Breaking — McCloskeys charged with felony by Kim Gardner…

I don't see how she can get a conviction. They may have been way overly paranoid but that isn't illegal.
So if someone down the street from you was killed in mob violence recently and now, you have mob violence at your door, you gonna risk this is a nice mob that tore down your gate?

Those marching to the mayor's house were clear they meant no one harm. As I noted though, you can legally stand outside your house with a gun.
They were clear? How?

They let the neighbors know they were not interested in bothering them.
Did they also notify this couple of the same?

No idea if they were specifically told or not.
So, it probably was NOT clear to the couple that the mob meant them no harm. Hindsight from a distance is usually a lot clearer than immediate reaction in the moment. Do you think the outcome would have been different had members of the mob quietly told the couple that they were only interested in storming the Mayor's house and not their's instead of shouting at them? Obviously, this couple was scared. They had been seeing the violence directed at people like them, and they had a mob entering their private property with (likely) unknown intentions. Don't we all agree it's incumbent on the mob to at least make sure the people who own the property they are trespassing on know they are not in danger, and to leave quietly if the property owners tell them to?

Do you have a point?
you seem to be avoiding a pretty simple question.

he spelled it out clearly - HOW DID YOU KNOW THEY MEANT NO ONE HARM???

you can either answer it or you can play dodgeball and that answers it for you.

As you walk down a street on any given day, how do you know this about anyone? Now, what is the point?
you don't walk down the street in a huge crowd.
huge crowds have been destroying shit around these people for several days

so you are playing dodgeball and not putting yourself in their situation - just sitting in a distant judgement and playing the fool.

or not playing. either is fine.

Why not make a point? What exactly are you arguing?
that you have zero clue as to whether or not a "large crowd" moving towards you means you no harm GIVEN THE CIRCUMSTANCES of st louis at the time this was done - large crowds were in fact destroying everything in their path.

now - you're at home watching TV and you see huge crowds lighting shit on fire and beating up people for no reason at all you can tell. THEN you see a huge crowd coming your way. SAID huge crowd rips down the gate to your property.

what do you do? serve cookies and cheer them on like a parade
protect you and your family?

I'm confused. I said in my very first post that I did not think the charges would stick and hugely paranoid or not they could do what they did.

So again, what are you arguing with me over?

it's a political game from a marxist. that's all.

but your stance of THEY MEANT NO ONE HARM - you have zero way of knowing that. ZERO.

and it's akin to teaching helen keller to hear to get you to listen.

Let's see. They peacefully turn themselves in or get arrested and then fight it in the courts. Right?

Get arrested.....the payout for wrongful arrest pays more

Maybe. Do you believe that's a good system?

A good system wouldn't allow this.
They're within their rights

People argue for this all the time.

"just peacefully allow yourself to get arrested and fight it in court". Your rights also extend beyond the 2nd Amendment.

They're within their rights, you know it and so does Gardner, she pushed it and now she'll pay...or rather the tax payer.

You think that dumbed down poor excuse of an attorney and racist bitch cares? Really? Lol

So you are now understanding some of what the people who were protesting are protesting over?

Wtf? They're protesting a black bitch over changing a couple for excersing their Constitutional and state rights?

You probably need to rethink your position.
I'm rolling my eyes at you... never ever should a prosecutor let personal feelings politics, etc come between what's legal.

You know this and know better. Each case is an individual case.

Of course each case is different to you. As long as they are black, it's all cool.

Don't start calling me racist just because I'm exposing you.

Your stance just went all about racism and you look foolish
..Gardner, Mosby, Bottoms, etc -all the blacks are anti-white/anti-cop racists
.....but she did nothing to the BLACK criminals that violated private property ....
...time to join the KKK for self defense

NOPE! Time to vote her and all who think like her out of office.
..the KKK is no worse than BLM/etc
OK: there are SIMILARITIES but they are not the same. The KKK is repugnant; the Burn Loot Murder crowd are a bastard infant clone but with any luck it will implode.


One would hope.....but don't overlook this....

His violations of the 4th Amendment are not helping your case here.

This has nothing to do with the 4th amendment.

It is basically 1st amendment v 2nd amendment.

Do the commie/neggra assholes have the right to go onto somebody property and threaten them or do the people threaten have the right to bear arms to protect themselves from the mob? That is what it boils down to.

If anything the McCloskey's 4th Amendment rights were violate when some stupid uneducated Moon Bat judge issued the warrant to confiscate the AR-15.

This case doesn't have anything to do with the 4th. I was simply noting that Trump's violations of the 4th aren't going to help come November.

You see, one's rights are not based upon how others see how they affect their politics. It's too bad so many do not understand that.
I don't see how she can get a conviction. They may have been way overly paranoid but that isn't illegal.
So if someone down the street from you was killed in mob violence recently and now, you have mob violence at your door, you gonna risk this is a nice mob that tore down your gate?

Those marching to the mayor's house were clear they meant no one harm. As I noted though, you can legally stand outside your house with a gun.
They were clear? How?

They let the neighbors know they were not interested in bothering them.
Did they also notify this couple of the same?

No idea if they were specifically told or not.
So, it probably was NOT clear to the couple that the mob meant them no harm. Hindsight from a distance is usually a lot clearer than immediate reaction in the moment. Do you think the outcome would have been different had members of the mob quietly told the couple that they were only interested in storming the Mayor's house and not their's instead of shouting at them? Obviously, this couple was scared. They had been seeing the violence directed at people like them, and they had a mob entering their private property with (likely) unknown intentions. Don't we all agree it's incumbent on the mob to at least make sure the people who own the property they are trespassing on know they are not in danger, and to leave quietly if the property owners tell them to?

Do you have a point?
you seem to be avoiding a pretty simple question.

he spelled it out clearly - HOW DID YOU KNOW THEY MEANT NO ONE HARM???

you can either answer it or you can play dodgeball and that answers it for you.

As you walk down a street on any given day, how do you know this about anyone? Now, what is the point?
you don't walk down the street in a huge crowd.
huge crowds have been destroying shit around these people for several days

so you are playing dodgeball and not putting yourself in their situation - just sitting in a distant judgement and playing the fool.

or not playing. either is fine.

Why not make a point? What exactly are you arguing?
that you have zero clue as to whether or not a "large crowd" moving towards you means you no harm GIVEN THE CIRCUMSTANCES of st louis at the time this was done - large crowds were in fact destroying everything in their path.

now - you're at home watching TV and you see huge crowds lighting shit on fire and beating up people for no reason at all you can tell. THEN you see a huge crowd coming your way. SAID huge crowd rips down the gate to your property.

what do you do? serve cookies and cheer them on like a parade
protect you and your family?

I'm confused. I said in my very first post that I did not think the charges would stick and hugely paranoid or not they could do what they did.

So again, what are you arguing with me over?

it's a political game from a marxist. that's all.

but your stance of THEY MEANT NO ONE HARM - you have zero way of knowing that. ZERO.

and it's akin to teaching helen keller to hear to get you to listen.

Let's see. They peacefully turn themselves in or get arrested and then fight it in the courts. Right?

Get arrested.....the payout for wrongful arrest pays more

Maybe. Do you believe that's a good system?

A good system wouldn't allow this.
They're within their rights

People argue for this all the time.

"just peacefully allow yourself to get arrested and fight it in court". Your rights also extend beyond the 2nd Amendment.

They're within their rights, you know it and so does Gardner, she pushed it and now she'll pay...or rather the tax payer.

You think that dumbed down poor excuse of an attorney and racist bitch cares? Really? Lol

So you are now understanding some of what the people who were protesting are protesting over?

Wtf? They're protesting a black bitch over changing a couple for excersing their Constitutional and state rights?

You probably need to rethink your position.
I'm rolling my eyes at you... never ever should a prosecutor let personal feelings politics, etc come between what's legal.

You know this and know better. Each case is an individual case.

Of course each case is different to you. As long as they are black, it's all cool.

Don't start calling me racist just because I'm exposing you.

Your stance just went all about racism and you look foolish

I don't believe so. People like you scare me.
Every freedom loving person in this country has a vested interest in the outcome of this case.

Elections have consequences.

It is strange that a couple like the McCloskeys have become the face for the protection of the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms.

While they are unlikely champions they are probably the right people to fight it. They have the money and they have the legal savvy. They also have the videos showing them to be threatened by a vicious mob of deranged assholes. They have everything on their side, including a pardon in the back pocket if some stupid ass Moon Bat jury of inner city ghetto assholes were to find them guilty.

The problem with most fraudulent RTABA cases is that most people charged with a gun crime will take a plea deal to stay out of jail so the really good cases to challenge the filthy government's infringement upon our Constitutional rights never gets properly litigated.

The other things is that the chickenshit Supreme court has yet to declare what level of scrutiny these oppressive anti gun laws should have. It should be like all the other Constitutional rights and get strict scrutiny.

That is why it is so important to get Trump reelcted. So that he can put more Constitutional protectionists on the Supreme court.
The Mccloskeys used to be democrats. Their family and friends used to be democrats. No doubt several of their clients used to be democrats. None of them are anymore.
His violations of the 4th Amendment are not helping your case here.

This has nothing to do with the 4th amendment.

It is basically 1st amendment v 2nd amendment.

Do the commie/neggra assholes have the right to go onto somebody property and threaten them or do the people threaten have the right to bear arms to protect themselves from the mob? That is what it boils down to.

If anything the McCloskey's 4th Amendment rights were violate when some stupid uneducated Moon Bat judge issued the warrant to confiscate the AR-15.

This case doesn't have anything to do with the 4th. I was simply noting that Trump's violations of the 4th aren't going to help come November.

You see, one's rights are not based upon how others see how they affect their politics. It's too bad so many do not understand that.

What violations of the 4th? be specific.
Every freedom loving person in this country has a vested interest in the outcome of this case.

Elections have consequences.

It is strange that a couple like the McCloskeys have become the face for the protection of the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms.

While they are unlikely champions they are probably the right people to fight it. They have the money and they have the legal savvy. They also have the videos showing them to be threatened by a vicious mob of deranged assholes. They have everything on their side, including a pardon in the back pocket if some stupid ass Moon Bat jury of inner city ghetto assholes were to find them guilty.

The problem with most fraudulent RTABA cases is that most people charged with a gun crime will take a plea deal to stay out of jail so the really good cases to challenge the filthy government's infringement upon our Constitutional rights never gets properly litigated.

The other things is that the chickenshit Supreme court has yet to declare what level of scrutiny these oppressive anti gun laws should have. It should be like all the other Constitutional rights and get strict scrutiny.

That is why it is so important to get Trump reelcted. So that he can put more Constitutional protectionists on the Supreme court.
The Mccloskeys used to be democrats. Their family and friends used to be democrats. No doubt several of their clients used to be democrats. None of them are anymore.

I am not so sure from looking at their contribution record that were not simply being typical opportunists ambulance chasers. Contributing to whoever they though would give them the most leverage.

Regardless, they are still strange bedfellows for the RTKABA community.
His violations of the 4th Amendment are not helping your case here.

This has nothing to do with the 4th amendment.

It is basically 1st amendment v 2nd amendment.

Do the commie/neggra assholes have the right to go onto somebody property and threaten them or do the people threaten have the right to bear arms to protect themselves from the mob? That is what it boils down to.

If anything the McCloskey's 4th Amendment rights were violate when some stupid uneducated Moon Bat judge issued the warrant to confiscate the AR-15.

This case doesn't have anything to do with the 4th. I was simply noting that Trump's violations of the 4th aren't going to help come November.

You see, one's rights are not based upon how others see how they affect their politics. It's too bad so many do not understand that.

What violations of the 4th? be specific.

We have been discussing it in many threads.
I don't see how she can get a conviction. They may have been way overly paranoid but that isn't illegal.
So if someone down the street from you was killed in mob violence recently and now, you have mob violence at your door, you gonna risk this is a nice mob that tore down your gate?

Those marching to the mayor's house were clear they meant no one harm. As I noted though, you can legally stand outside your house with a gun.
They were clear? How?

They let the neighbors know they were not interested in bothering them.
Did they also notify this couple of the same?

No idea if they were specifically told or not.
So, it probably was NOT clear to the couple that the mob meant them no harm. Hindsight from a distance is usually a lot clearer than immediate reaction in the moment. Do you think the outcome would have been different had members of the mob quietly told the couple that they were only interested in storming the Mayor's house and not their's instead of shouting at them? Obviously, this couple was scared. They had been seeing the violence directed at people like them, and they had a mob entering their private property with (likely) unknown intentions. Don't we all agree it's incumbent on the mob to at least make sure the people who own the property they are trespassing on know they are not in danger, and to leave quietly if the property owners tell them to?

Do you have a point?
you seem to be avoiding a pretty simple question.

he spelled it out clearly - HOW DID YOU KNOW THEY MEANT NO ONE HARM???

you can either answer it or you can play dodgeball and that answers it for you.

As you walk down a street on any given day, how do you know this about anyone? Now, what is the point?
you don't walk down the street in a huge crowd.
huge crowds have been destroying shit around these people for several days

so you are playing dodgeball and not putting yourself in their situation - just sitting in a distant judgement and playing the fool.

or not playing. either is fine.

Why not make a point? What exactly are you arguing?
that you have zero clue as to whether or not a "large crowd" moving towards you means you no harm GIVEN THE CIRCUMSTANCES of st louis at the time this was done - large crowds were in fact destroying everything in their path.

now - you're at home watching TV and you see huge crowds lighting shit on fire and beating up people for no reason at all you can tell. THEN you see a huge crowd coming your way. SAID huge crowd rips down the gate to your property.

what do you do? serve cookies and cheer them on like a parade
protect you and your family?

I'm confused. I said in my very first post that I did not think the charges would stick and hugely paranoid or not they could do what they did.

So again, what are you arguing with me over?

it's a political game from a marxist. that's all.

but your stance of THEY MEANT NO ONE HARM - you have zero way of knowing that. ZERO.

and it's akin to teaching helen keller to hear to get you to listen.

Let's see. They peacefully turn themselves in or get arrested and then fight it in the courts. Right?

Get arrested.....the payout for wrongful arrest pays more

Maybe. Do you believe that's a good system?

A good system wouldn't allow this.
They're within their rights

People argue for this all the time.

"just peacefully allow yourself to get arrested and fight it in court". Your rights also extend beyond the 2nd Amendment.

They're within their rights, you know it and so does Gardner, she pushed it and now she'll pay...or rather the tax payer.

You think that dumbed down poor excuse of an attorney and racist bitch cares? Really? Lol

So you are now understanding some of what the people who were protesting are protesting over?

Wtf? They're protesting a black bitch over changing a couple for excersing their Constitutional and state rights?

You probably need to rethink your position.
I'm rolling my eyes at you... never ever should a prosecutor let personal feelings politics, etc come between what's legal.

You know this and know better. Each case is an individual case.

Of course each case is different to you. As long as they are black, it's all cool.

Don't start calling me racist just because I'm exposing you.

Your stance just went all about racism and you look foolish

I don't believe so. People like you scare me.
So you are always scared.
Perfectly legal across the nation to be armed while telling people to stay off your property or to get off of your property.
If it’s a reasonable assumption that they are on or in the process of entering you property then the weapon may be pointed toward them. The reaction or fright of the trespasser is not the issue
Only liberal loon losers believe in not protecting their assets and that’s because they Never Earned any to protect
..Gardner, Mosby, Bottoms, etc -all the blacks are anti-white/anti-cop racists
.....but she did nothing to the BLACK criminals that violated private property ....
...time to join the KKK for self defense

NOPE! Time to vote her and all who think like her out of office.
..the KKK is no worse than BLM/etc
BLM is worse. When is the last last time you heard of a violent KKK riot? Both equally racist.
His violations of the 4th Amendment are not helping your case here.

This has nothing to do with the 4th amendment.

It is basically 1st amendment v 2nd amendment.

Do the commie/neggra assholes have the right to go onto somebody property and threaten them or do the people threaten have the right to bear arms to protect themselves from the mob? That is what it boils down to.

If anything the McCloskey's 4th Amendment rights were violate when some stupid uneducated Moon Bat judge issued the warrant to confiscate the AR-15.

This case doesn't have anything to do with the 4th. I was simply noting that Trump's violations of the 4th aren't going to help come November.

You see, one's rights are not based upon how others see how they affect their politics. It's too bad so many do not understand that.

What violations of the 4th? be specific.

We have been discussing it in many threads.

I don't have the inclination to look at "many threads".

You made the statement on this thread so tell me how Trump has violated your 4th Amendment rights.
His violations of the 4th Amendment are not helping your case here.

This has nothing to do with the 4th amendment.

It is basically 1st amendment v 2nd amendment.

Do the commie/neggra assholes have the right to go onto somebody property and threaten them or do the people threaten have the right to bear arms to protect themselves from the mob? That is what it boils down to.

If anything the McCloskey's 4th Amendment rights were violate when some stupid uneducated Moon Bat judge issued the warrant to confiscate the AR-15.

This case doesn't have anything to do with the 4th. I was simply noting that Trump's violations of the 4th aren't going to help come November.

You see, one's rights are not based upon how others see how they affect their politics. It's too bad so many do not understand that.

What violations of the 4th? be specific.

We have been discussing it in many threads.

I don't have the inclination to look at "many threads".

You made the statement on this thread so tell me how Trump has violated your 4th Amendment rights.

He hasn't violated mine.

Fox's Napolitano rips 'unconstitutional' Trump crackdown on Portland: 'Just plain wrong'
His violations of the 4th Amendment are not helping your case here.

This has nothing to do with the 4th amendment.

It is basically 1st amendment v 2nd amendment.

Do the commie/neggra assholes have the right to go onto somebody property and threaten them or do the people threaten have the right to bear arms to protect themselves from the mob? That is what it boils down to.

If anything the McCloskey's 4th Amendment rights were violate when some stupid uneducated Moon Bat judge issued the warrant to confiscate the AR-15.

This case doesn't have anything to do with the 4th. I was simply noting that Trump's violations of the 4th aren't going to help come November.

You see, one's rights are not based upon how others see how they affect their politics. It's too bad so many do not understand that.

What violations of the 4th? be specific.

We have been discussing it in many threads.

I don't have the inclination to look at "many threads".

You made the statement on this thread so tell me how Trump has violated your 4th Amendment rights.

He hasn't violated mine.

Fox's Napolitano rips 'unconstitutional' Trump crackdown on Portland: 'Just plain wrong'

You mean the Portland thingy. Why didn't you say so?

American Presidents have intervened in the states and cities many times in the life of the Republic.

The biggest one was when that piece of shit Lincoln sent an Army to invade 1/3rd of America and kill Americans, burn down their cities and take away their arms and we have a goddamn memorial to him in DC.

That asshole JFK sent federal marshals to get a Neggra in a state funded college. They have an eternal flame to him at Arlington.

Washington sent federal troops to put down the Whiskey rebellion. It was all over taxes. Talk about Federal intervention but yet Washington is revered by all Americans except the hate filled Moon Bats.

If you think Trump is correct in doing what the Democrat turds in the big city shitholes are too cowardly to do then it is fine. If you side with the Neggras and Communists then you won't like what he is doing.

If it was up to me I would just let these big city shitholes destroy themselves and absolutely no Federal money to rebuild. Serves the fuckers right, don't you think?
Again ... tney weren't on tne McCloskey's property.

You lying asshole.

I know you Moon Bats are uneducated and low information and sometimes are just confused but in this case it is a blatant lie.

Are you really this stupid?

What stupidity are you going to claim next, that the McCloskeys had the guns out before the Neggra/Communist mob threatened them? Oh wait, you already did that.

You racist dumbfuck, it was Mark McCloskey himself who admitted he had his gun out before anyone threatened him.
Doesn't matter.
Actually, that's at the crux of the issue -- who threatened who first.
No, you're ignoring the fact that the mob came to the McCloskey's house, not the other way around. You don't get to start shit and then claim you're the victims, it's called provocation with intent.
The evil bitch charges them with a felony, then says she will seek a diversionary program with no jail time. Duh, it is still a felony charge.

Missouri Governor indicates that he will pardon them. Do it now, Mr. Governor.

Defend yourself and the government shows up to take you down for it.

This is worse than the law of the jungle or barbarism.

Irresponsible gun owners deserve harsh punishment; brandishing a loaded firearm in CA is a Felony, the penalty here is one year in the County Jail or 16 mos, 2 or 3 years in St. Prison.
CA Penal Code 417 (b).
Yeah California is a really fucked up place that way, we know.
I saw the gov say he's ready to pardon today! Meanwhile, the police took their guns. Absolute lunacy!
That gun he had wasn't cheap..probably around $1300+. They took his property from him trying to defend it.
It's Clown World!

This is the 4th Amendment:
"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

Ofc "The Patriot Act" craps all over it and needs to be repealed.
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