Breaking: NBC Caught Manipulating Poll Results Released Today

OK--I see what Hjoy and NYcab are saying.

The general split between Hillary and Sanders(without Biden) is not the same as the split amongst Biden supporters. Assuming it is is unfounded.

In other words, the 53-38 split is not representative of those choosing Biden first.
OK--I see what Hjoy and NYcab are saying.

The general split between Hillary and Sanders(without Biden) is not the same as the split amongst Biden supporters. Assuming it is is unfounded.

In other words, the 53-38 split is not representative of those choosing Biden first.

The 53 - 38 poll is simply the poll without Biden.
Proving once again that the potential for 'trust' where Relativism has infected the subject, is ZERO.

Nobody doubts that you don't understand how to read a poll.
nor does anybody doubt that he doesn't understand what "relativism" means.

Probably true and as I discovered yesterday when he doesn't know the definition of a word linking to a dictionary doesn't help.

ROFLMNAO! It's Helpless...

Because you have disagreements with the dictionary or are too stupid to read a poll?

I didn't disagree with the definition, as much as I ridiculed you for trying to pass off a foolish position, as a dictionary definition.

LOL! Reader, the above cited would-be 'contributor', got itself boxed into another of its fatally flawed constructs, wherein it offered a 'dictionary definition' which removed from "Phobia" any irrational component... effectively reducing the concept down to a simple anxiety or unpleasant emotion caused by the concern that someone or something is dangerous, or likely to cause pain, or otherwise represents some form of a threat. This because absent its reduction to the absurd, the farce: Homophobe can't literally exist.

So, what you just witnessed is yet another demonstration of "RELATIVISM ON PARADE!"
Nobody doubts that you don't understand how to read a poll.
nor does anybody doubt that he doesn't understand what "relativism" means.

Probably true and as I discovered yesterday when he doesn't know the definition of a word linking to a dictionary doesn't help.

ROFLMNAO! It's Helpless...

Because you have disagreements with the dictionary or are too stupid to read a poll?

I didn't disagree with the definition, as much as I ridiculed you for trying to pass off a foolish position, as a dictionary definition.

LOL! Reader, the above cited would-be 'contributor', got itself boxed into another of its fatally flawed constructs, wherein it offered a 'dictionary definition' which removed from "Phobia" any irrational component... effectively reducing the concept down to a simple anxiety or unpleasant emotion caused by the concern that someone or something is dangerous, or likely to cause pain, or otherwise represents some form of a threat. This because absent its reduction to the absurd, the farce: Homophobe can't literally exist.

So, what you just witnessed is yet another demonstration of "RELATIVISM ON PARADE!"

Like I said, your issue is with the dictionary and in the case of this thread you don't understand how to read a poll but you have all the smugness in the world.

Anyway, your relationship with reality is troubling.
The author of the article is incorrect.
How so

The math seems spot on--how is the blogger wrong on the actual point spread?

Was this intentional? I don't think journalist can do much more than repeat what they see and follow the rules of English. Kind of like living mannequins that can speak.

No it's not.

The blogger clearly misread the table. Here it is.


The phrase that matters is "Recalculated First Choice (Without Joe Biden)" in the title of the bottom table.

The blogger is confused. He thinks that these are the results of Biden's supporters. That is wrong. These are the results after they've removed Biden as an option. That's what "Recalculated first choice without Joe Biden" means.
OK--I see what Hjoy and NYcab are saying.

The general split between Hillary and Sanders(without Biden) is not the same as the split amongst Biden supporters. Assuming it is is unfounded.

In other words, the 53-38 split is not representative of those choosing Biden first.

LOL! Dude... it doesn't matter. It's a 'race' between a Felon, wife of the only Elected President in US History to be IMPEACHED and a self professed Marxist never was.
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OK--I see what Hjoy and NYcab are saying.

The general split between Hillary and Sanders(without Biden) is not the same as the split amongst Biden supporters. Assuming it is is unfounded.

In other words, the 53-38 split is not representative of those choosing Biden first.

LOL! Dude... it doesn't matter. It's a 'race' between a Felon, wife of the only President in US History to be IMPEACHED and a self professed Marxist never was.

What matters in this thread is the poll was misread or more likely some moron blogger lied about the results. Also, your history is wrong, 2 presidents have been impeached. Clintion isn't a felon and Sanders isn't a self professed Marxist. Do you ever get anything right?
nor does anybody doubt that he doesn't understand what "relativism" means.

Probably true and as I discovered yesterday when he doesn't know the definition of a word linking to a dictionary doesn't help.

ROFLMNAO! It's Helpless...

Because you have disagreements with the dictionary or are too stupid to read a poll?

I didn't disagree with the definition, as much as I ridiculed you for trying to pass off a foolish position, as a dictionary definition.

LOL! Reader, the above cited would-be 'contributor', got itself boxed into another of its fatally flawed constructs, wherein it offered a 'dictionary definition' which removed from "Phobia" any irrational component... effectively reducing the concept down to a simple anxiety or unpleasant emotion caused by the concern that someone or something is dangerous, or likely to cause pain, or otherwise represents some form of a threat. This because absent its reduction to the absurd, the farce: Homophobe can't literally exist.

So, what you just witnessed is yet another demonstration of "RELATIVISM ON PARADE!"

Like I said, your issue is with the dictionary ...

ROFLMNAO! You can't make this crap up. They're IDIOTS!

Now... for those wondering "How in the hell did the US manage to sink this low... ?" When you read the above idiots 'reasoning', understand that THAT... has the means to influence others and try to imagine how pathetic THOSE fuckers are.

Now... understand what HAS TO HAPPEN, when such 'people', vote. And there ya have it.
Probably true and as I discovered yesterday when he doesn't know the definition of a word linking to a dictionary doesn't help.

ROFLMNAO! It's Helpless...

Because you have disagreements with the dictionary or are too stupid to read a poll?

I didn't disagree with the definition, as much as I ridiculed you for trying to pass off a foolish position, as a dictionary definition.

LOL! Reader, the above cited would-be 'contributor', got itself boxed into another of its fatally flawed constructs, wherein it offered a 'dictionary definition' which removed from "Phobia" any irrational component... effectively reducing the concept down to a simple anxiety or unpleasant emotion caused by the concern that someone or something is dangerous, or likely to cause pain, or otherwise represents some form of a threat. This because absent its reduction to the absurd, the farce: Homophobe can't literally exist.

So, what you just witnessed is yet another demonstration of "RELATIVISM ON PARADE!"

Like I said, your issue is with the dictionary ...

ROFLMNAO! You can't make this crap up. They're IDIOTS!

Now... for those wondering "How in the hell did the US manage to sink this low... ?" When you read the above idiots 'reasoning', understand that THAT... has the means to influence others and try to imagine how pathetic THOSE fuckers are.

Now... understand what HAS TO HAPPEN, when such 'people', vote. And there ya have it.

How is it you read the poll wrong? Then spout out a post that was 100% incorrect? Why don't you break away from your imaginary reader and actually reply when your opinion is challenged?
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2 presidents have been impeached.


Clintion isn't a felon [sic]

LOL! It's a plural tense... thus: 'The Clintons are felons' and ... False.

Sanders isn't a self professed Marxist.

Hysterically false.

Now you double down on your stupidity.

Enough of that, how is it in your genius that you can't understand a basic poll? You entered this thread, why not talk about the actual subject?
This blogger, like the "charming" Kim Davis...figured out that he would rather get some notoriety among his fellow right wing idiots (does Keys come to mind?) than just be a nobody in the bloggers field........So, my fellow democrats, if you want to be "friends" with some republican morons, just make up shit....its really not too hard to confuse them and get their resounding approval.
Now you double down on your stupidity.

Enough of that, how is it in your genius that you can't understand a basic poll? You entered this thread, why not talk about the actual subject?

Keys is a masochist; he thrives on the abuse and comes on here for his much, much needed daily share...Harmless twit, really.
Dang, that blog article was stupid. The author couldn't grasp basic English or basic logic, so he declared a great conspiracy.

A fine example of the legacy of Breitbart, that is.
Explain in detail how the article is wrong.


I would say the chart in question does not simply show the responses to "If Biden then ask:" question, it shows results of the first question re-adjusted after excluding Biden (the same math that your blogger did).

Tomorrow, when the full poll data is released, we'll know for sure.
OK--I see what Hjoy and NYcab are saying.

The general split between Hillary and Sanders(without Biden) is not the same as the split amongst Biden supporters. Assuming it is is unfounded.

In other words, the 53-38 split is not representative of those choosing Biden first.

LOL! Dude... it doesn't matter. It's a 'race' between a Felon, wife of the only Elected President in US History to be IMPEACHED and a self professed Marxist never was.

The thread is an accusation of the MSM manipulating polls, not about who is running.

Turns out that is not the case. The blogger made a mistake in his assumptions about Biden voters. The blogger is wrong. His example is a misunderstanding of the Poll
Now you double down on your stupidity.

Enough of that, how is it in your genius that you can't understand a basic poll? You entered this thread, why not talk about the actual subject?

Keys is a masochist; he thrives on the abuse and comes on here for his much, much needed daily share...Harmless twit, really.

Harmless in the sense that he's probably not let out of the basement very often.
OK--I see what Hjoy and NYcab are saying.

The general split between Hillary and Sanders(without Biden) is not the same as the split amongst Biden supporters. Assuming it is is unfounded.

In other words, the 53-38 split is not representative of those choosing Biden first.

LOL! Dude... it doesn't matter. It's a 'race' between a Felon, wife of the only Elected President in US History to be IMPEACHED and a self professed Marxist never was.

The thread is an accusation of the MSM manipulating polls, not about who is running.

Turns out that is not the case. The blogger made a mistake in his assumptions about Biden voters. The blogger is wrong. His example is a misunderstanding of the Poll

Yes... I agree. What I am saying is that the Democrat Party will be shut out of the '16 election. As the Democrat Party has lost the trust of Americans... they're bleeding constituents so severely that the Democrat administration in office is importing illegal aliens by the MILLIONS, and they have no one of any potential credibility to run.

That the Media is corrupt and wholly in the bag for the Democrats, is simply a self-evident fact, of the irrefutable variety. All democrat polls are corrupt. As there is no such thing as an Ethical Leftist and there is no such thing as a non-leftist Democrat operative.
2 presidents have been impeached.


Clintion isn't a felon [sic]

LOL! It's a plural tense... thus: 'The Clintons are felons' and ... False.

Sanders isn't a self professed Marxist.

Hysterically false.

Now you double down on your stupidity.

Enough of that, how is it in your genius that you can't understand a basic poll? You entered this thread, why not talk about the actual subject?

I'm betting this is one of the most bizarre conversations you've ever had online.

Expect your conversations with Where_r_my_PubliusInfinitum to get even more bizarre down the road.

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