BREAKING: Federal authorities have arrested a man in Florida in connection to the suspected explosiv

It's now being reported that he is a career Democratic staffer who was since cast out two years ago for being too extreme. He's been unemployed since. Papers found in his home indicate he multiple objectives: get revenge against what he considered to be hypocritical corporate/establishment Democrats he blamed for his plight, inspire sympathy for the Bernie Sanders/Occasio-Cortez branch of the party, and sabotage Republicans chances in the election.
I've actually been wondering how the bomber was able to acquire the addresses of top Democrats and celebrities. He had to have access to some kind of political mailing list.

Simple searches on the internet. No big deal to find any address.
50 year old former New Yorker living in Florida driving a van that has stickers all over the I know its a liberal jackass.....don't tell me....I bet one of the stickers said coexist....and Obama Biden....buuuuaaahahahahahahaha

Yeah see the stickers on that thing? I was trying to enlarge the picture so I could read but no luck.....
There is one American flag on the back....and what looks like a phony US GOV SEAL on the side...
Crazy stuff.


HEre's another pic


Close-up of Pro-Trump, Anti-leftist Stickers on Bomb Suspect Van

It doesn't look old but this could be because he put up the CARDBOARD poster in the window recently when he went crazy.

You don't know when he put it up.
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50 year old former New Yorker living in Florida driving a van that has stickers all over the I know its a liberal jackass.....don't tell me....I bet one of the stickers said coexist....and Obama Biden....buuuuaaahahahahahahaha

Yeah see the stickers on that thing? I was trying to enlarge the picture so I could read but no luck.....
There is one American flag on the back....and what looks like a phony US GOV SEAL on the side...
Crazy stuff.


HEre's another pic


Close-up of Pro-Trump, Anti-leftist Stickers on Bomb Suspect Van

Good picture. You can actually see what the stickers represent.

They all look brand new. Hell my stickers look like shit after month.

Glad they got this nut job and I hope he's the only one and there isn't another mailer out there.
It's now being reported that he is a career Democratic staffer who was since cast out two years ago for being too extreme. He's been unemployed since. Papers found in his home indicate he multiple objectives: get revenge against what he considered to be hypocritical corporate/establishment Democrats he blamed for his plight, inspire sympathy for the Bernie Sanders/Occasio-Cortez branch of the party, and sabotage Republicans chances in the election.
I've actually been wondering how the bomber was able to acquire the addresses of top Democrats and celebrities. He had to have access to some kind of political mailing list.

Simple searches on the internet. No big deal to find any address.
What's Kathy Griffin's address?
Checking out this twitter feed:

Look at all his posts with "Unconquered Seminole Tribe for Florida".

How are the Lefties going to spin his Native American identity (which is likely much more significant that Warren's fake Cherokee one)?
I read the guy they had arrested has a different last name than the guy in your link.

He also uses Altieri as a last name.

Here he is on pipl with Altieri as his middle name:,+United+States&sloc=US|FL|None&in=5

Here is his linkedin profile

Brevard? That place is full of wiccans. Interesting.
What a surprise.

A violent Trumper

Who'd a thought
I still say he's a lib plant. Media are full of lies and half truths as usual. But it fits what you want it to be so you parrot it.
People Left and Right justify their awful behavior and that of others because they imagine that anyone who disagrees with them is less human than they are.

But the right does it at least 20 times more often.

The "But both sides do it!" argument is disingenuous. Both sides don't do to the same degree, not even close. The right is far more violent than the left, because the right has a culture of encouraging violence.
When people call someone stupid or racist because they voted for Trump that is an attack (whether justified or not).
Assuming that the right is the sole source of violence or derision, is not accurate. Yelling obscenities at officials because you disagree with them is the first step toward more radical solutions. Remember the Pro-life protesters of the 1980’s screaming baby-killer at teenagers? Then do you recall the escalation? Do you remember the leftist protests of the 1960’s that led into groups like the Weather Underground sending out bombs?This is a human frailty and pretending that it’s the other guys problem, ignores th facts. It is our societies problem.

There is no equivalence.

Shouting at officials is not violence or calling for violence.

Telling your audience at a rally to punch someone in the head certainly is.

Shove your false equivalency BS.
If it weren't for half truths how could you get by? Trump told them at the rally if they catch someone fixing to throw something at people to punch them. That's called self defense. Why do you leave that out liar?
That was left out because the point being made was that Trump has acted to incite his supporters into action. His quip about using guns to defend the second amendment was perhaps the best example of this. You can’t in one moment praise a guy for body slamming a reporter who was asking a question, and then say with any level of moral authority “we need unity”
Why would a Conservative in his right mind want to cause the public to sympathize with dimocrap scum? Anybody with a room-temperature IQ would know that fake bombs would do that.

This guy is either off his rocker or is a dimocrap in disguise.

I too find it highly convenient on the timing of his attacks and who they would benefit in the election in just days...also convenient his van was covered with Trump stickers....almost like "whoever" wanted to make damn sure there was no doubt whatsoever that this bomb stuff "came from the Trump camp!"...

Just all too convenient. Like it was planned.

The timing thing is going to kill the conspirators though. There's just no way an alleged conservative would time his bomb attack that would garner sympathy for his targets, right on the eve of a pivotal election. Just so damned convenient his van was covered with Trump stickers. Don't you think? I think. And most of the middle bloc of voters think too...
Deep State Gay Mafia conspiracy, folks! You heard it here first!
You have to put a trademark on that.

Deep State Gay Mafia™
Checking out this twitter feed:

Look at all his posts with "Unconquered Seminole Tribe for Florida".

How are the Lefties going to spin his Native American identity (which is likely much more significant that Warren's fake Cherokee one)?

Yeah and in NY he was a member of the Green party.

Not sure if those folks lean left or lean right or right up the middle.

Anyone know??
It wasn't the right that got violent when Trump was elected.

Of course it was. It's always been the right doing the violence. Your masters just lie to you about that. They fake stories of the "violent left" to convince you that the horrible liberals deserve violence in "self-defense". It worked with the MAGAbomber, just as it worked with so many other unstable conservatives.

You're clearly not sorry at all for your role pushing this guy and others over the edge. You're going to keep spinning the same phony stories, for the purpose of pushing more violent conservatives over the edge.

Jesus you are an idiot.

Who was it on here who said he was Democrat?

I said it. Still say it.
^^^ a raving lunatic who can’t escape his own lunacy.
Your behavior is predictable. You have proven nothing. Anyone can put stickers on their car. What have you proven? Nothing.

A crazed registered Republican with Trump bumper stickers proves nothing to the nutty right.

It wasn't the right that got violent when Trump was elected.

Of course it was. It's always been the right doing the violence. Your masters just lie to you about that. They fake stories of the "violent left" to convince you that the horrible liberals deserve violence in "self-defense". It worked with the MAGAbomber, just as it worked with so many other unstable conservatives.

You're clearly not sorry at all for your role pushing this guy and others over the edge. You're going to keep spinning the same phony stories, for the purpose of pushing more violent conservatives over the edge.

You’re obviously in denial, the left and LMSM have been on a 24/7 blitz of Trump from day one. Both sides have lunatics, some are even elected officials (Maxine Waters), you’re bias is blinded by your own hatred.
People Left and Right justify their awful behavior and that of others because they imagine that anyone who disagrees with them is less human than they are.

But the right does it at least 20 times more often.

The "But both sides do it!" argument is disingenuous. Both sides don't do to the same degree, not even close. The right is far more violent than the left, because the right has a culture of encouraging violence.

What a load of horseshit.

It wasn't the right that got violent when Trump was elected.

It sure wasn't the right when Berkley was burning.

You are so full of shit I can smell you from here.

Good Lord what a moron you are.
It was the right who got violent at trump rallies before he was even elected.

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