Brain dead girl moved to different hospital


Diamond Member
Dec 29, 2008
Facility offers to care for girl declared brain dead

Well they got their victory, and now she is being moved. Inevitably this family will start getting donations to pay to keep the body of their daughter alive, because they sure as hell wont be able to afford it on their own. I say if we're gonna do this, lets do it right. If the family wants to keep her around, we should have a mech suit designed to walk their brain dead daughter around. That way they can go to the park with her, take her to the mall, etc. You wont be able to communicate with her, but she will be on display for everyone to look at. She would be a hit a comic con. We could probably recoup our losses by letting people take a picture with her at $100 a pop.
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the insurance for the hospital that did the surgery will end up paying all expenses...they will pay up till the parents sue....if the parents sue and win....the medical bills will still be paid

apparently none of you are parents....a parent will always hope ...simple as that
the insurance for the hospital that did the surgery will end up paying all expenses...they will pay up till the parents sue....if the parents sue and win....the medical bills will still be paid

apparently none of you are parents....a parent will always hope ...simple as that

No the hospital will not be paying for anything.The mother has accepted responsibility. And of all goes well she will hopefully be on the hook for any bills.
apparently none of you are parents....a parent will always hope ...simple as that

That may be true, but in the end she is nothing more than a living piece of taxidermy on display for the family. Also, within a couple years her tendons will begin to shrink, which will result in pulling her body permanently into the fetal position and turning her into a twisted form of her previous self. Keeping her around is just morbid.
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apparently none of you are parents....a parent will always hope ...simple as that

That may be true, but in the end she is nothing more than a living piece of taxidermy on display for the family. Also, within a couple years her tendons will begin to shrink, which will result in pulling her body permanently into the fetal position and turning her into a twisted form of her previous self. Keeping her around is just morbid.

posturing is already happening...they will simply go in and cut the tendons is done to make the person look more normal...sadly.....i have more knowing of this that i wanted to ever know....
the insurance for the hospital that did the surgery will end up paying all expenses...they will pay up till the parents sue....if the parents sue and win....the medical bills will still be paid

apparently none of you are parents....a parent will always hope ...simple as that

I'm a parent but I'm also realistic.

Brain death is the irreversible cessation of all functions of the entire brain, including the all-important brain stem that houses the RAS and the mechanism that controls our breathing. Dead is dead. Brain death isn't a different type of death, and patients who meet the criteria of brain death are legally dead.

This girl cannot live without a machine supporting her life. She will never get well. You don't just get over a brain death.

These parents are simply prolonging their agony.
apparently none of you are parents....a parent will always hope ...simple as that

That may be true, but in the end she is nothing more than a living piece of taxidermy on display for the family. Also, within a couple years her tendons will begin to shrink, which will result in pulling her body permanently into the fetal position and turning her into a twisted form of her previous self. Keeping her around is just morbid.

There have been cases where people declared "Brain Dead" have made full recoveries.

Again, regardless of this girl's prognosis, leaving her in the hospital where the negligence of staff put her in a vegetative state to start with was a bad idea. They had a vested interest in pulling the plug.

It would probably be better to put her into another hospital, and have another set of doctors be the ones to work on the parents to bring them around.

But in the meantime, no one is really being hurt by keeping her plugged in.
apparently none of you are parents....a parent will always hope ...simple as that

That may be true, but in the end she is nothing more than a living piece of taxidermy on display for the family. Also, within a couple years her tendons will begin to shrink, which will result in pulling her body permanently into the fetal position and turning her into a twisted form of her previous self. Keeping her around is just morbid.

There have been cases where people declared "Brain Dead" have made full recoveries.

Again, regardless of this girl's prognosis, leaving her in the hospital where the negligence of staff put her in a vegetative state to start with was a bad idea. They had a vested interest in pulling the plug.

It would probably be better to put her into another hospital, and have another set of doctors be the ones to work on the parents to bring them around.

But in the meantime, no one is really being hurt by keeping her plugged in.


Link please!
That may be true, but in the end she is nothing more than a living piece of taxidermy on display for the family. Also, within a couple years her tendons will begin to shrink, which will result in pulling her body permanently into the fetal position and turning her into a twisted form of her previous self. Keeping her around is just morbid.

There have been cases where people declared "Brain Dead" have made full recoveries.

Again, regardless of this girl's prognosis, leaving her in the hospital where the negligence of staff put her in a vegetative state to start with was a bad idea. They had a vested interest in pulling the plug.

It would probably be better to put her into another hospital, and have another set of doctors be the ones to work on the parents to bring them around.

But in the meantime, no one is really being hurt by keeping her plugged in.


Link please!

Here guy, I'll use one of your own heroes... Michelle Malkin

The Gifts of Jahi | RealClearPolitics

There are plenty of reasons to question the medical establishment’s handling of catastrophic cases involving brain injury and “brain death.” In 2008, doctors were dead certain that 21-year-old Zack Dunlop was legally deceased after a horrible ATV accident. Tests showed there was no blood flow to his brain. His hospital issued a death notice. Authorities prepared to harvest his organs. But family members were not convinced. A cousin who happened to be a nurse tested Zack’s reflexes on his own one last time as the hospital swooped in. The “brain dead” “body” responded. Forty-eight days later, the supposedly impossible happened: “Brain dead” Zack Dunlop walked out of the hospital and lived to tell about his miraculous recovery on The Today Show.

The immense pressure Jahi’s family faces to give up and give in reminded me of another child written off by medical and governmental officials: Haleigh Poutre. She’s the miracle child who was nearly beaten to death by her barbaric stepfather. Hooked to a ventilator in a comatose state, she was then nearly condemned to death by Massachusetts medical experts and the state’s criminally negligent child-welfare bureaucracy, which hastily declared her to be in a hopeless vegetative state and wanted to pull the plug on her life.

The “experts” were wrong. Haleigh breathed on her own; a caring team of therapists nursed her back to health. Soon she was brushing her hair and feeding herself. She lived to testify against her abusive stepfather, now behind bars. Her survival is a stark warning against blind, yielding trust in Big Nanny and Big Medicine.


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