BREAKING !: Court rules Trump's border wall can be constructed

Where's the Mexican money? If we have to pay for it, it's another Trump lie.
Russia told him they’re not paying for his f-ing Wall.

And I’m sure not paying for it

Like you have a say in the matter.

What happened to “we the people”? Isn’t that what you shrieked about for eight years?

You were the minority then. You’re the minority’s now. I think that’s salient.

And where is the money coming from when you gave all those give backs to the top 1%?

Oh right. Deficits don’t matter when R’s bankrupt the country

Sorry,imminent domain.
If it were me I'd build it on the other side of the river.

there's eminent domain lawsuits from bush's fence that still aren't settled

trumplings don't fare well with reality

Reality is working fine here. How is reality in the land of the Marxist Dialectic?
US v. 1.04 Acres of Land


Upon consideration of the motion and pleadings of the United States and the responses from Dr. Tamez, this Court finds that: (i) the United States' use of the Declaration of Taking Act in this action is proper because the United States is authorized to proceed under the General Condemnation Act, 40 U.S.C. § 3113 and the DTA is available as an ancillary procedure; (ii) Dr. Tamez correctly asserts that negotiations are a prerequisite to the exercise of the power of eminent domain under 8 U.S.C. § 1103 and there is contradictory and insufficient evidence before this Court as to whether there has been[538 F.Supp.2d 1015]
bona fide efforts to negotiate with Dr. Tamez; (iii) the consultation clause of the note to 8 U.S.C. § 1103 is not a defense to the United States' DTA action, but that it still may be a defense to later activity by the Government; and (iv) as presented, Dr. Tamez's unsupported and non-specific contention that service of process was insufficient is not a defense to the United States' DTA action.
Consequently, the Court hereby overrules Dr. Tamez's objections to: (1) the use of the DTA; (2) the failure to comply with the consultation clause; and (3) the sufficiency of the service of process. Dr. Tamez's objections concerning the failure of the Government to abide by the consultation clause are denied without prejudice to her ability to reassert those objections at a later point in time. The Court reserves its ruling with regard to whether the facts demonstrate a bona fide effort to negotiate until March 22, 2008. Both parties have until Friday, March 21, 2008 to either partake in negotiations and/or provide this Court with any relevant evidence they may have concerning the existence of bona fide efforts to negotiate."

U.S. v. 1.04 ACRES OF LAN | 538 F.Supp.2d 995 (2008) | p2d99511435 |

Negotiate or the government will take it. I am sure this case is not indicative of all...but we built railroads...highways...bridges...dams across this nation and you think some border pig farmers on <10 acre plots are going to stop the US Government? Come on...come on.
Where's the Mexican money? If we have to pay for it, it's another Trump lie.
Russia told him they’re not paying for his f-ing Wall.

And I’m sure not paying for it

Like you have a say in the matter.

What happened to “we the people”? Isn’t that what you shrieked about for eight years?

You were the minority then. You’re the minority’s now. I think that’s salient.

And where is the money coming from when you gave all those give backs to the top 1%?

Oh right. Deficits don’t matter when R’s bankrupt the country

It's cheaper to build the wall than it is to harbor illegal dem voters.
Which of course is the reason you want em here in the first place.
Leave it to progressive scum to throw their own country under the bus for fleeting power.
Because make no mistake,when they outnumber us you'll be tossed on the trash heap as another useful idiot.
Where's the Mexican money? If we have to pay for it, it's another Trump lie.
Russia told him they’re not paying for his f-ing Wall.

And I’m sure not paying for it

Like you have a say in the matter.

What happened to “we the people”? Isn’t that what you shrieked about for eight years?

You were the minority then. You’re the minority’s now. I think that’s salient.

And where is the money coming from when you gave all those give backs to the top 1%?

Oh right. Deficits don’t matter when R’s bankrupt the country

It's cheaper to build the wall than it is to harbor illegal dem voters.
Which of course is the reason you want em here in the first place.
Leave it to progressive scum to throw their own country under the bus for fleeting power.
Because make no mistake,when they outnumber us you'll be tossed on the trash heap as another useful idiot.

Even Donald knows his wall is absurd. But then again dems we’re going to make a deal
With him until the great “deal maker” intentionally blew the deal so he could pander to his “base”
Whatever short span of the fake wall is built will be torn down later. And the lying orange turd will have put another $20 billion dollars of debt on the backs of the American people for nothing. It's the Republican way.

So, you're unaware of the many miles of wall that already exist that no one has burned down?
You all had best take heed, the ruling went Trumps way this time, but I can tell you from my own actions of reaching out to the U.S that it's a massive effort to undermine his legal power.

USITC: They ruled against the tariffs applied to Bombardier, even as this company is full of covert state agents and they are subsidized and dumping into Boeings market. Boeing was undercut by European competition in the past without protection, they had an equalizer when Trump hit Bombadier with tariffs. The USITC just wiped it out. I have the names of those involved in the decision but sent a more generic email to them. With the current solar panel challenge by Canada (who else?), it might be time for me to get on my bike and get ahead of this one, this decision is massive, as it involved China also. Canada is using WTO to assist China too. Some "ally" right?

9th Circuit: They interfere on immigration, sometimes just one single judge in Hawaii. They are undermining DACA and pretending it is constitutional. These may one day hit the Supreme Court when all is said and done, but it's the courts over reaching the government in my opinion.

Local and state politicians flipping the bird to ICE: Not only with Sanctuary Cities, but also telling local police to "stand down", in some cases in California threats of legal action and job loss if they help ICE! This is ridiculous and in my opinion, the DOJ must deal with any such threats with similar action against those denying local police do their job where it is warranted.

This last one is vital as it is the angle that Canada was going to take, probably with backroom discussions from Obama and the political patsies he has in place already. Foreign governments lobbying state and local governments to "resist" Trump. They are reaching out to delegations in Senate and The House also. The goal. Handcuff Trump, alter his support and put Canada and our workers first, rather than America First.

Stay on this guys, send emails, make phone calls, rattle some cages and don't allow some to usurp the powers of the president without consequences for them. If I can do it and I'm some stupid Canadian from Dumbfook, Idaho, you can do it too.
Where's the Mexican money? If we have to pay for it, it's another Trump lie.
Russia told him they’re not paying for his f-ing Wall.

And I’m sure not paying for it

Like you have a say in the matter.

What happened to “we the people”? Isn’t that what you shrieked about for eight years?

You were the minority then. You’re the minority’s now. I think that’s salient.

And where is the money coming from when you gave all those give backs to the top 1%?

Oh right. Deficits don’t matter when R’s bankrupt the country

Protecting the nation from foreign invaders is the prime function of government.
Where's the Mexican money? If we have to pay for it, it's another Trump lie.
Russia told him they’re not paying for his f-ing Wall.

And I’m sure not paying for it

Like you have a say in the matter.

What happened to “we the people”? Isn’t that what you shrieked about for eight years?

You were the minority then. You’re the minority’s now. I think that’s salient.

And where is the money coming from when you gave all those give backs to the top 1%?

Oh right. Deficits don’t matter when R’s bankrupt the country

It's cheaper to build the wall than it is to harbor illegal dem voters.
Which of course is the reason you want em here in the first place.
Leave it to progressive scum to throw their own country under the bus for fleeting power.
Because make no mistake,when they outnumber us you'll be tossed on the trash heap as another useful idiot.

Even Donald knows his wall is absurd. But then again dems we’re going to make a deal
With him until the great “deal maker” intentionally blew the deal so he could pander to his “base”

You didn't address anything he said.

Do you know that when they outnumber you that you'll be tossed on the trash heap as another useful idiot?
Where's the Mexican money? If we have to pay for it, it's another Trump lie.
Russia told him they’re not paying for his f-ing Wall.

And I’m sure not paying for it

Like you have a say in the matter.

What happened to “we the people”? Isn’t that what you shrieked about for eight years?

You were the minority then. You’re the minority’s now. I think that’s salient.

And where is the money coming from when you gave all those give backs to the top 1%?

Oh right. Deficits don’t matter when R’s bankrupt the country

Since when did liberals care about money? After Obozo spent 10 trillion dollars in 8 years?

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