Breaking! Merrick Garland informs Trump he will be indicted next week.

Bragg indicting Trump was a sad day. If Biden chooses to indict Trump, we're truly in Banana Republic territory.
I'll make a flat out prediction:

If Biden indicts Trump, the entire Democratic party and all of its candidates will EAT SHIT on election day.
He is one of them. Mukasey, Holder, Lynch, Sessions and Barr are all hiding the same things and participating in the same acts of treason. We are in serious trouble as a nation if we don't fix this soon.
And, THIS ^^^ is the bottom line.

People should realize, the Chinese hack our DoD 100 times a *WEEK*.

The FBI, whose job it is to stop them, is to busy trying to railroad an ex-President for political reasons.


Leftards are fucking DANGEROUS, they're putting our country in great danger.

For example, when one of Secretary Clinton’s original personal servers was decommissioned in 2013, the e-mail software was removed. Doing that didn’t remove the e-mail content, but it was like removing the frame from a huge finished jigsaw puzzle and dumping the pieces on the floor. The effect was that millions of e-mail fragments end up unsorted in the server’s unused—or “slack”—space. We searched through all of it to see what was there, and what parts of the puzzle could be put back together.​
FBI investigators have also read all of the approximately 30,000 e-mails provided by Secretary Clinton to the State Department in December 2014. Where an e-mail was assessed as possibly containing classified information, the FBI referred the e-mail to any U.S. government agency that was a likely “owner” of information in the e-mail, so that agency could make a determination as to whether the e-mail contained classified information at the time it was sent or received, or whether there was reason to classify the e-mail now, even if its content was not classified at the time it was sent (that is the process sometimes referred to as “up-classifying”).​
From the group of 30,000 e-mails returned to the State Department, 110 e-mails in 52 e-mail chains have been determined by the owning agency to contain classified information at the time they were sent or received. Eight of those chains contained information that was Top Secret at the time they were sent; 36 chains contained Secret information at the time...​

Go get her. Looks like Trump and his DOJ didn't want to. Are they incompetent? Weak?

If she's guilty, punish her accordingly. Make an example of her.

If Joe and/or Hunter broke the law, nail them too.

Same for Trump, right?
I can...honestly.

Former FBI Director Comey testified before Congress and outlined Hillary's crimes under oath.

The fact that Hillary Clinton had TS/SCI information in her possession proves she stole classified information, as I have explained repeatedly.

Hillary illegally stored her classified in an unauthorized, unprotected, unsecured, unencrypted personal server found in a company's bathroom.

She illegally used multiple unauthorized, unprotected, unsecured, unencrypted cell phones / devices ... which she later illegally destroyed.

She both illegally transmitted and received classified data on unauthorized, unprotected, unsecured, unencrypted devices.

Finally, regatding 'Obstruction', she illegally attempted to wipe her server before it was seized by the FBI, which Comey testified to under oath before Congresd.

Joe Biden stole classified / TS/SCI information as a SENATOR - 2 crimes: 1) stealing TS/SCI 2) as a Senator.

Biden's classified was illegally transported, disappeared for a year, then stored in unauthorized, unsecured, unprotected, unmonitored locations - 1 being in an office provided by / paid for by the CCP. That's several dozen crimes right there.

I honestly don't know if Trump broke laws.

The decision on whether he had the authority to and did declassify material has not been decided by a court.

Trump's documents - unlike Hillary's & Biden's - were legally moved from 1 location to 1 other & never went missing.

Trump's documents were moved to and stored in an authorized, secured, protected SCIF - as per regulations. The SCIF was authorized By the FBI, so they damn-well know the documents were safe / secured.

Unlike the other 2, Trump has a chain of culustody document for his classified documents showing they were never NOT secured.

Unlike the other 2, Trump has a legally-required log showing everyone who had access to these documents.

Unlike the other 2, his documents were legally and completely safe, guaranteed not to have been in anyone else's hands.

If you ate truly honest you will agree all of tjos is true.
Please see post 324, the one above this one.

In a trial, BOTH sides of the story come out, the WHOLE story comes out, not just yours.

Does that make ANY sense to you, in the slightest, at all?
Trump will prevail. Expect his poll numbers to increase. This is unprecedented. Garland is interfering in a presidential election attempting to thwart the people's choice for their president.

This is because the Leftists are losing HARD and Biden is under serious fire.

We can see it. Everyone outside the echo chamber can see it.

And the nation crumbles even faster.
Please see post 324, the one above this one.

In a trial, BOTH sides of the story come out, the WHOLE story comes out, not just yours.

Does that make ANY sense to you, in the slightest, at all?

Trump broke you. And then you take the mallet to your own self quite often over him.

It's both painful and funny to watch.
Prove it.
They don't have to do that. If they believe it, that's enough. And anyone who doesn't agree with them 100% is an evil corrupt Hitler commie. Meh.

All this stuff is noise. We'll see what comes out in trial. That's when any bullshit from either end falls away.

There are still another three or four cases in the works, as I understand it. This will be one hell of an interesting summer.
Trump will prevail. Expect his poll numbers to increase. This is unprecedented. Garland is interfering in a presidential election attempting to thwart the people's choice for their president.

No because the investigation into Trump's crimes on Jan 6 and the documents case started long before Trump declared his candidacy, and because of that fact, your point is moot. One could easily conclude that Trump declared his candidacy unusually early just so he, his lawyers, and his base can shout 'interfering'. But, Garland will not be fooled. Sorry 'bout that, but Democrats didn't elect a criminal (in my not-so-humble-opinion), you guys did.
I tried confirming it..

It's been a long time....retired 20 yrs. ago, blew out a knee.

Now we golf and I just call him "Sir"
Show your stripes, el Capitan :)

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