BREAKING !: Court rules Trump's border wall can be constructed

Funny how the most Stupid always seem to call others fools. They can see stupidity everywhere except where they need to look most. It's as if Trump personally is going to build the wall himself, as if he depends on no one or nothing else to get it done, and as if some imaginary deadline has already passed and the money should be sitting on a pallet somewhere warm, or as if the few billion to build it is going to kill us after what Obama spent. Here he is, the guy is actually getting it done, one small step at a time, obstacle after obstacle, after presidents for DECADES have talked about it and done JACK, and still we have to listen to these snowflakes bitch about it, because you know they don't want it done anyway, but if Barry and Hillary were even half this close, they'd be ALL FOR IT, it would be "done" already in their minds, it would be good money spent, and the Media would have the story highlighted on the front fucking page as if Man had walked on the Moon again.

I'm surprised they ain't claiming that Trump cavorted with the Russians to build the wall. (Maybe he's importing the Portland Cement in from St. Petersburg)
No wall. Mexico isn’t paying for it. You’re a fool :rofl:

There's JED! Quick on answers. Short on brains.
Aaaand Mexico still is not paying for the wall :lol:

They can't avoid it, Dope. Unless they want to cut off their 58 billion in trade with us and collapse their economy! It's all coming in time. Smell the coffee. Gee, what a DOPE you are.

Not to mention aid and the ability to tax remmentience monies.

Then of course comes the automatic payment since we wont be funding illegals through welfare,EBT,schooling,healthcare and a plethora of other drains on the taxpayer.

Finally, this big beautiful wall is going to be built, and who's gonna pay for it? .............. c'mon folks, say Mexico....please?
Just joking. Trump's a lying piece of crap, we found out. He also lied about his campaign being self funded. He owes billionaires a plenty just like all the other politicians he used to criticize. Where to go from here. If he's impeached, we're stuck with that holy roller that talks to God. Time to get busy getting money out of politics or all we will ever get is the Trumps and the Hillarys.
No wall. Mexico isn’t paying for it. You’re a fool :rofl:

There's JED! Quick on answers. Short on brains.
Aaaand Mexico still is not paying for the wall :lol:

They can't avoid it, Dope. Unless they want to cut off their 58 billion in trade with us and collapse their economy! It's all coming in time. Smell the coffee. Gee, what a DOPE you are.

Not to mention aid and the ability to tax remmentience monies.

Then of course comes the automatic payment since we wont be funding illegals through welfare,EBT,schooling,healthcare and a plethora of other drains on the taxpayer.

Finally, this big beautiful wall is going to be built, and who's gonna pay for it? .............. c'mon folks, say Mexico....please?
Just joking. Trump's a lying piece of crap, we found out. He also lied about his campaign being self funded. He owes billionaires a plenty just like all the other politicians he used to criticize. Where to go from here. If he's impeached, we're stuck with that holy roller that talks to God. Time to get busy getting money out of politics or all we will ever get is the Trumps and the Hillarys.

Are you related to Jim Jones?
Funny how the most Stupid always seem to call others fools. They can see stupidity everywhere except where they need to look most. It's as if Trump personally is going to build the wall himself, as if he depends on no one or nothing else to get it done, and as if some imaginary deadline has already passed and the money should be sitting on a pallet somewhere warm, or as if the few billion to build it is going to kill us after what Obama spent. Here he is, the guy is actually getting it done, one small step at a time, obstacle after obstacle, after presidents for DECADES have talked about it and done JACK, and still we have to listen to these snowflakes bitch about it, because you know they don't want it done anyway, but if Barry and Hillary were even half this close, they'd be ALL FOR IT, it would be "done" already in their minds, it would be good money spent, and the Media would have the story highlighted on the front fucking page as if Man had walked on the Moon again.

I'm surprised they ain't claiming that Trump cavorted with the Russians to build the wall. (Maybe he's importing the Portland Cement in from St. Petersburg)
No wall. Mexico isn’t paying for it. You’re a fool :rofl:

There's JED! Quick on answers. Short on brains.
Aaaand Mexico still is not paying for the wall :lol:

They can't avoid it, Dope. Unless they want to cut off their 58 billion in trade with us and collapse their economy! It's all coming in time. Smell the coffee. Gee, what a DOPE you are.

Not to mention aid and the ability to tax remmentience monies.

Then of course comes the automatic payment since we wont be funding illegals through welfare,EBT,schooling,healthcare and a plethora of other drains on the taxpayer.

Point well taken. Just the vast amount of money being saved processing all those illegals who used to cross the border, all the cost of jailing them, feeding them, processing them, medical care, etc., is all being saved and can be considered money put to better uses like the border wall.
Finally, this big beautiful wall is going to be built, and who's gonna pay for it? .............. c'mon folks, say Mexico....please?
Just joking. Trump's a lying piece of crap, we found out. He also lied about his campaign being self funded. He owes billionaires a plenty just like all the other politicians he used to criticize. Where to go from here. If he's impeached, we're stuck with that holy roller that talks to God. Time to get busy getting money out of politics or all we will ever get is the Trumps and the Hillarys.
He ain't gonna be impeached.

You're gonna be miserable for a long time.

Get used to it.
Is it just me, or is that a perfect example of gov overreach and corruption: using environmental laws to try to stop something completely unrelated to protecting the environment >.<

The left was just using enviromental concerns to stop the wall from being constructed.
So, you're happy that your taxes will build Trump's useless wall?

Money spent on border security is money well spent.
Yay! Go Trump!


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