Breaking: FBI BACKS CIA View that Russia Intervened to Help Trump Win Election

That is the ONLY way Russia could have altered the election. Providing information to the public cannot.

Not true at all. Apply some critical thought.

The selective daily release of information timed in such a way as to step on Clinton events and announcements certainly has an effect. The constant drip of emails reinforced a negative perception of Clinton just as the daily hammering by Trump of the latest leaks did.

Of course, so they ran with what they had. That doesn't necessarily mean they had a preference on who won the election.

Report: Russians failed to hack RNC

It certainly does when they only target one
candidate and their party to attack.

It's indisputable that it gave trump an advantage and hurt Clinton more than Trump.

Then you have specific numbers ?

Otherwise it is very disputable.

It's impossible to quantify how many voters were turned off of Clinton but it's also equally impossible to to say it had no effect at all.

If you can't quantify it, then I really don't care.

The claim is meaningless.

A cold night could have had an effect.
Let us not forget which party has a history of asking the Russians to help them in an election.......
More TRUTHFUL meme's!


What did they reveal that was so awful ?

Was any of it on par with Dumb Donald's "pussy" tape ?
The better question is what was in them that influenced the election?
So, you have proof that Russia cast votes for Trump?

No one has said that they did.
That is the ONLY way Russia could have altered the election. Providing information to the public cannot.

Not true at all. Apply some critical thought.

The selective daily release of information timed in such a way as to step on Clinton events and announcements certainly has an effect. The constant drip of emails reinforced a negative perception of Clinton just as the daily hammering by Trump of the latest leaks did.

Of course, so they ran with what they had. That doesn't necessarily mean they had a preference on who won the election.

Report: Russians failed to hack RNC

It certainly does when they only target one
candidate and their party to attack.

It's indisputable that it gave trump an advantage and hurt Clinton more than Trump.
What was information that you feel did that? I mean, wasn't the pssy report your sides attempt to influence the public? Explain the difference?
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Gee, it's about time. :rolleyes-41:

FBI Director James B. Comey and Director of National Intelligence James R. Clapper Jr. have backed a CIA assessment that Russia intervened in the 2016 election in part to help Donald Trump win the presidency, according to U.S. officials.

Comey’s support for the CIA’s conclusion suggests that the leaders of the three agencies are in agreement on Russian intentions, contrary to suggestions by some lawmakers that the FBI disagreed with the CIA.

“Earlier this week, I met separately with (Director) FBI James Comey and DNI Jim Clapper, and there is strong consensus among us on the scope, nature, and intent of Russian interference in our presidential election,” CIA Director John Brennan said in a message to the agency’s workforce, according to U.S. officials who have seen the message.
Rest here: FBI backs CIA view that Russia intervened to help Trump win election

Why would he FBI deny the truth?
That is the ONLY way Russia could have altered the election. Providing information to the public cannot.

Not true at all. Apply some critical thought.

The selective daily release of information timed in such a way as to step on Clinton events and announcements certainly has an effect. The constant drip of emails reinforced a negative perception of Clinton just as the daily hammering by Trump of the latest leaks did.

Of course, so they ran with what they had. That doesn't necessarily mean they had a preference on who won the election.

Report: Russians failed to hack RNC

It certainly does when they only target one
candidate and their party to attack.

It's indisputable that it gave trump an advantage and hurt Clinton more than Trump.

Then you have specific numbers ?

Otherwise it is very disputable.

It's impossible to quantify how many voters were turned off of Clinton but it's also equally impossible to to say it had no effect at all.
So you have no idea, you haven't even seen the evidence yet, so you know nothing nothing more than me all this blst for absolutely nothing! And you wanted to maintain power. See, that was noticed by voters and wanted no more of it
Gee, it's about time. :rolleyes-41:

FBI Director James B. Comey and Director of National Intelligence James R. Clapper Jr. have backed a CIA assessment that Russia intervened in the 2016 election in part to help Donald Trump win the presidency, according to U.S. officials.

Comey’s support for the CIA’s conclusion suggests that the leaders of the three agencies are in agreement on Russian intentions, contrary to suggestions by some lawmakers that the FBI disagreed with the CIA.

“Earlier this week, I met separately with (Director) FBI James Comey and DNI Jim Clapper, and there is strong consensus among us on the scope, nature, and intent of Russian interference in our presidential election,” CIA Director John Brennan said in a message to the agency’s workforce, according to U.S. officials who have seen the message.
Rest here: FBI backs CIA view that Russia intervened to help Trump win election

Why would he FBI deny the truth?
You mean not listen to the evil libturds? I agree
So the OP tard is going to go with the idiocy that the Russians broke into the voting system to help Trump win by handing Hillary 4 million more votes than Trump? lol these morons are just too funny, and can't keep from making stupid contradictory claims, can they?
And fkd up in Detroit
It certainly does when they only target one
candidate and their party to attack.

LOL They targeted BOTH PARTIES!

Egads! Use your head man!

Did they? They supposedly tried the RNC. Any congressional candidates, staffers, associates?

The difference is that no one in the RNC was stupid enough to fall for an obvious phishing attack, as Podesta obviously was.
And podesta was warned by staffers
Now you apply some critical thought. There are thousands of agencies in this country and around the world that release information designed to influence how people vote.

The main stream media in this country alone has admitted to influencing voters simply by picking and choosing the information they see fit to shape and promote a specific narrative. You can see by their meltdown that they were influencing information to ensure that their candidate won the election. Going so far as to time and release information to make it appear that Clinton was a lock for winning.

Now, information has come to light about the Clinton's, the media was busy trying to shape how voters thought about the election, so wikileaks ran with information they would not.

I don't see anyone on the left complaining about the media influencing the vote. I didn't see you complain about the New York Times releasing Trumps taxes, even though the information was gained under questionable means.

Sorry, but all of this just highlights why Clinton is a flawed human being (as noted by the campaign discussions) and also brings to light their indifference to security, a trait I would not want anywhere near the White House.

Sorry, but this is just sour grapes.

Unless you want to talk about what measures should be taken by political parties to ensure that they take their IT security seriously.

The media isn't a foreign entity who targeted a candidate and their party, obtained information through theft with the intention of using it against them during the campaign.

Certainly you can see the difference.
Oh, so we are now going to put qualifications on exactly who can disseminate information?

You do understand that this was an act of international espionage and not simply a reporter running down a lead?

Really, you see no difference?

How is publishing information "international espionage?"

The act of acquiring it and using it to influence an outcome is the espionage.

Too dumb to breathe.
Private business what was the influence?
The Podesta emails were the result of a phishing attack by some DNC insider. Even the CIA admits that. So how did hacks that no one knew about turn off the voters?

Read the damned thread, dope. That's been answered.

I'm not reading this whole thread, douche bag.

You tend to look dumb by responding without knowing what in the hell you're talking about.

In other words, you can't answer the question.

Not can't, won't. It's all there ,dumbfuck.
So now it seems that only the libturds are able to view the classified information now that is funny
Not true at all. Apply some critical thought.

The selective daily release of information timed in such a way as to step on Clinton events and announcements certainly has an effect. The constant drip of emails reinforced a negative perception of Clinton just as the daily hammering by Trump of the latest leaks did.
Now you apply some critical thought. There are thousands of agencies in this country and around the world that release information designed to influence how people vote.

The main stream media in this country alone has admitted to influencing voters simply by picking and choosing the information they see fit to shape and promote a specific narrative. You can see by their meltdown that they were influencing information to ensure that their candidate won the election. Going so far as to time and release information to make it appear that Clinton was a lock for winning.

Now, information has come to light about the Clinton's, the media was busy trying to shape how voters thought about the election, so wikileaks ran with information they would not.

I don't see anyone on the left complaining about the media influencing the vote. I didn't see you complain about the New York Times releasing Trumps taxes, even though the information was gained under questionable means.

Sorry, but all of this just highlights why Clinton is a flawed human being (as noted by the campaign discussions) and also brings to light their indifference to security, a trait I would not want anywhere near the White House.

Sorry, but this is just sour grapes.

Unless you want to talk about what measures should be taken by political parties to ensure that they take their IT security seriously.

The media isn't a foreign entity who targeted a candidate and their party, obtained information through theft with the intention of using it against them during the campaign.

Certainly you can see the difference.
Oh, so we are now going to put qualifications on exactly who can disseminate information?

You do understand that this was an act of international espionage and not simply a reporter running down a lead?

Really, you see no difference?

Espionage publicly encouraged by the, soon the be, president. Well, at least he is Putin Approved...
What espionage?
Obama Vows Retaliation Against Russia for Nonexistent US Election Hacking
Stephen Lendman :

The atmosphere in America is the most surreal and dangerous in my lifetime - imperial madness combined with escalated war on fundamental freedoms. With five weeks left in office, Obama seems determined to leave in a greater blaze of infamy than already, the most loathsome, lawless, reckless president in my lifetime.

He’s a greater war criminal than all his predecessors, heading America’s police state apparatus hardened on his watch, a serial liar, a moral coward, a disgrace to his high office, a dangerous rogue leader, trying to provoke Russia into a belligerent confrontation. …

In a Friday interview on National Public Radio, a known proliferator of fake news, he said “I think there is no doubt that when any foreign government tries to impact the integrity of our elections…we need to take action. … And we will - at a time and place of our own choosing. Some of it may be explicit and publicized. Some of it may not be.” …

he lied claiming “the (nonexistent) hack…creat(ed) more problems for the Clinton campaign than (for) Trump…”. He attacked Putin at the same time, saying “(t)his is somebody, the former head of the KGB, who is responsible for crushing democracy in Russia, muzzling the press, throwing political dissidents in jail, countering American efforts to expand freedom at every turn, is currently making decisions that’s leading to a slaughter in Syria.” Sounds like his own rap sheet high crimes, certainly not Putin’s, a disgraceful denigration of a preeminent world leader, polar opposite himself. ...

Obama will elaborate further at a Friday afternoon press conference - certain to focus on nonexistent US election hacking and Syria, especially Big Lies about nonexistent massacres by government and allied forces in liberating Aleppo.



Fake News Above
Obama said in his news conference today that the Russians did not hack the

Wrong, why do you keep posting this? You are wrong...
Well post the assessment then
Fake News Above

Yeah... I wouldn't say he thinks there wasn't an attack:

"Asked whether his administration will provide evidence to back up charges of Russian meddling, Obama gave a guarded response.

“We will provide evidence that we can safely provide, that does not compromise sources and methods. But I’ll be honest with you, when you are talking about cybersecurity, a lot of it is classified and we’re not going to provide it, because the way we catch folks is by knowing certain things about them that they may not want us to know, and if we’re going to monitor this stuff effectively going forward, we don’t want them to know that we know.”"

Obama ties election hack to Putin, knocks ‘weaker’ Russia


This way it will be up to DJT to pardon PRIVATE CITIZEN Obama.


Funny isn't it? You post an article saying he wants revenge for something that didn't happen... and then I show you the actual things he said, which refutes your post... and what do you do? You then attack him. That's some funny shit. Quit posting fake news.

Funny isn't.

That you take his bullshit assertions as if they were the gospel.

Fuck off.


Why is the GOP becoming the Church of Putin?
Yeah why? Post up your evidence
Look at all the right wing imbeciles freaking out over this news because it directly contradicts the fake news they're force-fed by Breitbart.

"But muh narrative!!!"


If by some miracle you stupid motherfuckers force the election to the House Of Representatives , Trump will elected. No other candidate has the respect and the trust of the people.


Of what people? Knuckle Draggers?

This country will be in trouble with this president. He has a major mental issue called Putinitis.
And yet you know the disease. Maybe you are the Carrier

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