BREAKING: Judge blocks Trump admin plan to roll back DACA

Maybe he needs better WH lawyers?
Maybe we need better judges.

See post #94

Or better yet a change of attitude?
And what should his attitude be?
A little respect for foreigners? I know immigration is a complex issue and I actually agree with much stricter border security, as well as holding employers accountable and developing a system that will effectively track visas so expired ones aren't here for years. But Trump's decisions seem to be more knee jerk reactions that don't make a whole lot of sense. Just throw the bums out/lock them out. Simple shrimple, but it 's not really that simple.
It has happened like that before. Why not now?
If you were an SC justice, I would pay careful attention to your argument. But you're not. So your opinion that the justice's opinion is "bullshit" is just that--an opinion--because you would prefer that Trump's plan was followed without question.
Didn't the SC say some of Obama's decisions were unconstitutional? Why would Trump's be any different? I think the only thing the court is objecting to is that Trump's EO is stopping people from applying for DACA during this period. At least that's what I heard in passing.
First off, I don't give a shit one way or another about Trump's plan. Put aside the politics and look at this judge's decision from a purely legal/procedural perspective.

Do you know the standard for a TRO in federal court? (hint: it was stated by the judge)

Let's start there.

Also, do you think I have to be a constitutional law professor to be able to criticize a judge's misconduct on a procedural matter?
Jorge Ramos says ‘a wall won’t stop anything...’ ...then he shouldn’t have any objection to us building it
So some fucking regressive judge thinks he has the power to prop up a clearly unconstitutional program. Anyone with half a brain should be demanding that SOBs impeachment and removal from office.

You’re such a poor losing pussy.
Judges get to decide what’s Constitutional, not little twerps like you.
You have absolutely no idea how this government operates do you?
So, nobody is allowed to criticize a judge even if they have the ability to navigate their way through the law and a court's reasoning for issuing such an injunction? Even if it is blatantly obvious, requiring no intense legal reasoning?

Preliminary Injunction Standard:

"A plaintiff seeking a preliminary injunction must establish that he is likely to succeed on the merits, that he is likely to suffer irreparable harm in the absence of preliminary relief, that the balance of equities tips in his favor, and that an injunction is in the public interest." Winter v. Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc., 555 U.S. 7 (2008)

That first element--that he is likely to succeed on the merits--cannot happen as a matter of law, because the President is not an "agency" under the APA, as a matter of law. Franklin v. Massachusetts, 505 U.S. 788 (1992) If the APA does not apply to the President, as a matter of law, the plaintiff CANNOT establish the first element, that he is likely to succeed on the merits. The President would be entitled to summary judgment.

Am I wrong?

If so, why?

Don't just appeal to ignorance. Give me a response.
Another win for sanity. Another loss for this impotent prez
And by "sanity" you mean clear judicial misconduct?

You outcome-oriented tools have no business anywhere near the bench.
Total absolute morons like you thinking you know more than judges is the best laugh I had all day. Thanks a bunch.
Anyone who took Civics in high school can tear this judge’s argument to shreds.

This dipshit is literally saying that DACA is some kind of constitutional amendment.
I don’t like either decision but I didn’t cry foul and say the judges acted inappropriately.

Anything else, kid?

Don't lie to me.

What did I lie about? The behavior of the liberal left is all too predictable. You scream about judicial activism when a case goes against you and heap praise upon them when they rule in your favor. In fact both sides do it.
I’m not “the left”. I’m me, and I never cried about judicial activism. So, once again, unless you can quote’re the liar.

Is that plain enough for you, kid?

Says the guy who says the Washington post is not a total liberal newspaper
Cool story bro
So some fucking regressive judge thinks he has the power to prop up a clearly unconstitutional program. Anyone with half a brain should be demanding that SOBs impeachment and removal from office.

You’re such a poor losing pussy.
Judges get to decide what’s Constitutional, not little twerps like you.
You have absolutely no idea how this government operates do you?

No he doesn't, he is the epitome of a Constitutional Illiterate.
Another win for sanity. Another loss for this impotent prez
And by "sanity" you mean clear judicial misconduct?

You outcome-oriented tools have no business anywhere near the bench.
Total absolute morons like you thinking you know more than judges is the best laugh I had all day. Thanks a bunch.
Anyone who took Civics in high school can tear this judge’s argument to shreds.

This dipshit is literally saying that DACA is some kind of constitutional amendment.

This judge must believe we are all mentally retarded. How can something that was created by an EO not be repealed by an EO? That shows the quality of judges Obama put into our court system. These scumbags don't give a damn about the Constitution, the facts or plain logic. Hillary would have nominated even worse judges.

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