Breaking news: Trump fires Bolton


Iran was attacked by Iraq with our urging. So my question stands. What wars?
Iran is not fighting wars with countries, it is fighting wars to take over countries. Today, Iranian backed militias are so powerful in Iraq that Iraq may turn into another Lebanon. Iran is using its militias there to stock pile weapons the Iraqi government doesn't even know about.

Here is one of the problems with regime change ...Iraq was a counter balance to the aspirations of Iran.


Iran and the Saudi’s counter balence each other’s ambitions. Has anyone thought that through yet?
Pretty much everyone has, and decent people have decided that if we allowed Sadam's depredations to continue because it served our political purposes, we would be complicit in his crimes. You are suggesting we should forget all our talk about human rights whenever it suits our political purposes.

If that mattered, why don’t we act on the human rights violations of Saudi Arabia? China? Myanmar? Egypt? That argument doesn’t fly.

We did not think it through at all, that was the tragedy. That was why Bush Sr. Stopped short of regime change.

In fact, we did that, and then Saddam invaded Kuwait and threatened Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states so that he was threatening to gain control of most of the ME's oil, and we had to intervene to protect the global economy but still we said, let him slaughter the Kurds and Shi'ites as long as our oil is safe, but Bush41 foolishly allowed the UN to take control of the truce with Iraq and then Saddam used his oil to bribe officials in Kofi Annan's office and to persuade Syria to open an outlawed pipeline while the UN had put Syria in charge of enforcing the very sanctions it was breaking.

Bush 41 was foolish? Looking at the aftermath of the invasion of Iraq, do you really think so?

The question was, should we allow Saddam to murder as many people as he wants to and to corrupt the UN or should we put a stop to it? Morally, the war was justified, but most of us today think the price was too high and we are applying that same thinking to Iran, but we should not pretend we have the high moral ground to stand on by making this decision. We are putting America first and saying to hell with the Iranians.

I may be cynical but I don’t think the people who put together the argument for this war gave a damn about human rights abuses. Witness the curious indifference to it elsewhere in the world.
In fact, we do try to effect change in Saudi Arabia and there has been some significant progress in recent years. Similarly, we use our influence in Egypt, but with the Muslim Brotherhood still so active, progress is slower there. China and Myanmar are beyond our influence, and of course Iraq was also at that time.

Yes, Bush41 was foolish. The UN had never been given a task as big as taking charge of the truce with Iraq, and it failed miserably. Instead of the UN controlling Iraq as it was charged to do, Saddam was controlling the UN, and the slaughter went on with no prospect of ever abating. Regime change in Iraq was morally right, and bu the time Bush43 left office, Iraq was in a better place than it ever could have reached without US help until Obama pulled the rug out from under them to improve his chances for reelection.

You are not so much cynical as a political partisan no amount of suffering and death could persuade you to rethink a political point you had committed to. Certainly the Democrats like Clinton, Biden and Kerry who supported the war were only thinking that being tough on national security would help them in their political careers, and some Republicans thought that they were continuing America's promise to make the world safe for democracy, but others who had seen the reports about Saddam slaughtering whole Shi'ite villages or destroying their water supply and making them homeless and of tens of thousands of Kurdish women and children in concentration camps after their husbands and fathers had been murdered by Saddam understood that what we were seeing was right out of nazi Europe and were moved to support the war. Not everyone is as indifferent as you are to all this suffering and death.
When will the chaos end? When will the supporters of Trump wake up and at the very least vote someone other than Trump into the Oval Office?

Kim keeps tossing missiles into the sky, and Trump tweets nonsense.

What do our troops in S. Korea feel about such belligerence? How about our S. Korea Allies?

Trump has flipped and flopped several times on background checks, now he says we have enough (once he was schooled by the NRA that he better not support the H. or Rep. Bill if he wants to keep his job).

1. Bolton resignation should make you happy, so I see no issue with this except was he asked for his resignation or did he offer it?

2. Well I do understand Obama had North Korea not tossing Missles and Trump allow them to play with them again...

Oh wait Obana failed also.

Now do you understand that China is pulling the strings on North Korea missle testing?

Of course not and you believe Kim does whatever he want without Beijing or Moscow blessing.

Notice the increase of the trade war and now Kim is tossing missles... Remind me of the dispute over the South China Sea during Obama time and China allowing Kim to play with his missiles while China take more of the South China Sea.

3. Now explain to the kind board how background checks would have stopped Sandy Hook, Santa Fe, Texas or even the San Bernadino shootings?

When you answer they would have not then explain to the good board why you keep on selling this idea when you know criminals do not care about your laws but you know this already...

Common sense gun regulations may not prevent a monster from getting a gun, but no regulations assure a monster will get a gun and kill innocent people.

When good people stand by and do nothing but offer their condolences and prayers, nothing will happen. When good people attempt to end the violence, maybe good outcomes will prevail over evil ones.

When the NRA is finally recognized for what it is, a terrorist ORGANIZATION, maybe members of the Senate will toss Moscow's Bitch, err ... Mitch ... out of the leadership good things will happen.

What would you consider common sense regulations?

I've gone over them dozens of time, the response has always been, but, but "shall not be infringed".

To offer my short response:

  • Licensing
  • Registration
  • A national register for background checks
    • all criminal arrests
    • all criminal convictions
    • all civil detentions
      • as a danger to others
      • as a danger to them self
    • all Military Discharges not Honorable
    • all local police contacts
    • all civil judgments
Russia is a poor country and could not sustain a lengthy conflict...

And we're not? We're 23 trillion dollars in debt and we have four cents worth of purchasing power on the dollar. We're broke. How are you gonna pay for it? Print more money? These undeclared wars are costing us trillions of dollars we don't have. Americans aren't interested in that anymore. They're waking up a bit to it. They're quickly becoming more interested in taking care of American interests here at home rather than being the policemen of the world.

Still, while the US could quickly crush the Iranian military...

Mm hm. Tell us about it...


You have much to learn with regard to geo-political affairs and foreign interests in those affairs. And you should likely stop using terms like 'we' and 'us' so much. You're in the minority.
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Iran was attacked by Iraq with our urging. So my question stands. What wars?
Iran is not fighting wars with countries, it is fighting wars to take over countries. Today, Iranian backed militias are so powerful in Iraq that Iraq may turn into another Lebanon. Iran is using its militias there to stock pile weapons the Iraqi government doesn't even know about.

Here is one of the problems with regime change ...Iraq was a counter balance to the aspirations of Iran.


Iran and the Saudi’s counter balence each other’s ambitions. Has anyone thought that through yet?
Shrub handed the greater part of Iraq over to Iranian influence by insisting on majority rule. Shia being the majority.
In fact, while Bush was president, while the majority of Iraqis are Shi'ite, the government and the military, including the officer corp were integrated with Kurds, Shi'ites and Sunni are sharing in power. It was only after Obama withdrew our forces and cut off aid in order to improve his chances for a second term that the Shi'ites chased everyone else out of the government and the military and Iraq became divided between ISIS, which Obama had created, and Iran, which Obama was fawning over. Hundreds of thousands of people died and millions became homeless refugees in order to advance Obama's political career, one of the great crimes in history.
The agreement to withdraw was signed by Bush. The Iraqi government refused to guarantee protections for our forces and wanted us out. It was highly unpopular, corrupt, and discriminated against the Sunni minority, we were propping it. Why do you think it was so easy for ISIS to gain inroads? Regime change destabilized the entire Middle East, the first domino.
Bullshit. No matter how many times you repeat that lie it is still a lie. The agreement allowed the PM to keep US troops in Iraq if he thought conditions were too precarious for us to leave and Maliki wanted us to stay, but Obama, instead of following the agreement as you claimed, rejected Maliki's request and demanded the Iraqi parliament, which was controlled by Iran, to ask him to stay. As for our troops, the agreement allowed that no US soldier or contractor could be charged with a crime while carrying out their duties, but only if they were off base and not on duty and then a committee made up of US and Iraqi representatives would decide if he or she should be tried by Iraq or the US. These are the same conditions under which US troops and contractors had been serving and Obama had never raised any objections to them. In fact, Obama's whole explanation for why he was withdrawing was that Iraq no longer needed our help, and the Pentagon had repeatedly told him this was not true and Iraq would go up in flames if he withdrew.

The withdrawal as purely a cynical political act that showed Obama had no regard for any amount of human suffering or death, much like you, and that he was the most unprincipled man to have ever sat in the Oval Office. Much of the suffering in the ME is directly due to Obama's withdrawal from Iraq in preparation for the 2012 elections.
Russia is a poor country and could not sustain a lengthy conflict...

And we're not? We're 23 trillion dollars in debt and we have four cents worth of purchasing power on the dollar. We're broke. How are you gonna pay for it? Print more money? These undeclared wars are costing us trillions of dollars we dnlt have. Americans aren't interested in that anymore. They're waking up a bit to it. They're quickly becoming more interested in taking care of American interests here at home.

Still, while the US could quickly crush the Iranian military...

Mm hm. Tell us about it...


You have much to learn with regard to geo-political affairs and foreign interests in those affairs. And you should likely stop using terms like 'we' and 'us' so much. You're in the minority.
I agree with you that we are not going to use military force effect regime change and still you want to argue with me about it. Are you working from a script?

Top Trump officials who either quit or we’re fired.

The ever-growing list.

I should go through it and see how many are in prison or have been subpoenaed or is on trial. The only one I’ve seen exonerated so far was the one Democrat.
Aww, are your anti semitic feelings hurt?

Heh heh. Well, there you have it.

You guys need a change of material.
Which guys? Jews?

No. Digital political astroturfers like yourself. It's basically the same pablum seen posted elsewhere on the web. You're probably just doing it for a cool prize on an app or something. Though, some of them do work for scholarships, if I recall correctly.
Aww, are your anti semitic feelings hurt?

Heh heh. Well, there you have it.

You guys need a change of material.
Which guys? Jews?

No. Digital political astroturfers like yourself. It's basically the same pablum seen posted elsewhere on the web. You're probably just doing it for a cool prize on an app or something. Though, some of them do work for scholarships, if I recall correctly.
Aww, are your anti semitic feelings hurt?

Heh heh. Well, there you have it.

You guys need a change of material.
Which guys? Jews?

No. Digital political astroturfers like yourself. It's basically the same pablum seen posted elsewhere on the web. You're probably just doing it for a cool prize on an app or something. Though, some of them do work for scholarships, if I recall correctly.
If you are so ashamed of being an anti semite, perhaps you should rethink your position, or alternatively, grow a pair of balls and be ope about it.
Hilarious news. They’re trying to talk Bolton into writing a book about the Trump administration. They’re going to pay him a fortune and then release the book just before the election next year. I saw it on the news.
If you are so ashamed of being an anti semite, perhaps you should rethink your position, or alternatively, grow a pair of balls and be ope about it.

Gosh. You're still raising unsolicited arbitrary victim status cards about the joos. Why? Nobody's talking about the joos except for you. Why do you keep inserting the joos into the topic? Is that what you want the topic to be about? That's called forum sliding, you know. Now, why would you wanna forum slide? Hm? Why?
Hilarious news. They’re trying to talk Bolton into writing a book about the Trump administration. They’re going to pay him a fortune and then release the book just before the election next year. I saw it on the news.
If Bolton were a Democrat he would grab a chance like that because Democrats clearly have no scruples about accepting dirty money, but Bolton is a man of principle and would be embarrassed to be caught behaving like a Democrat.
If you are so ashamed of being an anti semite, perhaps you should rethink your position, or alternatively, grow a pair of balls and be ope about it.

Gosh. You're still raising unsolicited arbitrary victim status cards about the joos. Why? Nobody's talking about the joos except for you. Why do you keep inserting the joos into the topic? Is that what you want the topic to be about? That's called forum sliding, you know. Now, why would you wanna forum slide? Hm? Why?
lol Stop hiding. Be a man and come out and tell the truth.
If Bolton were a Democrat...

Blah blah blah. If a frog had wings, he wouldn't bump his little bottom on the rocks either.

is a man of principle and would be embarrassed to be caught behaving like a Democrat.

No, he's a tyrant. He's also yesterday's news. And take that Democrat/Republican horse pucky down the road. We're not doing the blue helmets versus the red helmets charade here. We're talking about matters of foreign policy.

Why do you wanna dumb the thread down and turn it into a Democrat versus Republican discussion? Hm? Why? Do you want Democrats and Republicans to start dick waving aimlessly so that more relevant aspects of the topical content won't get discussed in a mature, civil manner?
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When will the chaos end? When will the supporters of Trump wake up and at the very least vote someone other than Trump into the Oval Office?

Kim keeps tossing missiles into the sky, and Trump tweets nonsense.

What do our troops in S. Korea feel about such belligerence? How about our S. Korea Allies?

Trump has flipped and flopped several times on background checks, now he says we have enough (once he was schooled by the NRA that he better not support the H. or Rep. Bill if he wants to keep his job).

1. Bolton resignation should make you happy, so I see no issue with this except was he asked for his resignation or did he offer it?

2. Well I do understand Obama had North Korea not tossing Missles and Trump allow them to play with them again...

Oh wait Obana failed also.

Now do you understand that China is pulling the strings on North Korea missle testing?

Of course not and you believe Kim does whatever he want without Beijing or Moscow blessing.

Notice the increase of the trade war and now Kim is tossing missles... Remind me of the dispute over the South China Sea during Obama time and China allowing Kim to play with his missiles while China take more of the South China Sea.

3. Now explain to the kind board how background checks would have stopped Sandy Hook, Santa Fe, Texas or even the San Bernadino shootings?

When you answer they would have not then explain to the good board why you keep on selling this idea when you know criminals do not care about your laws but you know this already...

Common sense gun regulations may not prevent a monster from getting a gun, but no regulations assure a monster will get a gun and kill innocent people.

When good people stand by and do nothing but offer their condolences and prayers, nothing will happen. When good people attempt to end the violence, maybe good outcomes will prevail over evil ones.

When the NRA is finally recognized for what it is, a terrorist ORGANIZATION, maybe members of the Senate will toss Moscow's Bitch, err ... Mitch ... out of the leadership good things will happen.

What would you consider common sense regulations?

I've gone over them dozens of time, the response has always been, but, but "shall not be infringed".

To offer my short response:

  • Licensing
  • Registration
  • A national register for background checks
    • all criminal arrests
    • all criminal convictions
    • all civil detentions
      • as a danger to others
      • as a danger to them self
    • all Military Discharges not Honorable
    • all local police contacts
    • all civil judgments

Registration and background checks, could be worked out, however I don’t believe a dishonorable discharge should hurt someone from getting a gun, neither should civil judgements or local police contact.
If Bolton were a Democrat...

Blah blah blah. If a frog had wings, he wouldn't bump his little bottom on the rocks either.

is a man of principle and would be embarrassed to be caught behaving like a Democrat.

No, he's a tyrant. He's also yesterday's news. And take that Democrat/Republican horse pucky down the road. We're not doing the blue helmets versus the red helmets charade here. We're talking about matters of foreign policy.

Why do you wanna dumb the thread down and turn it into a Democrat versus Republican discussion? Hm? Why? Do you want Democrats and Republicans to start dick waving aimlessly so that more relevant aspects of the topical content won't get discussed in a mature, civil manner?
lol And what do you imagine the more relevant aspects of Bolton being offered a ton of money to write a tell all book are?

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