Breaking: Democrats and Leftist Media Dread As Tucker Carlson to Fully Reveal January 6 Truth Tonight.

The Cheney/Crybaby edited version of Josh Hawley leaving the capitol building was the limit.... hmm?

Dozens of congressmen scurrying out, practically stampeding over each other, escorted by law enforcement but the fake committee had to cherry pick the last 3 seconds of the scene out of all that and imply that Hawley was the only one abandoning the building.

Fucking liars.
The Framers would have hanged every single one of those corrupt, treasonous pricks on that so-called Jan 6 committee.

And they wouldn't have lost a second of sleep over it.

Just remember the ''why'' part...because they don't orchestrate these falsehoods for nothing...there's always a ''why....''

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Yes .. liberals prefer yellow and pink M&M spokespeople

View attachment 763261
Colorado: We got a gay jewish california governor, I didn't vote for. Polis. We got sanctuary cities WE never needed or asked for. Fuck the majority. Fuck democracy.
Hey idiot it doesn’t matter what clips you want to cherry pick it doesn’t erase the clips of the rioting, the property damage, the assault on police officers, the chanting to hang Mike Pence, and the talk of taking over the government. All of that shit is in there. Quit being a pussy and accept it exists.
I don’t understand why you’re so mad that more information is now known by the public. What I stated in my post of 2 facts are facts.. not cherry picked.
Prediction: Tucker doesn't find anything of any note we don't already know.

Nothing that we didn't already know that hasn't already been safely tucked away from public view in the conspiracy theory section anyway.

That's about the only place on here you can find any kind of meaningful, relevant news these days...

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