Breaking! Biden Say's He Has Cancer

I don’t like the guy. But I wouldn’t consider it good news if he been diagnosed with any form of cancer. I have to confess, I wish him good health.
We all should. How do you like the sound of this:
President Kamala Harris
(kill me now)
I wonder if he also meant to say he got it from overexposure to the sun but said it was due to plant emissions instead.

Wasn't Biden exposed when he was an astronaut and circled the earth with John Glenn? Or was it when he drove the Tramp at Disney? I forget with all those jobs he had
It was nice for 4 years when we had a President who didn't have to have press flacks trot along behind him and have to say, "What the President REALLY meant was..."

it was, too bad we have not had that since 2017
More and more Biden reminds me of NBC's Brian Williams.
brian williams was joe biden.jpg
We all should. How do you like the sound of this:
President Kamala Harris
(kill me now)
Before the GOP got Nixon to quit, they tipped their hand. They got Agnew to have to quit.

Big if. But IF the DNC had any sense or human decency, they’d bounce HeelsUp out of office before busting a move on Brandon.
Before the GOP got Nixon to quit, they tipped their hand. They got Agnew to have to quit.
Nixon had dirt on everybody. He knew what Agnew did, and Nixon threw him under the bus and tossed him to the wolves, to distract from watergate.

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