Boy the Republicans are mad the truth came out.

You don't see how forcing women that had been raped to have a baby is intrusive.
I'm glad that the mothers of Eartha Kitt and Ethel Waters did not abort them. They were born before Roe v Wade but there were always "back-alley abortionists".
Ethel Waters.jpg


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I don't think there is the political will to carry packing the courts in either party. Of course, there is the loud mouth squad and the commie faction of the democrats, but they don't command enough power to make this happen before midterms and their asses will be in the wind after that.
You forgot about the fascist wing of republicans.

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Eyewitnesses reported Senator Elizabeth Warren donned a buffalo hat and led a group of bloodthirsty insurrectionists up the marble steps of the Supreme Court Building Wednesday morning. According to sources, they are outraged that the murder of babies as a constitutional right is under dispute.

Sen Warren, literally shaking, tumbled up the building steps and wailed righteously at the main door of the marble palace as her minions violently assaulted it with poster board and clothes hangers.

"The court has been compromised!" she yelled. "They are ruling in a way I disagree with!"


It’s only May.

Lemme guess: you are already planning a 6-month long nationwide riot doing billions more in damage to protest a private opinion leaked out of the nation's highest court on a potential decision these top experts on law say rectifies a bad decision that abortion laws belong to the individual states rather than to the fed, meaning, many-most states will effectively not change a thing while some others may just clamp down harder on unwarranted fetal abortions, after spending the last two years telling us it was a heinous attempt to overthrow the government and democracy itself just for protesting a couple hours with flags at the capitol over an election which any thinking person had every reason to believe had been illegally rigged and defrauded, and to which everything the democrats have said and done since to cover it up and move on quickly only went farther to confirm it as the truth??
You forgot about the fascist wing of republicans.
Only fascists I've seen in the past five years or so are mainstream democrats. Illegal lock downs, illegal mask and vax regulations, misinformation daily, racism, riots, daily reports of left wing violations of law going unpunished, an incompetent WH occupant and vice, scam impeachments, scam Russia investigation, scam tax investigations, Partisan DOJ refusing to investigate or indict due to political pressures, and now--worst of all a Misinformation Bureau to promote lies. You must be blind to defend even one action by the democrats in the past fourteen years at least.
What’s good for th

We are in the zone of lying and cheating on the courts. At least packing the courts isn’t lying or cheating.
Packing the court is just a disgusting way for a politician to get his (her) own way when they can't get their extremist agenda enacted any other way.

Joe Biden is one of the worst flip-floppers ever. In the past, Biden has said that he opposed expanding the court, saying that it would politicize the judicial branch.
No way will 3/4 of the states (38) vote to ratify such an outrageous amendment
Well ya never know, when the old GOP come back to their senses, wait, wtf was I thinking. Oh well UR probably right, where's my pitchfork......
The left have taken the teeth out of most US laws. There are no consequences for foul deeds--only the drummed up cacophony of the left whining about perceived injustices while they let criminals walk away unscathed. I want a law and order administration that will enforce laws with actual penalties that provide a deterrent to future potential criminals.
Common sense is no longer tolerated. You’re gonna be labeled now, you hater. 😶 You wacist!
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Lemme guess: you are already planning a 6-month long nationwide riot doing billions more in damage to protest

Only if Kavenaughty hog ties that new Justice and then kneels on her neck while drinking a beer......
You don't see how forcing women that had been raped to have a baby is intrusive.
So, according to you, the rape or incest victims don't know they've been raped apparently. Otherwise, they would go down to their nearest drug store and obtain the Plan B/Morning After pill that is available OTC and take care of the potential result of the criminal doings. Critical thinking, it is really easy--you should try it sometime.

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