BOYCOTT Quentin Tarantino movies

Well people will be diggin' for dirt on this guy. Why do alot of movie producers seem like real schmucks?
Boycott Adam Sandler movies!

His body of work pretty much accomplishes that mission.

He's done one or two watchable flicks.

Quentin has more solid credentials. But he is dead to me anyway. Fuck him. I hope he gets a burning itchy rash.

Sandler wastes the publics money

At least Tarantino consistently delivers a good product
Boycott Adam Sandler movies!

His body of work pretty much accomplishes that mission.

He's done one or two watchable flicks.

Quentin has more solid credentials. But he is dead to me anyway. Fuck him. I hope he gets a burning itchy rash.

Sandler wastes the publics money

At least Tarantino consistently delivers a good product

I'm not nominating Sandler for any awards.

But the chances of my seeing one of his movies (small as they are) are VASTLY larger than me forking over another penny EVER to see anything by Quentin, that rat twat.
No more of this guy's products for me, past and anything coming up.
He's now officially a lib hero.

Tarantino leads New York protest against police

New York (AFP) - Oscar-winning director Quentin Tarantino was among hundreds of people from across the United States who marched in New York on Saturday against perceived police brutality.

Campaigners say that police unfairly profile black and Latino men, and criticize what they see as the militarization of law enforcement forces in the US.

"This is not being dealt with in anyway at all. That's why we are out here. If it was being dealt with, then these murdering cops would be in jail or at least be facing charges," said Tarantino, whose hit films include "Reservoir Dogs" and "Pulp Fiction."

Tarantino had similarly joined activists in New York's Times Square on Thursday to launch a fresh push -- dubbed #RiseUpOctober -- demanding an end to police killings.

People who said they had lost family members at the hands of police are participating in the movement for change.

"This is a big progress. This is just amazing to me and I hope we will organize more rallies in honor of all victims of police brutality," Chicago-based Precious Edwards, 18, told AFP.

Edwards is the sister of Dakota Bright, 15, shot dead by Chicago police in November 2012.

"I hope that everyone, not only black and brown people, but purple or blue people, everybody stands up," she added.

A database compiled by the Guardian newspaper says nearly 930 people have been killed by police in the United States so far this year.

Tarantino leads New York protest against police

Thanks for the info , now I will go to all his movies!!

You should make sure then you never need the help of law enforcement then, because I wouldn't want you to be a hypocrite.

Really now, we have police in our family and not the redneck cracker variety found in the uneducated parts of the country , big difference in departments in different regions

Cops from all parts of the country have been accused, so you can't play that card. You're a BLM supporter, you hate cops.
The fat man waddles in, err, wades in to support Tarentino.

Michael Moore defends Quentin Tarantino: 'The white guy stuck his neck out there and they're trying to chop it off'

Quentin Tarantino is being criticized by police across the country, and now Michael Moore is wondering why more people in Hollywood aren't sticking up for him.

Tarantino has refused to apologize for comments he made at a rally against police brutality, saying, "I have to call a murder a murder and I have to call the murderers the murderers."

Police across the country are boycotting the director's latest film, "The Hateful Eight," and one police union said it has a "surprise" coming for him. Tarantino went on Bill Maher's show Friday night to clarify that he doesn't think all cops are murderers, but he thinks the "blue wall" that protects police needs to come down.

Michael Moore defends Quentin Tarantino: 'The white guy stuck his neck out there and they're trying to chop it off'
Of course Moore does. Why wouldn't the progressives band together against the men and women they see as pigs? Both are losers

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If this movie bombs as expected, Tarantino is finished.


Expected by who? If it bombs Tarantino is finished? Based on what, exactly?
It is generally expected in the industry that the Tarantino movie will bomb at the box office. Law enforcement unions and those who support them will boycott the movie. Even that isn't enough to totally bomb this loser. It is opening on Christimas day and wll be in competition will other movies that are blockbusters so yeah a boycott by the boys club might be enough to push it over the edge into oblivion.

The cardinal sin in Hollywood is losing money for the studio. Many movies lose money through no one's fault but a deliberate act of mouth is unforgivable. Harvey Weinstein will not forget this.
If this movie bombs as expected, Tarantino is finished.


Expected by who? If it bombs Tarantino is finished? Based on what, exactly?
It is generally expected in the industry that the Tarantino movie will bomb at the box office. Law enforcement unions and those who support them will boycott the movie. Even that isn't enough to totally bomb this loser. It is opening on Christimas day and wll be in competition will other movies that are blockbusters so yeah a boycott by the boys club might be enough to push it over the edge into oblivion.

The cardinal sin in Hollywood is losing money for the studio. Many movies lose money through no one's fault but a deliberate act of mouth is unforgivable. Harvey Weinstein will not forget this.

Yeah.....not going to take your word for it. :)

Tarantino doesn't make blockbusters, but his movies do make money. I'll expect the same from The Hateful Eight. If not, I doubt it will spell the end of his career.

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