Breaking: Intel Agencies ***REFUSED*** To Show up At Congress Hearing...WTF?

Intel panel nixes briefing on alleged Russian interference in US election after resistance

The House Intelligence Committee abruptly canceled a briefing set for Thursday on alleged Russian interference in the U.S. election, after intelligence agencies refused to provide representatives for the session,

Folks this provides prima facie evidence that the motherfuckers have NO EVIDENCE that Russia interfered in our election

The sons-of-bitches are bluffing



All for Mother Russia!!
Fox News? Funny. I'll wait for a reliable source.

House Intel chair: Agencies refusing to give briefs on Russian hacking


House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) said several Intelligence Community agencies are refusing to provide the committee with a requested Thursday briefing on Russian interference with the U.S. election.

“It is unacceptable that the Intelligence Community directors would not fulfill the House Intelligence Committee’s request to be briefed tomorrow on the cyber-attacks that occurred during the presidential campaign,” Nunes said in a statement Wednesday.


From the article:
Lawmakers are still wrangling over what form that probe should take and who should conduct it, although Republican leadership has sought to contain the investigations to the Intelligence Committee.

So why would they NOT want this information released after a review? Why only to the Intelligence Committee? Because they want to avoid partasanship? Or because the Intelligence Committee is made up of 13 Republicans and 9 Democrats?
Intel panel nixes briefing on alleged Russian interference in US election after resistance

The House Intelligence Committee abruptly canceled a briefing set for Thursday on alleged Russian interference in the U.S. election, after intelligence agencies refused to provide representatives for the session,

Folks this provides prima facie evidence that the motherfuckers have NO EVIDENCE that Russia interfered in our election

The sons-of-bitches are bluffing


From your article:

In response to Fox News' initial report, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), which oversees all 17 U.S. intelligence agencies, issued a statement claiming that lawmakers from both parties have received "extensive, detailed classified and unclassified briefings ... since last summer and have continued to do so after Election Day."

"Last week, the President ordered a full Intelligence Community review of foreign efforts to influence recent Presidential elections – from 2008 to present," the statement added. "Once the review is complete in the coming weeks, the Intelligence Community stands ready to brief Congress—and will make those findings available to the public consistent with protecting intelligence sources and methods. We will not offer any comment until the review is complete."


What part doesn't make sense?

From the article:

Amid concerns about reports that conflict with details previously provided to the committee, Chairman Devin Nunes, R-Calif., had requested a closed, classified briefing Thursday for committee Republican and Democratic members from the FBI, CIA, Office of the Director of National Intelligence and National Security Agency.

Intel panel nixes briefing on alleged Russian interference in US election after resistance

The House Intelligence Committee abruptly canceled a briefing set for Thursday on alleged Russian interference in the U.S. election, after intelligence agencies refused to provide representatives for the session,

Folks this provides prima facie evidence that the motherfuckers have NO EVIDENCE that Russia interfered in our election

The sons-of-bitches are bluffing


From your article:

In response to Fox News' initial report, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), which oversees all 17 U.S. intelligence agencies, issued a statement claiming that lawmakers from both parties have received "extensive, detailed classified and unclassified briefings ... since last summer and have continued to do so after Election Day."

"Last week, the President ordered a full Intelligence Community review of foreign efforts to influence recent Presidential elections – from 2008 to present," the statement added. "Once the review is complete in the coming weeks, the Intelligence Community stands ready to brief Congress—and will make those findings available to the public consistent with protecting intelligence sources and methods. We will not offer any comment until the review is complete."


What part doesn't make sense?
I don't care if they just got out of the shower, they report to the people, so when we say jump, their only response is how high and how far.
Intel panel nixes briefing on alleged Russian interference in US election after resistance

The House Intelligence Committee abruptly canceled a briefing set for Thursday on alleged Russian interference in the U.S. election, after intelligence agencies refused to provide representatives for the session,

Folks this provides prima facie evidence that the motherfuckers have NO EVIDENCE that Russia interfered in our election

The sons-of-bitches are bluffing



All for Mother Russia!!
Still living in the 80's?
It doesn't help their case...

"It is unacceptable that the Intelligence Community directors would not fulfill the House Intelligence Committee’s request to be briefed tomorrow on the cyber-attacks that occurred during the presidential campaign," Nunes said in a statement. "The Committee is deeply concerned that intransigence in sharing intelligence with Congress can enable the manipulation of intelligence for political purposes."

Congress called their bluff.
Intel panel nixes briefing on alleged Russian interference in US election after resistance

The House Intelligence Committee abruptly canceled a briefing set for Thursday on alleged Russian interference in the U.S. election, after intelligence agencies refused to provide representatives for the session,

Folks this provides prima facie evidence that the motherfuckers have NO EVIDENCE that Russia interfered in our election

The sons-of-bitches are bluffing


From your article:

In response to Fox News' initial report, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), which oversees all 17 U.S. intelligence agencies, issued a statement claiming that lawmakers from both parties have received "extensive, detailed classified and unclassified briefings ... since last summer and have continued to do so after Election Day."

"Last week, the President ordered a full Intelligence Community review of foreign efforts to influence recent Presidential elections – from 2008 to present," the statement added. "Once the review is complete in the coming weeks, the Intelligence Community stands ready to brief Congress—and will make those findings available to the public consistent with protecting intelligence sources and methods. We will not offer any comment until the review is complete."


What part doesn't make sense?

From the article:

Amid concerns about reports that conflict with details previously provided to the committee, Chairman Devin Nunes, R-Calif., had requested a closed, classified briefing Thursday for committee Republican and Democratic members from the FBI, CIA, Office of the Director of National Intelligence and National Security Agency.


This no show doesn't look good on the resume. Nunes and the committee have to be royally pissed off. That Washington Post article stirred up a real hornets nest and set in motion Dem operatives going koo koo bye bye trying everything in their power to stop the Electoral College from voting on the 19th.

I was being a bit light hearted a few posts back cracking up about more fake news until the enormity of the situation slammed me upside the head.
Intel panel nixes briefing on alleged Russian interference in US election after resistance

The House Intelligence Committee abruptly canceled a briefing set for Thursday on alleged Russian interference in the U.S. election, after intelligence agencies refused to provide representatives for the session,

Folks this provides prima facie evidence that the motherfuckers have NO EVIDENCE that Russia interfered in our election

The sons-of-bitches are bluffing


From your article:

In response to Fox News' initial report, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), which oversees all 17 U.S. intelligence agencies, issued a statement claiming that lawmakers from both parties have received "extensive, detailed classified and unclassified briefings ... since last summer and have continued to do so after Election Day."

"Last week, the President ordered a full Intelligence Community review of foreign efforts to influence recent Presidential elections – from 2008 to present," the statement added. "Once the review is complete in the coming weeks, the Intelligence Community stands ready to brief Congress—and will make those findings available to the public consistent with protecting intelligence sources and methods. We will not offer any comment until the review is complete."


What part doesn't make sense?
I don't care if they just got out of the shower, they report to the people, so when we say jump, their only response is how high and how far. they've been getting briefed the whole time and didn't tell the people they work for, as you said. And because they didn't attend ONE with 13 Republicans and 9 Democrats classified on the Intel committee suddenly all the other briefings don't count or never happened. How low will you go?
Intel panel nixes briefing on alleged Russian interference in US election after resistance

The House Intelligence Committee abruptly canceled a briefing set for Thursday on alleged Russian interference in the U.S. election, after intelligence agencies refused to provide representatives for the session,

Folks this provides prima facie evidence that the motherfuckers have NO EVIDENCE that Russia interfered in our election

The sons-of-bitches are bluffing


From your article:

In response to Fox News' initial report, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), which oversees all 17 U.S. intelligence agencies, issued a statement claiming that lawmakers from both parties have received "extensive, detailed classified and unclassified briefings ... since last summer and have continued to do so after Election Day."

"Last week, the President ordered a full Intelligence Community review of foreign efforts to influence recent Presidential elections – from 2008 to present," the statement added. "Once the review is complete in the coming weeks, the Intelligence Community stands ready to brief Congress—and will make those findings available to the public consistent with protecting intelligence sources and methods. We will not offer any comment until the review is complete."


What part doesn't make sense?

From the article:

Amid concerns about reports that conflict with details previously provided to the committee, Chairman Devin Nunes, R-Calif., had requested a closed, classified briefing Thursday for committee Republican and Democratic members from the FBI, CIA, Office of the Director of National Intelligence and National Security Agency.


This no show doesn't look good on the resume. Nunes and the committee have to be royally pissed off. That Washington Post article stirred up a real hornets nest and set in motion Dem operatives going koo koo bye bye trying everything in their power to stop the Electoral College from voting on the 19th.

I was being a bit light hearted a few posts back cracking up about more fake news until the enormity of the situation slammed me upside the head.
It has more to do with invoking the 22nd amendment...
Fox News? Funny. I'll wait for a reliable source.

House Intel chair: Agencies refusing to give briefs on Russian hacking


House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) said several Intelligence Community agencies are refusing to provide the committee with a requested Thursday briefing on Russian interference with the U.S. election.

“It is unacceptable that the Intelligence Community directors would not fulfill the House Intelligence Committee’s request to be briefed tomorrow on the cyber-attacks that occurred during the presidential campaign,” Nunes said in a statement Wednesday.


From the article:
Lawmakers are still wrangling over what form that probe should take and who should conduct it, although Republican leadership has sought to contain the investigations to the Intelligence Committee.

So why would they NOT want this information released after a review? Why only to the Intelligence Committee? Because they want to avoid partasanship? Or because the Intelligence Committee is made up of 13 Republicans and 9 Democrats?

The chairman of the House Intelligence Committee has written to the Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper, asking why this week's reports by the CIA that Russia did hack Democratic campaign documents contradicts what the agency was saying three weeks ago.

Intel panel nixes briefing on alleged Russian interference in US election after resistance

The House Intelligence Committee abruptly canceled a briefing set for Thursday on alleged Russian interference in the U.S. election, after intelligence agencies refused to provide representatives for the session,

Folks this provides prima facie evidence that the motherfuckers have NO EVIDENCE that Russia interfered in our election

The sons-of-bitches are bluffing


From your article:

In response to Fox News' initial report, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), which oversees all 17 U.S. intelligence agencies, issued a statement claiming that lawmakers from both parties have received "extensive, detailed classified and unclassified briefings ... since last summer and have continued to do so after Election Day."

"Last week, the President ordered a full Intelligence Community review of foreign efforts to influence recent Presidential elections – from 2008 to present," the statement added. "Once the review is complete in the coming weeks, the Intelligence Community stands ready to brief Congress—and will make those findings available to the public consistent with protecting intelligence sources and methods. We will not offer any comment until the review is complete."


What part doesn't make sense?

From the article:

Amid concerns about reports that conflict with details previously provided to the committee, Chairman Devin Nunes, R-Calif., had requested a closed, classified briefing Thursday for committee Republican and Democratic members from the FBI, CIA, Office of the Director of National Intelligence and National Security Agency.


This no show doesn't look good on the resume. Nunes and the committee have to be royally pissed off. That Washington Post article stirred up a real hornets nest and set in motion Dem operatives going koo koo bye bye trying everything in their power to stop the Electoral College from voting on the 19th.

I was being a bit light hearted a few posts back cracking up about more fake news until the enormity of the situation slammed me upside the head.

The enormity of what? Foreign espionage or them waiting for a review to release it to the public?
Intel panel nixes briefing on alleged Russian interference in US election after resistance

The House Intelligence Committee abruptly canceled a briefing set for Thursday on alleged Russian interference in the U.S. election, after intelligence agencies refused to provide representatives for the session,

Folks this provides prima facie evidence that the motherfuckers have NO EVIDENCE that Russia interfered in our election

The sons-of-bitches are bluffing


From your article:

In response to Fox News' initial report, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), which oversees all 17 U.S. intelligence agencies, issued a statement claiming that lawmakers from both parties have received "extensive, detailed classified and unclassified briefings ... since last summer and have continued to do so after Election Day."

"Last week, the President ordered a full Intelligence Community review of foreign efforts to influence recent Presidential elections – from 2008 to present," the statement added. "Once the review is complete in the coming weeks, the Intelligence Community stands ready to brief Congress—and will make those findings available to the public consistent with protecting intelligence sources and methods. We will not offer any comment until the review is complete."


What part doesn't make sense?
I don't care if they just got out of the shower, they report to the people, so when we say jump, their only response is how high and how far. they've been getting briefed the whole time and didn't tell the people they work for, as you said. And because they didn't attend ONE with 13 Republicans and 9 Democrats classified on the Intel committee suddenly all the other briefings don't count or never happened. How low will you go?
Suddenly Leftards believe everything the WMD finding CIA tells them.
Fox News? Funny. I'll wait for a reliable source.

House Intel chair: Agencies refusing to give briefs on Russian hacking


House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) said several Intelligence Community agencies are refusing to provide the committee with a requested Thursday briefing on Russian interference with the U.S. election.

“It is unacceptable that the Intelligence Community directors would not fulfill the House Intelligence Committee’s request to be briefed tomorrow on the cyber-attacks that occurred during the presidential campaign,” Nunes said in a statement Wednesday.


From the article:
Lawmakers are still wrangling over what form that probe should take and who should conduct it, although Republican leadership has sought to contain the investigations to the Intelligence Committee.

So why would they NOT want this information released after a review? Why only to the Intelligence Committee? Because they want to avoid partasanship? Or because the Intelligence Committee is made up of 13 Republicans and 9 Democrats?

The chairman of the House Intelligence Committee has written to the Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper, asking why this week's reports by the CIA that Russia did hack Democratic campaign documents contradicts what the agency was saying three weeks ago.


We don't know what they said 3 weeks ago because they won't declassify it until it's reviewed and released.
Intel panel nixes briefing on alleged Russian interference in US election after resistance

The House Intelligence Committee abruptly canceled a briefing set for Thursday on alleged Russian interference in the U.S. election, after intelligence agencies refused to provide representatives for the session,

Folks this provides prima facie evidence that the motherfuckers have NO EVIDENCE that Russia interfered in our election

The sons-of-bitches are bluffing


From your article:

In response to Fox News' initial report, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), which oversees all 17 U.S. intelligence agencies, issued a statement claiming that lawmakers from both parties have received "extensive, detailed classified and unclassified briefings ... since last summer and have continued to do so after Election Day."

"Last week, the President ordered a full Intelligence Community review of foreign efforts to influence recent Presidential elections – from 2008 to present," the statement added. "Once the review is complete in the coming weeks, the Intelligence Community stands ready to brief Congress—and will make those findings available to the public consistent with protecting intelligence sources and methods. We will not offer any comment until the review is complete."


What part doesn't make sense?

From the article:

Amid concerns about reports that conflict with details previously provided to the committee, Chairman Devin Nunes, R-Calif., had requested a closed, classified briefing Thursday for committee Republican and Democratic members from the FBI, CIA, Office of the Director of National Intelligence and National Security Agency.


This no show doesn't look good on the resume. Nunes and the committee have to be royally pissed off. That Washington Post article stirred up a real hornets nest and set in motion Dem operatives going koo koo bye bye trying everything in their power to stop the Electoral College from voting on the 19th.

I was being a bit light hearted a few posts back cracking up about more fake news until the enormity of the situation slammed me upside the head.

The enormity of what? Foreign espionage or them waiting for a review to release it to the public?
Why did Obama not inform Americans?
OH yeah, nobody told the President.
Intel panel nixes briefing on alleged Russian interference in US election after resistance

The House Intelligence Committee abruptly canceled a briefing set for Thursday on alleged Russian interference in the U.S. election, after intelligence agencies refused to provide representatives for the session,

Folks this provides prima facie evidence that the motherfuckers have NO EVIDENCE that Russia interfered in our election

The sons-of-bitches are bluffing


From your article:

In response to Fox News' initial report, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), which oversees all 17 U.S. intelligence agencies, issued a statement claiming that lawmakers from both parties have received "extensive, detailed classified and unclassified briefings ... since last summer and have continued to do so after Election Day."

"Last week, the President ordered a full Intelligence Community review of foreign efforts to influence recent Presidential elections – from 2008 to present," the statement added. "Once the review is complete in the coming weeks, the Intelligence Community stands ready to brief Congress—and will make those findings available to the public consistent with protecting intelligence sources and methods. We will not offer any comment until the review is complete."


What part doesn't make sense?
I don't care if they just got out of the shower, they report to the people, so when we say jump, their only response is how high and how far. they've been getting briefed the whole time and didn't tell the people they work for, as you said. And because they didn't attend ONE with 13 Republicans and 9 Democrats classified on the Intel committee suddenly all the other briefings don't count or never happened. How low will you go?





Intel panel nixes briefing on alleged Russian interference in US election after resistance

The House Intelligence Committee abruptly canceled a briefing set for Thursday on alleged Russian interference in the U.S. election, after intelligence agencies refused to provide representatives for the session,

Folks this provides prima facie evidence that the motherfuckers have NO EVIDENCE that Russia interfered in our election

The sons-of-bitches are bluffing


From your article:

In response to Fox News' initial report, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), which oversees all 17 U.S. intelligence agencies, issued a statement claiming that lawmakers from both parties have received "extensive, detailed classified and unclassified briefings ... since last summer and have continued to do so after Election Day."

"Last week, the President ordered a full Intelligence Community review of foreign efforts to influence recent Presidential elections – from 2008 to present," the statement added. "Once the review is complete in the coming weeks, the Intelligence Community stands ready to brief Congress—and will make those findings available to the public consistent with protecting intelligence sources and methods. We will not offer any comment until the review is complete."


What part doesn't make sense?
I don't care if they just got out of the shower, they report to the people, so when we say jump, their only response is how high and how far. they've been getting briefed the whole time and didn't tell the people they work for, as you said. And because they didn't attend ONE with 13 Republicans and 9 Democrats classified on the Intel committee suddenly all the other briefings don't count or never happened. How low will you go?
Suddenly Leftards believe everything the WMD finding CIA tells them.

Bush said they had WMD'S not the CIA. Either way, I'd put 17 Intel agencies against Trump's "anyone EXCEPT Russians did it" logic on this. How about you?
Intel panel nixes briefing on alleged Russian interference in US election after resistance

The House Intelligence Committee abruptly canceled a briefing set for Thursday on alleged Russian interference in the U.S. election, after intelligence agencies refused to provide representatives for the session,

Folks this provides prima facie evidence that the motherfuckers have NO EVIDENCE that Russia interfered in our election

The sons-of-bitches are bluffing


From your article:

In response to Fox News' initial report, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), which oversees all 17 U.S. intelligence agencies, issued a statement claiming that lawmakers from both parties have received "extensive, detailed classified and unclassified briefings ... since last summer and have continued to do so after Election Day."

"Last week, the President ordered a full Intelligence Community review of foreign efforts to influence recent Presidential elections – from 2008 to present," the statement added. "Once the review is complete in the coming weeks, the Intelligence Community stands ready to brief Congress—and will make those findings available to the public consistent with protecting intelligence sources and methods. We will not offer any comment until the review is complete."


What part doesn't make sense?
I don't care if they just got out of the shower, they report to the people, so when we say jump, their only response is how high and how far. they've been getting briefed the whole time and didn't tell the people they work for, as you said. And because they didn't attend ONE with 13 Republicans and 9 Democrats classified on the Intel committee suddenly all the other briefings don't count or never happened. How low will you go?
Suddenly Leftards believe everything the WMD finding CIA tells them.

Bush said they had WMD'S not the CIA. Either way, I'd put 17 Intel agencies against Trump's "anyone EXCEPT Russians did it" logic on this. How about you?
Bill and Hillary said Iraq had WMDs, as well as the CIA, fake news asshole.
Intel panel nixes briefing on alleged Russian interference in US election after resistance

The House Intelligence Committee abruptly canceled a briefing set for Thursday on alleged Russian interference in the U.S. election, after intelligence agencies refused to provide representatives for the session,

Folks this provides prima facie evidence that the motherfuckers have NO EVIDENCE that Russia interfered in our election

The sons-of-bitches are bluffing


From your article:

In response to Fox News' initial report, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), which oversees all 17 U.S. intelligence agencies, issued a statement claiming that lawmakers from both parties have received "extensive, detailed classified and unclassified briefings ... since last summer and have continued to do so after Election Day."

"Last week, the President ordered a full Intelligence Community review of foreign efforts to influence recent Presidential elections – from 2008 to present," the statement added. "Once the review is complete in the coming weeks, the Intelligence Community stands ready to brief Congress—and will make those findings available to the public consistent with protecting intelligence sources and methods. We will not offer any comment until the review is complete."


What part doesn't make sense?
I don't care if they just got out of the shower, they report to the people, so when we say jump, their only response is how high and how far. they've been getting briefed the whole time and didn't tell the people they work for, as you said. And because they didn't attend ONE with 13 Republicans and 9 Democrats classified on the Intel committee suddenly all the other briefings don't count or never happened. How low will you go?






The NSA is the only one? Says you. Which doesn't count for shit.
It doesn't help their case...

"It is unacceptable that the Intelligence Community directors would not fulfill the House Intelligence Committee’s request to be briefed tomorrow on the cyber-attacks that occurred during the presidential campaign," Nunes said in a statement. "The Committee is deeply concerned that intransigence in sharing intelligence with Congress can enable the manipulation of intelligence for political purposes."

Congress called their bluff.






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