Breaking Alert: Burisma Executive Whistleblower Has 17 Audio Recordings With Bidens -- 15 With Hunter -- 2 With VP Joe --- Kept as Insurance Policy!!


:thewave: :mm: :clap2:

Of course, you know it means NOTHING!

Garland has had Hunter's laptop, financial records from the Department of the Treasury / IRS / 12 Banks, and a dozen whistleblowers with evidence against the Biden 12...and he continues to say...

It's not Garland, it's US Attorney Delaware David Weiss, appointed by Bill Barr over 3 years ago to investigate Hunter Biden, WITH THE CONSENT OF JOE BIDEN, Weiss, who, to this day, has yet to indict anyone.


FBI Redacted References To Recordings In Biden Allegation Shared With Congress

The Biden Justice Department and FBI Continue
to Hide Information from Congress and the American People

bodeca, are you calling Senator Grassley a liar?
If this Pay to Play is proven, it is a tragedy because there have been red flags during 2016, not to mention who knows what other deals were made that haven't been brought to light. That was revealed during the first Democrat impeachment attempt of DJT.
Even the Democrats can’t ignore this, and I don’t see how the biased media can even run cover no matter how much they want to. The Trump impeachment was a joke with zero evidence, but this is actionable.
The tapes are not hearsay, they're evidence of the crime and corruption of Joey Xi Bai Dung and his crime family.
I suspect witnesses are going to start disappearing, forever. The FSB/DoJ and Stasi/FBI will have them eliminated on joey’s orders. That’s how corrupt the FSB/DoJ and Stasi/FBI is.

Well, Grassley's judiciary report was debunked, so I"m not expecting any thing good from Grassley.
Chuck Grassley just broke the news. Now we know why the Usurper had a root canal today.

I don't get it. Why is this guy coming forward all of a sudden? Obviously he's a grifter to begin with.... Why is he just now exposing this stuff? What's in it for him?
IF the DOJ/FBI have the tapes they will be placed in the locked box with Hunter's laptop, never to be seen again.

If they don't have them, they will claim 'fake news', lie, deny, etc...

It's easy to talk shit when you have no evidence and your guy has been indicted twice.
It's not Garland, it's US Attorney Delaware David Weiss, appointed by Bill Barr over 3 years ago to investigate Hunter Biden, WITH THE CONSENT OF JOE BIDEN, Weiss, who, to this day, has yet to indict anyone.
I hear he has indicted several ham sammiches!
Wray and the FBI had no intention of telling Comer and Grassley about the FD-1023, either, until the Whistleblower made its existence known.

Wray and the FBI attempted to initially claim tbey could not find Hunter's 'missing' laptop ... until it was revealed several copies of it had already been made.

You're attempting to make a false claim that the DOJ / FBI has willingly offered up any evidence against the Bidens that was not already known or exposed by whistleblowers.

All Wray was trying to do was prevent numbnuts right wingers from attempting to get traction out of nothing.

Now then,
An FD-1023 form is used by FBI agents to record unverified reporting from confidential human sources. The form is used to document information as told to an FBI agent, but recording that information does not validate or weigh it against other information known by the FBI."

The 1023 form is NOT proof of squat, says so right on the FBI website:

...the FD-1023 is the form our special agents use to record raw, unverified reporting from confidential human sources (CHSs). FD-1023s merely document that information; they do not reflect the conclusions of investigators based on a fuller context or understanding. Recording this information does not validate it, establish its credibility, or weigh it against other information known or developed by the FBI in our investigations.

You are tall on shit talk but short on evidence.


You do know I haven't bothered to read any of your posts, right...?


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