Brazilian Heatwave

yes, 108F is normal for a one of the densest cities in the world. 20 story apartment buildings, diesel black smoke belching buses, building that are all heat absorbing concrete, very little if any vegetation.

yes, normal, but, at least they got beaches, and coconuts on ice, I loved living in Rio
Did you now? Apparently, you enjoyed it so much you failed to notice what the weather was actually doing.




Lying fool.
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What a load of crap.

They are claiming it “feels like 126.5 f” when in reality it is only 108F.

More lying ass media trying to make it sound like it is some unbearable heat.

108F is a mildly warm summer day in AZ.
Or the middle of July in Orlando, which is infinitely worse.

108 degrees, 88% humidity, and dead still, no sea breeze. Wow, that place sucks.
Did you now? Apparently, you enjoyed it so much you failed to notice what the weather was actually doing.

View attachment 861337

Lying fool.
yes, I lived in Rio for 5 years of my life. I visited Mambucaba, Terra Tuba, Angra, Buzios, Porto Seguro

pure pleasure and extreme danger

beautiful people and thieves and criminals

but the city, my god, broken infrastructure, piss poor planning, incompetence, a real god awful mess, full of graffiti, and more city buses than imaginable

the definition of heat island
Did you now? Apparently, you enjoyed it so much you failed to notice what the weather was actually doing.

View attachment 861337

View attachment 861351

Lying fool.
are you suggesting that temps never exceed the average ever? How does one get an average then?

It seems you don't know what average means.

BTW, that's why your proxy data is bullshit.
yes, I lived in Rio for 5 years of my life. I visited Mambucaba, Terra Tuba, Angra, Buzios, Porto Seguro

pure pleasure and extreme danger

beautiful people and thieves and criminals

but the city, my god, broken infrastructure, piss poor planning, incompetence, a real god awful mess, full of graffiti, and more city buses than imaginable

the definition of heat island
I'm not impressed because the data do NOT support your claim that 108F would be a normal temperature.
Rio is 10 degrees closer to the equator than Arizona but it has a fucking ocean at her doorstep whose waters just came north from Antarctica. The alarm at the heatwave is not the cry of babies. Your response, however, IS the howling of ignorant fools.

IF you go to Singapore you are surrounded by Water on an Island. You are also covered in sweat the minute you step out of AC. You are hot beyond hot every hour that you are outside.

The sun is sort of hidden by what appears to be a light mist? or rain or smoke? (it is humidity). You don't know hot. Hot is hot. A Farmer knows hot. Stuff your book fancy BS terms above.
Doesn't amount to shit in what CONTEXT? It certainly amounts to something with respect to human suffering. It is always taken into account when deciding whether or not it is safe for people to work outside. And it IS a measure of thermal energy. A cubic foot of air at 50C and 10% RH has much less thermal energy content than the same air at the same temperature at 90% RH. Ask your meteorologists whether or not that's true.
The heat index is a measure only of what we all already know. Hot weather can feel bad. But add a bit of excess humidity, and it “feels” worse.
You know how you open a hot oven and the wave of heat comes over you? That is what ARIZ feels like. Now add in a hot shower coming down on you and that is Humidity. hope that helps Crick how to pull his finger out.
Another story in the ongoing series, "you better be strong if you are going to be dumb"

Taylor Swift fan dies amid heatwave in Rio de Janeiro, singer struggles to breathe in viral video​

The heat index is a measure only of what we all already know. Hot weather can feel bad. But add a bit of excess humidity, and it “feels” worse.
It "feels" worse because, like any mammal, our ability to maintain our body temperature within allowable limits deteriorates with increasing heat AND humidity. People die of heat stroke and heat exhaustion every day, not of their "feelings" dickwad.
It "feels" worse because, like any mammal, our ability to maintain our body temperature within allowable limits deteriorates with increasing heat AND humidity. People die of heat stroke and heat exhaustion every day, not of their "feelings" dickwad.
It feels worse because it is less comfortable. You idiot.
Not everything has to be a fight. We can say that that is damn damn hot.

Rio is going to be 82/74 tomorrow. Thats a late muggy spring Houston so not bad.
It "feels" worse because, like any mammal, our ability to maintain our body temperature within allowable limits deteriorates with increasing heat AND humidity. People die of heat stroke and heat exhaustion every day, not of their "feelings" dickwad.
Yep. So what?

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