Breaking: NBC Caught Manipulating Poll Results Released Today

2 presidents have been impeached.

But Bubba was the only elected President in US History to ever be Impeached. Johnson was not elected... he was appointed by the opposition party.

Clintion isn't a felon [sic]

LOL! It's a plural tense... thus: 'The Clintons are felons' and ... False.

Sanders isn't a self professed Marxist.

Hysterically false.

Now you double down on your stupidity.

Well, I can see that you 'feel' strongly about it, but you're NOT able to show evidence of another elected President of the US that was Impeached... so my guess is that you'll now be desperate to change the subject.

Let's see how ya do.

Enough of that ... why not talk about the actual subject?

ROFLMNAO! I say it here and it comes out ^ THERE! ^.
2 presidents have been impeached.


Clintion isn't a felon [sic]

LOL! It's a plural tense... thus: 'The Clintons are felons' and ... False.

Sanders isn't a self professed Marxist.

Hysterically false.

Now you double down on your stupidity.

Enough of that, how is it in your genius that you can't understand a basic poll? You entered this thread, why not talk about the actual subject?

I'm betting this is one of the most bizarre conversations you've ever had online.

Expect your conversations with Where_r_my_PubliusInfinitum to get even more bizarre down the road.

I got to experience it yesterday. He's completely inconsistent with the reality the rest of us take for granted. He even changes the meaning of his past posts just to attempt to be right on something.
OK--I see what Hjoy and NYcab are saying.

The general split between Hillary and Sanders(without Biden) is not the same as the split amongst Biden supporters. Assuming it is is unfounded.

In other words, the 53-38 split is not representative of those choosing Biden first.

LOL! Dude... it doesn't matter. It's a 'race' between a Felon, wife of the only Elected President in US History to be IMPEACHED and a self professed Marxist never was.

Impeached means indicted. Clinton was found not guilty.
OK--I see what Hjoy and NYcab are saying.

The general split between Hillary and Sanders(without Biden) is not the same as the split amongst Biden supporters. Assuming it is is unfounded.

In other words, the 53-38 split is not representative of those choosing Biden first.

LOL! Dude... it doesn't matter. It's a 'race' between a Felon, wife of the only Elected President in US History to be IMPEACHED and a self professed Marxist never was.

Impeached means indicted. Clinton was found not guilty.

Impeached means a bill of Impeachment was passed by the House of Representatives. And William "The Bubba" Clinton is the ONLY elected President of the United States TO EVER BE IMPEACHED!

LOL! And HIS WIFE... herself a felon, presently being investigated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation for THOUSANDS of FELONIES SHE IS KNOWN TO HAVE COMMITTED DURING HER DISSERVICE TO THE US AS Secretary of State... is the Democrat's 'Top' Candidate... for PeasantPimp.
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OK--I see what Hjoy and NYcab are saying.

The general split between Hillary and Sanders(without Biden) is not the same as the split amongst Biden supporters. Assuming it is is unfounded.

In other words, the 53-38 split is not representative of those choosing Biden first.

LOL! Dude... it doesn't matter. It's a 'race' between a Felon, wife of the only Elected President in US History to be IMPEACHED and a self professed Marxist never was.

Impeached means indicted. Clinton was found not guilty.

Impeached means a bill of Impeachment was passed by the House of Representatives. And William The Bubba is the only elected President of the United States to EVER be IMPEACHED!

The Republicans in the House accused him of committing crimes. The Senate found him not guilty.
OK--I see what Hjoy and NYcab are saying.

The general split between Hillary and Sanders(without Biden) is not the same as the split amongst Biden supporters. Assuming it is is unfounded.

In other words, the 53-38 split is not representative of those choosing Biden first.

LOL! Dude... it doesn't matter. It's a 'race' between a Felon, wife of the only Elected President in US History to be IMPEACHED and a self professed Marxist never was.

Impeached means indicted. Clinton was found not guilty.

Impeached means a bill of Impeachment was passed by the House of Representatives. And William The Bubba is the only elected President of the United States to EVER be IMPEACHED!

A political trick by Republicans that did nothing.
Bush, the first president convicted of a criminal offense.
Nixon, the only president to resign.

Republicans, just pissed their presidents for the last 40 years have been such terrible disasters. Leaving the Democrats, each and every time, to clean up the mess.
OK--I see what Hjoy and NYcab are saying.

The general split between Hillary and Sanders(without Biden) is not the same as the split amongst Biden supporters. Assuming it is is unfounded.

In other words, the 53-38 split is not representative of those choosing Biden first.

LOL! Dude... it doesn't matter. It's a 'race' between a Felon, wife of the only Elected President in US History to be IMPEACHED and a self professed Marxist never was.

Impeached means indicted. Clinton was found not guilty.

Impeached means a bill of Impeachment was passed by the House of Representatives. And William The Bubba is the only elected President of the United States to EVER be IMPEACHED!

The Republicans in the House accused him of committing crimes. The Senate found him not guilty.

Doesn't matter as the Senate does not impeach... the House Impeaches and it was by that august body, that William The Bubba became the ONLY elected PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES TO EVER BE IMPEACHED!

Now with regard to the Senate, since you mentioned it and as a courtesy to you out of respect for the debate and the reference of such by my opposition, and your participation in the discussion ... .

On the Sunday before the Vote, a number of Democrat US Senators stated on national television, that they believed that Clinton was in fact guilty of the Charges, but that "the charges didn't rise to the level sufficient to remove the President"... the one I witnessed saying such was Former Klu Klux Klan Grand Klegal and Senator pro tempore, the second highest ranking Democrat of the Democratic Senate, Democrat Senator Robert Byrd of W. Virginia.

I couldn't find a video; which isn't surprising, as the video was DAMNING IN THE EXTREME! ... but here's the UPI reporting it:

"WASHINGTON, Feb. 7, 1999 (UPI) -- A prominent Democratic senator says he believes President Clinton's actions in the Monica Lewinsky scandal rise to the level of high crimes and misdemeanors, but he says for the sake of the country perhaps Clinton should -- The comments of Sen. Robert Byrd, D-W.Va., came in an interview taped Saturday and broadcast today on ABC's ''This Week.'' Two weeks ago, Byrd had offered a motion to dismiss the case against Clinton." Byrd: Clinton guilty, but should stay?

Clinton was guilty... and remains guilty. Just as OJ was and remains guilty. That the jury sought to give them a pass doesn't alter their guilt, only their means to remain free... with the record of being people who were publicly proven to have committed crimes and, in Bubba's case, HIGH CRIMES... and in the Democrat Senate's case... the affirmation of High Criminality, which effectively establishes the Democrats as being COMPLICIT in Clinton's Crimes, just as the Democrats of today are guilty of obama's numerous High Crimes against the People of the United States.

This is all very simple stuff Gilligan. It is simply beyond your starkly limited intellectual means.
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OK--I see what Hjoy and NYcab are saying.

The general split between Hillary and Sanders(without Biden) is not the same as the split amongst Biden supporters. Assuming it is is unfounded.

In other words, the 53-38 split is not representative of those choosing Biden first.

LOL! Dude... it doesn't matter. It's a 'race' between a Felon, wife of the only Elected President in US History to be IMPEACHED and a self professed Marxist never was.

Impeached means indicted. Clinton was found not guilty.

Impeached means a bill of Impeachment was passed by the House of Representatives. And William The Bubba is the only elected President of the United States to EVER be IMPEACHED!

The Republicans in the House accused him of committing crimes. The Senate found him not guilty.

Doesn't matter as the Senate does not impeach... the House Impeaches and it was by that august body, that William The Bubba became the ONLY elected PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES TO EVER BE IMPEACHED!

Now with regard to the Senate, since you mentioned it and as a courtesy to you out of respect for the debate and the reference of such by my opposition, and your participation in the discussion ... .

On the Sunday before the Vote, a number of Democrat US Senators stated on national television, that they believed that Clinton was in fact guilty of the Charges, but that "the charges didn't rise to the level sufficient to remove the President"... the one I witnessed saying such was Former Klu Klux Klan Grand Klegal and Senator pro tempore, the second highest ranking Democrat of the Democratic Senate, Democrat Senator Robert Byrd of W. Virginia.

I couldn't find a video, but here's the UPI reporting it:

"WASHINGTON, Feb. 7, 1999 (UPI) -- A prominent Democratic senator says he believes President Clinton's actions in the Monica Lewinsky scandal rise to the level of high crimes and misdemeanors, but he says for the sake of the country perhaps Clinton should -- The comments of Sen. Robert Byrd, D-W.Va., came in an interview taped Saturday and broadcast today on ABC's ''This Week.'' Two weeks ago, Byrd had offered a motion to dismiss the case against Clinton." Byrd: Clinton guilty, but should stay?

Clinton was guilty... and remains guilty. Just as OJ was and remains guilty. That the jury sought to give them a pass doesn't alter their guilt, only their means to remain free... with the record of being people who were publicly proven to have committed crimes and, in Bubba's case, HIGH CRIMES... and in the Democrat Senate's case... the affirmation of High Criminality, which effectively establishes the Democrats as being COMPLICIT in Clinton's Crimes, just as the Democrats of today are guilty of obama's numerous High Crimes against the People of the United States.

This is all very simple stuff Gilligan. It is simply beyond your starkly limited intellectual means.

By that logic George W. Bush is guilty of war crimes.
LOL! Dude... it doesn't matter. It's a 'race' between a Felon, wife of the only Elected President in US History to be IMPEACHED and a self professed Marxist never was.

Impeached means indicted. Clinton was found not guilty.

Impeached means a bill of Impeachment was passed by the House of Representatives. And William The Bubba is the only elected President of the United States to EVER be IMPEACHED!

The Republicans in the House accused him of committing crimes. The Senate found him not guilty.

Doesn't matter as the Senate does not impeach... the House Impeaches and it was by that august body, that William The Bubba became the ONLY elected PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES TO EVER BE IMPEACHED!

Now with regard to the Senate, since you mentioned it and as a courtesy to you out of respect for the debate and the reference of such by my opposition, and your participation in the discussion ... .

On the Sunday before the Vote, a number of Democrat US Senators stated on national television, that they believed that Clinton was in fact guilty of the Charges, but that "the charges didn't rise to the level sufficient to remove the President"... the one I witnessed saying such was Former Klu Klux Klan Grand Klegal and Senator pro tempore, the second highest ranking Democrat of the Democratic Senate, Democrat Senator Robert Byrd of W. Virginia.

I couldn't find a video, but here's the UPI reporting it:

"WASHINGTON, Feb. 7, 1999 (UPI) -- A prominent Democratic senator says he believes President Clinton's actions in the Monica Lewinsky scandal rise to the level of high crimes and misdemeanors, but he says for the sake of the country perhaps Clinton should -- The comments of Sen. Robert Byrd, D-W.Va., came in an interview taped Saturday and broadcast today on ABC's ''This Week.'' Two weeks ago, Byrd had offered a motion to dismiss the case against Clinton." Byrd: Clinton guilty, but should stay?

Clinton was guilty... and remains guilty. Just as OJ was and remains guilty. That the jury sought to give them a pass doesn't alter their guilt, only their means to remain free... with the record of being people who were publicly proven to have committed crimes and, in Bubba's case, HIGH CRIMES... and in the Democrat Senate's case... the affirmation of High Criminality, which effectively establishes the Democrats as being COMPLICIT in Clinton's Crimes, just as the Democrats of today are guilty of obama's numerous High Crimes against the People of the United States.

This is all very simple stuff Gilligan. It is simply beyond your starkly limited intellectual means.

By that logic George W. Bush is guilty of war crimes.

He's dying to get you to talk about Andrew Johnson.
OK--I see what Hjoy and NYcab are saying.

The general split between Hillary and Sanders(without Biden) is not the same as the split amongst Biden supporters. Assuming it is is unfounded.

In other words, the 53-38 split is not representative of those choosing Biden first.

LOL! Dude... it doesn't matter. It's a 'race' between a Felon, wife of the only Elected President in US History to be IMPEACHED and a self professed Marxist never was.

Impeached means indicted. Clinton was found not guilty.

Impeached means a bill of Impeachment was passed by the House of Representatives. And William The Bubba is the only elected President of the United States to EVER be IMPEACHED!
just goes to show that some republicans will do anything.
The author of the article is incorrect.
You are math challenged then, bucko, to say the least.

But then again, you are a Dimbocrat, so who cares?

The Biden percentage was 17%, and his split breaks down to 53% for Hitlary and 38% to Sanders.

That is within his 17% points, which breaks down to a 9% to Hillary and 6% for Sanders.

Edit, yes I stand corrected. The numbers are the RECALCULATED numbers.

My apologies Happy Joy, for calling you an idiot, though I am sure I will have future opportunities to do that anyway. :D
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The author of the article is incorrect.
You are math challenged then, bucko, to say the least.

But then again, you are a Dimbocrat, so who cares?

The Biden percentage was 17%, and his split breaks down to 53% for Hitlary and 38% to Sanders.

That is within his 17% points, which breaks down to a 9% to Hillary and 6% for Sanders.

The poll says nothing of the sort. It's been explained by many people replying on this thread.
It's very simple.

The first question asks respondents to name their preferred candidate and the numbers go like this:

Clinton - 42%
Sanders - 35%
Biden - 17%
Others choices given but all in the lower single digits.

Since Biden isn't running the pollster followed up by asking Biden supporters who they would vote for if Biden doesn't run. They took those numbers (the 17%) and added them to the first poll question.

Clinton gained 11%, Sanders gained 3%, other candidates shared an additional 2% gain. This accounts for 16% of Biden's share. Rounding most likely accounts for the last 1%. It's fairly obvious.

The blogger is a moron.

53% of 17% is 9% added to Hitlary's 42% gives 51%.
38% of 17% is 6.5% added to Sanders 35% gives 41.5%

You are an idiot.

Edit: No, I was the idiot. The recalculated numbers are what are given not percentages of Biden's vote.
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The author of the article is incorrect.
You are math challenged then, bucko, to say the least.

But then again, you are a Dimbocrat, so who cares?

The Biden percentage was 17%, and his split breaks down to 53% for Hitlary and 38% to Sanders.

That is within his 17% points, which breaks down to a 9% to Hillary and 6% for Sanders.

The poll says nothing of the sort. It's been explained by many people replying on this thread.

You do not understand basic math. Bidens 17% was broken down by percentages, and the 53% vrs 38%as not the final outcome, gawd awmighty!

roflmao, no wonder Obama won, too many u idiots are voting.

Edit: the jokes on me The final numbers are calculated numbers, not percentages of Biden's support.
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I got to experience it yesterday. He's completely inconsistent with the reality the rest of us take for granted. He even changes the meaning of his past posts just to attempt to be right on something.

OH! So this is still on the table?


Reader, the would-be "Contributor", is referring to a debate she lost BIG yesterday, the day before that and the several days prior to that, wherein I merely noted that "THERE IS LITERALLY NO SUCH THING as a "HomoPhobe"".

Subsequently, I pointed out that the word is a colloquialism, meaning that such used in conversation to represent something, but has no literal basis; which is to say that "There is literally, NO SUCH THING AS A "HOMOPHOBE".

I then broke the word down, noted the meaning of the two words compounded to form "homophobe", referencing such from a respected unimpeachable reference text... further noting that there is literally no such thing as a person with an irrational fear of 'same'... and that where she was using the "Homo-" as slang for homosexual, that there remained no such thing as an irrational fear of homosexuals... asking her to provide evidence of a medical case where so much as one individual was diagnosed as presenting symptoms of such, which I pointed out was unlikely, given that there is no formal definition of such a psychosis.

It then posted a 'Dictionary Definition' which defined "phobia" is merely possessing 'fear', with no irrational component being attributable to such... thus effectively either rendering all angst, anxiety, or 'fear' equal to phobia, or ridding the human species of any irrational fear... OKA: Phobia.

The coolest part is the inability of the would-be 'Contributor' to find the strength of character to simply admit that she was unable to sustain a position that has no potential merit, thus is unsustainable. After all, there is no potential shame in being unable to defend the indefensible... .

There is however, the certainty that to admit such, is to admit that the entire Advocacy to Normalize Sexual Abnormality rest solely upon LIES.

And given it's investment in the "BELIEF" of those lies... her psychological foundation is simply incapable of sustaining R E A L I T Y . . . .
The author of the article is incorrect.
You are math challenged then, bucko, to say the least.

But then again, you are a Dimbocrat, so who cares?

The Biden percentage was 17%, and his split breaks down to 53% for Hitlary and 38% to Sanders.

That is within his 17% points, which breaks down to a 9% to Hillary and 6% for Sanders.

The poll says nothing of the sort. It's been explained by many people replying on this thread.

You do not understand basic math. Bidens 17% was broken down by percentages, and the 53% vrs 38%as not the final outcome, gawd awmighty!

roflmao, no wonder Obama won, too many u idiots are voting.

I do understand basic math and I also understand the correlation between the two poll questions we are referencing. The second question is a total among poll respondents, not just Biden's. It's crystal clear,.

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