members of the court were approved by a simple majority in the Senate as the longstanding filibuster rule that prevented partisan hacks from being shoved onto the court was waived.
We're the opinions of these three newest members of the court concurring? What are the opinions of the three newest members of the court? Ohhhh no one knows, BECAUSE THEY NEVER GAVE AN OPINION.

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