Boycott Israel

Someone say Israel boycott?

RE: Boycott Israel
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

The main drafters of Resolution 242 – Lord Caradon, Eugene Rostow, Arthur Goldberg and Baron George-Brown – as well as others, in which the meaning and history of Resolution 242 are explained.
What did resolution 242 do besides nothing? Useless resolution made by useless people.

It was a showpiece resolution; not unlike the many, many resolutions the UN passed pertaining to the "Question of Palestine." And for a time, it was a good deception.

I believe In my opinion, it was to bide time for a negotiated outcome. But the Palestinians (even to this day) have not been able to speak with one voice. They may know the definition to a Republic or a Democracy, but they don't actually believe in it. And they certainly cannot form a functioning government of any kind (at least not in the last three decades since they Declaring Independence).

The Arab states have no authority to negotiate Palestine's borders.

You say that now. But that was not the reality in November 1967. In fact, it was not the cast in 1974 with the Treaty with Egypt and it was not the case in 1994 in the Treaty with Jordan. In fact, I'm not aware of any country that truly has expressed an abiding trust and confidence in the Arab Palestinians; either in the people or the government. There are two possible exceptions for HAMAS, and they would be Qatar and Turkey.


Most Respectfully,
I believe In my opinion, it was to bide time for a negotiated outcome.
Why are Palestinians required to negotiate their inalienable rights? That makes no sense.
There is a thread dedicated to discussion of the failures of Arabs-Moslems and their inability to form a workable society.
The long history of failure shared by Arabs-Moslems and the "boycotts''.

The History and Failure of the Arab Boycott of Israel

The idea to boycott Israel began to receive a lot of attention in the 21st century due to the creation of the BDS movement in 2005. But boycotting as a method to cause damage and attempt to destroy Israel actually began in the early part of the 20th century with the Arab boycott.

Related reading: BDS: Myths and Facts
As early as 1922, the Arab community in British controlled Palestine sought to hurt the growing Jewish community in the region via economic boycott of Jewish-owned businesses in the land. Those who violated the boycott were attacked – both physically and with damages to the goods that they sold. The Arab Executive Committee of the Syrian-Palestinian Congress implemented a boycott of Jewish businesses in 1933, and the Arab Labor Federation did the same in 1934.
European Court upholds right to boycott Israel


Calls to boycott Israel are protected free speech, says European Court of Human Rights. Konrad K. SIPA

The European Court of Human Rights struck a major blow to Israel’s efforts to silence its critics on Thursday when it overturned the criminal convictions against 11 Palestinian rights activists in France.

The court ruled unanimously that the convictions against the activists for calling on shoppers to boycott Israeli goods violated the European Convention on Human Rights’ guarantee of freedom of expression.

The court has ordered the French government to pay each of the activists about $8,000 in damages and awarded them their legal costs.

Spain Blocks Sales of Handcuffs, Equipment to Israel Over Human Rights Concerns, Report Says

The Spanish government has vetoed three sales of equipment to Israel over concerns that they might be used for human rights abuses or military purposes, Spanish newspaper El Pais reported on Wednesday.

According to El Pais, based on a government report on imports in 2019, the largest contract that was canceled was a 10 million Euro ($11.3 million) sale of data security equipment to a private company out of fears over its potential use.

Spanish authorities also decided to scrap the sale of 2,000 handcuffs worth some 17,000 Euro ($19,294) to the Israel Police for fears that they would be used in violation of human rights, the newspaper said.

They also reportedly vetoed the sale of 550 units of electronic equipment used in driverless vehicles, worth about 95,000 Euro ($107,824), out of concern that they would be used for military purposes. This equipment was also supposed to be sold to a private company.

Where are my woke millenials purging the NYT of zionists and getting BDS out there?

They are coming, and most of them are Jewish, hahahaha
It took well over a decade, but a few Gazans decided to boycott Israeli goods.

A group of women and youths associated with the socialist Palestinian Democratic Youth Union and the Women’s Action Committee held a press conference announcing their intent to boycott Israeli goods. They then went to some shops and tried to convince owners to drop all Israeli goods.

At a supermarket they placed boycott signs over Israeli food items.

Meanwhile, here are some of the Israeli items advertised by the Taj Mall in Gaza City this week, including the very same Tnuva milk that is on the boycott poster:

(full article online)


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