Breaking News: First U.S. Ebola Patient Dies

Also they are working on a new batch but heard it could take a month.
The batch there was we did fund along with Canada. That is why I am surprised they didn't request at least a few remain here in the US.
They gave away the doses.
Also funding for making the drug was provided by theUS NIH and the Public Health Agency of Canada.
It was sent to Africa. No forward thinking by the admin.
All doses of experimental Ebola drug sent to West Africa - Yahoo News
[QUOTE ="QUICKHITCUREPOn, post: 9917567, member: 44415"]How can they run out of Z-Map with only a few patients?
So Obama should have told a private company what to do with the available medication?

And then controlled how and where the drug was used?

The drug company is looking to make a killing on this drug.

Interestingly, the first two patients were each given half-doses.

So congress couldn't decide to fund the drug? :badgrin:

We funded it meaning the NIH. I was talking about a broader base of funding, and such an important drug should not be left up to one agency to procure for us.
The US isn't the only place these possibly infected people are traveling to...have to get to the ROOT of the problem...the only way to eradicate it...and keeping it from spreading throughout the world.... hopefully some of this experimental drug is being set aside in Africa, for the use on any troops that may get it.

We still need to do something to get more of this experimental drug made, asap. It'll take it should, since it is a private company that developed it, without any government grants, that is...but if they got gvt tax dollars, then we have some negotiating room, imo.

And we need someone to develop a vaccine, asap as well! If it is even an option?
The US isn't the only place these possibly infected people are traveling to...have to get to the ROOT of the problem...the only way to eradicate it...and keeping it from spreading throughout the world.... hopefully some of this experimental drug is being set aside in Africa, for the use on any troops that may get it.

We still need to do something to get more of this experimental drug made, asap. It'll take it should, since it is a private company that developed it, without any government grants, that is...but if they got gvt tax dollars, then we have some negotiating room, imo.

And we need someone to develop a vaccine, asap as well! If it is even an option?
You don't import a disease into the general population of your country in order to study it...

The abysmal ignorance really is truly frightening. These are the "justifications" in place put there by people who know nothing about containing an epidemic within a mobile, arrogant and narcissistic herd.
it's already funded, as well as more being developed. These drugs don't just happen over night. To get it right, it can take time. If we go by the date of this news release by HHS, that means it is taking a little over 2 months for a batch to be deverloped, since they are saying it will be about a month for them to have supplies again.

September 2, 2014
Contact: HHS Press Office
HHS contracts with Mapp Biopharmaceutical to develop Ebola drug
Work will accelerate drug development and testing
The development of a medication to treat illness from Ebola will be accelerated under a contract with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR). This contract supports the government-wide response to the Ebola outbreak in West Africa.
ASPR’s Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) will provide funding as well as access to subject matter expertise and technical support for manufacturing, regulatory, and nonclinical activities through a $24.9 million, 18-month contract with Mapp Biopharmaceutical Inc., of San Diego, California. ASPR can extend the contract up to a total of $42.3 million.
Work under the contract supports the development and manufacturing of the medication ZMapp toward the goal of U.S. Food and Drug Administration approval.
“While ZMapp has received a lot of attention, it is one of several treatments under development for Ebola, and we still have very limited data on its safety and efficacy,” explained Dr. Nicole Lurie, assistant secretary for preparedness and response. “Developing drugs and vaccines to protect against Ebola as a biological threat has been a long-term goal of the U.S. government, and today’s agreement represents an important step forward.”
The Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) within the Department of Defense and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) of HHS’ National Institutes of Health supported initial work on this product. To speed the development of ZMapp, BARDA will work closely with those agencies. BARDA also will work with the company to optimize and accelerate the manufacturing of ZMapp so testing can be done as soon as possible.
As part of the project funded today, Mapp Biopharmaceutical will manufacture a small amount of the drug for early stage clinical safety studies and nonclinical studies needed to demonstrate the drug’s safety and efficacy in people. Mapp Biopharmaceuticals also will work with BARDA on the manufacturing process, increasing production yields and the scale of manufacturing.
The US isn't the only place these possibly infected people are traveling to...have to get to the ROOT of the problem...the only way to eradicate it...and keeping it from spreading throughout the world.... hopefully some of this experimental drug is being set aside in Africa, for the use on any troops that may get it.

We still need to do something to get more of this experimental drug made, asap. It'll take it should, since it is a private company that developed it, without any government grants, that is...but if they got gvt tax dollars, then we have some negotiating room, imo.

And we need someone to develop a vaccine, asap as well! If it is even an option?
Making more ZMapp takes a long time because the drug is made from a certain type of biologically-engineered tobacco that's currently being grown at Kentucky BioProcessing, in Owensboro, Kentucky. "It takes time for tobacco to grow; it's a certain kind of tobacco," said Turner. "It's very special, and has been carefully developed to produce authentic human proteins faithfully." He declined to estimate how much longer it would take, or how big the supply would be. Turner added that his team is currently reviewing other ways they could feasibly produce the drug at a faster rate.
"A lot is being produced right now," says Dr. Anthony Fauci, head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. He told Bob Schieffer on CBS News' "Face the Nation," "It should be ready in a month and a half, two months. We're not going to get it tomorrow or next week."

CBS article dated Oct. 2
They gave away the doses.
Also funding for making the drug was provided by theUS NIH and the Public Health Agency of Canada.
It was sent to Africa. No forward thinking by the admin.
All doses of experimental Ebola drug sent to West Africa - Yahoo News
[QUOTE ="QUICKHITCUREPOn, post: 9917567, member: 44415"]
Here's an article from less than 2 hours ago ...

Experimental Ebola drug used at Emory Hospital no longer available

Officials confirmed Sunday that Ebola patient Thomas Duncan took a turn for the worse in the Dallas Hospital, after being diagnosed with the deadly disease​

Seems Duncan, though gravely ill, is still alive.

And rightards complain that the Liberal media is not propagating falsehoods. :dunno:

How can they run out of Z-Map with only a few patients?
So Obama should have told a private company what to do with the available medication?

And then controlled how and where the drug was used?

The drug company is looking to make a killing on this drug.

Interestingly, the first two patients were each given half-doses.

So congress couldn't decide to fund the drug? :badgrin:
could have, would have, should have. Could have also held onto a few doses for here at home, too. I would hope at least they held a few for our top leaders in the off chance.
Making more ZMapp takes a long time because the drug is made from a certain type of biologically-engineered tobacco that's currently being grown at Kentucky BioProcessing, in Owensboro, Kentucky. "It takes time for tobacco to grow; it's a certain kind of tobacco," said Turner. "It's very special, and has been carefully developed to produce authentic human proteins faithfully." He declined to estimate how much longer it would take, or how big the supply would be. Turner added that his team is currently reviewing other ways they could feasibly produce the drug at a faster rate.
"A lot is being produced right now," says Dr. Anthony Fauci, head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. He told Bob Schieffer on CBS News' "Face the Nation," "It should be ready in a month and a half, two months. We're not going to get it tomorrow or next week."

CBS article dated Oct. 2

They can use the same excuse two months from now if we have a major outbreak then. Instead of spending such a small amount of $20 million, how about $200 million? How much would it be worth if needed?
Making more ZMapp takes a long time because the drug is made from a certain type of biologically-engineered tobacco that's currently being grown at Kentucky BioProcessing, in Owensboro, Kentucky. "It takes time for tobacco to grow; it's a certain kind of tobacco," said Turner. "It's very special, and has been carefully developed to produce authentic human proteins faithfully." He declined to estimate how much longer it would take, or how big the supply would be. Turner added that his team is currently reviewing other ways they could feasibly produce the drug at a faster rate.
"A lot is being produced right now," says Dr. Anthony Fauci, head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. He told Bob Schieffer on CBS News' "Face the Nation," "It should be ready in a month and a half, two months. We're not going to get it tomorrow or next week."

CBS article dated Oct. 2

They can use the same excuse two months from now if we have a major outbreak then. Instead of spending such a small amount of $20 million, how about $200 million? How much would it be worth if needed?
Zmapp isn't effective for everyone, probably it is more like Tamiflu meds, which they claimed could cure bird flu, but were only ever tested on a small portion of the population (with less than clear evidence that it works for everyone).
The first person diagnosed with Ebola on American soil has begun receiving an experimental medication, just as officialsannounced his condition was worsening.

Thomas Eric Duncan is now being treated with brincidofovir, receiving an investigational medication in late-stage testing for other types of viruses, officials said Monday.

Brincidofovir is an oral antiviral drug being tested to fight more common viruses, including one that infects patients undergoing bone marrow transplants. Laboratory tests suggested it might also fight Ebola.

Thomas Eric Duncan the Ebola patient in Dallas starts getting experimental treatment - CBS News
just out from CBS
At least we have an infected human test subject that we get to experiment on with various medications.
I believe they were talking of the experimental drug tkm-ebola-not zmapp, as it has been sent out of country. He is now being given a 3 rd experimental drug from Chimerex out there, that has not yet been tried. Look up for my link about it.
The article says he is in a critical condition, not dead. That's why media outlets are not reporting his death. It is good that he is not being given Zmapp, though the doctors think it would just worsen his condition: Texas Ebola Patient Not Receiving Experimental Medication - ABC News
Thomas Eric Duncan is now being treated with brincidofovir, receiving an investigational medication in late-stage testing for other types of viruses, officials said Monday.
Expect more copy-cat Duncans (even if he dies) lying on forms to get into the US, as there is no way to detect them until they show signs of the disease. Though the experimental drug like with Tamiflu is probably an unproven false hope for most.
At least we have an infected human test subject that we get to experiment on with various medications.
Yep, though sure these new drugs are mostly smoke and mirrors like Tamiflu was. During the bird flu scare governments were conned into spending millions buying drugs that there is no clear evidence even worked that well.
Now the European press is reporting Our Kenyan President is dashing from meeting to meeting trying to figure out a way to institute flight bans without banning flights. Desperate for a way to make the millions of Americans clamoring for protection from Ebola think He's doing something to prevent an epidemic.

But why?

Maybe this link to a blog-news-site, by its very webaddress gives a clue.

DO THE MATH The Only Country Outside Of Africa That Has An African President Is The Only Country Outside Of Africa Has Ebola Doug Giles ClashDaily

Or perhaps not.

Hey, those of you are allowed, make your own decision.
Spanish nurse becomes first to contract Ebola outside West Africa Reuters
Henry Spain has a case of ebola that was contracted in country.

Now the European press is reporting Our Kenyan President is dashing from meeting to meeting trying to figure out a way to institute flight bans without banning flights. Desperate for a way to make the millions of Americans clamoring for protection from Ebola think He's doing something to prevent an epidemic.

But why?

Maybe this link to a blog-news-site, by its very webaddress gives a clue.

DO THE MATH The Only Country Outside Of Africa That Has An African President Is The Only Country Outside Of Africa Has Ebola Doug Giles ClashDaily

Or perhaps not.

Hey, those of you are allowed, make your own decision.

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