BREAKING: CNN admit Paul Manafort was wiretapped

There are no Russians and there never were
It is a concoction by the Democrats to explain their improbable loss when the fix was in AND to draw attention away from the Real misdeeds that They were committing
"When you make up some silly excuse for why you can't, you'll be tacitly admitting I am 100% accurate for calling you an imbecile."

Thanks for the admission. :2up:

Gee, Faun, why did you have to type that yourself and insinuate it was my quote, why not actually quote me? Perhaps because you just made that shit up and, as snowflakes do, launched another false accusation?

Right now I am pulling your strings, watching you get all wound up and foaming at the mouth trying to defend one of Barry's many times he spied on the American people, reporters, the media, the US senate, and even the USSC.

Keep it up - you're very entertaining. :p
It is funny as hell that snowflakes can not tell when people are pulling their strings at times just to watch them get so wound up that their face turns purple, that little vein in their forehead starts throbbing, and their head is about to pop right off that toothpick they call a NOW.

View attachment 150096
"The funny thing is these snowflakes
don't even know it's me typing this stuff."
^^^ Cries a delusional conservative.
Yeah, I would be embarrassed to find out I was being played, too.
"When you make up some silly excuse for why you can't, you'll be tacitly admitting I am 100% accurate for calling you an imbecile."

Thanks for the admission. :2up:

Gee, Faun, why did you have to type that yourself and insinuate it was my quote, why not actually quote me? Perhaps because you just made that shit up and, as snowflakes do, launched another false accusation?

Right now I am pulling your strings, watching you get all wound up and foaming at the mouth trying to defend one of Barry's many times he spied on the American people, reporters, the media, the US senate, and even the USSC.

Keep it up - you're very entertaining. :p
You're demented. I never insinuated any such thing. How could I when I also included that same text in my quote, showing I was the one who said it?

I was merely pointing out how you proved I was right.

And your dementia grows even worse in that you think I'm foaming at the mouth. I'm laughing at your ignorance which is once again exposed for all here to see.:mm:
It is funny as hell that snowflakes can not tell when people are pulling their strings at times just to watch them get so wound up that their face turns purple, that little vein in their forehead starts throbbing, and their head is about to pop right off that toothpick they call a NOW.

View attachment 150096
"The funny thing is these snowflakes
don't even know it's me typing this stuff."
^^^ Cries a delusional conservative.
Yeah, I would be embarrassed to find out I was being played, too.

You can't even prove your idiotic claim that Manafort was wiretapped while he was Trump's campaign chairman.

Like I said.... you're a delusional conservative.
Please show were facts indicate Trump Tower was wiretapped. Manafort, alone was wiretapped and it started back in 2014!
Your conjecture is not backed by facts.
you sure you want to stand by this nugget of stupid?

Man, you people are so fucking gullible.
Even if a wiretapped call with Trump by Manafort was recorded. If the conversation did no cover the reason for the FISA approval, the conversation would be erased. It's the law.
"Information acquired from an electronic surveillance conducted pursuant to this subchapter concerning any United States person may be used and disclosed by Federal officers and employees without the consent of the United States person only in accordance with the minimization procedures required by this subchapter. No otherwise privileged communication obtained in accordance with, or in violation of, the provisions of this subchapter shall lose its privileged character. No information acquired from an electronic surveillance pursuant to this subchapter may be used or disclosed by Federal officers or employees except for lawful purposes."
50 U.S. Code § 1806 - Use of information
Now do you understand? Or like a good little Trumpster, will you continue to believe Trump's totally unfounded and unproven claim that Obama wiretapped him. My bet is you would believe the proven pathological liar, because you are THAT easily manipulated.
not gonna listen to someone pull the "little trumpster" shit and ever take them seriously. that is jr high and your arguments are as well.

remember him? he made this claim long ago and was forced to apologize and sat on the bench for his "lies".

WAIT - he wasn't lying.

at this point there's no sense in talking to someone who is dancing around like a jr high school kid with his first hard on using mock-nicknames to insult people.
Please show were facts indicate Trump Tower was wiretapped. Manafort, alone was wiretapped and it started back in 2014!
Your conjecture is not backed by facts.
you sure you want to stand by this nugget of stupid?

Man, you people are so fucking gullible.
Even if a wiretapped call with Trump by Manafort was recorded. If the conversation did no cover the reason for the FISA approval, the conversation would be erased. It's the law.
"Information acquired from an electronic surveillance conducted pursuant to this subchapter concerning any United States person may be used and disclosed by Federal officers and employees without the consent of the United States person only in accordance with the minimization procedures required by this subchapter. No otherwise privileged communication obtained in accordance with, or in violation of, the provisions of this subchapter shall lose its privileged character. No information acquired from an electronic surveillance pursuant to this subchapter may be used or disclosed by Federal officers or employees except for lawful purposes."
50 U.S. Code § 1806 - Use of information
Now do you understand? Or like a good little Trumpster, will you continue to believe Trump's totally unfounded and unproven claim that Obama wiretapped him. My bet is you would believe the proven pathological liar, because you are THAT easily manipulated.
not gonna listen to someone pull the "little trumpster" shit and ever take them seriously. that is jr high and your arguments are as well.

remember him? he made this claim long ago and was forced to apologize and sat on the bench for his "lies".

WAIT - he wasn't lying.

at this point there's no sense in talking to someone who is dancing around like a jr high school kid with his first hard on using mock-nicknames to insult people.

Napolitano?? Fox benched him for humiliating their organization. Hell, they should have fired him outright for that bullshit.
Imbecile... nothing in CNN's article reveals Manafort was wiretapped while he was Trump's campaign chairman. How many more times do you need to be informed of this until it penetrates your conservative armor of ignorance?
"When you make up some silly excuse for why you can't, you'll be tacitly admitting I am 100% accurate for calling you an imbecile."

Thanks for the admission. :2up:

Gee, Faun, why did you have to type that yourself and insinuate it was my quote, why not actually quote me? Perhaps because you just made that shit up and, as snowflakes do, launched another false accusation?

Right now I am pulling your strings, watching you get all wound up and foaming at the mouth trying to defend one of Barry's many times he spied on the American people, reporters, the media, the US senate, and even the USSC.

Keep it up - you're very entertaining. :p
You're demented. I never insinuated any such thing. How could I when I also included that same text in my quote, showing I was the one who said it?

I was merely pointing out how you proved I was right.

And your dementia grows even worse in that you think I'm foaming at the mouth. I'm laughing at your ignorance which is once again exposed for all here to see.:mm:
I did not prove you are right. You are not right. Yours is a belief and opinion based on the reporting of a fake news agency that has had a long recent history of retractions, fired reporters, and openly admitted bias.
Anyone listening to El Rushbo? He is discussing the Obama wiretapping of The Donald's campaign.
It is funny as hell that snowflakes can not tell when people are pulling their strings at times just to watch them get so wound up that their face turns purple, that little vein in their forehead starts throbbing, and their head is about to pop right off that toothpick they call a NOW.

View attachment 150096
"The funny thing is these snowflakes
don't even know it's me typing this stuff."
^^^ Cries a delusional conservative.
Yeah, I would be embarrassed to find out I was being played, too.

You can't even prove your idiotic claim that Manafort was wiretapped while he was Trump's campaign chairman.

Like I said.... you're a delusional conservative.
Dance little monkey, dance.... :p
Imbecile... nothing in CNN's article reveals Manafort was wiretapped while he was Trump's campaign chairman. How many more times do you need to be informed of this until it penetrates your conservative armor of ignorance?
"When you make up some silly excuse for why you can't, you'll be tacitly admitting I am 100% accurate for calling you an imbecile."

Thanks for the admission. :2up:

Gee, Faun, why did you have to type that yourself and insinuate it was my quote, why not actually quote me? Perhaps because you just made that shit up and, as snowflakes do, launched another false accusation?

Right now I am pulling your strings, watching you get all wound up and foaming at the mouth trying to defend one of Barry's many times he spied on the American people, reporters, the media, the US senate, and even the USSC.

Keep it up - you're very entertaining. :p
You're demented. I never insinuated any such thing. How could I when I also included that same text in my quote, showing I was the one who said it?

I was merely pointing out how you proved I was right.

And your dementia grows even worse in that you think I'm foaming at the mouth. I'm laughing at your ignorance which is once again exposed for all here to see.:mm:
I did not prove you are right. You are not right. Yours is a belief and opinion based on the reporting of a fake news agency that has had a long recent history of retractions, fired reporters, and openly admitted bias.
Imbecile... your inability to prove your delusions proved me right. :mm:
your inability to prove your delusions proved me right.
So the inability of snowflakes to come up with an ounce of evidence of Trump-Russia collusion - to prove their false accusations - proves libs have been lying / lobbing false accusations since before the election.... Thanks for making that clear.
your inability to prove your delusions proved me right.
So the inability of snowflakes to come up with an ounce of evidence of Trump-Russia collusion - to prove their false accusations - proves libs have been lying / lobbing false accusations since before the election.... Thanks for making that clear.

Look who's trying to change the subject. ^^^


Imbecile... the subject is your inability to prove your claim that Paul Manafort was wiretapped while he was Trump's campaign chairman, not whether or not Trump colluded with Russia.

It's your claim. If you can't prove it, you prove you're delusional.

The answer to that is painfully obvious given the lack of evidence you've posted.

10 months isn't a long time, the R's spent years attacking Bill and Hillary Clinton, in fact they and their fellow travelers continue to this day and not one conviction and not one indictment to show for the Millions of tax dollars spent on investigations.

ABSCAM took over two years, and ended up convicting half a dozen Members of the House of Reps and one senator along with other local and state officials. Be patient, if you really care to know if Russia colluded with US Citizens to impact our election, real patriots want to know who, and see them punished. Don't you?
it is in this context.

RUSSIA was never NEVER a concern til the dems lost.

the best smoking gun you have so far is $100k spent on facebook.

now - facebook profits:
Facebook's Ad Business Rolls as Profits Top $10 Billion in 2016

$10 billion in profits.

On Wednesday, the social network released its quarterly earnings, and showed its ad revenue hit $8.6 billion during the last three months of 2016. That represented a 53% jump from the same time a year prior. For the whole year, it generated $26.9 billion in ad sales, an increase of 57% from 2015.

Mark Zuckerberg's company also is making more money, topping $10 billion in profits for the full year in 2016 for the first time, increasing 177% from 2015.

Facebook also said it now makes 84% of its money from mobile ads, up from 80% in the fourth quarter of 2015.

Daily active users rose 18% year over year to 1.23 billion people.


for reference:
10,000,000,000 - 10 billion.
100,000 - amount in question. on it's own it sounds impressive.
however this represents .00001 of their overall revenue.

400 or so accounts. out of 1.23 billion people.
getting the decimal value here requires something more than windows calculator.

you're saying that RUSSIA was able to influence an election of the greatest country in the world with $100k and 400 fake accounts.

now query on how many fake users are on facebook, you're into the millions. 8-11%, 83 million - all googlable if you choose to get curious vs. take what you're told.

so, 400 fake accounts did what 83 million can't?

and you wonder why people can't take this seriously.

.00001 of overall revenue. 400 fake accounts out of 83 million.

what motivation does facebook have to out 400 fake accounts and leave the other 82,999,9600 alone?

take out politics and how you *feel* about this and just ask yourself those simple questions.

Nice effort to deflect, sadly for you it won't convince anyone but those already biased to believe your first Lie, to wit:

"RUSSIA was never NEVER a concern til the dems lost."

Four months before the election, "Since July 2016, the FBI has been investigating the Russian government’s attempt to influence the 2016 presidential election, including whether President Donald Trump’s campaign associates were involved in those efforts."

Timeline of Russia Investigation -


now tell me how $100k changed the course of our country without it sounding like an idiotic grade C sci-fi novel and killer tomatoes coming at us.

Facebook is a different issue yet to be fully vetted, using it to deflect from the issue is sophomoric.
then using it to attack trump and keep russia alive is what then?

valid? warranted? not just as stupid?

to me i don't care if trump stays or goes, but i want the stupid to end. stupid being everyone in such a dire need to prove THEIR views are superior than the others and the way THEY see it is valid while the rest, well it isn't.

so when the "stupid" in the attacks goes away, you'll see a lot less "stupid" defenses now won't you?

Huh? Calm down and try to post something substantive and thoughtful. The possibility that Russia was able to influence a democratic election maybe a work of fiction to you, but to most of the world it is of paramount interest. By all reports Putin is an evil man, and did support Trump, Why did he support Trump, because HRC held him accountable when she was Sect. of State.

What did Trump do? He appointed a friend of Putin to be his Sect. of State.

Q. Why did Trump appoint Tillerson as his Sect. of State?

A. [Quid Pro Quo?

[Latin, What for what or Something for something.] The mutual consideration that passes between two parties to a contractual agreement, thereby rendering the agreement valid and binding. In common usage, quid pro quo refers to the giving of one valuable thing for another.]

Gee, I wonder what that could be?
There are no Russians and there never were
It is a concoction by the Democrats to explain their improbable loss when the fix was in AND to draw attention away from the Real misdeeds that They were committing

Considering, every intelligence community and most GOP Congressmen disagree with you because they have proof, why don't you provide your evidence that it's only a Democrat wet dream.
After you provide your facts, I want you to contact your representatives in Congress and tell them that US intelligence and Congress in general are all wrong. Offer to provide factual evidence.
Thank you.
Look who's trying to change the subject.
No, I am trying to determine your 'definitions'. The lack of ability to adequately prove one's point to the other's satisfaction, such as the snowflakes' inability to prove 'Russian Collusion' ever existed let alone Trump was ever engaged in any, means that individual is WRONG, that their claim is false.

Thank you again for making that clear. We now have a base from which we can thoroughly engage in effective debate.
Look who's trying to change the subject.
No, I am trying to determine your 'definitions'. The lack of ability to adequately prove one's point to the other's satisfaction, such as the snowflakes' inability to prove 'Russian Collusion' ever existed let alone Trump was ever engaged in any, means that individual is WRONG, that their claim is false.

Thank you again for making that clear. We now have a base from which we can thoroughly engage in effective debate.
^^^ embarrassed idiot again trying to divert the topic.

Please show were facts indicate Trump Tower was wiretapped. Manafort, alone was wiretapped and it started back in 2014!
Your conjecture is not backed by facts.
you sure you want to stand by this nugget of stupid?

Man, you people are so fucking gullible.
Even if a wiretapped call with Trump by Manafort was recorded. If the conversation did no cover the reason for the FISA approval, the conversation would be erased. It's the law.
"Information acquired from an electronic surveillance conducted pursuant to this subchapter concerning any United States person may be used and disclosed by Federal officers and employees without the consent of the United States person only in accordance with the minimization procedures required by this subchapter. No otherwise privileged communication obtained in accordance with, or in violation of, the provisions of this subchapter shall lose its privileged character. No information acquired from an electronic surveillance pursuant to this subchapter may be used or disclosed by Federal officers or employees except for lawful purposes."
50 U.S. Code § 1806 - Use of information
Now do you understand? Or like a good little Trumpster, will you continue to believe Trump's totally unfounded and unproven claim that Obama wiretapped him. My bet is you would believe the proven pathological liar, because you are THAT easily manipulated.
not gonna listen to someone pull the "little trumpster" shit and ever take them seriously. that is jr high and your arguments are as well.

remember him? he made this claim long ago and was forced to apologize and sat on the bench for his "lies".

WAIT - he wasn't lying.

at this point there's no sense in talking to someone who is dancing around like a jr high school kid with his first hard on using mock-nicknames to insult people.

Trump daily talks like a junior high kid, but that doesn't see to bother you one bit.
Secondly, it's clear that either you read the law I referenced and didn't understand it, or you didn't read it because you never investigate for facts and just count on unfounded talking points, like the ones in your post.
Move along junior.

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