Breaking! Here is the phone transcript word for word between Trump and Ukraine President

They certainly should be supported with U.S aid and arms (which they will buy). Unlike other places, the Ukraines are willing to fight for their homeland and liberty, America and the world should be helping out with aid, arms and intel where they can.

This is really a separate issue, at least in regards to the allegations. The world has to be a buffer for Russia AND CHina. This is why Japan, HK, Taiwan and others have been so worried, they feel the world has abandoned them to some degree by helping CHina rise. The world must do our part, but not with long, extensive, useless wars at the drop of a hat.
I haven't got a magnifying glass on me.

You didn't bother to look in the link, as THIS was right there at the top:

The Trump White House released the full transcript of the July call between President Trump and President Zelensky.

It is easy to read format.

By the way I read it, it is clear the Democrats impeachment talk over this is a colossal mistake, pure stupidity.

The so called whistleblower complaint was a lie!
Easy, Tommy, I found it on the CBS site and just finished reading it.
Let's wait to see what the whistleblower has to say and find out why the ICIG found the call of serious concern.
It's pretty clear though that Trump requested the Pres. of Ukraine look into the Biden thing and in true lapdog fashion, the President of Ukraine said "of course. whatever you find bad, we find bad."
Whether that is any worse than a hundred other things Trump has done, though, I don't know.
Nope. He asked the President of Ukraine to look into the interference in our election.
Now that's some funny shit right there!!!

Tell us another one!

Well, he did. Did you read the what Trump said?

I would like you to do us a favor though because our country has been through a lot and Ukraine knows a lot about it. I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say Crowdstrike... I guess you have one of your wealthy people... The server, they say Ukraine has it. There are a lot of things that went on, the whole situation. I think you're surrounding yourself with some of the same people. I would like to have the Attorney General call you or your people and I would like you to get to the bottom of it. As you saw yesterday, that whole nonsense ended with a very poor performance by a man named Robert Mueller, an incompetent performance, but they say a lot of it started with Ukraine. Whatever you can do, it's very important that you do it if that's possible.

That has everything to do with the Russian hoax.

He did mention the corruption involving Biden, but certainly didn't threaten or even imply to withhold any money, which was the original claim by the left.
President Trump thanked him for buying US goods and then asked him the favor of cooperating with the US Justice Department's ongoing investigation of Crowdstrike.
Looks like the investigation was over long before Tramp's favor to make up some dirt on Hillary.
DOJ: Government has independently verified CrowdStrike report blaming Russian hackers for DNC breach
By Andrew Blake - The Washington Times - Friday, June 21, 2019
The Department of Justice has corroborated a report by CrowdStrike, a private security firm hired by the Democratic National Committee, that concluded Russian hackers were responsible for breaching the DNC prior to the 2016 U.S. presidential race, federal prosecutors revealed Thursday.

Attorneys prosecuting the government’s case against Roger Stone, President Trump’s former campaign adviser, made the admission in a court filing entered in response to defense lawyers recently claiming that the Justice Department has failed to “independently verify” CrowdStrike’s findings.

“That statement is incorrect,” replied Jessie K. Liu, the U.S. Attorney for D.C.

“The government produced the CrowdStrike reports because the Indictment in this case referenced, as background, CrowdStrike’s statements about the DNC hack,” she wrote. “Stone’s statement that the government has no other evidence is not only irrelevant to this proceeding but is also mistaken. The government accordingly wishes to correct any misimpression.”
Right, Jesse Liu is the lawyer who waived several conflict of interest issues concerning Mueller's appointment on the grounds she thought him too honorable a man to allow personal interests to effect his judgement. However, if you believe she is right, you should have no objection to the Justice Department taking a second look.
So you admit there is no CURRENT "ongoing" investigation for Ukraine to "cooperate" with!
There actually is, shit for brains. The IG is running an investigation that includes Ukrainian interference in our election.

I see you found another unknown dick to quote. Congratulations.
Eric Erickson? The main guy on

Erick Woods Erickson (born June 3, 1975) is a conservative evangelical American blogger and radio host. He hosts the radio show Atlanta's Evening News with Erick Erickson, broadcast on 750 WSB (AM), and runs the blog The Resurgent. Previously, he served as the editor-in-chief and the CEO of the conservative political blog RedState[1] and was a political contributor for CNN.
He's a never-Trumper. He always has been.
but he was connected to who and what was being investigated
So you admit it wasn't Biden who was being investigated
The investigation into the other players began and ended BEFORE Biden came on the scene.
is that what I said???or what you interpreted
Those are the facts, what Biden was "connected" to was investigated and the investigation was stopped BEFORE Biden became "connected." So yes when you say the connection to who and what was investigated you are unconsciously saying it wasn't Biden who was being investigated because he came on the scene after the fact. Unless you are implying the TRAMP lie that Biden was being investigated all along.
It says the following:

"We. are ready to continue to cooperate for the next steps. specifically we are almost. ready to buy more Javelins from ·_ the United· States for defense purposes .."
That paragraph has nothing to do with investigating Biden. It hasn't even been mentioned yet. That isn't even mentioned until a couple of pages later.
But it has everything to do with the QUID in Quid Pro Quo.
Wrong. The "cooperation" referred to has nothing to do with Biden.
It doesn't matter, it is STILL a Quid Pro Quo access to purchase Javelins for a favor.
Hmmm, no, there is no tangible connection between the javelins and investigating Biden. They are discussed in totally separate parts of the phone call.
Everything that came after the word "favor" was the Quo of Quid Pro Quo.
The discussion of missiles came before the word "favor," dumbass.
What is clear from the article is that the new government in Ukraine which Obama supported was not trusted by the Obama administration.
Because they are not fully trustworthy. Thats what our child president likes about them.
Different government. Obama's guy lost in a landslide to Zelensky, the guy President Trump was speaking to.
Ah, that's right, the comedian.
Right, whereas Obama's guy was a billionaire oligarch who was frequently accused of corruption in both business and government. That's what makes it so hard to buy the Dem's story that Biden was fighting corruption while supporting a corrupt leader.
What is clear from the article is that the new government in Ukraine which Obama supported was not trusted by the Obama administration.
Because they are not fully trustworthy. Thats what our child president likes about them.
Different government. Obama's guy lost in a landslide to Zelensky, the guy President Trump was speaking to.
Ah, that's right, the comedian.
Right, whereas Obama's guy was a billionaire oligarch who was frequently accused of corruption in both business and government. That's what makes it so hard to buy the Dem's story that Biden was fighting corruption while supporting a corrupt leader.
Whats so hard to believe? The predeceasor was worse, and was a putin puppet. That's why trump surrounded himself with his guys.
What is clear from the article is that the new government in Ukraine which Obama supported was not trusted by the Obama administration.
Because they are not fully trustworthy. Thats what our child president likes about them.
Different government. Obama's guy lost in a landslide to Zelensky, the guy President Trump was speaking to.
Ah, that's right, the comedian.
Right, whereas Obama's guy was a billionaire oligarch who was frequently accused of corruption in both business and government. That's what makes it so hard to buy the Dem's story that Biden was fighting corruption while supporting a corrupt leader.
Whats so hard to believe? The predeceasor was worse, and was a putin puppet. That's why trump surrounded himself with his guys.
Since Obama's guy was corrupt, himself, it is hard to believe Biden was threatening to withhold US aid to fight corruption.
Republicans are frauds.

View attachment 280981

The idiocy of what you just posted actually topped all of your previous idiocy. Do you have any idea how a book gets on the NYT bestseller's list?


How does a book qualify for the "New York Times Bestseller" list?
Not my point, idiot.

Why don't you tell me instead how a mention of the NYTimes gets into the Twitter bios of Ben Shapiro and Corey Lewandowski?
Still waiting . . .
JGalt is a punk-ass bitch.
Republicans are frauds.

View attachment 280981

The idiocy of what you just posted actually topped all of your previous idiocy. Do you have any idea how a book gets on the NYT bestseller's list?


How does a book qualify for the "New York Times Bestseller" list?
Not my point, idiot.

Why don't you tell me instead how a mention of the NYTimes gets into the Twitter bios of Ben Shapiro and Corey Lewandowski?
Still waiting . . .
JGalt is a punk-ass bitch.

Been called far worse than that. But thanks, I loves me some tickling.
Republicans are frauds.

View attachment 280981

The idiocy of what you just posted actually topped all of your previous idiocy. Do you have any idea how a book gets on the NYT bestseller's list?


How does a book qualify for the "New York Times Bestseller" list?
Not my point, idiot.

Why don't you tell me instead how a mention of the NYTimes gets into the Twitter bios of Ben Shapiro and Corey Lewandowski?
Still waiting . . .
JGalt is a punk-ass bitch.

Been called far worse than that. But thanks, I loves me some tickling.
At least you don’t deny it.
I haven't got a magnifying glass on me.

You didn't bother to look in the link, as THIS was right there at the top:

The Trump White House released the full transcript of the July call between President Trump and President Zelensky.

It is easy to read format.

By the way I read it, it is clear the Democrats impeachment talk over this is a colossal mistake, pure stupidity.

The so called whistleblower complaint was a lie!
Easy, Tommy, I found it on the CBS site and just finished reading it.
Let's wait to see what the whistleblower has to say and find out why the ICIG found the call of serious concern.
It's pretty clear though that Trump requested the Pres. of Ukraine look into the Biden thing and in true lapdog fashion, the President of Ukraine said "of course. whatever you find bad, we find bad."
Whether that is any worse than a hundred other things Trump has done, though, I don't know.
Nope. He asked the President of Ukraine to look into the interference in our election.
Now that's some funny shit right there!!!

Tell us another one!

Well, he did. Did you read the what Trump said?

I would like you to do us a favor though because our country has been through a lot and Ukraine knows a lot about it. I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say Crowdstrike... I guess you have one of your wealthy people... The server, they say Ukraine has it. There are a lot of things that went on, the whole situation. I think you're surrounding yourself with some of the same people. I would like to have the Attorney General call you or your people and I would like you to get to the bottom of it. As you saw yesterday, that whole nonsense ended with a very poor performance by a man named Robert Mueller, an incompetent performance, but they say a lot of it started with Ukraine. Whatever you can do, it's very important that you do it if that's possible.

That has everything to do with the Russian hoax.

He did mention the corruption involving Biden, but certainly didn't threaten or even imply to withhold any money, which was the original claim by the left.
You know that whole "server in the Ukraine" is a lie, right?
Trump call transcript shows he pressed Ukrainian president to probe Biden — live updates

This looks pretty bad. Trump is asking for a “favor“ right after he said we’ve been really nice to you.

why would Trump need to ask for a 'favor' in regards to getting to the bottom of the DNC server hacking..... when according to all of you, he already knows because he colluded with the Russians?

If Trump is really Putin's bitch as you all say, then why is the new Ukrainian president thanking him here for his tough stance against Russia?

Also, you never asked anyone for a favor before? that is not a crime .that is not extortion. ..... and what the dumb ass whistle blower said happened never even happened. There was no Trump telling the Ukrainian president he was going to withhold money for x, y or z. It's just one more fishing expedition by the Democrats. If a whistle blower is going to blow, they better damn well have some evidence. Not just a conversation you can try to twist the way you would like to interpret it. Thats not what the whistle blower promised. Thats not the premise on which Paleo Losi and her people have been pressing impeachment with. They all ought to be damned ashamed, get down on their knees and apologize to America.
Zelensky says he needs more Javelin missiles to fend off Russia attacks and the next thing out of Trump's mouth is

I need a favor...go after Biden

Are ya kidding?
Also, you never asked anyone for a favor before? that is not a crime .that is not extortion

What the fuck?

You're asking if a private citizen has ever asked "someone" for a favor and equating THAT with the President of the United States asking a foreign Leader to open a bogus investigation of his political rival?

Are you fucking kidding?
Also, you never asked anyone for a favor before? that is not a crime .that is not extortion

What the fuck?

You're asking if a private citizen has ever asked "someone" for a favor and equating THAT with the President of the United States asking a foreign Leader to open a bogus investigation of his political rival?

Are you fucking kidding?

We were promised by the Dems that the whistle blower said Trump used money as leverage to force the Ukrainian
President to do his bidding. THAT DIDNT FUCKING HAPPEN.
A head of state can say off handed.. Hey, can you do me a favor? its just that. I was promised some extortion here, and I want to see it.... wheres it at????

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