Breaking: Democrats and Leftist Media Dread As Tucker Carlson to Fully Reveal January 6 Truth Tonight.

Examples, please.

I'll wait.
You bought every story about Trump retard. We all know it. YOU know it. Russian “Collusion”, pee tape, 2 shampeachments, taxes, the list goes on. Be a man and own up to your failings. For once.
You bought every story about Trump retard. We all know it. YOU know it. Russian “Collusion”, pee tape, 2 shampeachments, taxes, the list goes on. Be a man and own up to your failings. For once.
So, nothing. I expected that, because I knew you were lying. Just making stuff up because I hurt your feelings.

Get back to me when you grow up a bit.

You watched what your bosses at the DNC told you to say you watched so you'd get that paycheck.

ahh yea, great comeback

Meanwhile back on Earth all Americans watch trash Trumpers riot an dloot the Capitol, attacking cops, destroying shit, and running around like pathetic bitches dressed up in combat vest like little wanna be bad asses and total jokes.

You people made total fuckin fools of yourselves, and we all saw it live. Trumpers look stupid AF
You people made total fuckin fools of yourselves, and we all saw it live. Trumpers look stupid AF
If they weren't so goddamn arrogant I'd feel sorry for them. This is a kind of manipulation the world has seen before.

Look at the Trumpsters who actually filmed themselves breaking federal law. They must have thought they'd be thought of as heroes. They were so proud.
So, nothing. I expected that, because I knew you were lying. Just making stuff up because I hurt your feelings.

Get back to me when you grow up a bit.
Poor retarded Mac. I’m not lying. And you know it. You have never proven one bit of the verbal diarrhea you’ve spouted about me or any other poster. Just your stupid little “Trumper” bullshit to attempt to cover the fact that you get destroyed every time you open you lying mouth. Grow up? That’s what you need to do. You’re coward who runs away and won’t address your falling for 7+ years of debunked stories and still clinging to them.
ahh yea, great comeback

Meanwhile back on Earth all Americans watch trash Trumpers riot an dloot the Capitol, attacking cops, destroying shit, and running around like pathetic bitches dressed up in combat vest like little wanna be bad asses and total jokes.

You people made total fuckin fools of yourselves, and we all saw it live. Trumpers look stupid AF

I iterate.

But, hey, it's an easier job than flipping burgers, which is what you were doing until Soros hired you.

Do your desperation tap dance thing again. That one's fun.

Thanks for the thought provoking post.

If they weren't so goddamn arrogant I'd feel sorry for them. This is a kind of manipulation the world has seen before.

Look at the Trumpsters who actually filmed themselves breaking federal law. They must have thought they'd be thought of as heroes. They were so proud.
When you listen to all the videos they keep calling themselves patriots !

These people are so far gone that they think it is Patriotic to attack and beat cops and riot at our Capitol building, and the worst part is, it was all over lies that Trump fed them and they were too gullible and stupid to realize they were being played for total suckers.
Poor retarded Mac. I’m not lying. And you know it. You have never proven one bit of the verbal diarrhea you’ve spouted about me or any other poster. Just your stupid little “Trumper” bullshit to attempt to cover the fact that you get destroyed every time you open you lying mouth. Grow up? That’s what you need to do. You’re coward who runs away and won’t address your falling for 7+ years of debunked stories and still clinging to them.
Still nothing.

When you listen to all the videos they keep calling themselves patriots !

These people are so far gone that they think it is Patriotic to attack and beat cops and riot at our Capitol building, and the worst part is, it was all over lies that Trump fed them and they were too gullible and stupid to realize they were being played for total suckers.

Thank for your very intelligent, thought provoking post.


if she didnt hide it the why are we only now seeing it??

the members of the jan 6 committee werent even allowed to see it,,,

and of course it always benefits the people to see the whole truth,,

youre just mad it debunks your false narrative,,
I told you. The Capitol Police held them back, for security reasons, and under the law it was the Capitol Police's decision to make, under the Law..... Not Pelosi to make this security judgement.

And the Capitol Police were sued for the security video, not Pelosi, and the Courts ALL ruled against those who sued the capitol police for them, because by law, the Capitol Police controls the security video's release on safety grounds.

I iterate.

But, hey, it's an easier job than flipping burgers, which is what you were doing until Soros hired you.

Do your desperation tap dance thing again. That one's fun.

Thanks for the thought provoking post.

Ohhhh the "paid by soros" defense, great comeback !!

oh yea I have the greatest job ever, George Soros pays me to post facts on some random political message board. Where do I get my checks ??

Anytime you trash mothafuckers hear facts that crush you, you cry about being "paid off" which is what you said about AG Barr, Dept of Homeland Security and all the 70 US courts that ruled against Trump's fake election fraud lies.

I lopve watching you flail and squirm as I post the facts
When you listen to all the videos they keep calling themselves patriots !

These people are so far gone that they think it is Patriotic to attack and beat cops and riot at our Capitol building, and the worst part is, it was all over lies that Trump fed them and they were too gullible and stupid to realize they were being played for total suckers.
One of the many problems here is that many of them are essentially well-meaning. They've just been manipulated by a combination of that craven media and a guy who is so needy and shameless that he'll do or say anything for their affection. It's a dangerous mix and the world has seen it before.

Yes, obviously many of them are easy to dislike because of their arrogant ignorance. But the rest? I've had many Trumpster clients, and I swear, when I look in their eyes I see abject fear. Decent people whose thought processes have been so mangled that they just live in terror. What's been done to them is ugly.
Ohhhh the "paid by soros" defense, great comeback !!

oh yea I have the greatest job ever, George Soros pays me to post facts on some random political message board. Where do I get my checks ??

Anytime you trash mothafuckers hear facts that crush you, you cry about being "paid off" which is what you said about AG Barr, Dept of Homeland Security and all the 70 US courts that ruled against Trump's fake election fraud lies.

I lopve watching you flail and squirm as I post the facts



We like it.

Your spelling and grammar get even more bizarrely funny when you're TRRRIGGGGERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRED!

One of the many problems here is that many of them are essentially well-meaning. They've just been manipulated by a combination of that craven media and a guy who is so needy and shameless that he'll do or say anything for their affection. It's a dangerous mix and the world has seen it before.

Yes, obviously many of them are easy to dislike because of their arrogant ignorance. But the rest? I've had many Trumpster clients, and I swear, when I look in their eyes I see abject fear. Decent people whose thought processes have been so mangled that they just live in terror. What's been done to them is ugly.
Yes, they live in fear and terror of everything.

that's why they hate so much and buy so many guns, really they are pathetic insecure scared weaklings.

They always have a new group or thing to hate, muslims, China, mexicans, MS 13, etc
Who knows what you heard? He was physically inside the Capitol, not "physical" inside the Capitol
Yep, physically in the capital, he wasn’t committing physical violence! His charges
Yes, they live in fear and terror of everything.

that's why they hate so much and buy so many guns, really they are pathetic insecure scared weaklings.

They always have a new group or thing to hate, muslims, China, mexicans, MS 13, etc

Oh, look! It's another one who's scared of girls with guns!

Sometime, you should sit down and write an essay on what it feels like to be in a room full of thousands of people and only able to find two or three who agree with you.

I'll bet it would be thought provoking, like your posts.

No he isn’t. You’re just mad and throwing a tantrum because your narrative from the last 2 years just got destroyed.
Of course he is. Hell, the videos he shows don't even have sound, but he's filling in details like he's there.

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