Brad Pitt has Never Been Accused of Sexual Harassment...Average Joe Does

This whole sexual harassment issue seems like a bunch of bullshit to me. Women get to pick and choose what is or is not harassment.
Or maybe Brad Pitt doesn't sexually harass women.
Well, I think you're both right.

Talk about "gray areas". This is an issue that could pretty easily spin out of control, especially in this bizarre, intellectually dishonest, hyperbole-soaked time we're living in.

There is literally no way to define this specifically, and yet lives can be ruined by accusation, even if the accusation is a lie.

We need to be careful here, and there is zero (0) reason to believe we WILL be.

Most of these are not cases of hitting on someone clumsily. Believe me I've done it plenty of times, from the pathetic drunk attempt at a neck kiss during a formal dance, to the brush your hands against hers at the bar. Trust me you know when you've crossed a line, and usually are told right away, then you back off, then no harm no foul except for some awkwardness. (oh god, the awkwardness)

Walking around naked in your hotel room when underlings come in and out is not clumsy hitting on. Having a freaking lock buzzer in your office is not clumsy hitting on. being frisky in an elevator over and over and over is not clumsy hitting on.
I do get that, but everyone has their own personal boundaries, and different levels of sensitivity to, uh, attention. What is "too far" for one isn't even on the radar screen of another.

Plus, given the way things are right now -- and I don't like saying this -- the potential for fraud (or even collusion among victims) is clearly there.

The one size fits all bullshit is, bullshit after all. How many women do you know that dissed a "good Man", for the stereotypical "bad boy". I've know dozens. These were not the guys that asked for first kiss, but took what they wanted, and the female loved it!. Sends a signal to others, want to get some, be the bad boy. I stayed with my upbringing and remained the gentleman, but knew a lot of guys that said "screw this, I'm getting me some".

Yes, in the workplace one should always be professional, Men & Women, but being afraid to compliment someone, and that is where this is headed, will sure make a more stressful work environment.
This whole sexual harassment issue seems like a bunch of bullshit to me. Women get to pick and choose what is or is not harassment.
Or maybe Brad Pitt doesn't sexually harass women.
Well, I think you're both right.

Talk about "gray areas". This is an issue that could pretty easily spin out of control, especially in this bizarre, intellectually dishonest, hyperbole-soaked time we're living in.

There is literally no way to define this specifically, and yet lives can be ruined by accusation, even if the accusation is a lie.

We need to be careful here, and there is zero (0) reason to believe we WILL be.

Most of these are not cases of hitting on someone clumsily. Believe me I've done it plenty of times, from the pathetic drunk attempt at a neck kiss during a formal dance, to the brush your hands against hers at the bar. Trust me you know when you've crossed a line, and usually are told right away, then you back off, then no harm no foul except for some awkwardness. (oh god, the awkwardness)

Walking around naked in your hotel room when underlings come in and out is not clumsy hitting on. Having a freaking lock buzzer in your office is not clumsy hitting on. being frisky in an elevator over and over and over is not clumsy hitting on.
I do get that, but everyone has their own personal boundaries, and different levels of sensitivity to, uh, attention. What is "too far" for one isn't even on the radar screen of another.

Plus, given the way things are right now -- and I don't like saying this -- the potential for fraud (or even collusion among victims) is clearly there.

The one size fits all bullshit is, bullshit after all. How many women do you know that dissed a "good Man", for the stereotypical "bad boy". I've know dozens. These were not the guys that asked for first kiss, but took what they wanted, and the female loved it!. Sends a signal to others, want to get some, be the bad boy. I stayed with my upbringing and remained the gentleman, but knew a lot of guys that said "screw this, I'm getting me some".

Yes, in the workplace one should always be professional, Men & Women, but being afraid to compliment someone, and that is where this is headed, will sure make a more stressful work environment.
How many men think "no" really means "yes"? How many men think that women are just playing "hard to get"? How many men try to force themselves on women and if she rejects him there's "something wrong with HER"?

We had this problem in the Navy after TailHook...and many still don't get it.

Treat women like you'd like your own mother, sister, wife, daughter to be treated....easiest way to stay out of trouble...unless you're a pig to them too.
Women like a hot “bad boy.” How you treat your mom has nothing to do with it.
This whole sexual harassment issue seems like a bunch of bullshit to me. Women get to pick and choose what is or is not harassment.
Or maybe Brad Pitt doesn't sexually harass women.
Well, I think you're both right.

Talk about "gray areas". This is an issue that could pretty easily spin out of control, especially in this bizarre, intellectually dishonest, hyperbole-soaked time we're living in.

There is literally no way to define this specifically, and yet lives can be ruined by accusation, even if the accusation is a lie.

We need to be careful here, and there is zero (0) reason to believe we WILL be.

Most of these are not cases of hitting on someone clumsily. Believe me I've done it plenty of times, from the pathetic drunk attempt at a neck kiss during a formal dance, to the brush your hands against hers at the bar. Trust me you know when you've crossed a line, and usually are told right away, then you back off, then no harm no foul except for some awkwardness. (oh god, the awkwardness)

Walking around naked in your hotel room when underlings come in and out is not clumsy hitting on. Having a freaking lock buzzer in your office is not clumsy hitting on. being frisky in an elevator over and over and over is not clumsy hitting on.
I do get that, but everyone has their own personal boundaries, and different levels of sensitivity to, uh, attention. What is "too far" for one isn't even on the radar screen of another.

Plus, given the way things are right now -- and I don't like saying this -- the potential for fraud (or even collusion among victims) is clearly there.

The one size fits all bullshit is, bullshit after all. How many women do you know that dissed a "good Man", for the stereotypical "bad boy". I've know dozens. These were not the guys that asked for first kiss, but took what they wanted, and the female loved it!. Sends a signal to others, want to get some, be the bad boy. I stayed with my upbringing and remained the gentleman, but knew a lot of guys that said "screw this, I'm getting me some".

Yes, in the workplace one should always be professional, Men & Women, but being afraid to compliment someone, and that is where this is headed, will sure make a more stressful work environment.
How many men think "no" really means "yes"? How many men think that women are just playing "hard to get"? How many men try to force themselves on women and if she rejects him there's "something wrong with HER"?

We had this problem in the Navy after TailHook...and many still don't get it.

Treat women like you'd like your own mother, sister, wife, daughter to be treated....easiest way to stay out of trouble...unless you're a pig to them too.
TailHook was bullshit! What did those WM’s think was going to happen in Vegas when they went up to those hotel rooms? They were going to play fucking Monopoly?
Or maybe Brad Pitt doesn't sexually harass women.
He does not have to. Their pants drop and skirts lift before he would have a chance.Here is the thing women like sex! They are allowed to,just like the men. If they are willing then no harrassment. If they are not willing and one keeps up the offers then it is harrasment. I do not get the whole harrassment thing. My womenizing uncle taught me to just simply tell 10 women that if they wanted effection I would give it to them and then let it float. About two in 10 respond with a request for affection with in a week. It is that easy, why does one need to harrass?

Flirting is not sexual harassment, unless the other person is under you in some capacity. But if your idea of flirting is to grab a woman's ass, as at least one person on this board thinks it is, then you misunderstand the definition of flirting and are prepared to sexually harass.

I once worked for a company that had a strict policy against employee dating. If you got caught dating a coworker, one would have to go, or both would be fired.

I quit the company for a better paying job but kept in contact with many there, including the boss. Two years after I quit I got a wedding invitation from my former boss, he was marrying his Secretary!

I laughed my ass off!
I always had a policy to avoid co-workers romanticaly. How ever, I once worked with a young lady that looked like Barbara Eden. I chatted with her a great deal as she was crazy attractive and extremely fun to talk to. One day she told me she was wearing no underware under her short skirt and my policy went out the window in a hurry!!!!!!!!!!
True. I don’t mix my money and my honey.
YOu know, even if Brad Pitt can get any woman. That does not excuse men grabbing women's asses or whatever.

The problem is not a few women who will sleep their way to get what they want.
This whole sexual harassment issue seems like a bunch of bullshit to me. Women get to pick and choose what is or is not harassment. When the average guy comes on, clumsily or not, it’s “Get away you pig!” But if a sexy guy were to move in same manner it would be , “Ohhhhhh Brad.” Total bullshit.

Maybe it depends on who you ask?

Is Brad Pitt gay? - Google Search
I do get that, but everyone has their own personal boundaries, and different levels of sensitivity to, uh, attention. What is "too far" for one isn't even on the radar screen of another.

Plus, given the way things are right now -- and I don't like saying this -- the potential for fraud (or even collusion among victims) is clearly there.

The one size fits all bullshit is, bullshit after all. How many women do you know that dissed a "good Man", for the stereotypical "bad boy". I've know dozens. These were not the guys that asked for first kiss, but took what they wanted, and the female loved it!. Sends a signal to others, want to get some, be the bad boy. I stayed with my upbringing and remained the gentleman, but knew a lot of guys that said "screw this, I'm getting me some".

Yes, in the workplace one should always be professional, Men & Women, but being afraid to compliment someone, and that is where this is headed, will sure make a more stressful work environment.

Compliments in the workplace are fine, but compliments based on appearance are not. If you wouldn’t make an appearance based compliment to your male coworkers, they’re just as inappropriate for female coworkers.

Good job. Good idea. Nice work. Those are entirely acceptable. Looking hot today! Is not acceptable. That I have to explain this to you shows that you don’t really consider your female coworkers as equal.

The only exception to that would be to compliment a specific item. "That jacket looks great" or something similar.

Or that color goes great with your hair? I've gotten many thanks for that, but not so sure I'd use it today.

You’d be correct in thinking it isn’t appropriate. Women will thank you for a compliment even if they’re not entirely comfortable with it. We’re taught to be polite that way.

Do you remember when Walmart employees complained about the company employee policy of having cashiers smile and say thank you to everyone? Men were thinking the female cashiers were coming on to them and they were becoming aggressive with the women. The cashiers asked for and received permission to stop doing this.

I hate to be saying this but it’s becoming obvious that men need training on inappropriate workplace behaviour.

Over generalization over generalizes.

How about some women stop being offended by a simple compliment?
This whole sexual harassment issue seems like a bunch of bullshit to me. Women get to pick and choose what is or is not harassment.
Or maybe Brad Pitt doesn't sexually harass women.
Well, I think you're both right.

Talk about "gray areas". This is an issue that could pretty easily spin out of control, especially in this bizarre, intellectually dishonest, hyperbole-soaked time we're living in.

There is literally no way to define this specifically, and yet lives can be ruined by accusation, even if the accusation is a lie.

We need to be careful here, and there is zero (0) reason to believe we WILL be.

Most of these are not cases of hitting on someone clumsily. Believe me I've done it plenty of times, from the pathetic drunk attempt at a neck kiss during a formal dance, to the brush your hands against hers at the bar. Trust me you know when you've crossed a line, and usually are told right away, then you back off, then no harm no foul except for some awkwardness. (oh god, the awkwardness)

Walking around naked in your hotel room when underlings come in and out is not clumsy hitting on. Having a freaking lock buzzer in your office is not clumsy hitting on. being frisky in an elevator over and over and over is not clumsy hitting on.
If Leonardo DiCaprio did would be o.k., I don’t give a shit what the circumstance.

The thing is being Leonardo DiCaprio probably increases the chance of consent towards the hitting on.

Life isn't fair sometimes, still doesn't give sloths like Weinstein and Franken to think they get the same treatment because of their power.
If we ended the boy-girl, and the girl-boy overtures by law, we could end a way of life. There must be pills for that sort of thing.

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