Breaking: Israeli warplanes hit "another" refugee camp in Gaza Strip, killing dozens

Agree. Why not insist on a humanitarian pause IF HAMAS releases all hostages?

Answer: Because HAMAS would refuse, choosing instead to starve their own people, and Biden doesn’t want HAMAS to look bad. It’s the same reason leftists are tearing down posters of hostages.

Blinken tells Israelis "humanitarian" pause will buy Israel time for Gaza operation:​

Secretary of State Tony Blinken told his Israeli counterparts on Friday that agreeing to a humanitarian pause will help the U.S. fend off growing pressure it is facing over its support of Israel's operation in Gaza and in turn help Israel buy more time for its ground offensive, according to one U.S. and three Israeli officials with direct knowledge of the talks.
No one is "condoning mass murder". Recognition of Hamas tactics, doesn't mean they shouldn't be moved against.
You know nothing about the history of atrocities experienced by Gazans, but you know everything about Hamas atrocities. This should tell you something. Dupe.
You know nothing about the history of atrocities experienced by Gazans, but you know everything about Hamas atrocities. This should tell you something. Dupe.
The palis chose Hamas. When they get sick enough of having the shit bombed out of them; they are free to hunt down, and dispatch every member of Hamas.
The hostages were already earmarked for death regardless of the outcome of any negotiations.
Lord knows what the Muslim savages are doing to them. Death might be preferable at this point. Remember - these are the demons who put babies in ovens, cut off the heads of children, severed limbs, set them on fired, raped women until they were dead.
Lord knows what the Muslim savages are doing to them. Death might be preferable at this point. Remember - these are the demons who put babies in ovens, cut off the heads of children, severed limbs, set them on fired, raped women until they were dead.
Fake propaganda alert!
Lord knows what the Muslim savages are doing to them. Death might be preferable at this point. Remember - these are the demons who put babies in ovens, cut off the heads of children, severed limbs, set them on fired, raped women until they were dead.
What are we doing about our people would be my Q

Lord knows what the Muslim savages are doing to them. Death might be preferable at this point. Remember - these are the demons who put babies in ovens, cut off the heads of children, severed limbs, set them on fired, raped women until they were dead.
Oh NaziLisa needs more dead babies. So sweet. :uhoh3: :uhoh3: :uhoh3: :ahole-1::finger3::finger3:
Fake propaganda alert!
You’re citing a post from another antisemite on this forum as your proof?
You’re citing a post from another antisemite on this forum as your proof?

But Lisa don't care, right?
Lol. Proving again you’re a dupe. You think 10/7 was an unprovoked attack. You know nothing of the history.

Ah... So the death of innocents is acceptable to you afterall. Well then. Your candor is refreshing. I guess we aren't really on the opposite side of this issue after all. I must have misunderstood you...

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