Breaking: FBI BACKS CIA View that Russia Intervened to Help Trump Win Election

Look at all the right wing imbeciles freaking out over this news because it directly contradicts the fake news they're force-fed by Breitbart.

"But muh narrative!!!"


Conservatives have always been upfront about the threat Russia poses to America. It has always been the Democrats that excused and downplayed the Russian threat. In the 80's they criticized Reagan for calling them an evil empire. They ridiculed Reagan for supporting missile defense, saying that it is impossible and a pipe dream. Under Obama's foreign policy America capitulated to Russia's demand that America drop missile defense in Eastern Europe. Obama was caught having the Russian president relay a message to Putin that he only has one more election, and after the election he'll have more flexibility to further neuter America's military efforts in Eastern Europe.

When Romney and Republicans criticized Obama for making deals with the Russians that he is keeping secret from Americans, the Democrats ridiculed him. Democrats all collectively said Russia is a trusted ally and Romney was trying to relive the Cold War.

It is Obama's foreign policy that emboldened Russia to invade Crimea and openly defy America is Syria. It is Obama's foreign policy that led to the rise of ISIS.

Furthermore, if I opened a suspicious email and caused my company's computer system to be hacked, do you think I would be held accountable? The Russians, according to the CIA and Obama, unsuccessfully attempted to hack the RNC. The Democrats, just like Clinton did with State Department emails, put the country in risk and allowed Russia to gain access to and embarrass Clinton.

To sit there and try and assign some political motive to Russia attempting to disrupt the American election is based solely on subjective politically motivated opinions. The left are sore losers and just want a scapegoat other than the complete ineptitude, arrogance and stupidity of the Clinton campaign for their failures. They showed themselves to be completely untrustworthy with America's security.

Russia did NOT invade Crimea.

After a Plebiscite Crimeans chose to be part of Russia.

Look at all the right wing imbeciles freaking out over this news because it directly contradicts the fake news they're force-fed by Breitbart.

"But muh narrative!!!"


If by some miracle you stupid motherfuckers force the election to the House Of Representatives , Trump will elected. No other candidate has the respect and the trust of the people.


Of what people? Knuckle Draggers?

This country will be in trouble with this president. He has a major mental issue called Putinitis.

Specifically what Wikileak email would you say was so consequential that it cost Clinton the election?

Obama was on television recently, kind of it was the Daily Show so a very limited audience, and stated that the DNC hacked emails were inconsequential and showed nothing but routine political correspondence. Of course rigging their primary, leaking debate questions, and dictating to the NBC how to report on their candidate IS routine political correspondence.

And assuming Russia did indeed, by orders of Putin himself, deliberately attempt to undermine the American presidential election, do you agree with Clinton and some other Democrats that military action is appropriate? This, again if evidence is ever provided, is an act of war is it not? What in you opinion should be America's response?
Look at all the right wing imbeciles freaking out over this news because it directly contradicts the fake news they're force-fed by Breitbart.

"But muh narrative!!!"


If by some miracle you stupid motherfuckers force the election to the House Of Representatives , Trump will elected. No other candidate has the respect and the trust of the people.


Of what people? Knuckle Draggers?

This country will be in trouble with this president. He has a major mental issue called Putinitis.

You are a special kind of stupid.

Russian military intervention in Ukraine (2014–present) - Wikipedia

I mean wow. And it is Republicans that are up Putin's ass?
Look at all the right wing imbeciles freaking out over this news because it directly contradicts the fake news they're force-fed by Breitbart.

"But muh narrative!!!"


Conservatives have always been upfront about the threat Russia poses to America. It has always been the Democrats that excused and downplayed the Russian threat. In the 80's they criticized Reagan for calling them an evil empire. They ridiculed Reagan for supporting missile defense, saying that it is impossible and a pipe dream. Under Obama's foreign policy America capitulated to Russia's demand that America drop missile defense in Eastern Europe. Obama was caught having the Russian president relay a message to Putin that he only has one more election, and after the election he'll have more flexibility to further neuter America's military efforts in Eastern Europe.

When Romney and Republicans criticized Obama for making deals with the Russians that he is keeping secret from Americans, the Democrats ridiculed him. Democrats all collectively said Russia is a trusted ally and Romney was trying to relive the Cold War.

It is Obama's foreign policy that emboldened Russia to invade Crimea and openly defy America is Syria. It is Obama's foreign policy that led to the rise of ISIS.

Furthermore, if I opened a suspicious email and caused my company's computer system to be hacked, do you think I would be held accountable? The Russians, according to the CIA and Obama, unsuccessfully attempted to hack the RNC. The Democrats, just like Clinton did with State Department emails, put the country in risk and allowed Russia to gain access to and embarrass Clinton.

To sit there and try and assign some political motive to Russia attempting to disrupt the American election is based solely on subjective politically motivated opinions. The left are sore losers and just want a scapegoat other than the complete ineptitude, arrogance and stupidity of the Clinton campaign for their failures. They showed themselves to be completely untrustworthy with America's security.

Russia did NOT invade Crimea.

After a Plebiscite Crimeans chose to be part of Russia.


To be clear you are unequivocally absolutely incorrect. I will provide the multiple videos of Obama contradicting your, to be frank, stunningly stupid statement that Russia did not invade Crimea and/or Crimea's annexation was done legally and willfully by the Ukrainian government. State Department press conferences, White House press secretary--we went to the UN to enact economic sanctions against Russia and the justification we provided to the international community was Russia's military annexation of Crimea. And the UN approved the sanctions.

In fact is the only government, besides China, North Korea, Syria, and Sudan to vote against the sanctions and insist Russia had nothing to do with the military annexation of Crimea is RUSSIA.

Again, a special kind of stupid.

In 2014, Russia made several military incursions into Ukrainian territory. After Euromaidan protests and the fall of Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych, Russian soldiers without insignias took control of strategic positions and infrastructure within the Ukrainian territory of Crimea. Russia then annexed Crimea after a disputed referendum in which Crimeans voted to join the Russian Federation.[7][62][63][64][65] Subsequently, demonstrations by pro-Russian groups in the Donbass area of Ukraine escalated into an armed conflict between the Ukrainian government and separatist forces of the self-declared Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics. In August, Russian military vehicles crossed the border in several locations of Donetsk Oblast[31][66][67][68][69][70] The incursion by the Russian military was seen as responsible for the defeat of Ukrainian forces in early September.[71][72]

In November 2014, the Ukrainian military reported intensive movement of troops and equipment from Russia into the separatist controlled parts of eastern Ukraine.[73] The Associated Press reported 80 unmarked military vehicles on the move in rebel-controlled areas.[74] An OSCE Special Monitoring Mission observed convoys of heavy weapons and tanks in DPR-controlled territory without insignia.[75] OSCE monitors further stated they observed vehicles transporting ammunition and soldiers' dead bodies crossing the Russian-Ukrainian border under the guise of humanitarian aid convoys.[76] As of early August 2015, OSCE observed over 21 such vehicles marked with the Russian military code for soldiers killed in action.[77]According to The Moscow Times, Russia has tried to intimidate and silence human rights workers discussing Russian soldiers' deaths in the conflict.[78] OSCE repeatedly reported that its observers were denied access to the areas controlled by "combined Russian-separatist forces".[79]

The majority of members of the international community and organizations such as Amnesty International have condemned Russia for its actions in post-revolutionary Ukraine, accusing it of breaking international law and violating Ukrainian sovereignty. Many countries implemented economic sanctions against Russia, Russian individuals or companies – to which Russia responded in kind.
In 2014, Russia made several military incursions into Ukrainian territory. After Euromaidan protests and the fall of Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych, Russian soldiers without insignias took control of strategic positions and infrastructure within the Ukrainian territory of Crimea. Russia then annexed Crimea after a disputed referendum in which Crimeans voted to join the Russian Federation.[7][62][63][64][65] Subsequently, demonstrations by pro-Russian groups in the Donbass area of Ukraine escalated into an armed conflict between the Ukrainian government and separatist forces of the self-declared Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics. In August, Russian military vehicles crossed the border in several locations of Donetsk Oblast[31][66][67][68][69][70] The incursion by the Russian military was seen as responsible for the defeat of Ukrainian forces in early September.[71][72]

In November 2014, the Ukrainian military reported intensive movement of troops and equipment from Russia into the separatist controlled parts of eastern Ukraine.[73] The Associated Press reported 80 unmarked military vehicles on the move in rebel-controlled areas.[74] An OSCE Special Monitoring Mission observed convoys of heavy weapons and tanks in DPR-controlled territory without insignia.[75] OSCE monitors further stated they observed vehicles transporting ammunition and soldiers' dead bodies crossing the Russian-Ukrainian border under the guise of humanitarian aid convoys.[76] As of early August 2015, OSCE observed over 21 such vehicles marked with the Russian military code for soldiers killed in action.[77]According to The Moscow Times, Russia has tried to intimidate and silence human rights workers discussing Russian soldiers' deaths in the conflict.[78] OSCE repeatedly reported that its observers were denied access to the areas controlled by "combined Russian-separatist forces".[79]

The majority of members of the international community and organizations such as Amnesty International have condemned Russia for its actions in post-revolutionary Ukraine, accusing it of breaking international law and violating Ukrainian sovereignty. Many countries implemented economic sanctions against Russia, Russian individuals or companies – to which Russia responded in kind.
Look at all the right wing imbeciles freaking out over this news because it directly contradicts the fake news they're force-fed by Breitbart.

"But muh narrative!!!"


If by some miracle you stupid motherfuckers force the election to the House Of Representatives , Trump will elected. No other candidate has the respect and the trust of the people.


Of what people? Knuckle Draggers?

This country will be in trouble with this president. He has a major mental issue called Putinitis.

Specifically what Wikileak email would you say was so consequential that it cost Clinton the election?

Obama was on television recently, kind of it was the Daily Show so a very limited audience, and stated that the DNC hacked emails were inconsequential and showed nothing but routine political correspondence. Of course rigging their primary, leaking debate questions, and dictating to the NBC how to report on their candidate IS routine political correspondence.

And assuming Russia did indeed, by orders of Putin himself, deliberately attempt to undermine the American presidential election, do you agree with Clinton and some other Democrats that military action is appropriate? This, again if evidence is ever provided, is an act of war is it not? What in you opinion should be America's response?

“I am for free commerce with all nations, political connection with none, and little or no diplomatic establishment. And I am not for linking ourselves by new treaties with the quarrels of Europe, entering that field of slaughter to preserve their balance, or joining in the confederacy of Kings to war against the principles of liberty.”

(Thomas Jefferson, to Elbridge Gerry ME 10:77, 1799.)
Look at all the right wing imbeciles freaking out over this news because it directly contradicts the fake news they're force-fed by Breitbart.

"But muh narrative!!!"


Conservatives have always been upfront about the threat Russia poses to America. It has always been the Democrats that excused and downplayed the Russian threat. In the 80's they criticized Reagan for calling them an evil empire. They ridiculed Reagan for supporting missile defense, saying that it is impossible and a pipe dream. Under Obama's foreign policy America capitulated to Russia's demand that America drop missile defense in Eastern Europe. Obama was caught having the Russian president relay a message to Putin that he only has one more election, and after the election he'll have more flexibility to further neuter America's military efforts in Eastern Europe.

When Romney and Republicans criticized Obama for making deals with the Russians that he is keeping secret from Americans, the Democrats ridiculed him. Democrats all collectively said Russia is a trusted ally and Romney was trying to relive the Cold War.

It is Obama's foreign policy that emboldened Russia to invade Crimea and openly defy America is Syria. It is Obama's foreign policy that led to the rise of ISIS.

Furthermore, if I opened a suspicious email and caused my company's computer system to be hacked, do you think I would be held accountable? The Russians, according to the CIA and Obama, unsuccessfully attempted to hack the RNC. The Democrats, just like Clinton did with State Department emails, put the country in risk and allowed Russia to gain access to and embarrass Clinton.

To sit there and try and assign some political motive to Russia attempting to disrupt the American election is based solely on subjective politically motivated opinions. The left are sore losers and just want a scapegoat other than the complete ineptitude, arrogance and stupidity of the Clinton campaign for their failures. They showed themselves to be completely untrustworthy with America's security.

Russia did NOT invade Crimea.

After a Plebiscite Crimeans chose to be part of Russia.


To be clear you are unequivocally absolutely incorrect. I will provide the multiple videos of Obama contradicting your, to be frank, stunningly stupid statement that Russia did not invade Crimea and/or Crimea's annexation was done legally and willfully by the Ukrainian government. State Department press conferences, White House press secretary--we went to the UN to enact economic sanctions against Russia and the justification we provided to the international community was Russia's military annexation of Crimea. And the UN approved the sanctions.

In fact is the only government, besides China, North Korea, Syria, and Sudan to vote against the sanctions and insist Russia had nothing to do with the military annexation of Crimea is RUSSIA.

Again, a special kind of stupid.

In 2014, Russia made several military incursions into Ukrainian territory. After Euromaidan protests and the fall of Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych, Russian soldiers without insignias took control of strategic positions and infrastructure within the Ukrainian territory of Crimea. Russia then annexed Crimea after a disputed referendum in which Crimeans voted to join the Russian Federation.[7][62][63][64][65] Subsequently, demonstrations by pro-Russian groups in the Donbass area of Ukraine escalated into an armed conflict between the Ukrainian government and separatist forces of the self-declared Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics. In August, Russian military vehicles crossed the border in several locations of Donetsk Oblast[31][66][67][68][69][70] The incursion by the Russian military was seen as responsible for the defeat of Ukrainian forces in early September.[71][72]

In November 2014, the Ukrainian military reported intensive movement of troops and equipment from Russia into the separatist controlled parts of eastern Ukraine.[73] The Associated Press reported 80 unmarked military vehicles on the move in rebel-controlled areas.[74] An OSCE Special Monitoring Mission observed convoys of heavy weapons and tanks in DPR-controlled territory without insignia.[75] OSCE monitors further stated they observed vehicles transporting ammunition and soldiers' dead bodies crossing the Russian-Ukrainian border under the guise of humanitarian aid convoys.[76] As of early August 2015, OSCE observed over 21 such vehicles marked with the Russian military code for soldiers killed in action.[77]According to The Moscow Times, Russia has tried to intimidate and silence human rights workers discussing Russian soldiers' deaths in the conflict.[78] OSCE repeatedly reported that its observers were denied access to the areas controlled by "combined Russian-separatist forces".[79]

The majority of members of the international community and organizations such as Amnesty International have condemned Russia for its actions in post-revolutionary Ukraine, accusing it of breaking international law and violating Ukrainian sovereignty. Many countries implemented economic sanctions against Russia, Russian individuals or companies – to which Russia responded in kind.
In 2014, Russia made several military incursions into Ukrainian territory. After Euromaidan protests and the fall of Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych, Russian soldiers without insignias took control of strategic positions and infrastructure within the Ukrainian territory of Crimea. Russia then annexed Crimea after a disputed referendum in which Crimeans voted to join the Russian Federation.[7][62][63][64][65] Subsequently, demonstrations by pro-Russian groups in the Donbass area of Ukraine escalated into an armed conflict between the Ukrainian government and separatist forces of the self-declared Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics. In August, Russian military vehicles crossed the border in several locations of Donetsk Oblast[31][66][67][68][69][70] The incursion by the Russian military was seen as responsible for the defeat of Ukrainian forces in early September.[71][72]

In November 2014, the Ukrainian military reported intensive movement of troops and equipment from Russia into the separatist controlled parts of eastern Ukraine.[73] The Associated Press reported 80 unmarked military vehicles on the move in rebel-controlled areas.[74] An OSCE Special Monitoring Mission observed convoys of heavy weapons and tanks in DPR-controlled territory without insignia.[75] OSCE monitors further stated they observed vehicles transporting ammunition and soldiers' dead bodies crossing the Russian-Ukrainian border under the guise of humanitarian aid convoys.[76] As of early August 2015, OSCE observed over 21 such vehicles marked with the Russian military code for soldiers killed in action.[77]According to The Moscow Times, Russia has tried to intimidate and silence human rights workers discussing Russian soldiers' deaths in the conflict.[78] OSCE repeatedly reported that its observers were denied access to the areas controlled by "combined Russian-separatist forces".[79]

The majority of members of the international community and organizations such as Amnesty International have condemned Russia for its actions in post-revolutionary Ukraine, accusing it of breaking international law and violating Ukrainian sovereignty. Many countries implemented economic sanctions against Russia, Russian individuals or companies – to which Russia responded in kind.

What Should We Do About Crimea?

When the mainstream media discusses Crimea they are all lock-step: that’s the peninsula Putin annexed. Never do they mention that there was a referendum in which the vast majority of the population (who are mostly ethnic Russians) voted to join Russia. The US media never reports on this referendum because it produced results that Washington doesn’t like. How arrogant it must sound to the rest of the world that Washington reserves the right to approve or disapprove elections thousands of miles away – meanwhile we find out from the DNC hacked files that we don’t have a lot of room to criticize elections overseas."

And that wraps it up. You can rely on your FAKE NEWS SOURCES if you choose.

'nuff said.

Look at all the right wing imbeciles freaking out over this news because it directly contradicts the fake news they're force-fed by Breitbart.

"But muh narrative!!!"


Conservatives have always been upfront about the threat Russia poses to America. It has always been the Democrats that excused and downplayed the Russian threat. In the 80's they criticized Reagan for calling them an evil empire. They ridiculed Reagan for supporting missile defense, saying that it is impossible and a pipe dream. Under Obama's foreign policy America capitulated to Russia's demand that America drop missile defense in Eastern Europe. Obama was caught having the Russian president relay a message to Putin that he only has one more election, and after the election he'll have more flexibility to further neuter America's military efforts in Eastern Europe.

When Romney and Republicans criticized Obama for making deals with the Russians that he is keeping secret from Americans, the Democrats ridiculed him. Democrats all collectively said Russia is a trusted ally and Romney was trying to relive the Cold War.

It is Obama's foreign policy that emboldened Russia to invade Crimea and openly defy America is Syria. It is Obama's foreign policy that led to the rise of ISIS.

Furthermore, if I opened a suspicious email and caused my company's computer system to be hacked, do you think I would be held accountable? The Russians, according to the CIA and Obama, unsuccessfully attempted to hack the RNC. The Democrats, just like Clinton did with State Department emails, put the country in risk and allowed Russia to gain access to and embarrass Clinton.

To sit there and try and assign some political motive to Russia attempting to disrupt the American election is based solely on subjective politically motivated opinions. The left are sore losers and just want a scapegoat other than the complete ineptitude, arrogance and stupidity of the Clinton campaign for their failures. They showed themselves to be completely untrustworthy with America's security.

Russia did NOT invade Crimea.

After a Plebiscite Crimeans chose to be part of Russia.


To be clear you are unequivocally absolutely incorrect. I will provide the multiple videos of Obama contradicting your, to be frank, stunningly stupid statement that Russia did not invade Crimea and/or Crimea's annexation was done legally and willfully by the Ukrainian government. State Department press conferences, White House press secretary--we went to the UN to enact economic sanctions against Russia and the justification we provided to the international community was Russia's military annexation of Crimea. And the UN approved the sanctions.

In fact is the only government, besides China, North Korea, Syria, and Sudan to vote against the sanctions and insist Russia had nothing to do with the military annexation of Crimea is RUSSIA.

Again, a special kind of stupid.

In 2014, Russia made several military incursions into Ukrainian territory. After Euromaidan protests and the fall of Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych, Russian soldiers without insignias took control of strategic positions and infrastructure within the Ukrainian territory of Crimea. Russia then annexed Crimea after a disputed referendum in which Crimeans voted to join the Russian Federation.[7][62][63][64][65] Subsequently, demonstrations by pro-Russian groups in the Donbass area of Ukraine escalated into an armed conflict between the Ukrainian government and separatist forces of the self-declared Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics. In August, Russian military vehicles crossed the border in several locations of Donetsk Oblast[31][66][67][68][69][70] The incursion by the Russian military was seen as responsible for the defeat of Ukrainian forces in early September.[71][72]

In November 2014, the Ukrainian military reported intensive movement of troops and equipment from Russia into the separatist controlled parts of eastern Ukraine.[73] The Associated Press reported 80 unmarked military vehicles on the move in rebel-controlled areas.[74] An OSCE Special Monitoring Mission observed convoys of heavy weapons and tanks in DPR-controlled territory without insignia.[75] OSCE monitors further stated they observed vehicles transporting ammunition and soldiers' dead bodies crossing the Russian-Ukrainian border under the guise of humanitarian aid convoys.[76] As of early August 2015, OSCE observed over 21 such vehicles marked with the Russian military code for soldiers killed in action.[77]According to The Moscow Times, Russia has tried to intimidate and silence human rights workers discussing Russian soldiers' deaths in the conflict.[78] OSCE repeatedly reported that its observers were denied access to the areas controlled by "combined Russian-separatist forces".[79]

The majority of members of the international community and organizations such as Amnesty International have condemned Russia for its actions in post-revolutionary Ukraine, accusing it of breaking international law and violating Ukrainian sovereignty. Many countries implemented economic sanctions against Russia, Russian individuals or companies – to which Russia responded in kind.
In 2014, Russia made several military incursions into Ukrainian territory. After Euromaidan protests and the fall of Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych, Russian soldiers without insignias took control of strategic positions and infrastructure within the Ukrainian territory of Crimea. Russia then annexed Crimea after a disputed referendum in which Crimeans voted to join the Russian Federation.[7][62][63][64][65] Subsequently, demonstrations by pro-Russian groups in the Donbass area of Ukraine escalated into an armed conflict between the Ukrainian government and separatist forces of the self-declared Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics. In August, Russian military vehicles crossed the border in several locations of Donetsk Oblast[31][66][67][68][69][70] The incursion by the Russian military was seen as responsible for the defeat of Ukrainian forces in early September.[71][72]

In November 2014, the Ukrainian military reported intensive movement of troops and equipment from Russia into the separatist controlled parts of eastern Ukraine.[73] The Associated Press reported 80 unmarked military vehicles on the move in rebel-controlled areas.[74] An OSCE Special Monitoring Mission observed convoys of heavy weapons and tanks in DPR-controlled territory without insignia.[75] OSCE monitors further stated they observed vehicles transporting ammunition and soldiers' dead bodies crossing the Russian-Ukrainian border under the guise of humanitarian aid convoys.[76] As of early August 2015, OSCE observed over 21 such vehicles marked with the Russian military code for soldiers killed in action.[77]According to The Moscow Times, Russia has tried to intimidate and silence human rights workers discussing Russian soldiers' deaths in the conflict.[78] OSCE repeatedly reported that its observers were denied access to the areas controlled by "combined Russian-separatist forces".[79]

The majority of members of the international community and organizations such as Amnesty International have condemned Russia for its actions in post-revolutionary Ukraine, accusing it of breaking international law and violating Ukrainian sovereignty. Many countries implemented economic sanctions against Russia, Russian individuals or companies – to which Russia responded in kind.

What Should We Do About Crimea?

When the mainstream media discusses Crimea they are all lock-step: that’s the peninsula Putin annexed. Never do they mention that there was a referendum in which the vast majority of the population (who are mostly ethnic Russians) voted to join Russia. The US media never reports on this referendum because it produced results that Washington doesn’t like. How arrogant it must sound to the rest of the world that Washington reserves the right to approve or disapprove elections thousands of miles away – meanwhile we find out from the DNC hacked files that we don’t have a lot of room to criticize elections overseas."

And that wraps it up. You can rely on your FAKE NEWS SOURCES if you choose.

'nuff said.


And how many of the votes were casts by Russians? We already know that many of the people that were called "rebels" fighting for the annex, were actually Russian soldiers, using Russian equipment.
Look at all the right wing imbeciles freaking out over this news because it directly contradicts the fake news they're force-fed by Breitbart.

"But muh narrative!!!"


Conservatives have always been upfront about the threat Russia poses to America. It has always been the Democrats that excused and downplayed the Russian threat. In the 80's they criticized Reagan for calling them an evil empire. They ridiculed Reagan for supporting missile defense, saying that it is impossible and a pipe dream. Under Obama's foreign policy America capitulated to Russia's demand that America drop missile defense in Eastern Europe. Obama was caught having the Russian president relay a message to Putin that he only has one more election, and after the election he'll have more flexibility to further neuter America's military efforts in Eastern Europe.

When Romney and Republicans criticized Obama for making deals with the Russians that he is keeping secret from Americans, the Democrats ridiculed him. Democrats all collectively said Russia is a trusted ally and Romney was trying to relive the Cold War.

It is Obama's foreign policy that emboldened Russia to invade Crimea and openly defy America is Syria. It is Obama's foreign policy that led to the rise of ISIS.

Furthermore, if I opened a suspicious email and caused my company's computer system to be hacked, do you think I would be held accountable? The Russians, according to the CIA and Obama, unsuccessfully attempted to hack the RNC. The Democrats, just like Clinton did with State Department emails, put the country in risk and allowed Russia to gain access to and embarrass Clinton.

To sit there and try and assign some political motive to Russia attempting to disrupt the American election is based solely on subjective politically motivated opinions. The left are sore losers and just want a scapegoat other than the complete ineptitude, arrogance and stupidity of the Clinton campaign for their failures. They showed themselves to be completely untrustworthy with America's security.

Russia did NOT invade Crimea.

After a Plebiscite Crimeans chose to be part of Russia.


To be clear you are unequivocally absolutely incorrect. I will provide the multiple videos of Obama contradicting your, to be frank, stunningly stupid statement that Russia did not invade Crimea and/or Crimea's annexation was done legally and willfully by the Ukrainian government. State Department press conferences, White House press secretary--we went to the UN to enact economic sanctions against Russia and the justification we provided to the international community was Russia's military annexation of Crimea. And the UN approved the sanctions.

In fact is the only government, besides China, North Korea, Syria, and Sudan to vote against the sanctions and insist Russia had nothing to do with the military annexation of Crimea is RUSSIA.

Again, a special kind of stupid.

In 2014, Russia made several military incursions into Ukrainian territory. After Euromaidan protests and the fall of Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych, Russian soldiers without insignias took control of strategic positions and infrastructure within the Ukrainian territory of Crimea. Russia then annexed Crimea after a disputed referendum in which Crimeans voted to join the Russian Federation.[7][62][63][64][65] Subsequently, demonstrations by pro-Russian groups in the Donbass area of Ukraine escalated into an armed conflict between the Ukrainian government and separatist forces of the self-declared Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics. In August, Russian military vehicles crossed the border in several locations of Donetsk Oblast[31][66][67][68][69][70] The incursion by the Russian military was seen as responsible for the defeat of Ukrainian forces in early September.[71][72]

In November 2014, the Ukrainian military reported intensive movement of troops and equipment from Russia into the separatist controlled parts of eastern Ukraine.[73] The Associated Press reported 80 unmarked military vehicles on the move in rebel-controlled areas.[74] An OSCE Special Monitoring Mission observed convoys of heavy weapons and tanks in DPR-controlled territory without insignia.[75] OSCE monitors further stated they observed vehicles transporting ammunition and soldiers' dead bodies crossing the Russian-Ukrainian border under the guise of humanitarian aid convoys.[76] As of early August 2015, OSCE observed over 21 such vehicles marked with the Russian military code for soldiers killed in action.[77]According to The Moscow Times, Russia has tried to intimidate and silence human rights workers discussing Russian soldiers' deaths in the conflict.[78] OSCE repeatedly reported that its observers were denied access to the areas controlled by "combined Russian-separatist forces".[79]

The majority of members of the international community and organizations such as Amnesty International have condemned Russia for its actions in post-revolutionary Ukraine, accusing it of breaking international law and violating Ukrainian sovereignty. Many countries implemented economic sanctions against Russia, Russian individuals or companies – to which Russia responded in kind.
In 2014, Russia made several military incursions into Ukrainian territory. After Euromaidan protests and the fall of Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych, Russian soldiers without insignias took control of strategic positions and infrastructure within the Ukrainian territory of Crimea. Russia then annexed Crimea after a disputed referendum in which Crimeans voted to join the Russian Federation.[7][62][63][64][65] Subsequently, demonstrations by pro-Russian groups in the Donbass area of Ukraine escalated into an armed conflict between the Ukrainian government and separatist forces of the self-declared Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics. In August, Russian military vehicles crossed the border in several locations of Donetsk Oblast[31][66][67][68][69][70] The incursion by the Russian military was seen as responsible for the defeat of Ukrainian forces in early September.[71][72]

In November 2014, the Ukrainian military reported intensive movement of troops and equipment from Russia into the separatist controlled parts of eastern Ukraine.[73] The Associated Press reported 80 unmarked military vehicles on the move in rebel-controlled areas.[74] An OSCE Special Monitoring Mission observed convoys of heavy weapons and tanks in DPR-controlled territory without insignia.[75] OSCE monitors further stated they observed vehicles transporting ammunition and soldiers' dead bodies crossing the Russian-Ukrainian border under the guise of humanitarian aid convoys.[76] As of early August 2015, OSCE observed over 21 such vehicles marked with the Russian military code for soldiers killed in action.[77]According to The Moscow Times, Russia has tried to intimidate and silence human rights workers discussing Russian soldiers' deaths in the conflict.[78] OSCE repeatedly reported that its observers were denied access to the areas controlled by "combined Russian-separatist forces".[79]

The majority of members of the international community and organizations such as Amnesty International have condemned Russia for its actions in post-revolutionary Ukraine, accusing it of breaking international law and violating Ukrainian sovereignty. Many countries implemented economic sanctions against Russia, Russian individuals or companies – to which Russia responded in kind.

What Should We Do About Crimea?

When the mainstream media discusses Crimea they are all lock-step: that’s the peninsula Putin annexed. Never do they mention that there was a referendum in which the vast majority of the population (who are mostly ethnic Russians) voted to join Russia. The US media never reports on this referendum because it produced results that Washington doesn’t like. How arrogant it must sound to the rest of the world that Washington reserves the right to approve or disapprove elections thousands of miles away – meanwhile we find out from the DNC hacked files that we don’t have a lot of room to criticize elections overseas."

And that wraps it up. You can rely on your FAKE NEWS SOURCES if you choose.

'nuff said.


And how many of the votes were casts by Russians? We already know that many of the people that were called "rebels" fighting for the annex, were actually Russian soldiers, using Russian equipment.


Oh, its you, useless

And you "know" this how?

Oh wait , you have sources inside the CIA but because of "national security" they will remain nameless (wink. wink) don't respond I know the narrative.

Conservatives have always been upfront about the threat Russia poses to America. It has always been the Democrats that excused and downplayed the Russian threat. In the 80's they criticized Reagan for calling them an evil empire. They ridiculed Reagan for supporting missile defense, saying that it is impossible and a pipe dream. Under Obama's foreign policy America capitulated to Russia's demand that America drop missile defense in Eastern Europe. Obama was caught having the Russian president relay a message to Putin that he only has one more election, and after the election he'll have more flexibility to further neuter America's military efforts in Eastern Europe.

When Romney and Republicans criticized Obama for making deals with the Russians that he is keeping secret from Americans, the Democrats ridiculed him. Democrats all collectively said Russia is a trusted ally and Romney was trying to relive the Cold War.

It is Obama's foreign policy that emboldened Russia to invade Crimea and openly defy America is Syria. It is Obama's foreign policy that led to the rise of ISIS.

Furthermore, if I opened a suspicious email and caused my company's computer system to be hacked, do you think I would be held accountable? The Russians, according to the CIA and Obama, unsuccessfully attempted to hack the RNC. The Democrats, just like Clinton did with State Department emails, put the country in risk and allowed Russia to gain access to and embarrass Clinton.

To sit there and try and assign some political motive to Russia attempting to disrupt the American election is based solely on subjective politically motivated opinions. The left are sore losers and just want a scapegoat other than the complete ineptitude, arrogance and stupidity of the Clinton campaign for their failures. They showed themselves to be completely untrustworthy with America's security.

Russia did NOT invade Crimea.

After a Plebiscite Crimeans chose to be part of Russia.


To be clear you are unequivocally absolutely incorrect. I will provide the multiple videos of Obama contradicting your, to be frank, stunningly stupid statement that Russia did not invade Crimea and/or Crimea's annexation was done legally and willfully by the Ukrainian government. State Department press conferences, White House press secretary--we went to the UN to enact economic sanctions against Russia and the justification we provided to the international community was Russia's military annexation of Crimea. And the UN approved the sanctions.

In fact is the only government, besides China, North Korea, Syria, and Sudan to vote against the sanctions and insist Russia had nothing to do with the military annexation of Crimea is RUSSIA.

Again, a special kind of stupid.

In 2014, Russia made several military incursions into Ukrainian territory. After Euromaidan protests and the fall of Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych, Russian soldiers without insignias took control of strategic positions and infrastructure within the Ukrainian territory of Crimea. Russia then annexed Crimea after a disputed referendum in which Crimeans voted to join the Russian Federation.[7][62][63][64][65] Subsequently, demonstrations by pro-Russian groups in the Donbass area of Ukraine escalated into an armed conflict between the Ukrainian government and separatist forces of the self-declared Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics. In August, Russian military vehicles crossed the border in several locations of Donetsk Oblast[31][66][67][68][69][70] The incursion by the Russian military was seen as responsible for the defeat of Ukrainian forces in early September.[71][72]

In November 2014, the Ukrainian military reported intensive movement of troops and equipment from Russia into the separatist controlled parts of eastern Ukraine.[73] The Associated Press reported 80 unmarked military vehicles on the move in rebel-controlled areas.[74] An OSCE Special Monitoring Mission observed convoys of heavy weapons and tanks in DPR-controlled territory without insignia.[75] OSCE monitors further stated they observed vehicles transporting ammunition and soldiers' dead bodies crossing the Russian-Ukrainian border under the guise of humanitarian aid convoys.[76] As of early August 2015, OSCE observed over 21 such vehicles marked with the Russian military code for soldiers killed in action.[77]According to The Moscow Times, Russia has tried to intimidate and silence human rights workers discussing Russian soldiers' deaths in the conflict.[78] OSCE repeatedly reported that its observers were denied access to the areas controlled by "combined Russian-separatist forces".[79]

The majority of members of the international community and organizations such as Amnesty International have condemned Russia for its actions in post-revolutionary Ukraine, accusing it of breaking international law and violating Ukrainian sovereignty. Many countries implemented economic sanctions against Russia, Russian individuals or companies – to which Russia responded in kind.
In 2014, Russia made several military incursions into Ukrainian territory. After Euromaidan protests and the fall of Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych, Russian soldiers without insignias took control of strategic positions and infrastructure within the Ukrainian territory of Crimea. Russia then annexed Crimea after a disputed referendum in which Crimeans voted to join the Russian Federation.[7][62][63][64][65] Subsequently, demonstrations by pro-Russian groups in the Donbass area of Ukraine escalated into an armed conflict between the Ukrainian government and separatist forces of the self-declared Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics. In August, Russian military vehicles crossed the border in several locations of Donetsk Oblast[31][66][67][68][69][70] The incursion by the Russian military was seen as responsible for the defeat of Ukrainian forces in early September.[71][72]

In November 2014, the Ukrainian military reported intensive movement of troops and equipment from Russia into the separatist controlled parts of eastern Ukraine.[73] The Associated Press reported 80 unmarked military vehicles on the move in rebel-controlled areas.[74] An OSCE Special Monitoring Mission observed convoys of heavy weapons and tanks in DPR-controlled territory without insignia.[75] OSCE monitors further stated they observed vehicles transporting ammunition and soldiers' dead bodies crossing the Russian-Ukrainian border under the guise of humanitarian aid convoys.[76] As of early August 2015, OSCE observed over 21 such vehicles marked with the Russian military code for soldiers killed in action.[77]According to The Moscow Times, Russia has tried to intimidate and silence human rights workers discussing Russian soldiers' deaths in the conflict.[78] OSCE repeatedly reported that its observers were denied access to the areas controlled by "combined Russian-separatist forces".[79]

The majority of members of the international community and organizations such as Amnesty International have condemned Russia for its actions in post-revolutionary Ukraine, accusing it of breaking international law and violating Ukrainian sovereignty. Many countries implemented economic sanctions against Russia, Russian individuals or companies – to which Russia responded in kind.

What Should We Do About Crimea?

When the mainstream media discusses Crimea they are all lock-step: that’s the peninsula Putin annexed. Never do they mention that there was a referendum in which the vast majority of the population (who are mostly ethnic Russians) voted to join Russia. The US media never reports on this referendum because it produced results that Washington doesn’t like. How arrogant it must sound to the rest of the world that Washington reserves the right to approve or disapprove elections thousands of miles away – meanwhile we find out from the DNC hacked files that we don’t have a lot of room to criticize elections overseas."

And that wraps it up. You can rely on your FAKE NEWS SOURCES if you choose.

'nuff said.


And how many of the votes were casts by Russians? We already know that many of the people that were called "rebels" fighting for the annex, were actually Russian soldiers, using Russian equipment.


Oh, its you, useless

And you "know" this how?

Oh wait , you have sources inside the CIA but because of "national security" they will remain nameless (wink. wink) don't respond I know the narrative.


Surprise don't know.

Boris Nemtsov allies release report on Russian troops in Ukraine
Look at all the right wing imbeciles freaking out over this news because it directly contradicts the fake news they're force-fed by Breitbart.

"But muh narrative!!!"


Conservatives have always been upfront about the threat Russia poses to America. It has always been the Democrats that excused and downplayed the Russian threat. In the 80's they criticized Reagan for calling them an evil empire. They ridiculed Reagan for supporting missile defense, saying that it is impossible and a pipe dream. Under Obama's foreign policy America capitulated to Russia's demand that America drop missile defense in Eastern Europe. Obama was caught having the Russian president relay a message to Putin that he only has one more election, and after the election he'll have more flexibility to further neuter America's military efforts in Eastern Europe.

When Romney and Republicans criticized Obama for making deals with the Russians that he is keeping secret from Americans, the Democrats ridiculed him. Democrats all collectively said Russia is a trusted ally and Romney was trying to relive the Cold War.

It is Obama's foreign policy that emboldened Russia to invade Crimea and openly defy America is Syria. It is Obama's foreign policy that led to the rise of ISIS.

Furthermore, if I opened a suspicious email and caused my company's computer system to be hacked, do you think I would be held accountable? The Russians, according to the CIA and Obama, unsuccessfully attempted to hack the RNC. The Democrats, just like Clinton did with State Department emails, put the country in risk and allowed Russia to gain access to and embarrass Clinton.

To sit there and try and assign some political motive to Russia attempting to disrupt the American election is based solely on subjective politically motivated opinions. The left are sore losers and just want a scapegoat other than the complete ineptitude, arrogance and stupidity of the Clinton campaign for their failures. They showed themselves to be completely untrustworthy with America's security.

Russia did NOT invade Crimea.

After a Plebiscite Crimeans chose to be part of Russia.


To be clear you are unequivocally absolutely incorrect. I will provide the multiple videos of Obama contradicting your, to be frank, stunningly stupid statement that Russia did not invade Crimea and/or Crimea's annexation was done legally and willfully by the Ukrainian government. State Department press conferences, White House press secretary--we went to the UN to enact economic sanctions against Russia and the justification we provided to the international community was Russia's military annexation of Crimea. And the UN approved the sanctions.

In fact is the only government, besides China, North Korea, Syria, and Sudan to vote against the sanctions and insist Russia had nothing to do with the military annexation of Crimea is RUSSIA.

Again, a special kind of stupid.

In 2014, Russia made several military incursions into Ukrainian territory. After Euromaidan protests and the fall of Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych, Russian soldiers without insignias took control of strategic positions and infrastructure within the Ukrainian territory of Crimea. Russia then annexed Crimea after a disputed referendum in which Crimeans voted to join the Russian Federation.[7][62][63][64][65] Subsequently, demonstrations by pro-Russian groups in the Donbass area of Ukraine escalated into an armed conflict between the Ukrainian government and separatist forces of the self-declared Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics. In August, Russian military vehicles crossed the border in several locations of Donetsk Oblast[31][66][67][68][69][70] The incursion by the Russian military was seen as responsible for the defeat of Ukrainian forces in early September.[71][72]

In November 2014, the Ukrainian military reported intensive movement of troops and equipment from Russia into the separatist controlled parts of eastern Ukraine.[73] The Associated Press reported 80 unmarked military vehicles on the move in rebel-controlled areas.[74] An OSCE Special Monitoring Mission observed convoys of heavy weapons and tanks in DPR-controlled territory without insignia.[75] OSCE monitors further stated they observed vehicles transporting ammunition and soldiers' dead bodies crossing the Russian-Ukrainian border under the guise of humanitarian aid convoys.[76] As of early August 2015, OSCE observed over 21 such vehicles marked with the Russian military code for soldiers killed in action.[77]According to The Moscow Times, Russia has tried to intimidate and silence human rights workers discussing Russian soldiers' deaths in the conflict.[78] OSCE repeatedly reported that its observers were denied access to the areas controlled by "combined Russian-separatist forces".[79]

The majority of members of the international community and organizations such as Amnesty International have condemned Russia for its actions in post-revolutionary Ukraine, accusing it of breaking international law and violating Ukrainian sovereignty. Many countries implemented economic sanctions against Russia, Russian individuals or companies – to which Russia responded in kind.
In 2014, Russia made several military incursions into Ukrainian territory. After Euromaidan protests and the fall of Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych, Russian soldiers without insignias took control of strategic positions and infrastructure within the Ukrainian territory of Crimea. Russia then annexed Crimea after a disputed referendum in which Crimeans voted to join the Russian Federation.[7][62][63][64][65] Subsequently, demonstrations by pro-Russian groups in the Donbass area of Ukraine escalated into an armed conflict between the Ukrainian government and separatist forces of the self-declared Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics. In August, Russian military vehicles crossed the border in several locations of Donetsk Oblast[31][66][67][68][69][70] The incursion by the Russian military was seen as responsible for the defeat of Ukrainian forces in early September.[71][72]

In November 2014, the Ukrainian military reported intensive movement of troops and equipment from Russia into the separatist controlled parts of eastern Ukraine.[73] The Associated Press reported 80 unmarked military vehicles on the move in rebel-controlled areas.[74] An OSCE Special Monitoring Mission observed convoys of heavy weapons and tanks in DPR-controlled territory without insignia.[75] OSCE monitors further stated they observed vehicles transporting ammunition and soldiers' dead bodies crossing the Russian-Ukrainian border under the guise of humanitarian aid convoys.[76] As of early August 2015, OSCE observed over 21 such vehicles marked with the Russian military code for soldiers killed in action.[77]According to The Moscow Times, Russia has tried to intimidate and silence human rights workers discussing Russian soldiers' deaths in the conflict.[78] OSCE repeatedly reported that its observers were denied access to the areas controlled by "combined Russian-separatist forces".[79]

The majority of members of the international community and organizations such as Amnesty International have condemned Russia for its actions in post-revolutionary Ukraine, accusing it of breaking international law and violating Ukrainian sovereignty. Many countries implemented economic sanctions against Russia, Russian individuals or companies – to which Russia responded in kind.

What Should We Do About Crimea?

When the mainstream media discusses Crimea they are all lock-step: that’s the peninsula Putin annexed. Never do they mention that there was a referendum in which the vast majority of the population (who are mostly ethnic Russians) voted to join Russia. The US media never reports on this referendum because it produced results that Washington doesn’t like. How arrogant it must sound to the rest of the world that Washington reserves the right to approve or disapprove elections thousands of miles away – meanwhile we find out from the DNC hacked files that we don’t have a lot of room to criticize elections overseas."

And that wraps it up. You can rely on your FAKE NEWS SOURCES if you choose.

'nuff said.


First, where the hell are the mods? You are violating board rules. Second, you are citing Lew Rockwell and then ranting about fake news? You don't see how stupid you look?

Whatever. Let's get back on topic. Again I ask, which Wikileaks revelation was consequential that it cost Clinton the election? And assuming Russia did indeed influence the election with the intention of helping Trump, is that an act of war and what, in your opinion, is the appropriate response?
Russia did NOT invade Crimea.

After a Plebiscite Crimeans chose to be part of Russia.


To be clear you are unequivocally absolutely incorrect. I will provide the multiple videos of Obama contradicting your, to be frank, stunningly stupid statement that Russia did not invade Crimea and/or Crimea's annexation was done legally and willfully by the Ukrainian government. State Department press conferences, White House press secretary--we went to the UN to enact economic sanctions against Russia and the justification we provided to the international community was Russia's military annexation of Crimea. And the UN approved the sanctions.

In fact is the only government, besides China, North Korea, Syria, and Sudan to vote against the sanctions and insist Russia had nothing to do with the military annexation of Crimea is RUSSIA.

Again, a special kind of stupid.

In 2014, Russia made several military incursions into Ukrainian territory. After Euromaidan protests and the fall of Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych, Russian soldiers without insignias took control of strategic positions and infrastructure within the Ukrainian territory of Crimea. Russia then annexed Crimea after a disputed referendum in which Crimeans voted to join the Russian Federation.[7][62][63][64][65] Subsequently, demonstrations by pro-Russian groups in the Donbass area of Ukraine escalated into an armed conflict between the Ukrainian government and separatist forces of the self-declared Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics. In August, Russian military vehicles crossed the border in several locations of Donetsk Oblast[31][66][67][68][69][70] The incursion by the Russian military was seen as responsible for the defeat of Ukrainian forces in early September.[71][72]

In November 2014, the Ukrainian military reported intensive movement of troops and equipment from Russia into the separatist controlled parts of eastern Ukraine.[73] The Associated Press reported 80 unmarked military vehicles on the move in rebel-controlled areas.[74] An OSCE Special Monitoring Mission observed convoys of heavy weapons and tanks in DPR-controlled territory without insignia.[75] OSCE monitors further stated they observed vehicles transporting ammunition and soldiers' dead bodies crossing the Russian-Ukrainian border under the guise of humanitarian aid convoys.[76] As of early August 2015, OSCE observed over 21 such vehicles marked with the Russian military code for soldiers killed in action.[77]According to The Moscow Times, Russia has tried to intimidate and silence human rights workers discussing Russian soldiers' deaths in the conflict.[78] OSCE repeatedly reported that its observers were denied access to the areas controlled by "combined Russian-separatist forces".[79]

The majority of members of the international community and organizations such as Amnesty International have condemned Russia for its actions in post-revolutionary Ukraine, accusing it of breaking international law and violating Ukrainian sovereignty. Many countries implemented economic sanctions against Russia, Russian individuals or companies – to which Russia responded in kind.
In 2014, Russia made several military incursions into Ukrainian territory. After Euromaidan protests and the fall of Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych, Russian soldiers without insignias took control of strategic positions and infrastructure within the Ukrainian territory of Crimea. Russia then annexed Crimea after a disputed referendum in which Crimeans voted to join the Russian Federation.[7][62][63][64][65] Subsequently, demonstrations by pro-Russian groups in the Donbass area of Ukraine escalated into an armed conflict between the Ukrainian government and separatist forces of the self-declared Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics. In August, Russian military vehicles crossed the border in several locations of Donetsk Oblast[31][66][67][68][69][70] The incursion by the Russian military was seen as responsible for the defeat of Ukrainian forces in early September.[71][72]

In November 2014, the Ukrainian military reported intensive movement of troops and equipment from Russia into the separatist controlled parts of eastern Ukraine.[73] The Associated Press reported 80 unmarked military vehicles on the move in rebel-controlled areas.[74] An OSCE Special Monitoring Mission observed convoys of heavy weapons and tanks in DPR-controlled territory without insignia.[75] OSCE monitors further stated they observed vehicles transporting ammunition and soldiers' dead bodies crossing the Russian-Ukrainian border under the guise of humanitarian aid convoys.[76] As of early August 2015, OSCE observed over 21 such vehicles marked with the Russian military code for soldiers killed in action.[77]According to The Moscow Times, Russia has tried to intimidate and silence human rights workers discussing Russian soldiers' deaths in the conflict.[78] OSCE repeatedly reported that its observers were denied access to the areas controlled by "combined Russian-separatist forces".[79]

The majority of members of the international community and organizations such as Amnesty International have condemned Russia for its actions in post-revolutionary Ukraine, accusing it of breaking international law and violating Ukrainian sovereignty. Many countries implemented economic sanctions against Russia, Russian individuals or companies – to which Russia responded in kind.

What Should We Do About Crimea?

When the mainstream media discusses Crimea they are all lock-step: that’s the peninsula Putin annexed. Never do they mention that there was a referendum in which the vast majority of the population (who are mostly ethnic Russians) voted to join Russia. The US media never reports on this referendum because it produced results that Washington doesn’t like. How arrogant it must sound to the rest of the world that Washington reserves the right to approve or disapprove elections thousands of miles away – meanwhile we find out from the DNC hacked files that we don’t have a lot of room to criticize elections overseas."

And that wraps it up. You can rely on your FAKE NEWS SOURCES if you choose.

'nuff said.


And how many of the votes were casts by Russians? We already know that many of the people that were called "rebels" fighting for the annex, were actually Russian soldiers, using Russian equipment.


Oh, its you, useless

And you "know" this how?

Oh wait , you have sources inside the CIA but because of "national security" they will remain nameless (wink. wink) don't respond I know the narrative.


Surprise don't know.

Boris Nemtsov allies release report on Russian troops in Ukraine

No, YOU don't know

We do know that the US government has been involved with “regime change” in Ukraine repeatedly since the break-up of the Soviet Union. The US was deeply involved with the “Orange Revolution” that overthrew elected president Viktor Yanukovych in 2005. And we know that the US government was heavily involved in another coup that overthrew the same elected Yanukovych again in 2014

Now JFK didn't want soviet missiles in Cuba, and Putin does not hostile troops in Ukraine?

What is good for the goose its good for the gander.

Look at all the right wing imbeciles freaking out over this news because it directly contradicts the fake news they're force-fed by Breitbart.

"But muh narrative!!!"


Conservatives have always been upfront about the threat Russia poses to America. It has always been the Democrats that excused and downplayed the Russian threat. In the 80's they criticized Reagan for calling them an evil empire. They ridiculed Reagan for supporting missile defense, saying that it is impossible and a pipe dream. Under Obama's foreign policy America capitulated to Russia's demand that America drop missile defense in Eastern Europe. Obama was caught having the Russian president relay a message to Putin that he only has one more election, and after the election he'll have more flexibility to further neuter America's military efforts in Eastern Europe.

When Romney and Republicans criticized Obama for making deals with the Russians that he is keeping secret from Americans, the Democrats ridiculed him. Democrats all collectively said Russia is a trusted ally and Romney was trying to relive the Cold War.

It is Obama's foreign policy that emboldened Russia to invade Crimea and openly defy America is Syria. It is Obama's foreign policy that led to the rise of ISIS.

Furthermore, if I opened a suspicious email and caused my company's computer system to be hacked, do you think I would be held accountable? The Russians, according to the CIA and Obama, unsuccessfully attempted to hack the RNC. The Democrats, just like Clinton did with State Department emails, put the country in risk and allowed Russia to gain access to and embarrass Clinton.

To sit there and try and assign some political motive to Russia attempting to disrupt the American election is based solely on subjective politically motivated opinions. The left are sore losers and just want a scapegoat other than the complete ineptitude, arrogance and stupidity of the Clinton campaign for their failures. They showed themselves to be completely untrustworthy with America's security.

Russia did NOT invade Crimea.

After a Plebiscite Crimeans chose to be part of Russia.


To be clear you are unequivocally absolutely incorrect. I will provide the multiple videos of Obama contradicting your, to be frank, stunningly stupid statement that Russia did not invade Crimea and/or Crimea's annexation was done legally and willfully by the Ukrainian government. State Department press conferences, White House press secretary--we went to the UN to enact economic sanctions against Russia and the justification we provided to the international community was Russia's military annexation of Crimea. And the UN approved the sanctions.

In fact is the only government, besides China, North Korea, Syria, and Sudan to vote against the sanctions and insist Russia had nothing to do with the military annexation of Crimea is RUSSIA.

Again, a special kind of stupid.

In 2014, Russia made several military incursions into Ukrainian territory. After Euromaidan protests and the fall of Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych, Russian soldiers without insignias took control of strategic positions and infrastructure within the Ukrainian territory of Crimea. Russia then annexed Crimea after a disputed referendum in which Crimeans voted to join the Russian Federation.[7][62][63][64][65] Subsequently, demonstrations by pro-Russian groups in the Donbass area of Ukraine escalated into an armed conflict between the Ukrainian government and separatist forces of the self-declared Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics. In August, Russian military vehicles crossed the border in several locations of Donetsk Oblast[31][66][67][68][69][70] The incursion by the Russian military was seen as responsible for the defeat of Ukrainian forces in early September.[71][72]

In November 2014, the Ukrainian military reported intensive movement of troops and equipment from Russia into the separatist controlled parts of eastern Ukraine.[73] The Associated Press reported 80 unmarked military vehicles on the move in rebel-controlled areas.[74] An OSCE Special Monitoring Mission observed convoys of heavy weapons and tanks in DPR-controlled territory without insignia.[75] OSCE monitors further stated they observed vehicles transporting ammunition and soldiers' dead bodies crossing the Russian-Ukrainian border under the guise of humanitarian aid convoys.[76] As of early August 2015, OSCE observed over 21 such vehicles marked with the Russian military code for soldiers killed in action.[77]According to The Moscow Times, Russia has tried to intimidate and silence human rights workers discussing Russian soldiers' deaths in the conflict.[78] OSCE repeatedly reported that its observers were denied access to the areas controlled by "combined Russian-separatist forces".[79]

The majority of members of the international community and organizations such as Amnesty International have condemned Russia for its actions in post-revolutionary Ukraine, accusing it of breaking international law and violating Ukrainian sovereignty. Many countries implemented economic sanctions against Russia, Russian individuals or companies – to which Russia responded in kind.
In 2014, Russia made several military incursions into Ukrainian territory. After Euromaidan protests and the fall of Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych, Russian soldiers without insignias took control of strategic positions and infrastructure within the Ukrainian territory of Crimea. Russia then annexed Crimea after a disputed referendum in which Crimeans voted to join the Russian Federation.[7][62][63][64][65] Subsequently, demonstrations by pro-Russian groups in the Donbass area of Ukraine escalated into an armed conflict between the Ukrainian government and separatist forces of the self-declared Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics. In August, Russian military vehicles crossed the border in several locations of Donetsk Oblast[31][66][67][68][69][70] The incursion by the Russian military was seen as responsible for the defeat of Ukrainian forces in early September.[71][72]

In November 2014, the Ukrainian military reported intensive movement of troops and equipment from Russia into the separatist controlled parts of eastern Ukraine.[73] The Associated Press reported 80 unmarked military vehicles on the move in rebel-controlled areas.[74] An OSCE Special Monitoring Mission observed convoys of heavy weapons and tanks in DPR-controlled territory without insignia.[75] OSCE monitors further stated they observed vehicles transporting ammunition and soldiers' dead bodies crossing the Russian-Ukrainian border under the guise of humanitarian aid convoys.[76] As of early August 2015, OSCE observed over 21 such vehicles marked with the Russian military code for soldiers killed in action.[77]According to The Moscow Times, Russia has tried to intimidate and silence human rights workers discussing Russian soldiers' deaths in the conflict.[78] OSCE repeatedly reported that its observers were denied access to the areas controlled by "combined Russian-separatist forces".[79]

The majority of members of the international community and organizations such as Amnesty International have condemned Russia for its actions in post-revolutionary Ukraine, accusing it of breaking international law and violating Ukrainian sovereignty. Many countries implemented economic sanctions against Russia, Russian individuals or companies – to which Russia responded in kind.

What Should We Do About Crimea?

When the mainstream media discusses Crimea they are all lock-step: that’s the peninsula Putin annexed. Never do they mention that there was a referendum in which the vast majority of the population (who are mostly ethnic Russians) voted to join Russia. The US media never reports on this referendum because it produced results that Washington doesn’t like. How arrogant it must sound to the rest of the world that Washington reserves the right to approve or disapprove elections thousands of miles away – meanwhile we find out from the DNC hacked files that we don’t have a lot of room to criticize elections overseas."

And that wraps it up. You can rely on your FAKE NEWS SOURCES if you choose.

'nuff said.


First, where the hell are the mods? You are violating board rules. Second, you are citing Lew Rockwell and then ranting about fake news? You don't see how stupid you look?

Whatever. Let's get back on topic. Again I ask, which Wikileaks revelation was consequential that it cost Clinton the election? And assuming Russia did indeed influence the election with the intention of helping Trump, is that an act of war and what, in your opinion, is the appropriate response?

Listen , my sissified opponent, if we are going to start WWIII , then the War should be declared by Congress as required by the Constitution and not because the party that lost the election has a severe case of butthurt.

To be clear you are unequivocally absolutely incorrect. I will provide the multiple videos of Obama contradicting your, to be frank, stunningly stupid statement that Russia did not invade Crimea and/or Crimea's annexation was done legally and willfully by the Ukrainian government. State Department press conferences, White House press secretary--we went to the UN to enact economic sanctions against Russia and the justification we provided to the international community was Russia's military annexation of Crimea. And the UN approved the sanctions.

In fact is the only government, besides China, North Korea, Syria, and Sudan to vote against the sanctions and insist Russia had nothing to do with the military annexation of Crimea is RUSSIA.

Again, a special kind of stupid.

In 2014, Russia made several military incursions into Ukrainian territory. After Euromaidan protests and the fall of Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych, Russian soldiers without insignias took control of strategic positions and infrastructure within the Ukrainian territory of Crimea. Russia then annexed Crimea after a disputed referendum in which Crimeans voted to join the Russian Federation.[7][62][63][64][65] Subsequently, demonstrations by pro-Russian groups in the Donbass area of Ukraine escalated into an armed conflict between the Ukrainian government and separatist forces of the self-declared Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics. In August, Russian military vehicles crossed the border in several locations of Donetsk Oblast[31][66][67][68][69][70] The incursion by the Russian military was seen as responsible for the defeat of Ukrainian forces in early September.[71][72]

In November 2014, the Ukrainian military reported intensive movement of troops and equipment from Russia into the separatist controlled parts of eastern Ukraine.[73] The Associated Press reported 80 unmarked military vehicles on the move in rebel-controlled areas.[74] An OSCE Special Monitoring Mission observed convoys of heavy weapons and tanks in DPR-controlled territory without insignia.[75] OSCE monitors further stated they observed vehicles transporting ammunition and soldiers' dead bodies crossing the Russian-Ukrainian border under the guise of humanitarian aid convoys.[76] As of early August 2015, OSCE observed over 21 such vehicles marked with the Russian military code for soldiers killed in action.[77]According to The Moscow Times, Russia has tried to intimidate and silence human rights workers discussing Russian soldiers' deaths in the conflict.[78] OSCE repeatedly reported that its observers were denied access to the areas controlled by "combined Russian-separatist forces".[79]

The majority of members of the international community and organizations such as Amnesty International have condemned Russia for its actions in post-revolutionary Ukraine, accusing it of breaking international law and violating Ukrainian sovereignty. Many countries implemented economic sanctions against Russia, Russian individuals or companies – to which Russia responded in kind.
In 2014, Russia made several military incursions into Ukrainian territory. After Euromaidan protests and the fall of Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych, Russian soldiers without insignias took control of strategic positions and infrastructure within the Ukrainian territory of Crimea. Russia then annexed Crimea after a disputed referendum in which Crimeans voted to join the Russian Federation.[7][62][63][64][65] Subsequently, demonstrations by pro-Russian groups in the Donbass area of Ukraine escalated into an armed conflict between the Ukrainian government and separatist forces of the self-declared Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics. In August, Russian military vehicles crossed the border in several locations of Donetsk Oblast[31][66][67][68][69][70] The incursion by the Russian military was seen as responsible for the defeat of Ukrainian forces in early September.[71][72]

In November 2014, the Ukrainian military reported intensive movement of troops and equipment from Russia into the separatist controlled parts of eastern Ukraine.[73] The Associated Press reported 80 unmarked military vehicles on the move in rebel-controlled areas.[74] An OSCE Special Monitoring Mission observed convoys of heavy weapons and tanks in DPR-controlled territory without insignia.[75] OSCE monitors further stated they observed vehicles transporting ammunition and soldiers' dead bodies crossing the Russian-Ukrainian border under the guise of humanitarian aid convoys.[76] As of early August 2015, OSCE observed over 21 such vehicles marked with the Russian military code for soldiers killed in action.[77]According to The Moscow Times, Russia has tried to intimidate and silence human rights workers discussing Russian soldiers' deaths in the conflict.[78] OSCE repeatedly reported that its observers were denied access to the areas controlled by "combined Russian-separatist forces".[79]

The majority of members of the international community and organizations such as Amnesty International have condemned Russia for its actions in post-revolutionary Ukraine, accusing it of breaking international law and violating Ukrainian sovereignty. Many countries implemented economic sanctions against Russia, Russian individuals or companies – to which Russia responded in kind.

What Should We Do About Crimea?

When the mainstream media discusses Crimea they are all lock-step: that’s the peninsula Putin annexed. Never do they mention that there was a referendum in which the vast majority of the population (who are mostly ethnic Russians) voted to join Russia. The US media never reports on this referendum because it produced results that Washington doesn’t like. How arrogant it must sound to the rest of the world that Washington reserves the right to approve or disapprove elections thousands of miles away – meanwhile we find out from the DNC hacked files that we don’t have a lot of room to criticize elections overseas."

And that wraps it up. You can rely on your FAKE NEWS SOURCES if you choose.

'nuff said.


And how many of the votes were casts by Russians? We already know that many of the people that were called "rebels" fighting for the annex, were actually Russian soldiers, using Russian equipment.


Oh, its you, useless

And you "know" this how?

Oh wait , you have sources inside the CIA but because of "national security" they will remain nameless (wink. wink) don't respond I know the narrative.


Surprise don't know.

Boris Nemtsov allies release report on Russian troops in Ukraine

No, YOU don't know

We do know that the US government has been involved with “regime change” in Ukraine repeatedly since the break-up of the Soviet Union. The US was deeply involved with the “Orange Revolution” that overthrew elected president Viktor Yanukovych in 2005. And we know that the US government was heavily involved in another coup that overthrew the same elected Yanukovych again in 2014

Now JFK didn't want soviet missiles in Cuba, and Putin does not hostile troops in Ukraine?

What is good for the goose its good for the gander.


To be clear you are unequivocally absolutely incorrect. I will provide the multiple videos of Obama contradicting your, to be frank, stunningly stupid statement that Russia did not invade Crimea and/or Crimea's annexation was done legally and willfully by the Ukrainian government. State Department press conferences, White House press secretary--we went to the UN to enact economic sanctions against Russia and the justification we provided to the international community was Russia's military annexation of Crimea. And the UN approved the sanctions.

In fact is the only government, besides China, North Korea, Syria, and Sudan to vote against the sanctions and insist Russia had nothing to do with the military annexation of Crimea is RUSSIA.

Again, a special kind of stupid.

In 2014, Russia made several military incursions into Ukrainian territory. After Euromaidan protests and the fall of Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych, Russian soldiers without insignias took control of strategic positions and infrastructure within the Ukrainian territory of Crimea. Russia then annexed Crimea after a disputed referendum in which Crimeans voted to join the Russian Federation.[7][62][63][64][65] Subsequently, demonstrations by pro-Russian groups in the Donbass area of Ukraine escalated into an armed conflict between the Ukrainian government and separatist forces of the self-declared Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics. In August, Russian military vehicles crossed the border in several locations of Donetsk Oblast[31][66][67][68][69][70] The incursion by the Russian military was seen as responsible for the defeat of Ukrainian forces in early September.[71][72]

In November 2014, the Ukrainian military reported intensive movement of troops and equipment from Russia into the separatist controlled parts of eastern Ukraine.[73] The Associated Press reported 80 unmarked military vehicles on the move in rebel-controlled areas.[74] An OSCE Special Monitoring Mission observed convoys of heavy weapons and tanks in DPR-controlled territory without insignia.[75] OSCE monitors further stated they observed vehicles transporting ammunition and soldiers' dead bodies crossing the Russian-Ukrainian border under the guise of humanitarian aid convoys.[76] As of early August 2015, OSCE observed over 21 such vehicles marked with the Russian military code for soldiers killed in action.[77]According to The Moscow Times, Russia has tried to intimidate and silence human rights workers discussing Russian soldiers' deaths in the conflict.[78] OSCE repeatedly reported that its observers were denied access to the areas controlled by "combined Russian-separatist forces".[79]

The majority of members of the international community and organizations such as Amnesty International have condemned Russia for its actions in post-revolutionary Ukraine, accusing it of breaking international law and violating Ukrainian sovereignty. Many countries implemented economic sanctions against Russia, Russian individuals or companies – to which Russia responded in kind.
In 2014, Russia made several military incursions into Ukrainian territory. After Euromaidan protests and the fall of Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych, Russian soldiers without insignias took control of strategic positions and infrastructure within the Ukrainian territory of Crimea. Russia then annexed Crimea after a disputed referendum in which Crimeans voted to join the Russian Federation.[7][62][63][64][65] Subsequently, demonstrations by pro-Russian groups in the Donbass area of Ukraine escalated into an armed conflict between the Ukrainian government and separatist forces of the self-declared Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics. In August, Russian military vehicles crossed the border in several locations of Donetsk Oblast[31][66][67][68][69][70] The incursion by the Russian military was seen as responsible for the defeat of Ukrainian forces in early September.[71][72]

In November 2014, the Ukrainian military reported intensive movement of troops and equipment from Russia into the separatist controlled parts of eastern Ukraine.[73] The Associated Press reported 80 unmarked military vehicles on the move in rebel-controlled areas.[74] An OSCE Special Monitoring Mission observed convoys of heavy weapons and tanks in DPR-controlled territory without insignia.[75] OSCE monitors further stated they observed vehicles transporting ammunition and soldiers' dead bodies crossing the Russian-Ukrainian border under the guise of humanitarian aid convoys.[76] As of early August 2015, OSCE observed over 21 such vehicles marked with the Russian military code for soldiers killed in action.[77]According to The Moscow Times, Russia has tried to intimidate and silence human rights workers discussing Russian soldiers' deaths in the conflict.[78] OSCE repeatedly reported that its observers were denied access to the areas controlled by "combined Russian-separatist forces".[79]

The majority of members of the international community and organizations such as Amnesty International have condemned Russia for its actions in post-revolutionary Ukraine, accusing it of breaking international law and violating Ukrainian sovereignty. Many countries implemented economic sanctions against Russia, Russian individuals or companies – to which Russia responded in kind.

What Should We Do About Crimea?

When the mainstream media discusses Crimea they are all lock-step: that’s the peninsula Putin annexed. Never do they mention that there was a referendum in which the vast majority of the population (who are mostly ethnic Russians) voted to join Russia. The US media never reports on this referendum because it produced results that Washington doesn’t like. How arrogant it must sound to the rest of the world that Washington reserves the right to approve or disapprove elections thousands of miles away – meanwhile we find out from the DNC hacked files that we don’t have a lot of room to criticize elections overseas."

And that wraps it up. You can rely on your FAKE NEWS SOURCES if you choose.

'nuff said.


And how many of the votes were casts by Russians? We already know that many of the people that were called "rebels" fighting for the annex, were actually Russian soldiers, using Russian equipment.


Oh, its you, useless

And you "know" this how?

Oh wait , you have sources inside the CIA but because of "national security" they will remain nameless (wink. wink) don't respond I know the narrative.


Surprise don't know.

Boris Nemtsov allies release report on Russian troops in Ukraine

No, YOU don't know

We do know that the US government has been involved with “regime change” in Ukraine repeatedly since the break-up of the Soviet Union. The US was deeply involved with the “Orange Revolution” that overthrew elected president Viktor Yanukovych in 2005. And we know that the US government was heavily involved in another coup that overthrew the same elected Yanukovych again in 2014

Now JFK didn't want soviet missiles in Cuba, and Putin does not hostile troops in Ukraine?

What is good for the goose its good for the gander.


Wait I am confused. What is your position on the accusations that Russia engaged in cyber warfare to influence the outcome of the presidential election? I was responding to a few our your posts, but I completely did not pick up on the fact that your are libertarian, which explains the lewrockwell quote.

So, and this is an honest question I'd like to know, what is your take on the actual topic of this thread. Crimea aside.
To be clear you are unequivocally absolutely incorrect. I will provide the multiple videos of Obama contradicting your, to be frank, stunningly stupid statement that Russia did not invade Crimea and/or Crimea's annexation was done legally and willfully by the Ukrainian government. State Department press conferences, White House press secretary--we went to the UN to enact economic sanctions against Russia and the justification we provided to the international community was Russia's military annexation of Crimea. And the UN approved the sanctions.

In fact is the only government, besides China, North Korea, Syria, and Sudan to vote against the sanctions and insist Russia had nothing to do with the military annexation of Crimea is RUSSIA.

Again, a special kind of stupid.

In 2014, Russia made several military incursions into Ukrainian territory. After Euromaidan protests and the fall of Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych, Russian soldiers without insignias took control of strategic positions and infrastructure within the Ukrainian territory of Crimea. Russia then annexed Crimea after a disputed referendum in which Crimeans voted to join the Russian Federation.[7][62][63][64][65] Subsequently, demonstrations by pro-Russian groups in the Donbass area of Ukraine escalated into an armed conflict between the Ukrainian government and separatist forces of the self-declared Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics. In August, Russian military vehicles crossed the border in several locations of Donetsk Oblast[31][66][67][68][69][70] The incursion by the Russian military was seen as responsible for the defeat of Ukrainian forces in early September.[71][72]

In November 2014, the Ukrainian military reported intensive movement of troops and equipment from Russia into the separatist controlled parts of eastern Ukraine.[73] The Associated Press reported 80 unmarked military vehicles on the move in rebel-controlled areas.[74] An OSCE Special Monitoring Mission observed convoys of heavy weapons and tanks in DPR-controlled territory without insignia.[75] OSCE monitors further stated they observed vehicles transporting ammunition and soldiers' dead bodies crossing the Russian-Ukrainian border under the guise of humanitarian aid convoys.[76] As of early August 2015, OSCE observed over 21 such vehicles marked with the Russian military code for soldiers killed in action.[77]According to The Moscow Times, Russia has tried to intimidate and silence human rights workers discussing Russian soldiers' deaths in the conflict.[78] OSCE repeatedly reported that its observers were denied access to the areas controlled by "combined Russian-separatist forces".[79]

The majority of members of the international community and organizations such as Amnesty International have condemned Russia for its actions in post-revolutionary Ukraine, accusing it of breaking international law and violating Ukrainian sovereignty. Many countries implemented economic sanctions against Russia, Russian individuals or companies – to which Russia responded in kind.
In 2014, Russia made several military incursions into Ukrainian territory. After Euromaidan protests and the fall of Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych, Russian soldiers without insignias took control of strategic positions and infrastructure within the Ukrainian territory of Crimea. Russia then annexed Crimea after a disputed referendum in which Crimeans voted to join the Russian Federation.[7][62][63][64][65] Subsequently, demonstrations by pro-Russian groups in the Donbass area of Ukraine escalated into an armed conflict between the Ukrainian government and separatist forces of the self-declared Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics. In August, Russian military vehicles crossed the border in several locations of Donetsk Oblast[31][66][67][68][69][70] The incursion by the Russian military was seen as responsible for the defeat of Ukrainian forces in early September.[71][72]

In November 2014, the Ukrainian military reported intensive movement of troops and equipment from Russia into the separatist controlled parts of eastern Ukraine.[73] The Associated Press reported 80 unmarked military vehicles on the move in rebel-controlled areas.[74] An OSCE Special Monitoring Mission observed convoys of heavy weapons and tanks in DPR-controlled territory without insignia.[75] OSCE monitors further stated they observed vehicles transporting ammunition and soldiers' dead bodies crossing the Russian-Ukrainian border under the guise of humanitarian aid convoys.[76] As of early August 2015, OSCE observed over 21 such vehicles marked with the Russian military code for soldiers killed in action.[77]According to The Moscow Times, Russia has tried to intimidate and silence human rights workers discussing Russian soldiers' deaths in the conflict.[78] OSCE repeatedly reported that its observers were denied access to the areas controlled by "combined Russian-separatist forces".[79]

The majority of members of the international community and organizations such as Amnesty International have condemned Russia for its actions in post-revolutionary Ukraine, accusing it of breaking international law and violating Ukrainian sovereignty. Many countries implemented economic sanctions against Russia, Russian individuals or companies – to which Russia responded in kind.

What Should We Do About Crimea?

When the mainstream media discusses Crimea they are all lock-step: that’s the peninsula Putin annexed. Never do they mention that there was a referendum in which the vast majority of the population (who are mostly ethnic Russians) voted to join Russia. The US media never reports on this referendum because it produced results that Washington doesn’t like. How arrogant it must sound to the rest of the world that Washington reserves the right to approve or disapprove elections thousands of miles away – meanwhile we find out from the DNC hacked files that we don’t have a lot of room to criticize elections overseas."

And that wraps it up. You can rely on your FAKE NEWS SOURCES if you choose.

'nuff said.


And how many of the votes were casts by Russians? We already know that many of the people that were called "rebels" fighting for the annex, were actually Russian soldiers, using Russian equipment.


Oh, its you, useless

And you "know" this how?

Oh wait , you have sources inside the CIA but because of "national security" they will remain nameless (wink. wink) don't respond I know the narrative.


Surprise don't know.

Boris Nemtsov allies release report on Russian troops in Ukraine

No, YOU don't know

We do know that the US government has been involved with “regime change” in Ukraine repeatedly since the break-up of the Soviet Union. The US was deeply involved with the “Orange Revolution” that overthrew elected president Viktor Yanukovych in 2005. And we know that the US government was heavily involved in another coup that overthrew the same elected Yanukovych again in 2014

Now JFK didn't want soviet missiles in Cuba, and Putin does not hostile troops in Ukraine?

What is good for the goose its good for the gander.


Why does that have to do with what I posted? Putin invaded Ukraine, lied about sending in his troops, having them take off their patches, sent them equipment, one of which was a rocket launcher that shot down a passenger plane....

And your defense for that is the U.S. supported the opposition government to the Russian puppet President? Got it.
Conservatives have always been upfront about the threat Russia poses to America. It has always been the Democrats that excused and downplayed the Russian threat. In the 80's they criticized Reagan for calling them an evil empire. They ridiculed Reagan for supporting missile defense, saying that it is impossible and a pipe dream. Under Obama's foreign policy America capitulated to Russia's demand that America drop missile defense in Eastern Europe. Obama was caught having the Russian president relay a message to Putin that he only has one more election, and after the election he'll have more flexibility to further neuter America's military efforts in Eastern Europe.

When Romney and Republicans criticized Obama for making deals with the Russians that he is keeping secret from Americans, the Democrats ridiculed him. Democrats all collectively said Russia is a trusted ally and Romney was trying to relive the Cold War.

It is Obama's foreign policy that emboldened Russia to invade Crimea and openly defy America is Syria. It is Obama's foreign policy that led to the rise of ISIS.

Furthermore, if I opened a suspicious email and caused my company's computer system to be hacked, do you think I would be held accountable? The Russians, according to the CIA and Obama, unsuccessfully attempted to hack the RNC. The Democrats, just like Clinton did with State Department emails, put the country in risk and allowed Russia to gain access to and embarrass Clinton.

To sit there and try and assign some political motive to Russia attempting to disrupt the American election is based solely on subjective politically motivated opinions. The left are sore losers and just want a scapegoat other than the complete ineptitude, arrogance and stupidity of the Clinton campaign for their failures. They showed themselves to be completely untrustworthy with America's security.

Russia did NOT invade Crimea.

After a Plebiscite Crimeans chose to be part of Russia.


To be clear you are unequivocally absolutely incorrect. I will provide the multiple videos of Obama contradicting your, to be frank, stunningly stupid statement that Russia did not invade Crimea and/or Crimea's annexation was done legally and willfully by the Ukrainian government. State Department press conferences, White House press secretary--we went to the UN to enact economic sanctions against Russia and the justification we provided to the international community was Russia's military annexation of Crimea. And the UN approved the sanctions.

In fact is the only government, besides China, North Korea, Syria, and Sudan to vote against the sanctions and insist Russia had nothing to do with the military annexation of Crimea is RUSSIA.

Again, a special kind of stupid.

In 2014, Russia made several military incursions into Ukrainian territory. After Euromaidan protests and the fall of Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych, Russian soldiers without insignias took control of strategic positions and infrastructure within the Ukrainian territory of Crimea. Russia then annexed Crimea after a disputed referendum in which Crimeans voted to join the Russian Federation.[7][62][63][64][65] Subsequently, demonstrations by pro-Russian groups in the Donbass area of Ukraine escalated into an armed conflict between the Ukrainian government and separatist forces of the self-declared Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics. In August, Russian military vehicles crossed the border in several locations of Donetsk Oblast[31][66][67][68][69][70] The incursion by the Russian military was seen as responsible for the defeat of Ukrainian forces in early September.[71][72]

In November 2014, the Ukrainian military reported intensive movement of troops and equipment from Russia into the separatist controlled parts of eastern Ukraine.[73] The Associated Press reported 80 unmarked military vehicles on the move in rebel-controlled areas.[74] An OSCE Special Monitoring Mission observed convoys of heavy weapons and tanks in DPR-controlled territory without insignia.[75] OSCE monitors further stated they observed vehicles transporting ammunition and soldiers' dead bodies crossing the Russian-Ukrainian border under the guise of humanitarian aid convoys.[76] As of early August 2015, OSCE observed over 21 such vehicles marked with the Russian military code for soldiers killed in action.[77]According to The Moscow Times, Russia has tried to intimidate and silence human rights workers discussing Russian soldiers' deaths in the conflict.[78] OSCE repeatedly reported that its observers were denied access to the areas controlled by "combined Russian-separatist forces".[79]

The majority of members of the international community and organizations such as Amnesty International have condemned Russia for its actions in post-revolutionary Ukraine, accusing it of breaking international law and violating Ukrainian sovereignty. Many countries implemented economic sanctions against Russia, Russian individuals or companies – to which Russia responded in kind.
In 2014, Russia made several military incursions into Ukrainian territory. After Euromaidan protests and the fall of Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych, Russian soldiers without insignias took control of strategic positions and infrastructure within the Ukrainian territory of Crimea. Russia then annexed Crimea after a disputed referendum in which Crimeans voted to join the Russian Federation.[7][62][63][64][65] Subsequently, demonstrations by pro-Russian groups in the Donbass area of Ukraine escalated into an armed conflict between the Ukrainian government and separatist forces of the self-declared Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics. In August, Russian military vehicles crossed the border in several locations of Donetsk Oblast[31][66][67][68][69][70] The incursion by the Russian military was seen as responsible for the defeat of Ukrainian forces in early September.[71][72]

In November 2014, the Ukrainian military reported intensive movement of troops and equipment from Russia into the separatist controlled parts of eastern Ukraine.[73] The Associated Press reported 80 unmarked military vehicles on the move in rebel-controlled areas.[74] An OSCE Special Monitoring Mission observed convoys of heavy weapons and tanks in DPR-controlled territory without insignia.[75] OSCE monitors further stated they observed vehicles transporting ammunition and soldiers' dead bodies crossing the Russian-Ukrainian border under the guise of humanitarian aid convoys.[76] As of early August 2015, OSCE observed over 21 such vehicles marked with the Russian military code for soldiers killed in action.[77]According to The Moscow Times, Russia has tried to intimidate and silence human rights workers discussing Russian soldiers' deaths in the conflict.[78] OSCE repeatedly reported that its observers were denied access to the areas controlled by "combined Russian-separatist forces".[79]

The majority of members of the international community and organizations such as Amnesty International have condemned Russia for its actions in post-revolutionary Ukraine, accusing it of breaking international law and violating Ukrainian sovereignty. Many countries implemented economic sanctions against Russia, Russian individuals or companies – to which Russia responded in kind.

What Should We Do About Crimea?

When the mainstream media discusses Crimea they are all lock-step: that’s the peninsula Putin annexed. Never do they mention that there was a referendum in which the vast majority of the population (who are mostly ethnic Russians) voted to join Russia. The US media never reports on this referendum because it produced results that Washington doesn’t like. How arrogant it must sound to the rest of the world that Washington reserves the right to approve or disapprove elections thousands of miles away – meanwhile we find out from the DNC hacked files that we don’t have a lot of room to criticize elections overseas."

And that wraps it up. You can rely on your FAKE NEWS SOURCES if you choose.

'nuff said.


First, where the hell are the mods? You are violating board rules. Second, you are citing Lew Rockwell and then ranting about fake news? You don't see how stupid you look?

Whatever. Let's get back on topic. Again I ask, which Wikileaks revelation was consequential that it cost Clinton the election? And assuming Russia did indeed influence the election with the intention of helping Trump, is that an act of war and what, in your opinion, is the appropriate response?

Listen , my sissified opponent, if we are going to start WWIII , then the War should be declared by Congress as required by the Constitution and not because the party that lost the election has a severe case of butthurt.


Hey there crazed libertarian, I agree. I'm not convinced Russia was solely responsible for the phishing hacks on DNC email servers, and IF Russia did do it there is a tremendous amount of culpability on the part of the irresponsible imbeciles that opened suspicious emails. The Democrats aren't capable of protecting their own computer systems, why the hell would anyone put them in charge of the White House.
What Should We Do About Crimea?

When the mainstream media discusses Crimea they are all lock-step: that’s the peninsula Putin annexed. Never do they mention that there was a referendum in which the vast majority of the population (who are mostly ethnic Russians) voted to join Russia. The US media never reports on this referendum because it produced results that Washington doesn’t like. How arrogant it must sound to the rest of the world that Washington reserves the right to approve or disapprove elections thousands of miles away – meanwhile we find out from the DNC hacked files that we don’t have a lot of room to criticize elections overseas."

And that wraps it up. You can rely on your FAKE NEWS SOURCES if you choose.

'nuff said.


And how many of the votes were casts by Russians? We already know that many of the people that were called "rebels" fighting for the annex, were actually Russian soldiers, using Russian equipment.


Oh, its you, useless

And you "know" this how?

Oh wait , you have sources inside the CIA but because of "national security" they will remain nameless (wink. wink) don't respond I know the narrative.


Surprise don't know.

Boris Nemtsov allies release report on Russian troops in Ukraine

No, YOU don't know

We do know that the US government has been involved with “regime change” in Ukraine repeatedly since the break-up of the Soviet Union. The US was deeply involved with the “Orange Revolution” that overthrew elected president Viktor Yanukovych in 2005. And we know that the US government was heavily involved in another coup that overthrew the same elected Yanukovych again in 2014

Now JFK didn't want soviet missiles in Cuba, and Putin does not hostile troops in Ukraine?

What is good for the goose its good for the gander.


Why does that have to do with what I posted? Putin invaded Ukraine, lied about sending in his troops, having them take off their patches, sent them equipment, one of which was a rocket launcher that shot down a passenger plane....

And your defense for that is the U.S. supported the opposition government to the Russian puppet President? Got it.

This is classic libertarian/leftist logic. It isn't that they necessarily agree with Russia, it is that they dislike America enough to dismiss the wrong doings of other countries, namely Russia. Talking to these people about WWII, America was genocidal for dropping the Atom bomb and ignored reports of concentration camps and allowed the holocaust to happen years before acting. Whatever the topic they will find fault with and criticize America's supposed wrong doing and downplay the fact that in the end America saved countless lives by avoiding a ground invasion of Japan and liberated the concentration camps.

Again, they don't agree with Nazi Germany or Japan, but they instinctively point out the flaws of America.
What Should We Do About Crimea?

When the mainstream media discusses Crimea they are all lock-step: that’s the peninsula Putin annexed. Never do they mention that there was a referendum in which the vast majority of the population (who are mostly ethnic Russians) voted to join Russia. The US media never reports on this referendum because it produced results that Washington doesn’t like. How arrogant it must sound to the rest of the world that Washington reserves the right to approve or disapprove elections thousands of miles away – meanwhile we find out from the DNC hacked files that we don’t have a lot of room to criticize elections overseas."

And that wraps it up. You can rely on your FAKE NEWS SOURCES if you choose.

'nuff said.


And how many of the votes were casts by Russians? We already know that many of the people that were called "rebels" fighting for the annex, were actually Russian soldiers, using Russian equipment.


Oh, its you, useless

And you "know" this how?

Oh wait , you have sources inside the CIA but because of "national security" they will remain nameless (wink. wink) don't respond I know the narrative.


Surprise don't know.

Boris Nemtsov allies release report on Russian troops in Ukraine

No, YOU don't know

We do know that the US government has been involved with “regime change” in Ukraine repeatedly since the break-up of the Soviet Union. The US was deeply involved with the “Orange Revolution” that overthrew elected president Viktor Yanukovych in 2005. And we know that the US government was heavily involved in another coup that overthrew the same elected Yanukovych again in 2014

Now JFK didn't want soviet missiles in Cuba, and Putin does not hostile troops in Ukraine?

What is good for the goose its good for the gander.

What Should We Do About Crimea?

When the mainstream media discusses Crimea they are all lock-step: that’s the peninsula Putin annexed. Never do they mention that there was a referendum in which the vast majority of the population (who are mostly ethnic Russians) voted to join Russia. The US media never reports on this referendum because it produced results that Washington doesn’t like. How arrogant it must sound to the rest of the world that Washington reserves the right to approve or disapprove elections thousands of miles away – meanwhile we find out from the DNC hacked files that we don’t have a lot of room to criticize elections overseas."

And that wraps it up. You can rely on your FAKE NEWS SOURCES if you choose.

'nuff said.


And how many of the votes were casts by Russians? We already know that many of the people that were called "rebels" fighting for the annex, were actually Russian soldiers, using Russian equipment.


Oh, its you, useless

And you "know" this how?

Oh wait , you have sources inside the CIA but because of "national security" they will remain nameless (wink. wink) don't respond I know the narrative.


Surprise don't know.

Boris Nemtsov allies release report on Russian troops in Ukraine

No, YOU don't know

We do know that the US government has been involved with “regime change” in Ukraine repeatedly since the break-up of the Soviet Union. The US was deeply involved with the “Orange Revolution” that overthrew elected president Viktor Yanukovych in 2005. And we know that the US government was heavily involved in another coup that overthrew the same elected Yanukovych again in 2014

Now JFK didn't want soviet missiles in Cuba, and Putin does not hostile troops in Ukraine?

What is good for the goose its good for the gander.


Wait I am confused. What is your position on the accusations that Russia engaged in cyber warfare to influence the outcome of the presidential election? I was responding to a few our your posts, but I completely did not pick up on the fact that your are libertarian, which explains the lewrockwell quote.

So, and this is an honest question I'd like to know, what is your take on the actual topic of this thread. Crimea aside.

There is NO evidence the the election system is HACKABLE. The voting booths are NOT connected to the internet.

A voting booth may be hacked individually and the HACKER must be present while doing it. I do not remember seeing Vladimir in my precinct.

Now it is very very possible that information was LEAKED. The recipient is under no obligation to keep the information secret.

You have to remember that the US is being governed by warmongers, the US is a bully , who loves imperialism and interventionism . So the world community must do whatever is necessary to prevent injury.

What Should We Do About Crimea?

When the mainstream media discusses Crimea they are all lock-step: that’s the peninsula Putin annexed. Never do they mention that there was a referendum in which the vast majority of the population (who are mostly ethnic Russians) voted to join Russia. The US media never reports on this referendum because it produced results that Washington doesn’t like. How arrogant it must sound to the rest of the world that Washington reserves the right to approve or disapprove elections thousands of miles away – meanwhile we find out from the DNC hacked files that we don’t have a lot of room to criticize elections overseas."

And that wraps it up. You can rely on your FAKE NEWS SOURCES if you choose.

'nuff said.


And how many of the votes were casts by Russians? We already know that many of the people that were called "rebels" fighting for the annex, were actually Russian soldiers, using Russian equipment.


Oh, its you, useless

And you "know" this how?

Oh wait , you have sources inside the CIA but because of "national security" they will remain nameless (wink. wink) don't respond I know the narrative.


Surprise don't know.

Boris Nemtsov allies release report on Russian troops in Ukraine

No, YOU don't know

We do know that the US government has been involved with “regime change” in Ukraine repeatedly since the break-up of the Soviet Union. The US was deeply involved with the “Orange Revolution” that overthrew elected president Viktor Yanukovych in 2005. And we know that the US government was heavily involved in another coup that overthrew the same elected Yanukovych again in 2014

Now JFK didn't want soviet missiles in Cuba, and Putin does not hostile troops in Ukraine?

What is good for the goose its good for the gander.


Why does that have to do with what I posted? Putin invaded Ukraine, lied about sending in his troops, having them take off their patches, sent them equipment, one of which was a rocket launcher that shot down a passenger plane....

And your defense for that is the U.S. supported the opposition government to the Russian puppet President? Got it.




And how many of the votes were casts by Russians? We already know that many of the people that were called "rebels" fighting for the annex, were actually Russian soldiers, using Russian equipment.


Oh, its you, useless

And you "know" this how?

Oh wait , you have sources inside the CIA but because of "national security" they will remain nameless (wink. wink) don't respond I know the narrative.


Surprise don't know.

Boris Nemtsov allies release report on Russian troops in Ukraine

No, YOU don't know

We do know that the US government has been involved with “regime change” in Ukraine repeatedly since the break-up of the Soviet Union. The US was deeply involved with the “Orange Revolution” that overthrew elected president Viktor Yanukovych in 2005. And we know that the US government was heavily involved in another coup that overthrew the same elected Yanukovych again in 2014

Now JFK didn't want soviet missiles in Cuba, and Putin does not hostile troops in Ukraine?

What is good for the goose its good for the gander.


Why does that have to do with what I posted? Putin invaded Ukraine, lied about sending in his troops, having them take off their patches, sent them equipment, one of which was a rocket launcher that shot down a passenger plane....

And your defense for that is the U.S. supported the opposition government to the Russian puppet President? Got it.





Nuclear missile silos in Cuba > support for a new Democratic President in Ukraine.
And how many of the votes were casts by Russians? We already know that many of the people that were called "rebels" fighting for the annex, were actually Russian soldiers, using Russian equipment.


Oh, its you, useless

And you "know" this how?

Oh wait , you have sources inside the CIA but because of "national security" they will remain nameless (wink. wink) don't respond I know the narrative.


Surprise don't know.

Boris Nemtsov allies release report on Russian troops in Ukraine

No, YOU don't know

We do know that the US government has been involved with “regime change” in Ukraine repeatedly since the break-up of the Soviet Union. The US was deeply involved with the “Orange Revolution” that overthrew elected president Viktor Yanukovych in 2005. And we know that the US government was heavily involved in another coup that overthrew the same elected Yanukovych again in 2014

Now JFK didn't want soviet missiles in Cuba, and Putin does not hostile troops in Ukraine?

What is good for the goose its good for the gander.


Why does that have to do with what I posted? Putin invaded Ukraine, lied about sending in his troops, having them take off their patches, sent them equipment, one of which was a rocket launcher that shot down a passenger plane....

And your defense for that is the U.S. supported the opposition government to the Russian puppet President? Got it.

This is classic libertarian/leftist logic. It isn't that they necessarily agree with Russia, it is that they dislike America enough to dismiss the wrong doings of other countries, namely Russia. Talking to these people about WWII, America was genocidal for dropping the Atom bomb and ignored reports of concentration camps and allowed the holocaust to happen years before acting. Whatever the topic they will find fault with and criticize America's supposed wrong doing and downplay the fact that in the end America saved countless lives by avoiding a ground invasion of Japan and liberated the concentration camps.

Again, they don't agree with Nazi Germany or Japan, but they instinctively point out the flaws of America.






The US Media does not mention the fact that the US ---even though we are supposed to be neutral -- was fighting Japan in Indochina

Americans did not want to enter WWII

FDR did.

FDR froze Japanese assets in US banks and refused to sell them oil.

Those are acts of war - they were PROVOCATIONS.

FDR ignored the warnings that Japan intended to attack Pearl Harbor because he knew the attack would unite Americans to join WWII in order to help the UK.

Wake the fuck up.


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