Breaking confirmed active shooter at Texas Walmart 18 ppl shot

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20 bucks says kid was on ssri

Thats always the real common theme no matter which way they lean politically ....ssris and being a mental case

the trans gender freak who hacked capital one threatened to shoot the place up ....also white trumps fault
Lol. The next hurricane will be Trumps fault too. :auiqs.jpg:

Right because we're totally not talking about a right wing Trump loon who wrote a manifesto documenting his hate for Hispanics.

Coward, deal with the violence promoted by the right.

Then he's not one of ours, we don't hate hispanics.

Meaning immigrants, legal or otherwise. He was a white supremacist Trump supporter and his words sound a lot like posters on this board.

Trump doesn't support white supremacists, which he stated after the Charlestown guys keep lying about that, but he condemned the supremacists...

Yes......there is no trace of any motivation for the Vegas shooter, so you guys lie about it...

There Is No 'Surge' in Right-Wing Violence | RealClearPolitics
Then again, even if we use the criteria offered by the GTD, we need to be exceptionally generous to even get to 36 incidents of right-wing violence in 2017. (I could find only 32.)

For example, although the Post acknowledges that the Las Vegas shooter's motivations are still unknown, the GTD had no problem categorizing the murderer of 58 people as an "anti-government extremist." And it takes these sorts of assumptions to get in the vicinity of a "surge" in right-wing terrorism.

Of the 32 incidents I was able to find, 12 featured perpetrators who were merely "suspected" of being right-wing terrorists. Some of these incidents could have been the work of one person, as in the pellet gun shootings of Muslims in New York. In other incidents, we are asked to treat patently insane people as if they had coherent political agendas.
More bullshit. Of course there's evidence. I just posted it. Denying it won't make it magically disappear.

again....there was no evidence...but please, keep lying.

For example, although the Post acknowledges that the Las Vegas shooter's motivations are still unknown, the GTD had no problem categorizing the murderer of 58 people as an "anti-government extremist." And it takes these sorts of assumptions to get in the vicinity of a "surge" in right-wing terrorism.
That's someone's opinion on realclearpolitics. I posted journalism.

No, you posted propaganda. Seems to be all you can do.

So you say, too bad you can't prove.
20 bucks says kid was on ssri

Thats always the real common theme no matter which way they lean politically ....ssris and being a mental case

the trans gender freak who hacked capital one threatened to shoot the place up ....also white trumps fault
Lol. The next hurricane will be Trumps fault too. :auiqs.jpg:

Right because we're totally not talking about a right wing Trump loon who wrote a manifesto documenting his hate for Hispanics.

Coward, deal with the violence promoted by the right.

Then he's not one of ours, we don't hate hispanics.

Like Trump stated......he wants more legal immigration...they never seem to remember when he said that...

Seeking asylum is legal, why was he trying to end that?

So is withdrawing money from a bank, but we still arrest bank robbers.
Hey 2aguy this article is all about you.

Most domestic terrorism comes from white supremacists, FBI tells lawmakers

When politicians use terrorism as a tool for swaying voters, they usually mean a specific kind of terrorism. This became clear in the 2016 election season when then-candidate Trump falsely accusedPresident Obama and Hillary Clinton of refusing to use specific words to describe it.

Say it with me, everyone: "Radical Islamic terrorism."

But there's another face of terrorism in the U.S. that often gets overlooked—one that looks, on the surface, like more than half of the U.S. population.

FBI Director Christopher Wray told Congress this week that most of the domestic terrorism arrests made so far this fiscal year have been associated with white supremacy. He pointed to about 100 arrests of "homegrown violent extremist terrorists" (these are generally the "radical Islamic terrorists") and about the same number of "domestic terrorists" (violent Americans with some kind of domestic beef), clarifying that the latter were mostly white supremacists.

In other words, there appear to be just as many all-American terrorists as there are "radical Islamic terrorists" in the U.S., and most American terrorists are white supremacists. just posted crap...

There Is No 'Surge' in Right-Wing Violence | RealClearPolitics

That is to say, we have good reason not to accept the numbers. According to The Washington Post, which relies on Global Terrorism Database data, there were zero acts of right-wing terrorism in the entire nation in 2002. Since then, we have seen a "surge," to 36 in a nation of 325-plus million people in 2017. Among those acts, there were 11 fatalities.

In other words, fewer homicides were committed by political terrorists of any stripe in the United States in 2017 than were committed by undocumented immigrants in the state of Texas alone -- which, I am assured, is an incredibly low number that shouldn't worry us very much. If one of these "surges" is scaremongering, why not the other?

Then again, even if we use the criteria offered by the GTD, we need to be exceptionally generous to even get to 36 incidents of right-wing violence in 2017. (I could find only 32.)

For example, although the Post acknowledges that the Las Vegas shooter's motivations are still unknown, the GTD had no problem categorizing the murderer of 58 people as an "anti-government extremist." And it takes these sorts of assumptions to get in the vicinity of a "surge" in right-wing terrorism.

Of the 32 incidents I was able to find, 12 featured perpetrators who were merely "suspected" of being right-wing terrorists. Some of these incidents could have been the work of one person, as in the pellet gun shootings of Muslims in New York. In other incidents, we are asked to treat patently insane people as if they had coherent political agendas.

All of the extremist killings in the US in 2018 had links to right-wing extremism, according to new report

Yeah...another lie.....try Mother Jones.....they list the mass shootings...tell us how the Navy shooting was right asshat....
They don't list any Navy mass shooting in 2018.

The Navy yard shooting was in 2013, I think 2aguy either needs to learn how to read or figure out how a calendar works real quick.

It was a different shooting....the screen rolled up on me....

Navy yard....12 dead with a pump action shotgun, Black male shooter....think he was a republican?
Hey 2aguy this article is all about you.

Most domestic terrorism comes from white supremacists, FBI tells lawmakers

When politicians use terrorism as a tool for swaying voters, they usually mean a specific kind of terrorism. This became clear in the 2016 election season when then-candidate Trump falsely accusedPresident Obama and Hillary Clinton of refusing to use specific words to describe it.

Say it with me, everyone: "Radical Islamic terrorism."

But there's another face of terrorism in the U.S. that often gets overlooked—one that looks, on the surface, like more than half of the U.S. population.

FBI Director Christopher Wray told Congress this week that most of the domestic terrorism arrests made so far this fiscal year have been associated with white supremacy. He pointed to about 100 arrests of "homegrown violent extremist terrorists" (these are generally the "radical Islamic terrorists") and about the same number of "domestic terrorists" (violent Americans with some kind of domestic beef), clarifying that the latter were mostly white supremacists.

In other words, there appear to be just as many all-American terrorists as there are "radical Islamic terrorists" in the U.S., and most American terrorists are white supremacists. just posted crap...

There Is No 'Surge' in Right-Wing Violence | RealClearPolitics

That is to say, we have good reason not to accept the numbers. According to The Washington Post, which relies on Global Terrorism Database data, there were zero acts of right-wing terrorism in the entire nation in 2002. Since then, we have seen a "surge," to 36 in a nation of 325-plus million people in 2017. Among those acts, there were 11 fatalities.

In other words, fewer homicides were committed by political terrorists of any stripe in the United States in 2017 than were committed by undocumented immigrants in the state of Texas alone -- which, I am assured, is an incredibly low number that shouldn't worry us very much. If one of these "surges" is scaremongering, why not the other?

Then again, even if we use the criteria offered by the GTD, we need to be exceptionally generous to even get to 36 incidents of right-wing violence in 2017. (I could find only 32.)

For example, although the Post acknowledges that the Las Vegas shooter's motivations are still unknown, the GTD had no problem categorizing the murderer of 58 people as an "anti-government extremist." And it takes these sorts of assumptions to get in the vicinity of a "surge" in right-wing terrorism.

Of the 32 incidents I was able to find, 12 featured perpetrators who were merely "suspected" of being right-wing terrorists. Some of these incidents could have been the work of one person, as in the pellet gun shootings of Muslims in New York. In other incidents, we are asked to treat patently insane people as if they had coherent political agendas.

All of the extremist killings in the US in 2018 had links to right-wing extremism, according to new report

Yeah...another lie.....try Mother Jones.....they list the mass shootings...tell us how the Navy shooting was right asshat....
They don't list any Navy mass shooting in 2018.

The Navy yard shooting was in 2013, I think 2aguy either needs to learn how to read or figure out how a calendar works real quick.
He'll have to yank his head out of the sand first.
Oh, look... the shooter was purportedly another trumpette....

What We Know About the Mass Shooting in El Paso

We won’t link to it here, but by late afternoon on Saturday, a racist “manifesto” indicating a desire to kill immigrants and reportedly penned by the shooter began circulating on social media.

You mean like registered democrat, the Pulse Night Club shooter?

Do many mass shooters end up being Democrats?

Omar Mateen, the shooter who killed 49 people at a nightclub in Orlando, Florida, in 2016, was registered as a Democrat in 2006. He voted in the Florida primary in 2016, according to reporting from Politico.
Pulse nightclub shooter was shooting gay people. That's not a democratic move.
Shooter was a Muslim.
And? As far as I know the only two Muslims on this forum are rightists. What's yer point?
20 bucks says kid was on ssri

Thats always the real common theme no matter which way they lean politically ....ssris and being a mental case

the trans gender freak who hacked capital one threatened to shoot the place up ....also white trumps fault
Lol. The next hurricane will be Trumps fault too. :auiqs.jpg:

Right because we're totally not talking about a right wing Trump loon who wrote a manifesto documenting his hate for Hispanics.

Coward, deal with the violence promoted by the right.

Then he's not one of ours, we don't hate hispanics.

Meaning immigrants, legal or otherwise. He was a white supremacist Trump supporter and his words sound a lot like posters on this board.

Trump doesn't support white supremacists, which he stated after the Charlestown guys keep lying about that, but he condemned the supremacists...

Yes, there were some very fine people interspersed between Nazi salutes, tiki torches and chants of "The Jews shall not replace us".It's totally understandable that decent people are going to hang around that crowd.

He let them off the hook.

Like you are, right now. Pretending that right wing extremism isn't violent. just posted crap...

There Is No 'Surge' in Right-Wing Violence | RealClearPolitics

That is to say, we have good reason not to accept the numbers. According to The Washington Post, which relies on Global Terrorism Database data, there were zero acts of right-wing terrorism in the entire nation in 2002. Since then, we have seen a "surge," to 36 in a nation of 325-plus million people in 2017. Among those acts, there were 11 fatalities.

In other words, fewer homicides were committed by political terrorists of any stripe in the United States in 2017 than were committed by undocumented immigrants in the state of Texas alone -- which, I am assured, is an incredibly low number that shouldn't worry us very much. If one of these "surges" is scaremongering, why not the other?

Then again, even if we use the criteria offered by the GTD, we need to be exceptionally generous to even get to 36 incidents of right-wing violence in 2017. (I could find only 32.)

For example, although the Post acknowledges that the Las Vegas shooter's motivations are still unknown, the GTD had no problem categorizing the murderer of 58 people as an "anti-government extremist." And it takes these sorts of assumptions to get in the vicinity of a "surge" in right-wing terrorism.

Of the 32 incidents I was able to find, 12 featured perpetrators who were merely "suspected" of being right-wing terrorists. Some of these incidents could have been the work of one person, as in the pellet gun shootings of Muslims in New York. In other incidents, we are asked to treat patently insane people as if they had coherent political agendas.

All of the extremist killings in the US in 2018 had links to right-wing extremism, according to new report

Yeah...another lie.....try Mother Jones.....they list the mass shootings...tell us how the Navy shooting was right asshat....
They don't list any Navy mass shooting in 2018.

The Navy yard shooting was in 2013, I think 2aguy either needs to learn how to read or figure out how a calendar works real quick.

It was a different shooting....the screen rolled up on me....

Navy yard....12 dead with a pump action shotgun, Black male shooter....think he was a republican?
Dumbfuck, you posted that in response to me posting a link about how all extremist shootings in 2018 had links to rightwing extremists.
No, but think that if it gives you comfort.

We don't have a gun violence epidemic; we have a marginalization problem that is exploited by politicians:

- Mentally ill young men seek attention/revenge or other compensation for their mental problems via mass shootings; these are a tiny minority among total gun deaths.
- Gang (another marginalized category) violence deaths are mostly intra-race, and far out number the mass shootings.
- Out cynical LW political class diverts attention for the societal conditions which create marginalized people in order to crow about Gun Control and to advocate for destroying the 2nd Amendment. Their power is more important than a healthy society.
I think it's more nefarious than that.
I think someone is putting these kids up to it just like they do in the Middle-East.

Possibly. It's not out of the real of possibility that some anti-American group is targeting marginalized young men to turn use them as weapons.

Since this was a border town and a Walmart heavily trafficked by hispanics and the manifesto is reportedly racist rant against Mexicans, this ant-American group weaponizing this shooter is otherwise called the GOP.

Your feverish wet dreams are leaking.

Your president and your party are enabling terrorists. The only good thing about this shooting is that it happened in Texas. Every now and then karma gets it right.

You're silly.
20 bucks says kid was on ssri

Thats always the real common theme no matter which way they lean politically ....ssris and being a mental case

the trans gender freak who hacked capital one threatened to shoot the place up ....also white trumps fault
Lol. The next hurricane will be Trumps fault too. :auiqs.jpg:

Right because we're totally not talking about a right wing Trump loon who wrote a manifesto documenting his hate for Hispanics.

Coward, deal with the violence promoted by the right.

Then he's not one of ours, we don't hate hispanics.
Well said, Defiant1. Hear, hear! The Republicans have been trying to get the Democrat Congress to show the border people some humanitarianism by funding the people that only the out-of-pocket Border Patrol has generously given to feed some of the illegal crossers because they had caring and mercy in their hearts. AOC announced an outcome just before she went to the border and did the dirty on the Border Patrol right there in El Paso. Then she went back to her cushy quarters in DC beating up some more on Republicans when indeed, she voted AGAINST HUMANITARIAN AID TO BORDER FAMILIES. What a bunch of jerks the Democrats are closing purse strings to any good thing President does for this country. Of course, they're not going to do anything to relieve the families that are in detention awaiting their orders to return to their homelands from the masses the Democrats recruited to cross the border.

The Democrats created chaos, now innocent people are dying because of their spiteful misuse of the power they have to right the wrongs that spring up when they're trying to hurt Donald Trump with EVERY LITTLE THING THAT COMES DOWN THE PIKE.
My thoughts and prayers go out to the victims and their families

May they rest assured that their rights to buy guns are still keeping them safe

No you don't, you rub your hands gleefully together and dream of ending the 2nd Amendment so the serfs can be brought back into line.
But the second amendment keeps us safe

Doesn’t it?

Yes, it keeps the AMERICAN PEOPLE safe from a corrupt government. Why do you think it is billionaires pushing the gun control narrative. They've bought the government, now the only thing preventing them from turning the PEOPLE back into the serfs they so desire us to be is our guns. No matter how condescending your statements are, the fact is billionaires can't control us while we are armed.

Why do you hate the people and love the billionaires?

Your ar-15 and your buddies ak-47 are.of no concern to the government at all. All you militia nuts together couldn't stand up to a recently trained SWAT team, much less an infantry fireteam.

We won't be standing up to them, we will be standing with them.
Hoo... That's a whole lotta wishful thinking right there pal.

Yeah...another lie.....try Mother Jones.....they list the mass shootings...tell us how the Navy shooting was right asshat....
They don't list any Navy mass shooting in 2018.

The Navy yard shooting was in 2013, I think 2aguy either needs to learn how to read or figure out how a calendar works real quick.

It was a different shooting....the screen rolled up on me....

Navy yard....12 dead with a pump action shotgun, Black male shooter....think he was a republican?
Dumbfuck, you posted that in response to me posting a link about how all extremist shootings in 2018 had links to rightwing extremists.

I guess because the Navy Yard shooter was black he must have been liberal. Even though the guy had a history of mental illness, was in the military which I'm told are all conservatives but in the end didn't have any political motivation that we know of. 2aguy is grasping at straws. I guess this is what it looks like when he doesn't have walls of pseudo stats typed up and ready by some dubious sources to copy and paste from.
Witnesses are saying they saw 3 or more shooters.

Why is Tweeter already deleting the accounts of people who say they saw with their own eyes 3 or more shooters?

Something is very fishy in this tragedy too.

Yeah...another lie.....try Mother Jones.....they list the mass shootings...tell us how the Navy shooting was right asshat....
They don't list any Navy mass shooting in 2018.

The Navy yard shooting was in 2013, I think 2aguy either needs to learn how to read or figure out how a calendar works real quick.

It was a different shooting....the screen rolled up on me....

Navy yard....12 dead with a pump action shotgun, Black male shooter....think he was a republican?
Dumbfuck, you posted that in response to me posting a link about how all extremist shootings in 2018 had links to rightwing extremists.

And not all of them did.....asshat.....
Witnesses are saying they saw 3 or more shooters.

Why is Tweeter already deleting the accounts of people who say they saw with their own eyes 3 or more shooters?

Something is very fishy in this tragedy too.

Most likely confusion at the event.......
Yeah...another lie.....try Mother Jones.....they list the mass shootings...tell us how the Navy shooting was right asshat....
They don't list any Navy mass shooting in 2018.

The Navy yard shooting was in 2013, I think 2aguy either needs to learn how to read or figure out how a calendar works real quick.

It was a different shooting....the screen rolled up on me....

Navy yard....12 dead with a pump action shotgun, Black male shooter....think he was a republican?
Dumbfuck, you posted that in response to me posting a link about how all extremist shootings in 2018 had links to rightwing extremists.

I guess because the Navy Yard shooter was black he must have been liberal. Even though the guy had a history of mental illness, was in the military which I'm told are all conservatives but in the end didn't have any political motivation that we know of. 2aguy is grasping at straws. I guess this is what it looks like when he doesn't have walls of pseudo stats typed up and ready by some dubious sources to copy and paste from.

John kerry was in the military you moron.....
Witnesses are saying they saw 3 or more shooters.

Why is Tweeter already deleting the accounts of people who say they saw with their own eyes 3 or more shooters?

Something is very fishy in this tragedy too.

^wingut red flag bullshit excuses coming soon. just posted crap...

There Is No 'Surge' in Right-Wing Violence | RealClearPolitics

That is to say, we have good reason not to accept the numbers. According to The Washington Post, which relies on Global Terrorism Database data, there were zero acts of right-wing terrorism in the entire nation in 2002. Since then, we have seen a "surge," to 36 in a nation of 325-plus million people in 2017. Among those acts, there were 11 fatalities.

In other words, fewer homicides were committed by political terrorists of any stripe in the United States in 2017 than were committed by undocumented immigrants in the state of Texas alone -- which, I am assured, is an incredibly low number that shouldn't worry us very much. If one of these "surges" is scaremongering, why not the other?

Then again, even if we use the criteria offered by the GTD, we need to be exceptionally generous to even get to 36 incidents of right-wing violence in 2017. (I could find only 32.)

For example, although the Post acknowledges that the Las Vegas shooter's motivations are still unknown, the GTD had no problem categorizing the murderer of 58 people as an "anti-government extremist." And it takes these sorts of assumptions to get in the vicinity of a "surge" in right-wing terrorism.

Of the 32 incidents I was able to find, 12 featured perpetrators who were merely "suspected" of being right-wing terrorists. Some of these incidents could have been the work of one person, as in the pellet gun shootings of Muslims in New York. In other incidents, we are asked to treat patently insane people as if they had coherent political agendas.

All of the extremist killings in the US in 2018 had links to right-wing extremism, according to new report

Yeah...another lie.....try Mother Jones.....they list the mass shootings...tell us how the Navy shooting was right asshat....
They don't list any Navy mass shooting in 2018.

The Navy yard shooting was in 2013, I think 2aguy either needs to learn how to read or figure out how a calendar works real quick.

It was a different shooting....the screen rolled up on me....

Navy yard....12 dead with a pump action shotgun, Black male shooter....think he was a republican?
Aren't you guys always saying the black folks are coming over to your side?

"Leaving the plantation" I believe is the quote.
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