Breaking: Democrats and Leftist Media Dread As Tucker Carlson to Fully Reveal January 6 Truth Tonight.

so you were attacking the messenger and ignoring the message,,

where have I heard of that tactic before???

were you afraid the message would prove the premise of your attack wrong??

because it did,,

I am ridiculing Tucker Carlson.

If new evidence exonerates people, I am all for it.
Hello, reality calling, we had BLM and Antifa terrorizing us and the Democrats enabling that for months and just sitting on their hands, but bitching about a three-hour period on January 6th. They had the chutzpah to impeach Trump over this. I end it there.
Tucker Carlson? I can't take him seriously after his rant about green M&Ms being changed. She used to wear "sexy boots" (his words) and now she wears sneakers.

He talked about preferring the "sexy" green M&M. If you find an animated green M&M sexy, you need help.

Why would anyone care about the edited videos of someone whose own employer said they are not to be trusted?

Are you enjoying the cherry picked videos of the "other side" of the story?
How fucking weird…..the “moderates” are posting with their leftist fingers yet again….FUCKING WEIRD!
I’m sorry. Garage? What makes it garbage? Explain what makes the images “garbage”. What does that even mean? See you can cherry pick all the images you want. Nothing erases the video evidence of all the carnage and disrespect to the building. Like okay, you found clips where there Is not much going on. Um okay. So? The entire chain of events speaks for itself.
You have only been shown pictures the bad people in this country want you to see. They don’t show you what is important. Leading Democrats continue to say that the January 6 protesters murdered cops which is absolutely false. No January 6 protesters killed anybody on the other hand Black Lives Matter riders murder 25 people in the summer of 2020. I just cannot believe that a small portion of Americans have been brainwashed like this. Like I said the chickens are coming home to roost ….the fake news media is going to be held accountable.

All you have to do is watch the Tucker Carlson special. It’s on YouTube don’t you care that the “ shaman guy” got four years in prison for literally walking around the building and the BLM riders who go around attacking people viciously in 2020 burning buildings get nothing no prison sentence. So this is just a criminal thing. And guess what man the chickens are coming home to roost.

Nothing is being cherry picked. Now we get to see the truth. And the next step my friend is hold BLM leader’s accountable for the riots in 2016 and 2020. I cannot believe that some Americans and it’s only a few of them ….are so totally brainwashed they don’t say anything about the BLM criminal rioters they just keep on going on about January 6.
No you’re all just immature, emotional idiots that lack any objectivity. You cherry pick the stuff you want to believe and ignore anything you don’t. You’re too dense and fragile for any sort of cognitive dissonance. By the way, Tucker knows and has admitted he knows that Trump lost. He just tells you otherwise. He thinks of you all as pawns. He knows what to say say to keep you watching his hour of gaslighting every night. Secretly, he actually just thinks you’re pathetic. He’s not stupid like you are. He’s just an evil sack of shit.
You're just not very bright, kid.
Don't worry, the world still needs fry cooks and garbage collectors.
It’s a shocking thing remember for the people here who oppose Tucker Carlson. These are the same people who support Black Lives Matter. So no wonder why they continue to believe the propaganda nonsense the January 6 was an insurrection when it was not. If anything is close to an insurrection it was the BLM riots of 2020 because there were so many of them causing billions of dollars of damage in 25 murders. The only person murdered on January 6 was the innocent American war veteran Ashli Babbitt killed by that black cop.

That’s it there it is. The same Democrats and Republicans who are telling us January 6 was an “insurrection” are the same people that support BLM. What a travesty of justice my friends this is a country with no racism …most blacks most white or good people. But guess what the Democrats and people like Republicans like Mitt Romney and Adam Kinzinger would have us believe otherwise.

So as long as we American patriots stay calm cool and collective we will win and just let the far left remain unhinged they’re going to lose more and more votes.
Two years ago WHO on USMB said

Q-anon is a COMPLETE FRAUD run by HOMOS who are left wing and loyal to the community Hate Hoax Organizer HomO????

Fox News figures repeatedly suggested the Obamas were behind dropped ...

Fox News figures repeatedly suggested the Obamas were behind dropped ...


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