BREAKING: Judge blocks Trump admin plan to roll back DACA

"Dreamers ought to go before MS-13 Opens a New Window. . They are just a Mexican Antifa. They are the worst of the illegals” - Crazy Ann Coulter

Crazy mAnnie is in quite a twit isn't she? :)

Conservative commentator Ann Coulter was not happy with what transpired and went into a frenzy on Twitter.

She started with, “Trump, flanked by Dems & open-borders GOPS, announces plan for 100% open-ended amnesty (per courts),” then soon after added, “But don’t worry! There will be ‘border security’! (Political euphemism for: You’re not getting wall.)”

That tweet was followed by, “This DACA lovefest confirms a main thesis of Michael Wolff’s book: When Bannon left. liberal Dems Jared, Ivanka, Cohn & Goldman Sachs took over,” and, “After agreeing with DiFi that stand-alone DACAwill come FIRST, Trump’s muscle memory kicks in & he cites Israel, saying NOTHING BUT A WALL WILL WORK.”

Coulter wrapped it up with, "Nothing Michael Wolff could say about @realDonaldTrump has hurt him as much as the DACA lovefest right now."​
That fucking asshole cock sucking piece of shit judge should be thrown in jail

The fucker thinks now that California laws run the country?

From the link...

Plaintiffs have established injury that reaches beyond the geographical bounds of the Northern District of California. The problem affects every state and territory of the United States," he wrote.
LOL. Don't hold back; tell us how you REALLY feel.

When ever did I not post I hate California and want Mexico to take them back?

I despise them with a passion, they are not America a bunch of French surrender I always said i hope and pray lil Kim nukes Los Angeles to wake California up.
That fucking asshole cock sucking piece of shit judge should be thrown in jail

The fucker thinks now that California laws run the country?

From the link...

Plaintiffs have established injury that reaches beyond the geographical bounds of the Northern District of California. The problem affects every state and territory of the United States," he wrote.
LOL. Don't hold back; tell us how you REALLY feel.

When ever did I not post I hate California and want Mexico to take them back?

I despise them with a passion, they are not America a bunch of French surrender I always said i hope and pray lil Kim nukes Los Angeles to wake California up.

I am not going to live under California's laws ...
So some fucking regressive judge thinks he has the power to prop up a clearly unconstitutional program. Anyone with half a brain should be demanding that SOBs impeachment and removal from office.

You’re such a poor losing pussy.
Judges get to decide what’s Constitutional, not little twerps like you.

Hey...Shit for Brains...

In case you don't understand the Constitution, The Obama DACA Order
was just Order, only good thru his Presidency. (If it withstood
a SCOTUS decision).

The next President does not have to maintain it. The Reason is very simple,
Only Congress can enact law. You probably missed that in Civics Class, when they were discussing how the Constitution works.

There is no Judicial path/ruling that can force a new President into
maintaining an executive order from the previous President. That's
how the Constitution works.

Now The Donald has given Congress 6 months to enact law so there is
no need for him to worry about this bullshit ruling. It's just another in a
long history of Judges of the 9th Circuit, trying to legislate from the Bench
to protect Jaboni's, Beaners and Naughty Little Sissy Boys.

If Congress does not enact law...then The Donald will simply ask for immediate intervention from SCOTUS, which they will grant, and then
they will toss this temporary order into the trash and the Illegals will
be on their way out the door.

Per the Constitution of the United States
Maybe he needs better WH lawyers?
Maybe we need better judges.

See post #94

Or better yet a change of attitude?
And what should his attitude be?
A little respect for foreigners? I know immigration is a complex issue and I actually agree with much stricter border security, as well as holding employers accountable and developing a system that will effectively track visas so expired ones aren't here for years. But Trump's decisions seem to be more knee jerk reactions that don't make a whole lot of sense. Just throw the bums out/lock them out. Simple shrimple, but it 's not really that simple.
Trump's plans to "fix" immigration issues seem to be a basic fail, don't they? First the major blocks against keeping Muslims out, now this. Maybe he needs better WH lawyers? Or better yet a change of attitude?
You realize the SC shot that bullshit down right? Around here, people wouldnt call that losing :dunno:
Maybe he needs better WH lawyers?
Maybe we need better judges.

See post #94

Or better yet a change of attitude?
And what should his attitude be?
A little respect for foreigners? I know immigration is a complex issue and I actually agree with much stricter border security, as well as holding employers accountable and developing a system that will effectively track visas so expired ones aren't here for years. But Trump's decisions seem to be more knee jerk reactions that don't make a whole lot of sense. Just throw the bums out/lock them out. Simple shrimple, but it 's not really that simple.
It has happened like that before. Why not now?
A little respect for foreigners? I know immigration is a complex issue and I actually agree with much stricter border security, as well as holding employers accountable and developing a system that will effectively track visas so expired ones aren't here for years. But Trump's decisions seem to be more knee jerk reactions that don't make a whole lot of sense. Just throw the bums out/lock them out. Simple shrimple, but it 's not really that simple.
Okay, but what about the judge's complete bullshit?

The APA does not apply to the President. How can a Court stay his action to roll back an executive policy until further factual hearing, when the facts are irrelevant, and stopping the President under the APA is improper as a matter of law. There is no way the petitioners are "likely to succeed on the merits" when any inquiry doesn't even get to the facts. The APA does not apply to the President. See Franklin v. Massachusetts, 505 U.S. 788 (1992)

We would take the left a lot more seriously if every goddamn one of the left's judges didn't unequivocally demonstrate either a lack of knowledge of the law, or complete contempt for it by acting solely for political reasons.

There is no "Roll Back of DACA"

This was an Obama Executive Order that had an expiration date that President Trump extended.

So now Liberal Judges get to stop spoiled milk from expiring?

This is how you know the system is corrupt when you have no rule of law and the judges that are supposed to enforce it are themselves corrupt.

How these pieces of shits can continue rendering these orders without recourse from a higher court is fucking beyond me.
Trump just recently indicated a willingness to protect undocumented immigrants, known as the Dreamers.
So dream on deplorables you’ll get your wish to kick out more brown people.
Trump's plans to "fix" immigration issues seem to be a basic fail, don't they? First the major blocks against keeping Muslims out, now this. Maybe he needs better WH lawyers? Or better yet a change of attitude?
You realize the SC shot that bullshit down right? Around here, people wouldnt call that losing :dunno:
It's still being looked at by the SC, so I wouldn't say it was put together properly to begin with.
Trump's plans to "fix" immigration issues seem to be a basic fail, don't they? First the major blocks against keeping Muslims out, now this. Maybe he needs better WH lawyers? Or better yet a change of attitude?
You realize the SC shot that bullshit down right? Around here, people wouldnt call that losing :dunno:
It's still being looked at by the SC, so I wouldn't say it was put together properly to begin with.
It is ok right now but they will hear arguments later in the year.
A little respect for foreigners? I know immigration is a complex issue and I actually agree with much stricter border security, as well as holding employers accountable and developing a system that will effectively track visas so expired ones aren't here for years. But Trump's decisions seem to be more knee jerk reactions that don't make a whole lot of sense. Just throw the bums out/lock them out. Simple shrimple, but it 's not really that simple.
Okay, but what about the judge's complete bullshit?

The APA does not apply to the President. How can a Court stay his action to roll back an executive policy until further factual hearing, when the facts are irrelevant, and stopping the President under the APA is improper as a matter of law. There is no way the petitioners are "likely to succeed on the merits" when any inquiry doesn't even get to the facts. The APA does not apply to the President. See Franklin v. Massachusetts, 505 U.S. 788 (1992)

We would take the left a lot more seriously if every goddamn one of the left's judges didn't unequivocally demonstrate either a lack of knowledge of the law, or complete contempt for it by acting solely for political reasons.

If you were an SC justice, I would pay careful attention to your argument. But you're not. So your opinion that the justice's opinion is "bullshit" is just that--an opinion--because you would prefer that Trump's plan was followed without question.
Didn't the SC say some of Obama's decisions were unconstitutional? Why would Trump's be any different? I think the only thing the court is objecting to is that Trump's EO is stopping people from applying for DACA during this period. At least that's what I heard in passing.
Trump's plans to "fix" immigration issues seem to be a basic fail, don't they? First the major blocks against keeping Muslims out, now this. Maybe he needs better WH lawyers? Or better yet a change of attitude?
You realize the SC shot that bullshit down right? Around here, people wouldnt call that losing :dunno:
It's still being looked at by the SC, so I wouldn't say it was put together properly to begin with.
It is ok right now but they will hear arguments later in the year.
So it is being followed to the letter as proposed? I thought there were areas of the EO that were held in abeyance until it had been looked at.
There have been three, so it's damned confusing.
Trump's plans to "fix" immigration issues seem to be a basic fail, don't they? First the major blocks against keeping Muslims out, now this. Maybe he needs better WH lawyers? Or better yet a change of attitude?
You realize the SC shot that bullshit down right? Around here, people wouldnt call that losing :dunno:
It's still being looked at by the SC, so I wouldn't say it was put together properly to begin with.
It is ok right now but they will hear arguments later in the year.
So it is being followed to the letter as proposed? I thought there were areas of the EO that were held in abeyance until it had been looked at.
There have been three, so it's damned confusing.
One of them got fully implemented. One of them let grandparents or something or another happen. It was something like that.
If you were an SC justice, I would pay careful attention to your argument. But you're not. So your opinion that the justice's opinion is "bullshit" is just that--an opinion--because you would prefer that Trump's plan was followed without question.
Didn't the SC say some of Obama's decisions were unconstitutional? Why would Trump's be any different? I think the only thing the court is objecting to is that Trump's EO is stopping people from applying for DACA during this period. At least that's what I heard in passing.
First off, I don't give a shit one way or another about Trump's plan. Put aside the politics and look at this judge's decision from a purely legal/procedural perspective.

Do you know the standard for a TRO in federal court? (hint: it was stated by the judge)

Let's start there.

Also, do you think I have to be a constitutional law professor to be able to criticize a judge's misconduct on a procedural matter?

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