BREAKING !: Court rules Trump's border wall can be constructed

Hey, I just wondered, once the Wall is built, and illegal population is deported, and wages go up, and crime goes down,

What percentage of liberals will claim it is just a coincidence? 99%? or a full 100?

They'll just call it "Obama's Wall".
Wow. Another HUGE win and promise kept by President Trump. I hate to admit this... but he was right. I am actually getting a little tired of winning. Well, not really. LOL
What promise kept? He said Mexico will pay for it. Never mind that it hasn’t even been built. You fool.

You dumb MFer. Did you think the President of Mexico was going to personally walk the check over the border to us? There are many way Mexico will pay for it which have been outlined. Go do some homework.

She knows that,she's just trolling.

A federal court cleared the way Tuesday for President Trump to build his border wall, ruling the administration has the power to waive a series of environmental laws to speed up construction.

The state of California and environmental groups had been counting on the lawsuit to derail the border wall, and the judge’s ruling to the contrary is a major boost to Mr. Trump.

The ruling is all the more striking because it comes Judge Gonzalo P. Curiel, who Mr. Trump famously called biased during the 2016 campaign because of his Mexican heritage.

Judge Curiel said he wasn’t opining on whether a wall was good or bad policy — but had to conclude the government has the power to build it.

Donald Trump can build border wall, court rules
Laws Waived on the Border

The unprecedented power granted to the Secretary of Homeland Security (DHS) by Section 102 of the Real ID Act has been used multiple times to "waive in their entirety" thirty-seven federal laws. Although the Secretary of DHS is unelected appointee, with the stroke of a pen one individual has the ability to dismiss decades of protective laws passed by Congress and signed by presidents, all to circumvent local, state, and federal laws when constructing border walls. The waiver provision of the Real ID Act is a grave threat to the checks and balances within the United States Constitution. Furthermore, continuing to allow this type of precedent to stand is a threat to environmental protection across the country, not only on the border.

Federal laws waived by DHS for construction of border wall include:

  • National Environmental Policy Act
  • Endangered Species Act
  • Clean Water Act
  • National Historic Preservation Act
  • Migratory Bird Treaty Act
  • Clean Air Act
  • Archaeological Resources Protection Act
  • Safe Drinking Water Act
  • Noise Control Act
  • Solid Waste Disposal Act
  • Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act
  • Archaeological and Historic Preservation Act
  • Antiquities Act
  • Historic Sites, Buildings, and Antiquities Act
  • Wild and Scenic Rivers Act
  • Farmland Protection Policy Act
  • Coastal Zone Management Act
  • Wilderness Act
  • Federal Land Policy and Management Act
  • National Wildlife Refuge System Administration Act
  • Fish and Wildlife Act of 1956
  • Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act
  • Administrative Procedure Act
  • Otay Mountain Wilderness Act of 1999
  • California Desert Protection Act
  • National Park Service Organic Act
  • National Park Service General Authorities Act
  • National Parks and Recreation Act of 1978
  • Arizona Desert Wilderness Act
  • Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899
  • Eagle Protection Act
  • Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act
  • American Indian Religious Freedom Act
  • Religious Freedom Restoration Act
  • National Forest Management Act of 1976
  • Multiple Use and Sustained Yield Act of 1960
  • Federal Grants and Cooperative Agreements Act of 1977
Wow. Another HUGE win and promise kept by President Trump. I hate to admit this... but he was right. I am actually getting a little tired of winning. Well, not really. LOL
What promise kept? He said Mexico will pay for it. Never mind that it hasn’t even been built. You fool.

You dumb MFer. Did you think the President of Mexico was going to personally walk the check over the border to us? There are many way Mexico will pay for it which have been outlined. Go do some homework.
Go drink more of Trump’s piss, faggot. Mexico isn’t paying for the wall no matter how you try to spin it.

You Trumpettes are so fucking stupid :lol:
Wow. Another HUGE win and promise kept by President Trump. I hate to admit this... but he was right. I am actually getting a little tired of winning. Well, not really. LOL
What promise kept? He said Mexico will pay for it. Never mind that it hasn’t even been built. You fool.

You need to stop smoking so much weed.
Your short term memory is terrible.
Did Trump promise a wall at Mexico’s expense? Yes. Did you fall for it? :lol: Hell yes. You’re too stupid to know you’ve been had :rofl:
Wow. Another HUGE win and promise kept by President Trump. I hate to admit this... but he was right. I am actually getting a little tired of winning. Well, not really. LOL
What promise kept? He said Mexico will pay for it. Never mind that it hasn’t even been built. You fool.

You dumb MFer. Did you think the President of Mexico was going to personally walk the check over the border to us? There are many way Mexico will pay for it which have been outlined. Go do some homework.
Go drink more of Trump’s piss, faggot. Mexico isn’t paying for the wall no matter how you try to spin it.

You Trumpettes are so fucking stupid :lol:

If I was gay is there something wrong with that? Bigot.
Wow. Another HUGE win and promise kept by President Trump. I hate to admit this... but he was right. I am actually getting a little tired of winning. Well, not really. LOL
What promise kept? He said Mexico will pay for it. Never mind that it hasn’t even been built. You fool.

You need to stop smoking so much weed.
Your short term memory is terrible.
Did Trump promise a wall at Mexico’s expense? Yes. Did you fall for it? :lol: Hell yes. You’re too stupid to know you’ve been had :rofl:
In the long run, Mexico Mexico will pay for the wall. Check to see how many US companies are abandoning Mexico and returning home. See how simple that is?
Wow. Another HUGE win and promise kept by President Trump. I hate to admit this... but he was right. I am actually getting a little tired of winning. Well, not really. LOL
What promise kept? He said Mexico will pay for it. Never mind that it hasn’t even been built. You fool.

You dumb MFer. Did you think the President of Mexico was going to personally walk the check over the border to us? There are many way Mexico will pay for it which have been outlined. Go do some homework.
Go drink more of Trump’s piss, faggot. Mexico isn’t paying for the wall no matter how you try to spin it.

You Trumpettes are so fucking stupid :lol:

If I was gay is there something wrong with that? Bigot.
Not at all. You can be a faggot without being gay. In fact, I reserve that word for retarded pussies like you.
Wow. Another HUGE win and promise kept by President Trump. I hate to admit this... but he was right. I am actually getting a little tired of winning. Well, not really. LOL
What promise kept? He said Mexico will pay for it. Never mind that it hasn’t even been built. You fool.

You need to stop smoking so much weed.
Your short term memory is terrible.
Did Trump promise a wall at Mexico’s expense? Yes. Did you fall for it? :lol: Hell yes. You’re too stupid to know you’ve been had :rofl:
In the long run, Mexico Mexico will pay for the wall. Check to see how many US companies are abandoning Mexico and returning home. See how simple that is?
I see that you’re simple. Does that count?
Wow. Another HUGE win and promise kept by President Trump. I hate to admit this... but he was right. I am actually getting a little tired of winning. Well, not really. LOL
What promise kept? He said Mexico will pay for it. Never mind that it hasn’t even been built. You fool.

You need to stop smoking so much weed.
Your short term memory is terrible.
Did Trump promise a wall at Mexico’s expense? Yes. Did you fall for it? :lol: Hell yes. You’re too stupid to know you’ve been had :rofl:

May I suggest adderall....lots and lots of adderall.
Wow. Another HUGE win and promise kept by President Trump. I hate to admit this... but he was right. I am actually getting a little tired of winning. Well, not really. LOL
What promise kept? He said Mexico will pay for it. Never mind that it hasn’t even been built. You fool.

You need to stop smoking so much weed.
Your short term memory is terrible.
Did Trump promise a wall at Mexico’s expense? Yes. Did you fall for it? :lol: Hell yes. You’re too stupid to know you’ve been had :rofl:
In the long run, Mexico Mexico will pay for the wall. Check to see how many US companies are abandoning Mexico and returning home. See how simple that is?
I see that you’re simple. Does that count?
No, dummkopf.
Whatever short span of the fake wall is built will be torn down later. And the lying orange turd will have put another $20 billion dollars of debt on the backs of the American people for nothing. It's the Republican way.
Why would anyone tear it down? To what purpose?
Because make no mistake,when they outnumber us you'll be tossed on the trash heap as another useful idiot.
No truer words could be written. That is the saddest part about Dems and their magical dirt theory.
Whatever short span of the fake wall is built will be torn down later. And the lying orange turd will have put another $20 billion dollars of debt on the backs of the American people for nothing. It's the Republican way.
Why would anyone tear it down? To what purpose?

To allow easy access for voters of course.

I wonder how many anchor baby machines will be found broken up at the base of the wall?

Name a defensive structure that has not been overcome in human history. They all have and they all will be. If the payoff is large enough there is no barrier strong enough. Even at the risk of being shot, which many people were, they raced across the no man's land to reach and get over the Berlin wall and many made it. And tunnels were dug underneath.

It is folly. It was a bullshit campaign bait that the orange turd dangled in the face of rabid dogs who were hungry for meat. It is complete bullshit.

I wonder how many anchor baby machines will be found broken up at the base of the wall?

Name a defensive structure that has not been overcome in human history. They all have and they all will be. If the payoff is large enough there is no barrier strong enough. Even at the risk of being shot, which many people were, they raced across the no man's land to reach and get over the Berlin wall and many made it. And tunnels were dug underneath.

It is folly. It was a bullshit campaign bait that the orange turd dangled in the face of rabid dogs who were hungry for meat. It is complete bullshit.

I'm sure those pregnant women and the children will do just fine.
The fall is only 40 or 50 feet.
The few that may make it across will find a much different America than the one barry ran.
They'll turn themselves in so they dont have to climb the wall again.

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